1,149 research outputs found

    The Features of Location and Operation of Institutional and Administrative Components of Territorial and Political System of Volyn Region

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    Проаналізовано склад та особливості функціонування інституційно-управлінських компонентів ТПС Волинської області на різних територіальних рівнях, функції владних інституцій. Розраховано низку показників розміщення владних інституцій на території області. Виявлено їх просторові відмінності.The content and features of the functioning of institutional and administrative components of TPS Volyn region at different territorial levels. Analyzed the function of government institutions. Calculated number of indicators placing government institutions in the region. Revealed spatial differences in the distribution of government institutions in the region


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    Серед багатьох хвороб неопластичної етіології у тварин важливе значення мають лейкози. Ці захворювання реєструються на всіх континентах світу, мають тенденцію до розповсюдження і спричиняють значні економічні збитки, які зумовлені загибеллю тварин, їх вимушеним забоєм, передчасним вибраковуванням маточного поголів’я, руйнуванням селекційно-племінної роботи, недоотриманням приплоду, а також зниженням продуктивності. Дослідження проводилися у Тарутинській районній державній лікарні ветеринарної медицини в Одеській області, в її структурних підрозділах та в Тарутинській районній державній лабораторії ветеринарної медицини. Метою роботи було вивчення особливостей епізоотичного процесу та узагальнення заходів боротьби з лейкозом великої рогатої худоби у Тарутинському районі Одеської області.Дослідженнями встановлено, що лейкоз великої рогатої худоби є актуальним захворюванням для Тарутинського району Одеської області, тому, що по сьогоднішній день реєструються поодинокі випадки виявлення РІД позитивних тварин (у 2014 році – 29 голів). Проведення серологічних досліджень (РІД) всього поголів’я великої рогатої худоби району – є основою комплексу профілактичних заходів щодо лейкозу великої рогатої худоби. Лише комплексний підхід до профілактики лейкозу великої рогатої худоби дає можливість району залишатися благополучним сьогодні і в майбутньому. Среди большого количества болезней неопластической природы у животных лейкозы занимают значительное место. Эти болезни регистрируются на всех континентах мира, имеют тенденцию к расширению и наносят существенный экономический ущерб, который обусловлен гибелью животных, их вынужденным забоем, преждевременной выбраковкой маточного поголовья, разрушением селекционно-племенной работы, недополучением приплода, а также снижением продуктивности. Исследования проводились в Тарутинской районной государственной больнице ветеринарной медицины в Одесской области, в ее структурных подразделениях и Тарутинской районной государственной лаборатории ветеринарной медицины. Целью работы являлось изучение особенностей эпизоотического процесса и оптимизация мероприятий борьбы с лейкозом крупного рогатого скота у Тарутинскому районе Одесской области.Исследованиями установлено, что лейкоз крупного рогатого скота является актуальным заболеванием для Тарутинского района Одесской области, потому что по сегодняшний день регистрируются одиночные случаи РИД-положительных животных (в 2014 году – 29 голов). Проведение серологических исследований (РИД) всего поголовья крупного рогатого скота – основа комплекса профилактических мероприятий против лейкоза крупного рогатого скота. Только комплексный подход к профилактике лейкоза крупного рогатого скота дает возможность району оставаться благополучным на сегодняшний день и в будущем.Among a large number of diseases of the neoplastic nature at animals leukoses take an important place. These diseases are registered on all continents of the world, tend to expansion and cause essential economic damage which is caused by death of animals, their compelled face, premature rejection of a uterine livestock, destruction of selection and breeding work, short-reception of an issue, and also decrease in efficiency. Researches behind a subject were conducted in Tarutinsky regional state hospital of veterinary medicine in Odessa region, in its structural divisions and Tarutinsky regional state laboratory of veterinary medicine. The purpose of work is studying of features of epizootic process and optimization of actions of fight and prevention with a leukosis of cattle at Tarutinskomu the region of Odessa region.By researches it is established that the leukosis of cattle is an actual disease for the Tarutinsky region of Odessa region because till today single cases of READ-positive animals are registered (in 2014 – 29 heads). Carrying out the serologicheskikh of researches (RID) of all number of cattle – a basis of a complex of preventive actions against a leukosis of cattle. Only the integrated approach to prevention of a leukosis of cattle gives the chance to remain to the area safe today and in the future

    Inhomogeneous broadening of the exciton band in optical absorption spectra of InP/ZnS nanocrystals

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    In this work, we have simulated the processes of broadening the first exciton band in optical absorption spectra (OA) for InP/ZnS ensembles of colloidal quantum dots (QDs). A phenomenological model has been proposed that takes into account the effects of the exciton–phonon interaction, and allows one to analyze the influence of the static and dynamic types of atomic disorder on the temperature changes in the spectral characteristics in question. To vary the degree of static disorder in the model system, we have used a parameter δ, which characterizes the QD dispersion in size over the ensemble. We have also calculated the temperature shifts of the maxima and changes in the half-width for the exciton peaks in single nanocrystals (δ = 0), as well as for the integrated OA bands in the QD ensembles with different values of δ = 0.6–17%. The simulation results and the OA spectra data measured for InP/ZnS nanocrystals of 2.1 nm (δ = 11.1%) and 2.3 nm (δ = 17.3%), are in good mutual agreement in the temperature range of 6.5 K–RT. It has been shown that the contribution of static disorder to the observed inhomogeneous broadening of the OA bands for the QDs at room temperature exceeds 90%. The computational experiments performed indicate that the temperature shift of the maximum for the integrated OA band coincides with that for the exciton peak in a single nanocrystal. In this case, a reliable estimate of the parameters of the fundamental exciton–phonon interaction can be made. Simultaneously, the values of the specified parameters, calculated from the temperature broadening of the OA spectra, can be significantly different from the true ones due to the effects of static atomic disorder in real QD ensembles. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This research was supported by RFBR according to the research project № 18-32-00664 and Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract no. 02.A03.21.0006. I.W. thanks the Minobrnauki initiative research project № 16.5186.2017/8.9 for support

    Synthesis and Characterization of Copolymers of Lantanide Complexes with Styrene

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    Сopolymers of 2-methyl-5-phenylpentene-1-dione-3,5 with styrene in ratio 5:95, which containing Eu, Yb and Eu, Yb with 1,10-phenanthroline were synthesized at the first time. The luminescence spectra of obtained metal complexes and copolymers in solutions, films and solid state are investigated and analyzed. The solubilization of β-diketonate complexes with phenanthroline was shown to change luminescence intensity in such complexes. Obtained copolymers can be used as potential materials for organic light-emitting devices


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    The global positioning device for playing a race vehicle trajectory was presented. The concept of modeling a trajectory of a particular racing vehicle was given

    Re-entrant resonant tunneling

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    We study the effect of electron-electron interactions on the resonant-tunneling spectroscopy of the localized states in a barrier. Using a simple model of three localized states, we show that, due to the Coulomb interactions, a single state can give rise to two resonant peaks in the conductance as a function of gate voltage, G(Vg). We also demonstrate that an additional higher-order resonance with Vg-position in between these two peaks becomes possibile when interactions are taken into account. The corresponding resonant-tunneling process involves two-electron transitions. We have observed both these effects in GaAs transistor microstructures by studying the time evolution of three adjacent G(Vg) peaks caused by fluctuating occupation of an isolated impurity (modulator). The heights of the two stronger peaks exibit in-phase fluctuations. The phase of fluctuations of the smaller middle peak is opposite. The two stronger peaks have their origin in the same localized state, and the third one corresponds to a co-tunneling process.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX, 4 figure

    Tien-Shan effect and charmed particles

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    It is shown that the Tien-Shan effect can be explained as a consequence of charmed particle production with a sufficiently high production cross-section (about 5 mb/nucleon at 100 TeV)

    A note on the weak Harnack inequality for unbounded minimizers of elliptic functionals with generalized Orlicz growth

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    We prove the weak Harnack inequality for the functions uu which belong to the corresponding De Giorgi classes DG(Ω)DG^{-}(\Omega) under the additional assumption that uLlocs(Ω)u\in L^{s}_{loc}(\Omega) with some s>0s> 0. In particular, our result covers new cases of functionals with a variable exponent or double-phase functionals under the non-logarithmic condition

    Importance of serous intraepithelial ovarian tubal carcinomas in the occurrence of "high-grade" serous carcinomas and / or peritoneal serous carcinomas of unknown primary origin.

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    Studies of the recent decades on serous pelvic adenocarcinomas in women have set the goal of distinguishing between two diagnostic units: "low-grade" and "high-grade" carcinomas. The predecessor of the "low-grade" variant (type I) is considered to be a borderline serous tumor / atypical proliferative serous tumor (8442/1), which according to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology ICD-O 2013 of the female reproductive system refers to non-specific, borderline tumors and tumors with unpredictable clinical behavior. The predecessors of the “high-grade” variant (type II) are serous tubular intraepithelial carcinomas (in situ) or “high-grade” serous invasive tubal carcinomas, since they have the TP53 mutation identical to “high-grade” ovarian carcinoma, an aberrant p53 protein expression, high proliferative activity, and significant genomic instability. In addition, according to the carcinogenesis of "high-grade" serous ovarian carcinoma with metastases to the peritoneum, it can also be interpreted as "pelvic high-grade serous carcinoma". A retrospective analysis of the histological, morphometric and immunohistochemical characteristics of the biopsy material of 31 women aged from 28 to 76 years (mean 57.32±11.54; median 57), divided into 3 groups, was carried out. Group 1: 14 observations of the tubal epithelium (8 tubes without pathological changes (subgroup 1a) and 6 with signs of intraepithelial neoplasia (subgroup 1b); group 2: 12 cases of serous adenocarcinoma of the ovary of the “high-grade” variant; group 3: 6 metastatic peritoneal serous carcinoma without a known primary site. Results. Group immunophenotypes showed uniformity in the expression of markers CK7 (+, +/-), CK20 (-), WT-1 (+), CA125 (+, +/-), with an affinity to distal uterine tube fragments. The expression of p53 in all groups with signs of carcinomas (compared with the control subgroup 1a without atypia) was divided into two options - negative samples and samples with overexpression, where no statistically significant difference was found (p>0.05), which is possibly a single way of carcinogenesis. The morphometric study revealed a significant difference in the area of the nuclei between group 3 and the first three groups (1a, 1b, 2), which indicates the similarity of ovarian and tubal neoplasias and uterine tube epithelium. The number of intranuclear reactions with ER and PGR progressively decreased from group 1 to group 3, with an increase in cases with ER (+/-) / PGR (+/- or -) to 50% in group 3, which greatly complicated the diagnostic search for unknown carcinomas of primary localization. HER-2-new expression revealed a possible amplification (gradation 2 + / 3 +) only in group 2 at the level of 16.67% and in group 3 at the level of 33.33%