689 research outputs found

    The state and trends of development of science and education in Modern Russian society

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    The article analyzes the state of education and science through the prism of socio-economic and ethical problems in modern Russian society. The subject of the research is the contents of the sections of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum devoted to education, science and personal development. Some speeches of iconic participants were analyzed. The theoretical basis of the research was the works of domestic and foreign authors of the socio-philosophical and sociological directions. The methodological basis consists of the general philosophical principles of consistency, conformity, completeness, complementarity, determinism and verification. The study used such socio-philosophical methods as a method of historical and logical unity in social cognition, specifically historical, historical-retrospective, and comparative historical. The main findings of the study: the main orientation in modern Russian society is the effectiveness of business development without a focus on public interests; the main task formulated for other social spheres and contradicting the proper: what exactly politics, society, education, science should give to business. Economy and business, being one of the spheres of society, should ensure the development of the country and welfare of the people. The key to the development of the country and welfare of the people is science and education, which, cannot be regarded as a source of income. The existing substitution of goals will lead to irreversible consequences. Measures to remedy the situation can only be taken by power; to which people delegated authority, defining the main purpose of their activities directed towards the growth of people`s welfare  and the prosperity of the country

    Developing master's students scientific communication skills in the Russian and English languages: model, content, experiment

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    The article considers the problem of forming and developing master’s students scientific communication skills in the Russian and foreign languages. The authors focus on the culture of written scientific speech, performing accumulative and transmitting functions, which is complex, but is especially important for cultivating and developing learners’ personality. The topicality of forming and enhancing genre competence as an important component of professional communicative competence is emphasized in the article. The authors propose courses for students in order to develop the competences at master level. The courses “Scientific Speech for postgraduate students” in Russian and “Foreign language (English)” are designed in accordance with learners’ communicative and activity needs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. The principles being methodological basis of the course are described. The content and topics to study in the framework of the courses are given in detail. The methodology used involves the use of typological models of scientific genres and Intergenre Model of Scientific Text that includes invariant and universal components corresponding to the stages of communicative and cognitive activity of a scientist: case - problem - idea - hypothesis - argument - conclusion. The results of an experimental course teaching are presented. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is confirmed

    Study of Antibiotic Resistance of the Oropharyngeal Hemolytic Microflora in Preschool Children

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    It is impossible to imagine modern medical practice without antibiotic therapy. However, the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry expands free access of the population to antibacterial drugs. At the same time, the illiteracy of people with respect to the principles of rational antibiotic therapy also increases. The problem of microbial resistance to antibacterial drugs remains relevant to this day. Special attention should be paid to rational antibiotic therapy applied to children.The purpose of this work was to study the resistance of hemolytic microorganisms, which are often the cause of upper respiratory infection in preschool children, to the main antibacterial drugs used in pediatric practice. The results of this scientific research can be advisory and useful to pediatricians and other specialists whose professional activities are related to children’s health. Keywords: hemolytic active microorganisms, bacterial carriage, antibiotic resistance, children’s healt


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    The process of modeling crime event during interrogation of witnesses is studied. The features of crime event reproduction by a witnesses and perception of it by an investigator during interrogation are considered. It is substantiated that the result of modeling crime composition is dependent on each participant of the investigative (search) action.Досліджено процес моделювання події злочину під час допиту свідків. Розглянуто особливості відтворення події злочину свідком та сприйняття її слідчим під час допиту. Обґрунтовано, що результат моделювання події злочину залежить від кожного учасника слідчої (розшукової) дії


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    The article studies the mechanism of honest mistakes origination in the victims’ testimonies in the process ofperception, memorization and reproduction of the events of the crime. It investigates into the reasons for the origination of honest mistakes in the victims ’ testimonies and suggests their classification depending on: 1) the stage of the testimony formation; a) at the stage of perception: adaptation, contrast, physiological ailments, mental deficiencies, emotional stress, mental and physiological state; b) at the stage of memorization: interference, memory problems, mental illnesses, indoctrination; c) at the stage of reproduction: linguistic and logical distortions; 2) the permanence of reasons (permanent and temporal); 3) the nature of origin (inherent or acquired at the stage ofperception of the events of the crime); 4) the source of origin (external and internal); 5) the character of the honest mistake (objective and subjective). The article reasons that the efficiency of investigation within criminal proceedings is determined by timely identification of mistakes in obtained testimonies, it becomes possible only when the reasons of their origination are timely determined.Досліджено механізм виникнення добросовісних помилок у показаннях потерпілих під час сприйняття, запам’ятовування та відтворення події злочину. Визначено причини виникнення таких помилок, запропоновано їх класифікацію

    Immunological monitoring system of epidemiological surveillance of pertussis

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    Department of Epidemiology, M. Gorkiy National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine, Department of Epidemiology, О. О. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev, UkraineThe important role of immunological monitoring system of epidemiological surveillance of pertussis has been estimated. In the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of Ig G class antibodies to Bordetella pertussis toxin the state of population herd immunity (655 persons) against pertussis has been studied in five administrative regions in the north, east, south, west and the center of Ukraine. Representative indicator groups of people of 2, 6-7 and 18-29 years old have been examined. The concentration of immunoglobulins has been expressed in DU/ml – international DRG units. The level of immunity has been assessed as high, medium, low and one making people vulnerable and seronegative. The state of herd immunity against pertussis has been low. The level of seronegative individuals to pertussis amounted to 44.7% of the patients in the country in general, ranging from 21.2% in Chernivtsi region to 57.5% in Donetsk region. The level of the immunity to pertussis has been significantly different in different regions of Ukraine. The average concentration of pertussis immunoglobulins has been 4.7 DU/ml in the examined individuals in Donetsk region, 8.5 DU/ ml – in Kherson region, 13.9 DU/ml – in Kiev region, 17.3 DU/ml – in Sumy region, 19.2 DU/ml – in Chernivtsi region. The children of 2 years old have had the higher rates of pertussis immunity in all the areas what confirms the immunological efficacy of antipertussis vaccine. The children of 6-7 years old and adolescents have been poorly protected. They have been regarded as risk age groups, requiring some additional preventive measures. The level of immunity of the adults of reproductive age has been insufficient to protect the newborns. The obtained data should be used for targeted improvement of the specific prevention of pertussis

    Bacterial Carriage of Pathogenic Antibiotic-resistant Staphylococci Among Conditionally Healthy Infants and Preschool-age Children

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    Staphylococci are related to opportunistic microorganisms and are part of normal human microflora. However, there are varieties that can cause pyoinflammatory diseases in organisms with weakened immune status. In the event of an inadequate therapeutic approach, they are preserved in the body, and the person becomes a bacterial carrier and a source of dissemination of pathogenic microorganisms. The formation of antibiotic resistance also plays a significant role in the emergence of bacterial carriage. The situation is especially serious in organized children’s groups, where children are in close contact with one another. Thus, the study of the prevalence rate of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic strains of staphylococci in children’s groups is topical and worthy of attention. The purpose of this work is to identify carriers of pathogenic and antibiotic resistant staphylococci isolated from the microflora of the oral cavity of preschool children considered healthy. The results of the research can prove useful in practical healthcare and, particularly, in pediatric practice. Keywords: staphylococci, pathogenic cocci, bacterial carriage, antibiotic resistance, infant morbidity rat

    Rhetorical Lacunes: Causes, Implications, Warning

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    The article analyzes the current state of rhetoric as an academic discipline and the prospects for its study. Rhetorical skills and skills of the student are one of the significant results of educational achieve­ments. However, in Russia, their formation is hampered by the absence of the majority of native speakers of ideas about the logical, stylistic and ethical laws of public speech. Purpose of article - based on the analysis of works devoted to modern rhetoric, to characterize the state of rhetorical education in modern society and the place of rhetorical (communication) disciplines in the system of school and university education. The causes of the decline of rhetoric, the ways of its development as a factor in the education of a rhetorical person are considered, the problem of speech influence and its study in a higher educational institution is touched upon.В статье рассматривается современное состояние риторики как учебной дисциплины и перспективы ее изучения

    Peculiarities of schoolchildren's motivation for physical education and sport activities

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    In the article the study of the features of the motivation of schoolchildren for physical culture and sports activities is considered: the factors influencing the motivation of schoolchildren for physical training are analyzed, the results of the questioning of schoolchildren of 12-13 years, connected with the study of motivation to engage in physical culture and sports activities, are analyzedВ статье приводится исследование особенностей мотивации школьников к занятиям физкультурно-оздоровительной и спортивной деятельностью: рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на мотивацию школьников к занятиям физической культурой, анализируются результаты анкетирования школьников 11–12 лет, связанное с исследованием мотивации к занятиям физкультурно-оздоровительной и спортивной деятельность