67 research outputs found

    Expression profiling of clonal lymphocyte cell cultures from Rett syndrome patients

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    BACKGROUND: More than 85% of Rett syndrome (RTT) patients have heterozygous mutations in the X-linked MECP2 gene which encodes methyl-CpG-binding protein 2, a transcriptional repressor that binds methylated CpG sites. Because MECP2 is subject to X chromosome inactivation (XCI), girls with RTT express either the wild type or mutant MECP2 in each of their cells. To test the hypothesis that MECP2 mutations result in genome-wide transcriptional deregulation and identify its target genes in a system that circumvents the functional mosaicism resulting from XCI, we performed gene expression profiling of pure populations of untransformed T-lymphocytes that express either a mutant or a wild-type allele. METHODS: Single T lymphocytes from a patient with a c.473C>T (p.T158M) mutation and one with a c.1308-1309delTC mutation were subcloned and subjected to short term culture. Gene expression profiles of wild-type and mutant clones were compared by oligonucleotide expression microarray analysis. RESULTS: Expression profiling yielded 44 upregulated genes and 77 downregulated genes. We compared this gene list with expression profiles of independent microarray experiments in cells and tissues of RTT patients and mouse models with Mecp2 mutations. These comparisons identified a candidate MeCP2 target gene, SPOCK1, downregulated in two independent microarray experiments, but its expression was not altered by quantitative RT-PCR analysis on brain tissues from a RTT mouse model. CONCLUSION: Initial expression profiling from T-cell clones of RTT patients identified a list of potential MeCP2 target genes. Further detailed analysis and comparison to independent microarray experiments did not confirm significantly altered expression of most candidate genes. These results are consistent with other reported data

    Adenovirus DNA in Guthrie cards from children who develop acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)

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    Aims: The aim of this thesis was to increase understanding of how molecular processes influence the development and risk assessment of childhood leukemia. Studies I and II investigates whether a specific virus infection in utero could be involved in a “first hit” in leukemogenesis. Studies III and IV examine whether alterations in protein expression from cell cycle regulating genes may predict a relapse in children with myeloid malignancies undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Background: Genetic alterations, analyzed at time of diagnosis in children who develop leukemia, have been traced back to neonatal dried blood spots (DBS). This suggests that the majority of chromosome translocations occur in utero during fetal hematopoiesis, generating a “first hit”. A “second hit” is then required to generate a leukemic clone. Today, experiments in vitro, animal models, and clinical observations have revealed that several viruses are oncogenic and capable of initiating a genetic alteration. Smith M postulated the theory that an in utero infection might be the “first hit”, causing genetic aberrations that could later lead to the development of the leukemic clone, which is supported by the early age of onset and space-time clustering data, based on time, place of birth, and diagnosis. Leukemia develops as a result of hematopoietic or lymphoid tissue with uncontrolled cell division. Normally cell division is controlled by the cell cycle, the network of which is complex with numerous regulating proteins both up and down stream, but also containing several feedback loops. The important regulators of this process are tumor suppressor genes, essential for normal cell proliferation and differentiation as well as for controlling DNA integrity. Errors in these genes or their protein expression affect the ability of the cell to check for DNA damage, thus tumors may occur. Proteins from these genes could serve as prognostic markers and predict relapse. Methods: In studies I and II we investigated neonatal DBS by PCR for the presence of adenovirus DNA (243 samples) and the three newly discovered polyomaviruses (50 samples) from children who later developed leukemia but also from controls (486 and 100 samples respectively). In studies III and IV we explored the expression of one (p53) respectively four (p53, p21, p16 and PTEN) cell cycle regulating proteins in bone marrow at diagnosis as well as pre and post HSCT in myeloid malignancies in children. We retrospectively collected clinical data and bone marrow samples from 33 children diagnosed with chronic myeloid malignancies (MDS, JMML and CML), 34 children diagnosed with AML as well as 55 controls. The samples were prepared by tissue micro array (TMA) as well as immunohistochemistry and examined for protein expression in a light microscope. Results: In study I we detected adenovirus DNA in only two patients who later developed leukemia, but in none of the controls. In study II all the samples were negative for KIPyV, WUPyV and MCPyV DNA in both patients and controls. In study III we found an overexpression of p53 protein at diagnosis that significantly predicted relapse after HSCT in children with rare chronic myeloid malignancies. In study IV a significantly higher p53 expression was found in the relapse compared to the non-relapse group at six months post HSCT in children with AML, suggesting that p53 may be used as prognostic markers for predicting a relapse. In addition, the calculated cut off level for p53 at diagnosis (study III) and at six months (study IV) post HSCT was approximately 20%, which indicates that a p53 expression over 20% may predict relapse in children with myeloid malignancies. Conclusion: Although we did not find an association between adenoviruses or the three newly discovered polyomaviruses and the development of childhood leukemia, a virus could still be involved in this process; the virus may have escaped detection, other new viruses could be involved or a virus could precipitate the “second hit”. We suggest that evaluation of p53 protein expression may be used as a supplement to regular prognostic markers both pre and post HSCT. To further evaluate this, a prospective multicenter study has been started

    Clinical utility of chromosomal microarray analysis in invasive prenatal diagnosis

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    Novel methodologies for detection of chromosomal abnormalities have been made available in the recent years but their clinical utility in prenatal settings is still unknown. We have conducted a comparative study of currently available methodologies for detection of chromosomal abnormalities after invasive prenatal sampling. A multicentric collection of a 1-year series of fetal samples with indication for prenatal invasive sampling was simultaneously evaluated using three screening methodologies: (1) karyotype and quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR), (2) two panels of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and (3) chromosomal microarray-based analysis (CMA) with a targeted BAC microarray. A total of 900 pregnant women provided informed consent to participate (94% acceptance rate). Technical performance was excellent for karyotype, QF-PCR, and CMA (~1% failure rate), but relatively poor for MLPA (10% failure). Mean turn-around time (TAT) was 7 days for CMA or MLPA, 25 for karyotype, and two for QF-PCR, with similar combined costs for the different approaches. A total of 57 clinically significant chromosomal aberrations were found (6.3%), with CMA yielding the highest detection rate (32% above other methods). The identification of variants of uncertain clinical significance by CMA (17, 1.9%) tripled that of karyotype and MLPA, but most alterations could be classified as likely benign after proving they all were inherited. High acceptability, significantly higher detection rate and lower TAT, could justify the higher cost of CMA and favor targeted CMA as the best method for detection of chromosomal abnormalities in at-risk pregnancies after invasive prenatal sampling

    Chromosome microarray analysis as first-line test in pregnancies with a priori low risk for detection of submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities

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    n this study, we aimed to explore the utility of chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) in groups of pregnancies with a priori low risk for detection of submicroscopic chromosome abnormalities, usually not considered an indication for testing, in order to assess whether CMA improves the detection rate of prenatal chromosomal aberrations. A total of 3000 prenatal samples were processed in parallel using both whole-genome CMA and conventional karyotyping. The indications for prenatal testing included: advanced maternal age, maternal serum screening test abnormality, abnormal ultrasound findings, known abnormal fetal karyotype, parental anxiety, family history of a genetic condition and cell culture failure. The use of CMA resulted in an increased detection rate regardless of the indication for analysis. This was evident in high risk groups (abnormal ultrasound findings and abnormal fetal karyotype), in which the percentage of detection was 5.8% (7/120), and also in low risk groups, such as advanced maternal age (6/1118, 0.5%), and parental anxiety (11/1674, 0.7%). A total of 24 (0.8%) fetal conditions would have remained undiagnosed if only a standard karyotype had been performed. Importantly, 17 (0.6%) of such findings would have otherwise been overlooked if CMA was offered only to high risk pregnancies.The results of this study suggest that more widespread CMA testing of fetuses would result in a higher detection of clinically relevant chromosome abnormalities, even in low risk pregnancies. Our findings provide substantial evidence for the introduction of CMA as a first-line diagnostic test for all pregnant women undergoing invasive prenatal testing, regardless of risk factors

    A Metagenomic Approach to Characterization of the Vaginal Microbiome Signature in Pregnancy

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    While current major national research efforts (i.e., the NIH Human Microbiome Project) will enable comprehensive metagenomic characterization of the adult human microbiota, how and when these diverse microbial communities take up residence in the host and during reproductive life are unexplored at a population level. Because microbial abundance and diversity might differ in pregnancy, we sought to generate comparative metagenomic signatures across gestational age strata. DNA was isolated from the vagina (introitus, posterior fornix, midvagina) and the V5V3 region of bacterial 16S rRNA genes were sequenced (454FLX Titanium platform). Sixty-eight samples from 24 healthy gravidae (18 to 40 confirmed weeks) were compared with 301 non-pregnant controls (60 subjects). Generated sequence data were quality filtered, taxonomically binned, normalized, and organized by phylogeny and into operational taxonomic units (OTU); principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of the resultant beta diversity measures were used for visualization and analysis in association with sample clinical metadata. Altogether, 1.4 gigabytes of data containing >2.5 million reads (averaging 6,837 sequences/sample of 493 nt in length) were generated for computational analyses. Although gravidae were not excluded by virtue of a posterior fornix pH >4.5 at the time of screening, unique vaginal microbiome signature encompassing several specific OTUs and higher-level clades was nevertheless observed and confirmed using a combination of phylogenetic, non-phylogenetic, supervised, and unsupervised approaches. Both overall diversity and richness were reduced in pregnancy, with dominance of Lactobacillus species (L. iners crispatus, jensenii and johnsonii, and the orders Lactobacillales (and Lactobacillaceae family), Clostridiales, Bacteroidales, and Actinomycetales. This intergroup comparison using rigorous standardized sampling protocols and analytical methodologies provides robust initial evidence that the vaginal microbial 16S rRNA gene catalogue uniquely differs in pregnancy, with variance of taxa across vaginal subsite and gestational age

    Patterns of Hybrid Loss of Imprinting Reveal Tissue- and Cluster-Specific Regulation

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    Background: Crosses between natural populations of two species of deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus (BW), and P. polionotus (PO), produce parent-of-origin effects on growth and development. BW females mated to PO males (bw6po) produce growth-retarded but otherwise healthy offspring. In contrast, PO females mated to BW males (PO6BW) produce overgrown and severely defective offspring. The hybrid phenotypes are pronounced in the placenta and include PO6BW conceptuses which lack embryonic structures. Evidence to date links variation in control of genomic imprinting with the hybrid defects, particularly in the PO6BW offspring. Establishment of genomic imprinting is typically mediated by gametic DNA methylation at sites known as gDMRs. However, imprinted gene clusters vary in their regulation by gDMR sequences. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we further assess imprinted gene expression and DNA methylation at different cluster types in order to discern patterns. These data reveal PO6BW misexpression at the Kcnq1ot1 and Peg3 clusters, both of which lose ICR methylation in placental tissues. In contrast, some embryonic transcripts (Peg10, Kcnq1ot1) reactivated the silenced allele with little or no loss of DNA methylation. Hybrid brains also display different patterns of imprinting perturbations. Several cluster pairs thought to use analogous regulatory mechanisms are differentially affected in the hybrids. Conclusions/Significance: These data reinforce the hypothesis that placental and somatic gene regulation differs significantly, as does that between imprinted gene clusters and between species. That such epigenetic regulatory variatio

    A Mouse Model of the Human Fragile X Syndrome I304N Mutation

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    The mental retardation, autistic features, and behavioral abnormalities characteristic of the Fragile X mental retardation syndrome result from the loss of function of the RNA–binding protein FMRP. The disease is usually caused by a triplet repeat expansion in the 5′UTR of the FMR1 gene. This leads to loss of function through transcriptional gene silencing, pointing to a key function for FMRP, but precluding genetic identification of critical activities within the protein. Moreover, antisense transcripts (FMR4, ASFMR1) in the same locus have been reported to be silenced by the repeat expansion. Missense mutations offer one means of confirming a central role for FMRP in the disease, but to date, only a single such patient has been described. This patient harbors an isoleucine to asparagine mutation (I304N) in the second FMRP KH-type RNA–binding domain, however, this single case report was complicated because the patient harbored a superimposed familial liver disease. To address these issues, we have generated a new Fragile X Syndrome mouse model in which the endogenous Fmr1 gene harbors the I304N mutation. These mice phenocopy the symptoms of Fragile X Syndrome in the existing Fmr1–null mouse, as assessed by testicular size, behavioral phenotyping, and electrophysiological assays of synaptic plasticity. I304N FMRP retains some functions, but has specifically lost RNA binding and polyribosome association; moreover, levels of the mutant protein are markedly reduced in the brain specifically at a time when synapses are forming postnatally. These data suggest that loss of FMRP function, particularly in KH2-mediated RNA binding and in synaptic plasticity, play critical roles in pathogenesis of the Fragile X Syndrome and establish a new model for studying the disorder

    Recent developments in genetics and medically assisted reproduction : from research to clinical applications

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    Two leading European professional societies, the European Society of Human Genetics and the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, have worked together since 2004 to evaluate the impact of fast research advances at the interface of assisted reproduction and genetics, including their application into clinical practice. In September 2016, the expert panel met for the third time. The topics discussed highlighted important issues covering the impacts of expanded carrier screening, direct-to-consumer genetic testing, voiding of the presumed anonymity of gamete donors by advanced genetic testing, advances in the research of genetic causes underlying male and female infertility, utilisation of massively parallel sequencing in preimplantation genetic testing and non-invasive prenatal screening, mitochondrial replacement in human oocytes, and additionally, issues related to cross-generational epigenetic inheritance following IVF and germline genome editing. The resulting paper represents a consensus of both professional societies involved.Peer reviewe