77 research outputs found

    Digitalització del negoci : robotic process automation

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    En aquest document es presenta un estudi de l'automatització robòtica de processos (RPA), una tecnologia que permet a les empreses crear robots que imiten el comportament dels seus treballadors humans per realitzar processos repetitius i regits per normes lògiques i explícites. El treball incorpora una aproximació teòrica a la tecnologia en que es revisen les seves característiques úniques, així com un estudi de mercat de la tecnologia RPA, amb un anàlisis detallat dels tres proveïdors principals: UiPath, BluePrism i Automation Anywhere. S'ha realitzat un projecte d'automatització RPA real, que en primer lloc ha suposat una definició rigorosa dels dos processos a automatitzar i la seva adaptació a les necessitats del robot. S'ha conclòs que un dels processos no era adequat per l'automatització, ja que requeria certa creativitat difícil d'imitar pel robot. Mitjançant UiPath, s'ha programat el robot per realitzar el procés restant, documentant les activitats més importants del projecte en aquest treball. Finalment, s'ha detallat com es pot mesurar l'impacte d'aquesta tecnologia en l'empresa i s'ha determinat que l'automatització RPA té un gran potencial per reduir els costos de l'empresa de manera ràpida, flexible i fàcilment escalable, essent recomanable que les empreses elaborin una correcta estratègia d'automatització a llarg termini.This paper presents a study of robotic process automation (RPA). This technology allows companies to create robots that mimic the behaviour of human workers to perform repetitive processes defined by logical and explicit rules. The study includes a theoretical approach to this technology in which its unique characteristics are reviewed. In addition to that, a study of the RPA technology market is presented, with a detailed analysis of its three main vendors: UiPath, BluePrism and Automation Anywhere. A real RPA automation project has been carried out. This first involved a thorough definition of the two processes to be automated and their proper adaptation to the robot capabilities. It has been concluded that one of the processes was not suitable for automation, as it required some creativity that the robot is not able to mimic. Using UiPath, the robot has been programmed to perform the lasting suitable process. Its most important activities have been reviewed in this document. Finally, it has been detailed how the impact of this technology on the company can be measured. It has been determined that RPA automation has great potential to reduce company costs quickly, flexibly and easily scalable, and it is recommended that companies develop a proper long-term automation strategy

    Stark effect in a wedge-shaped quantum box

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    The effect of an external applied electric field on the electronic ground state energy of a quantum box with a geometry defined by a wedge is studied by carrying out a variational calculation. This geometry could be used as an approximation for a tip of a cantilever of an atomic force microscope. We study theoretically the Stark effect as function of the parameters of the wedge: its diameter, angular aperture and thickness; as well as function of the intensity of the external electric field applied along the axis of the wedge in both directions; pushing the carrier towards the wider or the narrower parts. A confining electronic effect, which is sharper as the wedge dimensions are smaller, is clearly observed for the first case. Besides, the sign of the Stark shift changes when the angular aperture is changed from small angles to angles theta>pi. For the opposite field, the electronic confinement for large diameters is very small and it is also observed that the Stark shift is almost independent with respect to the angular aperture.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Ultrasensitive mass sensor fully integrated with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor circuitry

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    Nanomechanical resonators have been monolithically integrated on preprocessed complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) chips. Fabricatedresonatorsystems have been designed to have resonance frequencies up to 1.5 MHz. The systems have been characterized in ambient air and vacuum conditions and display ultrasensitive mass detection in air. A mass sensitivity of 4ag/Hz has been determined in air by placing a single glycerine drop, having a measured weight of 57 fg, at the apex of a cantilever and subsequently measuring a frequency shift of 14.8 kHz. CMOS integration enables electrostatic excitation, capacitive detection, and amplification of the resonance signal directly on the chip

    Systems analysis of auxin transport in the Arabidopsis root apex

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    Auxin is a key regulator of plant growth and development. Within the root tip, auxin distribution plays a crucial role specifying developmental zones and coordinating tropic responses. Determining how the organ-scale auxin pattern is regulated at the cellular scale is essential to understanding how these processes are controlled. In this study, we developed an auxin transport model based on actual root cell geometries and carrier subcellular localizations. We tested model predictions using the DII-VENUS auxin sensor in conjunction with state-of-the-art segmentation tools. Our study revealed that auxin efflux carriers alone cannot create the pattern of auxin distribution at the root tip and that AUX1/LAX influx carriers are also required. We observed that AUX1 in lateral root cap (LRC) and elongating epidermal cells greatly enhance auxin’s shootward flux, with this flux being predominantly through the LRC, entering the epidermal cells only as they enter the elongation zone. We conclude that the nonpolar AUX1/LAX influx carriers control which tissues have high auxin levels, whereas the polar PIN carriers control the direction of auxin transport within these tissues

    Genetic Ablation of PLA2G6 in Mice Leads to Cerebellar Atrophy Characterized by Purkinje Cell Loss and Glial Cell Activation

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    Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (INAD) is a progressive, autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease characterized by axonal dystrophy, abnormal iron deposition and cerebellar atrophy. This disease was recently mapped to PLA2G6, which encodes group VI Ca2+-independent phospholipase A2 (iPLA2 or iPLA2β). Here we show that genetic ablation of PLA2G6 in mice (iPLA2β-/-) leads to the development of cerebellar atrophy by the age of 13 months. Atrophied cerebella exhibited significant loss of Purkinje cells, as well as reactive astrogliosis, the activation of microglial cells, and the pronounced up-regulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Moreover, glial cell activation and the elevation in TNF-α and IL-1β expression occurred before apparent cerebellar atrophy. Our findings indicate that the absence of PLA2G6 causes neuroinflammation and Purkinje cell loss and ultimately leads to cerebellar atrophy. Our study suggests that iPLA2β-/- mice are a valuable model for cerebellar atrophy in INAD and that early anti-inflammatory therapy may help slow the progression of cerebellar atrophy in this deadly neurodegenerative disease

    Noise and Robustness in Phyllotaxis

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    A striking feature of vascular plants is the regular arrangement of lateral organs on the stem, known as phyllotaxis. The most common phyllotactic patterns can be described using spirals, numbers from the Fibonacci sequence and the golden angle. This rich mathematical structure, along with the experimental reproduction of phyllotactic spirals in physical systems, has led to a view of phyllotaxis focusing on regularity. However all organisms are affected by natural stochastic variability, raising questions about the effect of this variability on phyllotaxis and the achievement of such regular patterns. Here we address these questions theoretically using a dynamical system of interacting sources of inhibitory field. Previous work has shown that phyllotaxis can emerge deterministically from the self-organization of such sources and that inhibition is primarily mediated by the depletion of the plant hormone auxin through polarized transport. We incorporated stochasticity in the model and found three main classes of defects in spiral phyllotaxis – the reversal of the handedness of spirals, the concomitant initiation of organs and the occurrence of distichous angles – and we investigated whether a secondary inhibitory field filters out defects. Our results are consistent with available experimental data and yield a prediction of the main source of stochasticity during organogenesis. Our model can be related to cellular parameters and thus provides a framework for the analysis of phyllotactic mutants at both cellular and tissular levels. We propose that secondary fields associated with organogenesis, such as other biochemical signals or mechanical forces, are important for the robustness of phyllotaxis. More generally, our work sheds light on how a target pattern can be achieved within a noisy background

    Evidence of accelerated ageing in clinical drug addiction from immune, hepatic and metabolic biomarkers

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    Background: Drug addiction is associated with significant disease and death, but its impact on the ageing process has not been considered. The recent demonstration that many of the items available in routine clinical pathology have applicability as biomarkers of the ageing process implies that routine clinical laboratory parameters would be useful as an initial investigation of this possibility. Methods: 12,093 clinical laboratory results 1995-2006 were reviewed. To make the age ranges of the medical and addicted groups comparable the age range was restricted to 15-45 years. Results: 739 drug addicted (DA) and 5834 general medical (GM) age matched blood samples were compared. Significant elevation of immune parameters was noted in the C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total lymphocyte count, serum globulins and the globulin:albumin ratio (P < 0.01). Alanine aminotranferase, creatinine, urea, and insulin like growth factor-1 were also significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the DA group. Albumin, body mass index and dihydroepiandrosterone sulphate were unchanged and cholesterol was lower (all P < 0.05). Conclusion: These data demonstrate for the first time that addiction is associated with an altered profile of common biomarkers of ageing raising the possibility that the ageing process may be altered in this group. Infective and immune processes may be centrally involved. They suggest that addiction forms an interesting model to further examine the contribution of immune suppression and hyperstimulation to the ageing process

    Models of Traumatic Cerebellar Injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Studies of human TBI demonstrate that the cerebellum is sometimes affected even when the initial mechanical insult is directed to the cerebral cortex. Some of the components of TBI, including ataxia, postural instability, tremor, impairments in balance and fine motor skills, and even cognitive deficits, may be attributed in part to cerebellar damage. Animal models of TBI have begun to explore the vulnerability of the cerebellum. In this paper, we review the clinical presentation, pathogenesis, and putative mechanisms underlying cerebellar damage with an emphasis on experimental models that have been used to further elucidate this poorly understood but important aspect of TBI. Animal models of indirect (supratentorial) trauma to the cerebellum, including fluid percussion, controlled cortical impact, weight drop impact acceleration, and rotational acceleration injuries, are considered. In addition, we describe models that produce direct trauma to the cerebellum as well as those that reproduce specific components of TBI including axotomy, stab injury, in vitro stretch injury, and excitotoxicity. Overall, these models reveal robust characteristics of cerebellar damage including regionally specific Purkinje cell injury or loss, activation of glia in a distinct spatial pattern, and traumatic axonal injury. Further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of cerebellar trauma, and the experimental models discussed here offer an important first step toward achieving that objective

    Neuroprotective function for ramified microglia in hippocampal excitotoxicity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most of the known functions of microglia, including neurotoxic and neuroprotective properties, are attributed to morphologically-activated microglia. Resting, ramified microglia are suggested to primarily monitor their environment including synapses. Here, we show an active protective role of ramified microglia in excitotoxicity-induced neurodegeneration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mouse organotypic hippocampal slice cultures were treated with <it>N</it>-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) to induce excitotoxic neuronal cell death. This procedure was performed in slices containing resting microglia or slices that were chemically or genetically depleted of their endogenous microglia.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment of mouse organotypic hippocampal slice cultures with 10-50 μM <it>N</it>-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) induced region-specific excitotoxic neuronal cell death with CA1 neurons being most vulnerable, whereas CA3 and DG neurons were affected less. Ablation of ramified microglia severely enhanced NMDA-induced neuronal cell death in the CA3 and DG region rendering them almost as sensitive as CA1 neurons. Replenishment of microglia-free slices with microglia restored the original resistance of CA3 and DG neurons towards NMDA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data strongly suggest that ramified microglia not only screen their microenvironment but additionally protect hippocampal neurons under pathological conditions. Morphological activation of ramified microglia is thus not required to influence neuronal survival.</p