159 research outputs found

    Comparison of the remineralizing effect of a sodium fluoride mouthrinse versus a sodium monofluorophosphate and calcium mouthrinse: an in vitro study

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    Objectives The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the remineralizing effect of three rinses: (A) 0.17% sodium monofluorphosphate and 0.05% calcium glycerophosphate (220 ppm fluoride), (B) 0.05% sodium fluoride (220 ppm fluoride) and (C) control mouthrinse (without fluoride or calcium). Method and Materials Demineralized areas were created in 90 pieces of bovine enamel by submerging them in an acid solution (pH 4.4) for 48 hours. Part of the surface was painted with nail varnish to preserve the demineralized area and the specimens were assigned at random to three groups. The specimens were stored in artificial saliva at pH 7 and 37ºC for 30 days. Twice daily they were immersed for 60 seconds in the respective mouthrinse. Following the experimental period, the specimens were bisected and examined by scanning electron microscopy. Results The mean percentage of remineralization produced by the mouthrinses was as follows: (A) 54.08 (95% CI 46.37- 61.78), (B) 38.43 (95% CI 30.89-45.98) and (C) 30.18 (95% CI 25.56-34.80). The differences between the three groups were statistically significant. Conclusion The results show that the fluoride and calcium mouthrinse has a significantly greater remineralizing capacity than the fluoride mouthrinse with the same fluoride ion concentration under the in vitro conditions of this study

    Prevalence of fimA genotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis and other periodontal bacteria in a Spanish population with chronic periodontitis

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of the different fimA genotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis in adult Spanish patients with chronic periodontitis, patients with gingivitis and periodontally healthy subjects, and the relationship between these genotypes and other periodontopathogenic bacteria. Study design: Samples of subgingival plaque were taken from 86 patients (33 with chronic periodontitis, 16 with gingivitis, and 37 periodontally healthy) in the course of a full periodontal examination. PCR was employed to determine the presence of the 6 fimA genotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis (I-V and Ib) and of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola. Results: Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotypes II and Ib were present in significantly higher percentages in periodontal patients (39.4% and 12.1% respectively) than in healthy or gingivitis subjects. The prevalence of Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola , and Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotype IV was significantly higher in the group that presented bleeding greater than 30%. A positive correlation was found between Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotype IV and Treponema denticola . Conclusions: A strong association between Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA genotypes II and Ib and chronic periodontitis exists in the Spanish population. The most prevalent genotype in periodontal patients is I

    Estudio longitudinal de la relación entre presencia de bacterias periodontopatógenas y estado de salud periodontal.

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    La periodontits crónica en una enfermedad que afecta a los tejidos periodontales y conlleva la destrucción de los mismos. En la cavidad oral se han identificado aproximadamente 500 especies de bacterias, de las cuales 415 están presentes en la placa subgingival pero no todas desempeñan el mismo papel en la etiopatogenia de la periodontitis crónica. A. Actinomycetemcomitans ha sido asociada a periodontitis agresiva, mientras que Porphyromonas gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola y Eikenella corrodens se han asociado con periodontitis crónica. En 1998 Socransky et al, describieron el Complejo Rojo, formado por la asociación de Bacteroides forsythus (actualmente T. forsythia), Porphyromonas gingivalis y Treponema denticola, que mostraba una relación más clara con parámetros clínicos de la enfermedad periodontal, en concreto con la profundidad de bolsa y con la presencia de sangrado tras el sondaje. La virulencia de Porphyromonas gingivalis, se atribuye a varios componentes de su superficie, como las fimbrias. Esta superficie es la que le permite interactuar con el medio externo y le facilita su crecimiento, la adquisición de nutrientes y la formación de un biofilm que le protege de las defensas del huésped. Se han descrito 6 genotipos del gen fimA (I-V y Ib) que codifica la fimbrilina, una proteína de las fimbrias mayores, y se ha observado que la presencia del genotipo II es más prevalente en pacientes con un estado periodontal más desfavorable. Además existen múltiples estudios que muestran diferencias en la distribución de los genotipos en función de la población estudiada, que se atribuyen a difernecias geográficas y étnicas. El estudio de las bacterias periodontopatógenas y su relación con la evolución del estado periodontal del paciente puede tener una importante aplicación clínica, de modo que la presencia de una determinada bacteria pueda predecir una evolución periodontal desfavorable, estableciendo planes de tratamiento adecuados al riesgo de cada paciente. El objetivo general del estudio es determinar la relación entre bacterias periodontopatógenas (Porphyromonas gingivalis y sus 6 genotipos fimA, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia y el Complejo Rojo) y el estado periodontal de una población adulta y su evolución a los cuatro años. Los objetivos específicos son: • Conocer la distribución de las bacterias y los genotipos fimA de P. gingivalis en función de la exposición al tabaco, independientemente del estado periodontal del paciente. • Estudiar la asociación entre los genotipos, las bacterias y los parámetros clínicos de la enfermedad como son el índice de placa, índice de sangrado gingival y la profundidad de sondaje. • Determinar los cambios en la composición de la placa subgingival en una misma localización del surco gingival en pacientes sanos, y de una misma bolsa en enfermos periodontales, con cuatro años de evolución. • Conocer la evolución del estado periodontal de los pacientes en cuatro años y su relación con la composición de la placa subgingival, el tratamiento periodontal recibido y la exposición al tabaco Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo longitudinal. Se han tomado muestras de placa subgingival de 114 pacientes (37 con periodontitis crónica, 17 con gingivitis, y 60 periodontalmente sanos) además de una exploración periodontal completa. Se empleó ta téctica de PCR para determinar la presencia de bacterias periodontopatógenas. A los cuatro años se realizó una segunda exploración y toma de muestra a 90 de estos pacientes (20 con periodontitis crónica, 12 con gingivitis y 58 periodontalmente sanos). Los resultados fueron los siguienes: Tannerella forsythia, Porphyromonas gingivalis y Treponema denticola son las bacterias más prevalentes en los pacientes con periodontitis crónica (78.4%, 62.2% y 56.8% respectivamente). La bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis y sus genotipos fimA I, II y IV y son los que han mostrado una mayor correlación entre la primera y la segunda exploración. El genotipo fimA II de Porphyromonas gingivalis y Tannerella forsythia se asocian a una evolución periodontal desfavorable de manera significativa

    Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Serology in Immune Thrombocytopenia: A Retrospective Analysis in 101 Patients.

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV), an RNA virus, is known to be the major cause of post-transfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis. HCV can induce several expressions of autoimmunity, including both serological abnormalities and clinical disorders. The relationship between the HCV infection and anti-platelet autoimmunity has been occasionally described, but is still far from well-defined. We retrospectively analysed 101 serum specimens, collected between 1988 and 1994, from patients with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) for the presence of anti-HCV antibodies. Eighty-seven patients were classified as having idiopathic, and 14 secondary ITP (4 systemic lupus erythematosus, 9 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and 1 Evan's syndrome). Anti-HCV antibodies were determined by second generation tests (ELISA + RIBA). A specimen was considered positive for HCV antibodies in the presence of ELISA reactivity (sample optical density/cut-off > 1.00) accompanied by RIBA reactivity to at least one HCV specific antigen. 20 sera (20%) were positive, with a prevalence higher in secondary than in idiopathic ITP (43% vs. 16%, p < 0.05). No differences were found between anti-HCV positive and negative patients regarding gender, platelet count, platelet associated immunoglobulins, hepatitis B virus serology and liver enzyme profile. On the contrary, mean age was higher in the HCV positive vs HCV negative ones (58±18SD vs. 44±20yrs, p < 0.01), in keeping with the increasing prevalence of HCV infection with ageing. HCV positive patients, showed a poor response to treatment (platelet count lower than 50,000/μl after conventional medical therapy for immune thrombocytopenia) compared to anti-HCV negative ones, (50% versus 7.3%, p < 0.001). When we excluded patients who were exposed to risk factors for HCV infection after ITP diagnosis and before the serum collection, the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies was not very different (17.6%) from that found in the series as a whole (19.8%). Our results seem to indicate that HCV infection may play a role in triggering several cases ITP, and moreover might constitute a negative prognostic factor for therapy response

    Effect of the mother tree age and acorn weight in the regenerative characteristics of Quercus faginea

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    [EN] The establishment of oak trees is often a slow and difficult process. Hence, it is necessary to determine the characteristics that can lead to improving their regeneration. In this genus, seed size is highly variable both at the interspecific and intraspecific levels, and the effects of intrapopulation variability are not well understood, being even less so for Quercus faginea. In this study, the effects of the age of the mother tree, seed weight and the interaction between these two factors on seed germination, emergence and growth (biomass) were analysed. For this purpose, 16 trees—8 young and 8 old—were selected with the intent to cover the entire range of acorn weights produced in this population. Among the main results, it should be noted that: (1) in older trees, it is easier to find larger acorns; (2) the percentage and the speed of germination of the acorns of young trees is greater than that of old trees; (3) the percentage and the speed of seedling emergence of young trees is greater than that of old trees; and (4) cotyledon weight is the variable that most influences biomass, quite often in a positive way. Therefore, maintaining intrapopulation variability seems to be an approach that most favours the persistence of these populations

    Análisis del puesto de gerente de instalaciones deportivas: tareas reactivas y proactivas

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    The need for organizations to adapt to increasingly complex environments has motivated research into standardized managerial tasks (reaction) and tasks related to anticipation, search and extra-role behaviour (proaction) (Toulson &amp; Smith, 1994). This paper has two aims: a) to determine whether there are two distinguishable kinds of managerial tasks which can be identified as reactive/proactive; and b) to study the degree of development of reactive/proactive managerial tasks in recently professionalized sports installations. A survey based on task inventory techniques was specifically designed (Gael, 1988). The sample consisted of 73 managers of diferent kinds of sports installations. Results confirm the existence of reactive and proactive managerial performance. The results also show that proactive tasks are less developed than reactive ones. The implications of the study are discussed.La necesidad que tienen las organizaciones de afrontar ambientes cada vez más complejos, ha motivado la investigación no sólo de tareas directivas estandarizadas (reacción) sino también de aquellas relacionadas con la anticipación, búsqueda y comportamiento extra-rol (proacción) (Toulson y Smith, 1994). En este contexto, el presente trabajo tiene dos objetivos: a) observar si existen dos tipos diferenciados de tareas directivas que pudieran ser identificados como reacción/proacción; y b) explorar cuán desarrolladas están estas dos dimensiones en un ámbito, el de la gestión de instalaciones deportivas, de reciente profesionalización. Para su análisis, se ha desarrollado un cuestionario basado en las técnicas de inventarios de tareas (Gael, 1988). La muestra está formada por 73 gerentes de diferentes tipos de instalaciones deportivas. Los resultados confirman la enistencia de los dos tipos de dimensiones mencionados. Asimismo, se observa que las tareas proactivas están menos desarrolladas que las reactivas. Las implicaciones de estos resultados se detallan en la discusión del trabajo

    Caractérisation physico-chimique des sols en vue de l’amélioration de la productivité du manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) dans la région de Damara au centre-sud de Centrafrique

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    La présente étude vise à améliorer la productivité du manioc (Manihot esculenta), aliment de base des centrafricains. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit de (i) caractériser les propriétés physico-chimiques du sol et (ii) déterminer les indicateurs de fertilité des sols étudiés. La collecte des données a consisté à prélever le sol de la couche 0-20 cm, sur les champs de manioc du site expérimental de LaSBAD. Les sols ont été prélevés suivant un dispositif de randomisation, en vue de constituer un échantillon composite de 1 kg par champs. Ils sont séchés, tamisés et analysés au laboratoire de sol du CIRAD-Montpellier-France. Les résultats analytiques de sol ont été comparés à des valeurs de références. Les sols étudiés présentent une texture loameuse et un pH optimal de 5,5, favorable à la culture du manioc, et sont très pourvus en matière organique. Le bilan des éléments nutritifs révèle des carences en calcium et en échangeable. L’analyse en composantes principales a montré une corrélation entre les indicateurs de la fertilité des sols. L’utilisation des légumineuses et la fertilisation organo-minérale à une dose adéquate sont des solutions envisageables pour améliorer la productivité du manioc en Centrafrique.Mots clés: indicateur de fertilité, productivité, manioc, propriété physico-chimique, CentrafriqueEnglish Title: Characterization physicochemical soils to improve productivity of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in the region of Damara in south-central of Central African RepublicEnglish AbstractThe present study is a contribution to the improvement of cassava (Manihot esculenta) tubers’ productivity in the Republic of Central Africa. Especially it aims to characterize the physicochemical properties of soil and (ii) assess fertility indicators of soil. Data collection was consisted to sample the soil from horizon 0-20 cm in cassava fields of producers and the agricultural site of the LaSBAD. Soils were sampled randomly to form a composite sample of 1 kg per field. Soil samples were dried, sieved, and analysed within the laboratory of soil of CIRAD in Montpellier-France. The analytical results of soils were compared to reference values. The studied soils are in their surface organic loamy texture and optimal of 5.5 pH suitable for the cultivation of cassava. They are well supplied with organic matter. The nutrient balance showed that the most significant deficiencies include calcium and magnesium exchangeable. The principal component analysis showed a best correlation relationship between indicators of soil fertility. The use of legumes, and fertilization organicmineral at one dose adequate were possible conceivable solutions to improve cassava in Central African Republic.Keywords: Diagnosis of deficiency, soils’ fertility, cassava, savannah, Central African Republi

    Pienjännitekatkaisijoiden säätö

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää pienjännitekatkaisijoiden releiden asettelua, jotta asentajilla ja suunnittelijoilla olisi katkaisijan käyttöönottotilanteessa mahdollista tarkistaa sekä tehdä suojareleen asettelu itse. Tavoitteena oli tehdä kattava kokonaisuus katkaisijan ominaisuuksista ja käytöstä, jolloin sekä katkaisijan asettelu että toiminta selviäisi niin suunnittelijoille kuin asennuksia tekeville henkilöillekin. Tämän opinnäytteen tuloksena syntyi aineisto, josta selviää katkaisijan yleisimmät suojausasettelut, niiden arvojen laskentakaavat sekä selvitys tulosten käyttöä varten. Työn tarkoituksena on toimia kirjallisena selvityksenä pienjännitepuolen katkaisijoiden käytöstä Puolustushallinnon Rakennuslaitoksen suunnittelijoille ja asentajille.Starting point was to make instructions about safe mechanism’s that moulded case circuit breakers (MCCB) has and how to tune those. The main aim was to make it for engineers and assemblers so it would be easier for them to work with MCCB´s. The goal was a wide instruction booklet about MCCB´s, properties, where and why to use. Of course all related to problems that employers on field of electricity will have. In a result, based on study about MCCB´s was made a text and instructions booklet how to set, and use circuit breakers

    Ontology of core data mining entities

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    In this article, we present OntoDM-core, an ontology of core data mining entities. OntoDM-core defines themost essential datamining entities in a three-layered ontological structure comprising of a specification, an implementation and an application layer. It provides a representational framework for the description of mining structured data, and in addition provides taxonomies of datasets, data mining tasks, generalizations, data mining algorithms and constraints, based on the type of data. OntoDM-core is designed to support a wide range of applications/use cases, such as semantic annotation of data mining algorithms, datasets and results; annotation of QSAR studies in the context of drug discovery investigations; and disambiguation of terms in text mining. The ontology has been thoroughly assessed following the practices in ontology engineering, is fully interoperable with many domain resources and is easy to extend