1,043 research outputs found

    Optimized Profile Retrievals of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from Simulated Spaceborne Multiwavelength Lidar

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    This work is an expanded study of one previously published on retrievals of aerosol microphysical properties from space-borne multiwavelength lidar measurements. The earlier studies and this one were done in the framework of the NASA Aerosol-Clouds-Ecosystems (now the Aerosol Clouds Convection and Precipitation) NASA mission. The focus here is on the capabilities of a simulated spaceborne multiwavelength lidar system for retrieving aerosol complex refractive index (m = mr + imi) and spectral single scattering albedo (SSA(λ)), although other bulk parameters such as effective (reff) radius and particle volume (V) and surface (S) concentrations are also studied. The novelty presented here is the use of recently published, case-dependent optimized-constraints on the microphysical retrievals using three backscattering coefficients (β) at 355, 532 and 1064 nm and two extinction coefficients (α) at 355 and 532 nm, typically known as the stand-alone 3β + 2α lidar inversion. Case-dependent optimized-constraints (CDOC) limit the ranges of refractive index, both real (mr) and imaginary (mi) parts, and of radii that are permitted in the retrievals. Such constraints are selected directly from the 3β + 2α measurements through an analysis of the relationship between spectral dependence of aerosol extinction-to-backscatter ratios (LR) and the Ångström exponent of extinction. The analyses presented here for different sets of size distributions and refractive indices reveal that the direct determination of CDOC are only feasible for cases where the uncertainties in the input optical data are less than 15%. For the same simulated spaceborne system and yield than in Whiteman et al., (2018), we demonstrated that the use of CDOC as essential for the retrievals of refractive index and also largely improved retrieval of bulk parameters. A discussion of the global representativeness of CDOC is presented using simulated lidar data from a 24 h satellite track using GEOS model output to initialize the lidar simulator. We found that CDOC are representative of many aerosol mixtures in spite of some outliers (e.g. highly hydrated particles) associated with the assumptions of bimodal size distributions and of the same refractive index for fine and coarse modes. Moreover, sensitivity tests performed using synthetic data reveal that retrievals of imaginary refractive index (mi) and SSA are extremely sensitive to β(355).Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Innovation and Staff Exchange(RISE) GRASP-ACE (grant agreement No 778349

    Fundamental Parameters and Chemical Composition of Arcturus

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    We derive a self-consistent set of atmospheric parameters and abundances of 17 elements for the red giant star Arcturus: Teff = 4286+/-30 K, logg = 1.66+/-0.05, and [Fe/H] = -0.52+/-0.04. The effective temperature was determined using model atmosphere fits to the observed spectral energy distribution from the blue to the mid-infrared (0.44 to 10 um). The surface gravity was calculated using the trigonometric parallax of the star and stellar evolution models. A differential abundance analysis relative to the solar spectrum allowed us to derive iron abundances from equivalent width measurements of 37 FeI and 9 FeII lines, unblended in the spectra of both Arcturus and the Sun; the [Fe/H] value adopted is derived from FeI lines. We also determine the mass, radius, and age of Arcturus: M = 1.08+/-0.06 Msun, R = 25.4+/-0.2 Rsun, and t = 7.1(+1.5/-1.2) Gyr. Finally, abundances of the following elements are measured from an equivalent width analysis of atomic features: C, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, and Zn. We find the chemical composition of Arcturus typical of that of a local thick-disk star, consistent with its kinematics.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Chemical similarities between Galactic bulge and local thick disk red giant stars

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    The evolution of the Milky Way bulge and its relationship with the other Galactic populations is still poorly understood. The bulge has been suggested to be either a merger-driven classical bulge or the product of a dynamical instability of the inner disk. To probe the star formation history, the initial mass function and stellar nucleosynthesis of the bulge, we performed an elemental abundance analysis of bulge red giant stars. We also completed an identical study of local thin disk, thick disk and halo giants to establish the chemical differences and similarities between the various populations. High-resolution infrared spectra of 19 bulge giants and 49 comparison giants in the solar neighborhood were acquired with Gemini/Phoenix. All stars have similar stellar parameters but cover a broad range in metallicity. A standard 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis yielded the abundances of C, N, O and Fe. A homogeneous and differential analysis of the bulge, halo, thin disk and thick disk stars ensured that systematic errors were minimized. We confirm the well-established differences for [O/Fe] (at a given metallicity) between the local thin and thick disks. For the elements investigated, we find no chemical distinction between the bulge and the local thick disk, which is in contrast to previous studies relying on literature values for disk dwarf stars in the solar neighborhood. Our findings suggest that the bulge and local thick disk experienced similar, but not necessarily shared, chemical evolution histories. We argue that their formation timescales, star formation rates and initial mass functions were similar.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 5 page

    Xylem water potentials of native shrubs from northeastern Mexico

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    Xylem water potentials (C) were evaluated in browse plants such as Forestiera angustifolia (Oleaceae), Celtis pallida (Ulmaceae), Zanthoxylum fagara (Rutaceae), and Eysenhardtia texana (Fabaceae). Collections were carried out at Linares County, a semi-arid region of northeastern Mexico. C (MPa) were estimated at 10-day intervals between July 10 and September 30, 2008 by using a Scholander pressure bomb, and were monitored in five different plants per species at 06:00 h (predawn) and 14:00 h (midday). Air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and soil water content were registered throughout. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and linear correlation analysis. At the wettest period, C at predawn varied from 0.29 (C. pallida and E. texana) to 0.37 (F. angustifolia and Z. fagara); in contrast, at the driest period, predawn C ranged from 3.28 (F. angustifolia) to 4.50 (Z. fagara). At midday E. texana achieved the highest (1.14) and lowest (4.20) values at wettest and driest sampling dates, respectively. It seems that air temperature and vapor pressure deficit negatively influenced C values in all species; conversely, C values augmented as relative humidity increased. Since F. angustifolia and C. pallida maintained higher predawn and midday C values under water stress, these species may be considered as drought-adapted species while, Z. fagara and E. texana that acquired lower values, may be less adapted to drought and in physiological disadvantage under limited water conditions

    Regeneración de la planta de papa (Solanum Tuberosum L.) In Vitro a partir del estolón

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    El crecimiento poblacional y el incremento en la demanda de vegetales para satisfacer los requerimientos nutrimentales de la propia población son cada vez m·s altos, tal es el caso de la papa (Sola- num tuberosum L.). Al no existir la cantidad de pro- ducto con la calidad necesaria para consumo hu- mano e industrial, se hace necesario implementar mecanismos para incrementar la producciÛn. Se realizaron estudios para encontrar el medio de cultivo adecuado para desarrollar la tuberizaciÛn in vitro. Se emplearon esquejes de tallo y estolones de plantas provenientes de invernadero e in vitro. Los esquejes se mantuvieron por espacio de 30 dÌas en condiciones de iluminaciÛn. Los resultados demos- traron que es posible regenerar la planta de papa a partir de estolón, siempre y cuando provenga de esquejes in vitro, puesto que los que provienen de plantas de invernadero mostraron una fuerte ten- dencia a formar tubÈrculos, en medio MS con 8% de sacarosa, 1/10 de la concentración normal de nitratos y en ausencia de GA3. Los mejores tubÈrcu- los obtenidos correspondieron a los tubÈrculos in- ducidos bajo iluminaciÛn procedentes de pl·ntulas in vitro. El an·lisis electroforÈtico de proteÌnas por medio de SDS-PAGE mostro la presencia de patatina (40-45 kDa) particularmente en plántulas in vitro. Mediante Western blot se logro identificar la pre- sencia de proteÌnas de aproximadamente 18 kDa, en tubÈrculos almacenados durante 30 dÌas

    The definition of the European Almond Core collection

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    The European project 068 AGRI GEN RES 870/2004 has as an aim the definition of the European almond core collection. The methodology for creation of any core collection has to define how best to select entries using complex and incomplete accession data, as well as how and when to revise these decisions over time. The acquisition of data has been based on specific varietal descriptors, including morphological, physiological, phytopathological, genetic and chemical traits, following the descriptors defined by IBPGR/Bioversity, UPOV and the ECP/GR Prunus Working Group. Newly defined traits, not included in these descriptors, have also been considered because they are very important in defining the range of variability of the species. These traits include chilling and heat requirements for blooming, the molecular markers for genotype identification and the different chemical components of the kernel, as possible parameters for defining almond quality. As a result, a strategy to define the almond core collection was identified by highlighting the main steps to achieve in the near future.Peer ReviewedPrunus amygdalus Batschcore collectiongenetic resourcesgermplasmPublishe


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    During the summer of 2004, a study of thestatus of woody vegetation was performed atthree sites in the Tamaulipan thornscrub. Thesites were located in the municipalities ofLos Ramones (S1), China (S2) and Linares(S3) in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Ateach site three random transects (50 m X 7m) were laid out, and relative abundance,relative dominance and relative frequencywere estimated along each transect. In addition, dasometric parameters, such as heightand crown diameter, were determined. Plantdiversity was estimated by the ShannonWiener index, and similarity between siteswas calculated using the Jackard index. Atotal of 1 741 individual plants belonging to20 families were registered. Fabaceae hadthe highest number of species (10) followedby Euphorbiaceae (4) and Rhamnaceae(4), Rutaceae (3) and Cactaceae (2). Theother 15 families were represented by onlyone species. The Shannon index showedthat there were no statistical differences inbiodiversity between sites; however, theJackard index showed similarity amongspecies only between S1 and S2. The mostfrequent species in the three sampling siteswere Acacia rigidula (255) followed byViguera stenoloba (171), Havardia pallens(167), Karwinskia humboldtiana (132),Forestiera angustifolia and Castela texana(125). This group represented about 56% ofthe total. Less frequent species were: Condalia spathulata (7), Ebenopsis ebano (7),Condalia hookeri (6), Wedelia acapulcensis(5), Cordia boissieri (4), Acacia farnesianaand Yucca treculeana with (3), Heliettaparvifolia (2), Croton torreyanus (1) and Prosopis sp. (1), and they represented onlyabout 2%. S3 registered the highest speciesrichness with a little more than 100% ofthat of S1 or S2. That Linares was the sitewith the greatest species diversity mighthave been due to the higher precipitationrecorded historically.En verano de 2004, en tres sitios del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco, se determinóel estatus de la vegetación arbustiva y arbórea. Los sitios fueron localizados en losmunicipios de Los Ramones (S1), China(S2) y Linares (S3), Nuevo León, México.En cada sitio se establecieron, aleatoriamente, tres transectos (50 m x 7 m), en loscuales se estimaron los valores relativosde abundancia, dominancia, frecuencia yvalor de importancia (VI) de los árboles yarbustos presentes. Además, se determinaron parámetros dasométricos como altura ydiámetro de copa. La diversidad de especiespara cada sitio se estimó con el índice deShannon Wiener. La similitud entre sitiosse determinó con el índice de Jackard. Seregistraron un total de 1 741 individuos.Las plantas encontradas pertenecen a 20familias, predominando los géneros yespecies de la familia Fabaceae (10) seguidos por Euphorbiaceae (4) y Rhamnaceae(4), Rutaceae (3) y Cactaceae (2). En lasrestantes 15 familias sólo presentaron unsolo tipo de individuo. El índice de Shan- non mostró que no hay diferencias en labiodiversidad entre sitios; sin embargo, elíndice de Jackard mostró igualdad entreespecies sólo entre S1 y S2. Las especiesde plantas más frecuentes fueron Acacia rigidula (255) seguida por Viguera stenoloba(171), Havardia pallens (167), Karwinskiahumboldtiana (132), Forestiera angustifolia y Castela texana (125); representandoel 56% del total encontrado y registran losvalores más altos de los diferentes índicesaplicados. Las especies menos frecuentesfueron: Condalia spahtulata (7), Ebenopsisebano (7), Condalia hookeri (6), Wedeliaacapulcensis (5), Cordia boissieri (4), Acacia farnesiana y Yucca treculeana con (3),Helietta parvifolia (2), Croton torreyanus(1) y Prosopis sp. (1); representando estasúltimas sólo un 2.2%. En el S3 se registrouna riqueza específica de individuos depoco más de 100% que en S1 o S2. Linaresfue el sitio que presentó mayor diversidadde especies, posiblemente debido a la altaprecipitación históricamente registrada

    Factors of the epidemiological triad that influence the persistence of human papilloma virus infection in women with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    We studied the epidemiologic triad-related factors influencing human papilloma virus (HPV) persistence in Mexican women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Patients aged ?18 years with SLE (American College of Rheumatology criteria), with and without HPV persistence, were selected. Groups were analyzed by (1) host: clinical disease characteristics; (2) agent: (I) infectious (prevalence, incidence, HPV genotype and co-infections (?2 HPV genotypes or mycoplasmas)), (II) chemical (contraceptives and immunosuppressive drugs) and (III) physical (vitamin D deficiency) and (3) environment. A total of 121 SLE patients were selected over a two-year period. (1) Host: mean age 45.8 years and disease duration 12.7 years. (2) Agent: (I) infectious. HPV infection prevalence in the second sample was 26.4%, high-risk HPV genotypes 21.5% and co-infections 7.4%. HPV infection incidence was 13.2%, persistence 13.2% and clearance 15.7%. (II) Chemical: use of oral hormonal contraceptives 5% and immunosuppressive treatment 97.5%. (III) Physical: Vitamin D levels were similar in both groups. (3) Environment: (I) natural. A total of 60.6% of patients were residents of Puebla City. (II) Social: The mean education level was 10.9. Poverty levels were: III degree 52.4%, IV degree 28% and II degree 17%. (III) Cultural behavioral: Onset of sexual life was 20.5 years, 10% had ?3 sexual partners and 51.2% were postmenopausal. In conclusion, no factor of the epidemiologic triad was associated with HPV infection prevalence. © The Author(s) 2018