13,870 research outputs found

    Theory of extraordinary transmission of light through quasiperiodic arrays of subwavelength holes

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    By using a theoretical formalism able to work in both real and k-spaces, the physical origin of the phenomenon of extraordinary transmission of light through quasi-periodic arrays of holes is revealed. Long-range order present in a quasiperiodic array selects the wavevector(s) of the surface electromagnetic mode(s) that allows an efficient transmission of light through subwavelength holes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Forecasting the European carbon market

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    In an effort to meet its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, in 2005 the European Union introduced a cap-and-trade scheme where mandated installations are allocated permits to emit CO2. Financial markets have developed that allow companies to trade these carbon permits. For the EU to achieve reductions in CO2 emissions at a minimum cost, it is necessary that companies make appropriate investments and policymakers design optimal policies. In an effort to clarify the workings of the carbon market, several recent papers have attempted to statistically model it. However, the European carbon market (EU ETS) has many institutional features that potentially impact on daily carbon prices (and associated …nancial futures). As a consequence, the carbon market has properties that are quite di¤erent from conventional financial assets traded in mature markets. In this paper, we use dynamic model averaging (DMA) in order to forecast in this newly-developing market. DMA is a recently-developed statistical method which has three advantages over conventional approaches. First, it allows the coefficients on the predictors in a forecasting model to change over time. Second, it allows for the entire forecasting model to change over time. Third, it surmounts statistical problems which arise from the large number of potential predictors that can explain carbon prices. Our empirical results indicate that there are both important policy and statistical benefits with our approach. Statistically, we present strong evidence that there is substantial turbulence and change in the EU ETS market, and that DMA can model these features and forecast accurately compared to conventional approaches. From a policy perspective, we discuss the relative and changing role of different price drivers in the EU ETS. Finally, we document the forecast performance of DMA and discuss how this relates to the efficiency and maturity of this market

    Measuring the health effects of air pollution : to what extent can we really say people are dying from bad air?

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    Estimation of the effects of environmental impacts is a major focus of current theoretical and policy research in environmental economics. Such estimates are used to set regulatory standards for pollution exposure; design appropriate environmental protection and damage mitigation strategies; guide the assessment of environmental impacts; and measure public willingness to pay for environmental amenities. It is a truism that the effectiveness of such strategies depends crucially on the quality of the estimates used to inform them. However, this paper argues that in respect to at least one area of the empirical literature - the estimation of the health impacts of air pollution using daily time series data - existing estimates are questionable and thus have limited relevance for environmental decision-making. By neglecting the issue of model uncertainty - or which models, among the myriad of possible models researchers should choose from to estimate health effects - most studies overstate confidence in their chosen model and underestimate the evidence from other models, thereby greatly enhancing the risk of obtaining uncertain and inaccurate results. This paper discusses the importance of model uncertainty for accurate estimation of the health effects of air pollution and demonstrates its implications in an exercise that models pollution-mortality impacts using a new and comprehensive data set for Toronto, Canada. The main empirical finding of the paper is that standard deviations for air pollution-mortality impacts become very large when model uncertainty is incorporated into the analysis. Indeed they become so large as to question the plausibility of previously measured links between air pollution and mortality. Although applied to the estimation of the effects of air pollution, the general message of this paper - that proper treatment of model uncertainty critically determines the accuracy of the resulting estimates - applies to many studies that seek to estimate environmental effects

    A multidisciplinary modeling approach to assess facies-dolomitization-porosity interdependence in a lower cretaceous platform (Northern spain)

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    An innovative methodology for diagenesis characterization and quantification is presented. It includes different geostatistical modeling workflows applied to a partially dolomitized carbonate platform. The case study consists of a Lower Cretaceous (upper Aptian) shallow-water carbonate platform from the Basque\u2013Cantabrian basin (northern Spain), in which a widespread burial dolomitization occurs. Previous studies at basin scale suggested that the flow of dolomitizing fluids through the carbonate succession was channeled by regional faults and that subsequently the dolomite distribution was partially controlled by depositional facies and their modifications after early meteoric diagenesis. Here, at reservoir scale, several carbonate facies were differentiated and grouped in five depositional environments. Two depositional sequences corresponding to transgressive\u2013regressive cycles and three stages of the platform evolution were distinguished. The statistical data treatment indicated that the dolomitization is mainly concentrated in the regressive part of the first sequence, corresponding to the second stage of the platform evolution. The most dolomitized environments are the inner platforms and the shoal. Facies from these shallower/proximal depositional environments were more exposed to early meteoric diagenesis, possibly controlling later dolomitization. The total macroscopic porosity is directly proportional to the degree of dolomitization: pores are most abundant in fully dolomitized portions of the succession, particularly in the rudist-bearing and grain-dominated facies. Abundant aragonitic shells (rudists, corals), easily leached or recrystallized during early meteoric diagenesis, could justify the higher moldic porosity in these facies. For geostatistical modeling purposes, several statistical rules were elaborated in order to associate to each depositional environment, in each of the three platform stages, different proportions of dolomitization and related pore abundance. A direct simulation of the distribution of depositional environments, degree of dolomitization, and pore abundance was achieved using a bi-plurigaussian simulation (PGS) algorithm. A nested-PGS algorithm was used to simulate the same parameters independently: dolomite and pore abundance were distributed within each depositional environment, based on the statistical rules previously defined. These simulations allowed three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the original depositional facies and textures affecting the distribution of dolomitization and pore abundance. Modeling using both bi-PGS and nested simulations accounted for the 3D dolomite body extension: the dolomitized succession is thicker in the north and thins toward the south, in agreement with evidence from mapping of the dolomite geobodies

    Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia in a Patient with Devic's Neuromyelitis Optica

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    An unusual presentation of Devic's neuromyelitis optica (NMO) disease associated with bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) is described. A 32-year-old pregnant patient was diagnosed with NMO. First symptoms were headache and sudden visual loss in her right eye (RE). Eighteen months ago, she reported other neurologic symptoms such as paresthesia. Based on her visual field, fundoscopy and Ishihara test, she was diagnosed with retrobulbar neuritis of the RE. After delivery, new neurologic symptoms resembling transverse myelitis appeared. She was treated with methylprednisolone and plasmapheresis, which improved her visual acuity; however, a sudden bilateral INO appeared, with adduction defect and nystagmus with abduction in both eyes. No improvement was obtained after treatment with azathioprine and rituximab. Paresis of the legs and the right arm persisted, but double vision and OIN gradually disappeared. At the end, the patient had a residual exophoria in the RE and nystagmus with abduction in the left eye. Prevalence of NMO is lower than one case per one million inhabitants, and it is not likely to affect the encephalic trunk; furthermore, bilateral INO in NMO is rare. Two major criteria and at least two of the three minor ones are required to confirm a NMO diagnosis, and our patient fulfilled these diagnosis criteria

    Geometrically induced modification of surface plasmons in the optical and telecom regimes

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    We demonstrate that the introduction of a subwavelength periodic modulation into a metallic structure strongly modifies the guiding characteristics of the surface plasmon modes supported by the system. Moreover, it is also shown how a new type of a tightly confined surface plasmon polariton mode can be created by just milling a periodic corrugation into a metallic ridge placed on top of a metal surface

    On the MBM12 Young Association

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    I present a comprehensive study of the MBM12 young association (MBM12A). By combining infrared (IR) photometry from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) survey with new optical imaging and spectroscopy, I have performed a census of the MBM12A membership that is complete to 0.03 Msun (H~15) for a 1.75deg X 1.4deg field encompassing the MBM12 cloud. I find five new members with masses of 0.1-0.4 Msun and a few additional candidates that have not been observed spectroscopically. From an analysis of optical and IR photometry for stars in the direction of MBM12, I identify M dwarfs in the foreground and background of the cloud. By comparing the magnitudes of these stars to those of local field dwarfs, I arrive at a distance modulus 7.2+/-0.5 (275 pc) to the MBM12 cloud; it is not the nearest molecular cloud and is not inside the local bubble of hot ionized gas as had been implied by previous distance estimates of 50-100 pc. I have also used Li strengths and H-R diagrams to constrain the absolute and relative ages of MBM12A and other young populations; these data indicate ages of 2 +3/-1 Myr for MBM12A and 10 Myr for the TW Hya and Eta Cha associations. MBM12A may be a slightly evolved version of the aggregates of young stars within the Taurus dark clouds (~1 Myr) near the age of the IC 348 cluster (~2 Myr).Comment: to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, 41 pages, 14 figures, also found at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/sfgroup/preprints.htm

    A Hubble Space Telescope ACS Search for Brown Dwarf Binaries in the Pleiades Open Cluster

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    We present the results of a high-resolution imaging survey for brown dwarf binaries in the Pleiades open cluster. The observations were carried out with the Advance Camera for Surveys onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Our sample consists of 15 bona-fide brown dwarfs. We confirm 2 binaries and detect their orbital motion, but we did not resolve any new binary candidates in the separation range between 5.4AU and 1700AU and masses in the range 0.035--0.065~Msun. Together with the results of our previous study (Martin et al., 2003), we can derive a visual binary frequency of 13.3−4.3+13.7^{+13.7}_{-4.3}\% for separations greater than 7~AU masses between 0.055--0.065~M_{\sun} and mass ratios between 0.45--0.9<q<<q<1.0. The other observed properties of Pleiades brown dwarf binaries (distributions of separation and mass ratio) appear to be similar to their older counterparts in the field.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Charge and Orbital Ordering and Spin State Transition Driven by Structural Distortion in YBaCo_2O_5

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    We have investigated electronic structures of antiferromagnetic YBaCo_2O_5 using the local spin-density approximation (LSDA) + U method. The charge and orbital ordered insulating ground state is correctly obtained with the strong on-site Coulomb interaction. Co^{2+} and Co^{3+} ions are found to be in the high spin (HS) and intermediate spin (IS) state, respectively. It is considered that the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition is responsible for the ordering phenomena and the spin states of Co ions. The large contribution of the orbital moment to the total magnetic moment indicates that the spin-orbit coupling is also important in YBaCo_2O_5.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Retinal and Optic Nerve Degeneration in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Followed up for 5 Years

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    Purpose: To quantify retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) changes in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and healthy controls with a 5-year follow-up and to analyze correlations between disability progression and RNFL degeneration. Design: Observational and longitudinal study. Participants: One hundred patients with relapsing-remitting MS and 50 healthy controls. Methods: All participants underwent a complete ophthalmic and electrophysiologic exploration and were re-evaluated annually for 5 years. Main Outcome Measures: Visual acuity (Snellen chart), color vision (Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates), visual field examination, optical coherence tomography (OCT), scanning laser polarimetry (SLP), and visual evoked potentials. Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores, disease duration, treatments, prior optic neuritis episodes, and quality of life (QOL; based on the 54-item Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Scale score). Results: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed changes in all RNFL thicknesses in both groups. In the MS group, changes were detected in average thickness and in the mean deviation using the GDx-VCC nerve fiber analyzer (Laser Diagnostic Technologies, San Diego, CA) and in the P100 latency of visual evoked potentials; no changes were detected in visual acuity, color vision, or visual fields. Optical coherence tomography showed greater differences in the inferior and temporal RNFL thicknesses in both groups. In MS patients only, OCT revealed a moderate correlation between the increase in EDSS and temporal and superior RNFL thinning. Temporal RNFL thinning based on OCT results was correlated moderately with decreased QOL. Conclusions: Multiple sclerosis patients exhibit a progressive axonal loss in the optic nerve fiber layer. Retinal nerve fiber layer thinning based on OCT results is a useful marker for assessing MS progression and correlates with increased disability and reduced QOL
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