12 research outputs found


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    This study focuses on analysing the types and function of taboo words found in Lil Dicky’s Song on Album Professional Rapper. The data source was taken from Lil Dicky’s Song on Album Professional Rapper it was released on July 31, 2015. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this study to describe the use of taboo words in song lyrics. In this study, the descriptive qualitative method was used to describe the use of taboo words in song lyrics. The method was used to offer a clear analysis of the data based on the theory. This study employed the theory from Batistella (2005) which is proposed to analyse the type of taboo words found in Lil Dicky’s Song on Album Professional Rapper and the theory from Wardhaugh (2006) which is proposed to analyse the functions of taboo words found in Lil Dicky’s Song on Album Professional Rapper. Based on the analyses there are 295 data about the types and functions of taboo words found. There are four types of taboo words found those are epithet, profanity, vulgarity and obscenity. Obscenity becomes the most types found in the lyrics of the song which found 152 times. And Profanity becomes the least types found which is found 19. And four functions of taboo words are found in the song lyrics those are to show contempt, to draw attention to oneself, to be provocative, and to mock authority. The most function found is to show contempt which is found 107 times and to mock authority becomes the least functions with only found 3 times. Keywords: Taboo words, Types, Functions, Song lyric


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    This qualitative research utilizes the Teun A. van Dijk’s critical discourse approach and aims to describe 3 main dimension of text, they are text in macro structure, super structure, and micro structure of social cognition as well as social context in daily newspaper Bali Post with headlines entitled ‘Reklamasi Teluk Benoa Mematikan Ekonomi Rakyat’ published on 16th February 2016. The technique used in collecting data is Sudaryanto’s observation method and taking note. Furthermore, this research uses van Dijk’s approach in analyzing data. The findings show the result as follows: 1) text can describe the context into supra structure level, which means macro structure and micro structure are formed by the facts occurred in society. It is reflected with the lexical choices using metaphorical expression that is described persuasively by hyperbolical language. 2) From social cognitive point of view, reporters acknowledged what is happening so well since they are trying to persuade the readers to refuse the government policies related with the reclamation of Benoa Bay, yet still following the journalism code of ethics; 3) Based on social context analysis, there are pros and contras from society who support and refuse the government policies, and there is industrialist involvement in taking action onto the reclamation. 


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    The aims of this research are to analyze the taboo words in the subtitle of Project X movie. According to Wardhaugh (2010:239), Taboo is the restriction or avoidance of action in any community that is thought to be harmful to its members, generating them worry, embarrassment, or shame. The use of taboo words can be found in our conversation on a daily basis and also in the entertainment, for instance in a movie. This study aims at (1) find out the taboo expression in the Project X movie, (2) categorizing and analyzing translation strategies used by the translator in translating taboo expressions found in the subtitle of the Project X movie, This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The data comes from the film Project X. The data comes from the movie's subtitles, which contain prohibited terms. This study uses Batistella's (2005) theory to define the different sorts of taboo words, as well as Baker's (1992) theory to examine the translation strategy. According to the findings, there are four categories of taboo expressions among the eighty data points examined. They are epithet (twenty five data), profanity (eight data) Vulgarity (thirty seven data), and obscenity (ten data). For the translation strategies are used translating taboo expressions, the results show that there are eight types of translation strategies. They are translation by more general word (nineteen data), translation by more neutral word/less expressive word (eight data), translation by cultural substitution (thirteen data), translation using loan word or loan word plus explanation (five data), translation by paraphrase using a related word (twelve data), translation paraphrase using unrelated word (two data), translation by omission (nineteen data), and translation by illustration (two data). Keywords: Taboo Expressions, Translation Strategy, Movi

    Louis Vuitton: Advertising Without a Word

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      Abstract Visual communication, especially body language, play a compelling role in communications. People deliver information and messages over their body and accept them from others during the communication process. This study aims at identifying body language shown by the model of the advertisement, as well as discovering the meaning and the roles of body language in Louis Vuitton advertisements.  Louis Vuitton, is a French luxury fashion house and company founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The data was collected by observation method. The researchers watched the advertisement repeatedly and noted important findings related to the research questions. Then, the researchers classified the data based on types of body languages performed by the models, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, postures, and other interesting body movements like touching and dancing. Qualitative method was used to analyze the collected data.  In analyzing the data, the researchers used theory of body signs proposed by Danesi (2004) as the main theory and supported by theory of body language by Pease (2004).  The finding shows that Louis Vuitton perfume video advertisement uniquely deliver messages in a mysterious way without using any promising words.  Keywords: body language, non-verbal communication, meaning, Louis Vuitton   Abstrak Komunikasi visual, khususnya bahasa tubuh, memainkan peranan penting dalam komunikasi.  Orang-orang mengirimkan informasi dan pesan melalui tubuhnya dan sebaliknya menerima informasi dan pesan dari orang lain juga melalui tubuhnya, selama proses komunikasi berlangsung.  Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk menelaah bahasa tubuh yang digunakan oleh model iklan Louis Vuitton dan menemukan makna serta peranannya dalam periklanan.  Louis Vuitton merupakan rumah mode mewah di Perancis dan sebuah perusahaan yang didirikan pada tahun 1854 oleh Louis Vuitton. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi.  Peneliti menonton iklan Louis Vuitton berulang kali dan mencatat temuan-temuan penting yang berkaitan dengan rumusan masalah penelitian.  Kemudian, peneliti mengklasifikasikan data berdasarkan jenis-jenis bahasa tubuh yang digunakan oleh model iklan, seperti kontak mata, ekspresi wajah, gestur, postur, dan gerakan tubuh lainnya yang menarik seperti sentuhan atau tarian. Peneliti menggunakan medote kualitatif dalam menganalisis data, dengan menggunakan teori dari Danesi (2004) tentang bahasa tubuh sebagai teori utama dan teori dari Pease (2004) sebagai teori pendukung.  Temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa video iklan parfum Louis Vuitton memiliki cara unik untuk menyampaikan pesan tanpa menggunakan kata-kata yang menjanjikan. Kata kunci: bahasa tubuh, komunikasi non-verbal, makna, Louis Vuitton


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    Ilmu pragmatik mengkaji tindak tutur dalam situasi bahasa yang sangat terikat dengan konteks. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan fungsi tindak tutur pada interaksi pemandu wisata dengan wisatawan Jepang di Bali. Data primer berupa tuturan dalam bentuk dialog antara pemandu wisata di bawah naungan biro perjalanan dengan wisatawan Jepang disesuaikan menurut konteks yang mengikuti setiap peristiwa tutur. Lokasi penelitian berada di Pulau Bali tepatnya di kabupaten Badung dan Gianyar. karena intensitas perjalanan wisatawan Jepang sangat tinggi ke daerah tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu, merekam berbagai interaksi lisan antara pemandu wisata dengan wisatawan Jepang, kemudian mencatat dan menyimak setiap interaksi dilanjutkan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam kepada pemandu wisata sebanyak 20 orang dengan kriteria yang sudah ditetapkan secara sembunyi-sembunyi guna mendapatkan informasi yang alami. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan pada tuturan pemandu wisata dalam satu konteks memungkinkan menggunakan lebih dari satu fungsi tuturan. Pada analisis ditemukan empat fungsi tindak tutur pemandu wisata ketika memberi layanan jasa kepada wisatawan Jepang  yaitu, a) fungsi asertif digunakan saat menjawab pertanyaan, menceritakan, mengomentari dan menjelaskan, b) fungsi direktif, untuk menyatakan bentuk menyuruh atau memerintah, memohon, memberikan saran, memesan, melarang dan mengkonfirmasi, c) fungsi komisif untuk menawari serta berjanji dan d) fungsi ekspresif menyatakan kegembiraan, kesedihan, kesukaan serta berhubungan dengan rasa. Dengan memahami fungsi tindak tutur maka, pemandu wisata dapat menggunakan fungsi tersebut dengan menyesuaikan pola komunikasi menurut budaya Jepang Selain itu, memahami fungsi tindak tutur mempermudah pembelajar bahasa dalam mempelajari pola pembentukan tuturan menurut tata bahasa Jepang, khususnya dalam domain pariwisata sebagai bahasa layanan. Abstract               Pragmatics examines speech acts in a language situation that related to the context of situation. This study describes the speech act function on the interaction of tour guides with Japanese tourists in Bali. Primary data are the kinds of utterances in some dialogue between tour guides in travel agency and Japanese tourists that follows the dialogue. The research location is in Bali, exactly in Badung and Gianyar regencies. This location chosen because the intensity of Japanese tourist travel is very high. Data collection techniques used recording various interactions between tour guides and Japanese tourists, then recording and listening to each interaction continued using interviews with tour guides as many as 20 people to get same information. The results of the analysis show that the utterances in a context allows using more than one speech function. There are four functions of the tour guide's speech acts when providing services to Japanese tourists such as, a) assertive functions are used when answering questions, telling, commenting and explaining, b) directive functions, to state the form of ordering, asking, giving advice, prohibiting and confirming, c) the commissive function to offer and promise and d) expressive functions expressing joy, sadness, liking and relating to taste. By understanding speech act functions, tour guides can use these functions by adjusting communication patterns according to Japanese culture. In addition, understanding speech act functions makes it easier for language learners to learn speech formation patterns according to Japanese grammar, especially in the tourism domain as a hospitality.


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    This study focuses on the analysis of how information may be lost, added, and skewed in the English-Indonesian translation of noun phrases in the novel The Valley of Fear. This study utilized descriptive qualitative method through note-taking technique. Nida’s principles of translation were applied to investigate how these three principles occur. The results showed that loss, addition, and skewing were found with several classifications, namely (1) omission of adjectives and indefinite quantifiers as well as different grammatical points of view for loss of information, (2) different linguistic and cultural aspects for addition of information, and (3) deviation of meaning and the choice of closest natural equivalence for skewing of information. Of the 507 cases found, addition of information occurs on the highest percentage, i.e. 54,81% (278 data), loss of information takes 41,42% (210 data) and skewing of information takes the lowest percentage, i.e. 3,74% (19 data). These findings indicate that actually loss, addition and skewing take place in translation of noun phases from English into Indonesian for the sake of finding naturalness without neglecting the accuracy of transferring meaning


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    Humour is one of essential aspects to communicate with other people comfortably. Most of verbal humours, especially implicit humours generate because people break Grice’s four conversational maxims. Concerning this phenomenon, this research aims to find out types of non-observance of cooperative principle found in verbal humour, which uttered by the characters in British Situational Comedy Miranda. Qualitative method was adapted to analyze the data, which was conducted through identifying, classifying, interpreting the data. Humorous utterances from nine episodes of Miranda were the primary sources of data. In collecting the data, the researchers observed the whole episodes and the scripts, checked the suitability, took a note, and classified it into tables. The study concludes that there are four types of non-observance of cooperative principle, namely violating, flouting, infringing, and opting out a maxim. The result reveals that there are 80 humorous utterances, which do not obey the maxim. There are 66 utterances (82,5%) of flouting maxim, 10 utterances (12,5%) violation maxim, 3 utterances (3,75%) of infringing maxim, and 1 utterance (1,25%) of opting out maxim which are found in the sitcom

    Deconstructing Internet Memes through Semiotic Analysis: Unveiling Myths and Ideologies in Visual and Verbal Signs

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    This paper will examine the meanings embedded in memes through semiotic analysis. Semiotics, as proposed by Chandler (2007), is the study of signs and symbols and their meanings, particularly in the context of communication and representation. Internet memes are culturally significant artifacts that consist of visual and verbal signs which convey a shared experience or cultural reference within a community. The objective of this study is to explore the myth and ideology that is conveyed through the signs used in these memes, and to examine the message that is being communicated to the audience. The data were collected by using observation method which involves the selection of a sample of widely shared Internet memes on social media platforms. This study used qualitative method in analyzing the data. These memes were analyzed using semiotic analysis to identify the signs used in the Internet memes and their associated meanings. The findings suggest that memes are a form of communication that uses signifiers to convey a message, and the connotative meanings of these signifiers can reveal the myth and ideology behind the message. Memes convey cultural values and beliefs and can challenge or reinforce dominant cultural ideologies. Understanding them can shed light on cultural reproduction in society, with implications for media, cultural, and sociology studies in the digital age

    Bali tourism advertisements: a linguistic analysis

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    Bali is very well known for its tourism which attracts many people all around the world with its magnificent nature and enchanting culture. Bali as the leading tourism destination in Indonesia is able to increase the welfare of its people from the tourism sector. Tourism development in Bali results in the growth of hotels, villas, and resorts in Bali. It challenges the owners of hotels or villas to promote their properties through advertisements in various media, including tourism magazines which are popular among travelers in Bali. The word choice is very crucial in the language of advertising and it becomes more effective when it fits the situational contexts. Language and contexts could not be separated in creating influential advertisement discourse. The aims of the study are: (a) to identify linguistic features used in accommodation advertisements; (b) to describe the situational contexts, and (c) to discover why these linguistic features are especially common in this situational context.  The data of the study were taken from hotel, villa and resort advertisements published on tourism magazines, such as Bali and Beyond, Bali Now and Hello Bali

    The Art of Symbolism: Decoding Balinese Silence Day Greeting Cards Through Semiotics

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    Studi ini menggunakan analisis semiotik untuk mengungkapkan simbol dan makna yang terkandung dalam kartu ucapan Hari Raya Nyepi di Bali. Hari Raya Nyepi adalah peristiwa budaya besar di Bali, Indonesia, yang ditandai dengan hari refleksi diri, meditasi, dan puasa. Penggunaan kartu ucapan selama acara ini telah menjadi praktik umum, dan kartu-kartu tersebut seringkali menampilkan simbolisme visual yang kaya makna budaya yang lebih dalam, disamping penggunaan bahasa verbal. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, khususnya analisis semiotik, untuk mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai budaya dan kepercayaan yang disampaikan melalui bahasa visual dan verbal dari kartu-kartu ucapan. Dengan menerapkan Semiotik sebagai kerangka teoritis, studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji penanda dan petanda yang hadir dalam kartu ucapan yang berkontribusi pada identitas budaya yang lebih luas di Bali. Temuan menunjukkan pentingnya berbagai simbol dan tanda, seperti penggunaan warna dan pola tertentu, serta peran bahasa dan tipografi dalam menyampaikan pesan budaya. Studi ini menyoroti pentingnya memahami konteks budaya dan simbolisme di balik kartu ucapan Hari Raya Nyepi di Bali dan bagaimana mereka berkontribusi pada identitas budaya yang lebih luas di Bali