90 research outputs found

    Perancangan Permainan Gelembung Huruf (Tokoh Wayang) Berbasis Sistem Operasi IOS Menggunakan Gamesalad

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    Currently, the globalization and modernization of the country make us forget the traditional culture. Not surprisingly, more people are not familiar with puppet , let alone moved to preserve it. Therefore, in this era get involved use of mobile devices such as smartphones as the most efficient tool as interactive learning media. Now, the use of smart mobile devices are no longer limited by age, therefore developers will try to exploit this as a media that can be used for interactive learning.Puppets as one of traditional Indonesian art is very typical of Indonesia. Aside from the form or shape, it can be seen also particularities of the story and the character of each puppet characters . Games that are culturally especially puppet is still rare, especially for mobile devices based on its iOS operating system. Thus the authors tried to make a game design that aims to increase knowledge about the names of the puppet characters.Game development tool use to make this game is GameSalad, with object -oriented programming concepts. GameSalad is one of game development tools that game developers can use to facilitate the making of the game for mobile devices based on the iOS operating system. The design phase begins with analysis requirement and system design. Implementation stage is done by building and developing the game in accordance with the draft that has been made, the implementation of the program. The testing phase is done with a black-box method.The results show that this game can run well on mobile devices with the iOS operating system. The buttons and functions on the game also can function properly and in accordance with their respective functionality. Based on the assessment provided by a sample of users, the game "Gelembung Huruf (Tokoh Wayang)” is considered attractive, easy to understand and play, able to gain knowledge about the names of the puppet characters, raises curiosity, as well as look good game, so the user's attention to play this game again

    Aplikasi Pemesanan Makanan Berbasis Mobile pada Rumah Makan “Lek Nonong”

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    The restaurant business that began growing in Semarang in particular areas Tembalang. Various types of food and drink offered by restaurants. Of course, to be able to compete the restaurant needs good management in the effort to obtain optimal benefits. Based on the problems need to develop an Order Food Mobile-Based Application to support the work processes of the restaurant, especially in the booking process and report transactions menu. The mobile application was built using jQuery Mobile programming language and HTML. The use of mobile applications is supported by an application which is running on a desktop computer that was built using the programming language PHP, Javascript and MySQL databases. Modeling applications was built using DFD (Data Flow Diagram). The results of the design Order Food Mobile-Based Application is an application that can be used for the work process and manage reports deals on restaurants, and also an application that can be used to enter the booking menu using mobile devices

    Survei Awal Kesiapan Kontraktor Di Surabaya Dalam Menerapkan “TIME Impact Analysis”

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    Keterlambatan dalam pelaksanaan proyek adalah hal yang sering kali tidak terhindari oleh Kontraktor karena sifat proyek konstruksi yang dinamis. Time Impact Analysis adalah salah satu metode delay analysis yang mana merupakan suatu bentuk analisa keterlambatan yang digunakan pada proyek konstruksi, untuk menentukan durasi keterlambatan yang bukan tanggung jawab kontraktor. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesiapan kontraktor di Surabaya dalam menerapkan Time Impact Analysis dan hal – hal yang menjadi kendala dalam menerapkannya. Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan kesiapan kontraktor di Surabaya dalam menerapkan Time Impact Analysis. Survei dilakukan terhadap 24 proyek yang terdiri dari 9 Perusahaan kontraktor. Berdasarkan hasil survei dengan total 67 responden, didapatkan hasil bahwa kontraktor di Surabaya belum siap untuk menerapkan Time Impact Analysis dikarenakan beberapa kendala, terutama kesulitan dalam penggunaan fragnet dan kesulitan memprediksi keterlambatan untuk analisa Time Impact Analysis secara Prospective

    Aplikasi Peta Interaktif Kabupaten Banyumas Berbasis Flash Sebagai Media Promosi Pariwisata

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    Banyumas tourism is one of the tourism potential in Indonesia that needs to be introduced. Banyumas wet tropical climate has a lot of tourism potential, especially in nature with the beauty of nature as attractiveness. It is expected to increase the number of tourists as well as local revenue. Therefore, it needs a media campaign that could lead to local and foreign tourists to visit the tourism in Banyumas. Through field surveys using GPS handheld, a road network map and attractions attribute data, then the resulting distribution map tourism of Banyumas. Based on this, so in this study will be designed a flash-based interactive map application, using Adobe Flash CS 6 to build the design and interface of applications, as well as the Action Script 2.0 for programming language. Flash recall election map with increasingly modern technological advances and the use of media promotion of the unique and interesting, the need for increased digital maps, as well as the appearance can be made attractive, informative and easy to use. Flash-based interactive map application as a medium to promote Banyumas Tourism is expected to help tourists in getting information on the distribution of tourist sites in Banyumas, so the tour in Banyumas has became one of the main goals for potential tourists

    Arthroscopic pull-through suture for tibial eminence avulsion fracture: a case series

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    Fractures of the tibial eminence is commonly reported in adolescents and adults, due to traffic accident, sports injury, or any other mechanism. Case 1: a 12-year-old male complained knee pain after a traffic accident 2 months prior to visit. Case 2: a 31-year-old female complained knee pain which worsened with long-distance walking and sitting, after falling on her knees one month prior to visit. Case 3: a 27-year-old female complained a worsening knee pain after traffic accident 12 years ago. Although it has been extensively studied, controversies regarding the best fixation method still exist. Open technique was once popular, but some morbidity has been associated with this method. Therefore, a new approach using arthroscopic pull-through suture technique, albeit technically challenging, is currently being advocated as a treatment option for such fractures. The result in our series confirm that all of 3 patients have a good result based on international knee documentation committee (IKDC) scoring for evaluation the treatment, hence support the use of this novel technique for the patients with tibial eminence avulsion fracture

    Perbandingan Aplikasi Program Microsoft Project Dan Primavera Dalam Penjadwalan Proyek Konstruksi

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    Dalam proses pembuatan penjadwalan proyek tidak dipungkiri ada banyak kendala, hal ini diakibatkan dari berbedanya tingkat kerumitan tiap proyek. Oleh karena itu diperlukan aplikasi program yang sesuai dengan berbagai macam kebutuhan Perusahaan/ latar belakang pengguna dalam membantu mengelola sebuah proyek konstruksi agar efektif dan efisien. Diantara berbagai aplikasi program yang ada sekarang ini Microsoft Project dan Primavera adalah aplikasi program profesional yang masih berkembang dan paling sering digunakan oleh project planner, project control, scheduler,project manager, estimator, dan lain-lain. Penelitian ini membandingkan kelebihan dan kelemahan kedua aplikasi program dengan memakai pendekatan studi literatur, mengintepretasikan dalam aplikasi program, menggunakan semua fitur aplikasi program yang tersedia, dan kemudianmembandingkan kedua aplikasi program berdasarkan 12 kategori menurut J. D. Witt sebagai kerangka dasar penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan keduanya memiliki kemampuan yang relatif sama. Disatu pihak, Microsoft Project sangat user frindly, tidak memerlukan waktu yang lama dalam menyelesaikan hubungan antar aktivitas, sangat kompatible dengan Microsoft Excel, memiliki kemampuan membuat jadwal kerja/ sistem kalendering dengan berbagai macam constraints, dan sangat baik digunakan pada proyek skala kecil. Sedangkan, Primavera baik dalam menampilkan grafik resource, cost, dan kurva S, mengatur informasi proyek dengan menggunakan kode aktivitas dan sangat baik digunakan pada proyek skala menengah sampai besar

    Synchronous diversification of Sulawesi’s iconic artiodactyls driven by recent geological events

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    The high degree of endemism on Sulawesi has previously been suggested to have vicariant origins, dating back 40 Myr ago. Recent studies, however, suggest that much of Sulawesi’s fauna assembled over the last 15 Myr. Here, we test the hypothesis that more recent uplift of previously submerged portions of land on Sulawesi promoted diversification, and that much of its faunal assemblage is much younger than the island itself. To do so, we combined palaeogeographical reconstructions with genetic and morphometric data sets derived from Sulawesi’s three largest mammals: the Babirusa, Anoa, and Sulawesi warty pig. Our results indicate that although these species most likely colonized the area that is now Sulawesi at different times (14 Myr ago to 2-3 Myr ago), they experienced an almost synchronous expansion from the central part of the island. Geological reconstructions indicate that this area was above sea level for most of the last 4 Myr, unlike most parts of the island. We conclude that emergence of land on Sulawesi (~1–2 Myr) may have allowed species to expand synchronously. Altogether, our results indicate that the establishment of the highly endemic faunal assemblage on Sulawesi was driven by geological events over the last few million years
