27 research outputs found

    Estudio de las características físico–químicas de las aguas del Balneario de San Nicolás (Almería)

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    Las aguas del balneario de San Nicolás, de Alhama de Almería, fueron declaradas de utilidad pública por Real Orden de 16 de mayo de 1877, bajo la denominación de aguas de Alhama la Seca; en 1928 fue confirmada la utilidad pública de las aguas minero-medicinales de Alhama de Almería. Existen diferentes estudios de las aguas de este balneario, especialmente en el siglo XIX, en los que se comenta el tipo de aguas y su clasificación, y la mayoría de autores hacen referencia a una temperatura de las mismas superior a 40ºC. Se analizaron las aguas correspondientes al origen del manantial, a una de las bañeras y a la fuente que se encuentra en uno de los patios. Las aguas surgen a una temperatura de 48ºC; su pH es cercano a 8. El residuo seco, a 180ºC, es superior a 600 mg/L. La dureza es cercana a 500 mg/L de CaCO3, y predomina el calcio, cuyo contenido es ligeramente superior a 100 mg/L. De los aniones, bicarbonatos y sulfatos son mayoritarios; el contenido de estos últimos, ligeramente superior a los 200 mg/L, permite considerar estas aguas como sulfatadas. Los fluoruros se encuentran en cantidad ligeramente superior a 1 mg/L, lo que indica que se pueden considerar fluoradas. Los análisis realizados nos indican que se trata de aguas hipertermales, de mineralización media, muy duras, sulfatadas y fluoradas

    The degradation of p53 and its major E3 ligase Mdm2 is differentially dependent on the proteasomal ubiquitin receptor S5a.

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    p53 and its major E3 ligase Mdm2 are both ubiquitinated and targeted to the proteasome for degradation. Despite the importance of this in regulating the p53 pathway, little is known about the mechanisms of proteasomal recognition of ubiquitinated p53 and Mdm2. In this study, we show that knockdown of the proteasomal ubiquitin receptor S5a/PSMD4/Rpn10 inhibits p53 protein degradation and results in the accumulation of ubiquitinated p53. Overexpression of a dominant-negative deletion of S5a lacking its ubiquitin-interacting motifs (UIM)s, but which can be incorporated into the proteasome, also causes the stabilization of p53. Furthermore, small-interferring RNA (siRNA) rescue experiments confirm that the UIMs of S5a are required for the maintenance of low p53 levels. These observations indicate that S5a participates in the recognition of ubiquitinated p53 by the proteasome. In contrast, targeting S5a has no effect on the rate of degradation of Mdm2, indicating that proteasomal recognition of Mdm2 can be mediated by an S5a-independent pathway. S5a knockdown results in an increase in the transcriptional activity of p53. The selective stabilization of p53 and not Mdm2 provides a mechanism for p53 activation. Depletion of S5a causes a p53-dependent decrease in cell proliferation, demonstrating that p53 can have a dominant role in the response to targeting S5a. This study provides evidence for alternative pathways of proteasomal recognition of p53 and Mdm2. Differences in recognition by the proteasome could provide a means to modulate the relative stability of p53 and Mdm2 in response to cellular signals. In addition, they could be exploited for p53-activating therapies. This work shows that the degradation of proteins by the proteasome can be selectively dependent on S5a in human cells, and that this selectivity can extend to an E3 ubiquitin ligase and its substrate

    Multidimensional Signals and Analytic Flexibility: Estimating Degrees of Freedom in Human-Speech Analyses

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    Recent empirical studies have highlighted the large degree of analytic flexibility in data analysis that can lead to substantially different conclusions based on the same data set. Thus, researchers have expressed their concerns that these researcher degrees of freedom might facilitate bias and can lead to claims that do not stand the test of time. Even greater flexibility is to be expected in fields in which the primary data lend themselves to a variety of possible operationalizations. The multidimensional, temporally extended nature of speech constitutes an ideal testing ground for assessing the variability in analytic approaches, which derives not only from aspects of statistical modeling but also from decisions regarding the quantification of the measured behavior. In this study, we gave the same speech-production data set to 46 teams of researchers and asked them to answer the same research question, resulting in substantial variability in reported effect sizes and their interpretation. Using Bayesian meta-analytic tools, we further found little to no evidence that the observed variability can be explained by analysts’ prior beliefs, expertise, or the perceived quality of their analyses. In light of this idiosyncratic variability, we recommend that researchers more transparently share details of their analysis, strengthen the link between theoretical construct and quantitative system, and calibrate their (un)certainty in their conclusions

    Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human speech analyses

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    Recent empirical studies have highlighted the large degree of analytic flexibility in data analysis which can lead to substantially different conclusions based on the same data set. Thus, researchers have expressed their concerns that these researcher degrees of freedom might facilitate bias and can lead to claims that do not stand the test of time. Even greater flexibility is to be expected in fields in which the primary data lend themselves to a variety of possible operationalizations. The multidimensional, temporally extended nature of speech constitutes an ideal testing ground for assessing the variability in analytic approaches, which derives not only from aspects of statistical modeling, but also from decisions regarding the quantification of the measured behavior. In the present study, we gave the same speech production data set to 46 teams of researchers and asked them to answer the same research question, resulting insubstantial variability in reported effect sizes and their interpretation. Using Bayesian meta-analytic tools, we further find little to no evidence that the observed variability can be explained by analysts’ prior beliefs, expertise or the perceived quality of their analyses. In light of this idiosyncratic variability, we recommend that researchers more transparently share details of their analysis, strengthen the link between theoretical construct and quantitative system and calibrate their (un)certainty in their conclusions

    Uncertainty quantification of a dynamic lift guiding system

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    September 15-17International audienc

    Interés de la albahaca (Ocimum basilicum) como alimento: valor nutritivo y propiedades funcionales

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    La alimentaci\uf3n del Mediterr\ue1neo es rica en aromas y sabores. Para ello se han utilizado muchas especias y condimentos venidos de otras partes del mundo e incorporados a la cocina de esta zona. Entre otros, se han utilizado y se utilizan diferentes hojas como la albahaca, el perejil o el tomillo. La albahaca (Ocimum basilicum) est\ue1 ampliamente difundida en pa\uedses de la cuenca mediterr\ue1nea donde distintas culturas la han utilizado desde hace miles de a\uf1os. Generalmente se consume en fresco en ensaladas, en pizza y sobre todo en la elaboraci\uf3n del pesto. Existen distintas variedades, todas ellas muy arom\ue1ticas, motivo principal de su uso, relacionadas con las \ue1reas donde se cultivan. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer el valor nutritivo, as\ued como algunos compuestos funcionales. Se han estudiado hojas de albahaca verde y morada, frescas, y albahaca seca comercializada como especia. Es interesante el contenido de fibra (2,5 \u2013 4,0 g / 100 g de producto fresco) y el de prote\uedna (2,0 \u2013 3,0 g / 100 g de producto fresco). La cantidad de hidratos de carbono disponibles y de grasa es muy peque\uf1a. La vitamina C se encuentra en muy peque\uf1a cantidad; la capacidad antioxidante es interesante

    Frequency response calculations of a nonlinear structure a comparison of numerical methods

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    Mechanical systems having presence of nonlinearities are often represented by nonlinear ordinary differential equations. For most of such equations, exact analytic solutions are not found; thus numerical techniques have to be used. In many applications, among which model calibration can be one, steady-state frequency response functions are the desired quantities to calculate. The objective of this paper is to compare the performance of computations of nonlinear frequency response functions (FRFs) calculated directly within the frequency domain, using the Multi-Harmonic Balance method, with the time-domain methods Runge-Kutta, Newmark and Pseudo Force in State Space (PFSS). The PFSS method is a recently developed state-space based force feedback method. The accuracy and efficiency of the methods are studied and compared using a model of a cantilever beam connected to a non-linear spring at its free end

    Anales de EdafologĂ­a y FisiologĂ­a Vegetal Tomo 12 NĂşmeros 9-10

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    Contribución al estudio del movimiento de agua del suelo por medidas de resistencia eléctrica, por José Mª Albareda, J. A. Jiménez Salas y Julia María González Peña.-- Análisis térmico diferencial de algunos minerales no arcillosos, por J. l. Fernández Alonso y F. Costell Landete.-- Efectos térmicos en la desecación de algunos materiales arcillosos, por A. G. Verduch.-- La determinación microscópica en los minerales detríticos y sus métodos de estudio, por Josefina Pérez Mateos.-- Contribución al estudio de la composición mineral de algunos forrajes de Galicia, por Gaspar González y Rafael Gallego.-- Contribución de los Forestales al estudio científico del suelo, por Antonio Nicolás lsasa.-- Importancia de los animales del suelo para la Edafología, por F. MihelcicINFORMACIÓN: La Misión Biológica de Galicia.-- Segunda Reunión de la Comisión Internacional del Castaño.-- Notas: Prof. A. Reifenberg.-- El ingeniero J. Salas, en Bogotá.-- Conferencias del Prof. Strugger.-- X Congreso Internacional de Industrias Agrícolas y AlimenticiasBIBLIOGRAFÍA: Foke Skoog: Plant Growth Substances.-- Albert F. Hill: Economic BotanyPeer reviewe