7,069 research outputs found

    Cap a l’aula híbrida: anàlisi de les xarxes socials vinculades a l’educació plàstica i visual

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    Resumen: Se pretende examinar la gran transformación que está sufriendo la comunidad educativa a raíz de la red virtual conocida como Internet. Enfocando concretamente las relaciones que se producen entre educación artística y las redes sociales, y analizando los conceptos fundamentales que intervienen en esta relación desde diferentes áreas del conocimiento, como de las nuevas tecnologías, educación artística, psicología, web 2.0 y software libre. Los Centros han quedado demasiado desvinculados de los nuevos medios y, en consecuencia, de la realidad del alumnado. Pretendemos acercar estas nuevas tecnologías desde la sencillez más absoluta, para poder realizar la tarea de la asignatura de Educación Plástica y Visual vinculada a los nuevos canales comunicativos utilizados por el alumnado. Palabras clave: Redes Sociales, Web 2.0, TIC, Aula híbrida, Software libre Resum: Es pretén examinar la gran transformació que està patint la comunitat educativa arran de la xarxa virtual coneguda com Internet. Enfocant concretament les relacions que es produeixen entre educació artística i les xarxes socials i analitzant els conceptes fonamentals que intervenen en aquesta relació des de diferents àrees del coneixement, com les noves tecnologies, educació artística, psicologia, web 2.0 i programari lliure. Els Centres han quedat massa desvinculats del nous mitjans i, en conseqüència, de la realitat de l'alumnat. Pretenem apropar aquestes noves tecnologies des de la senzillesa més absoluta, per poder realitzar la tasca de l'assignatura d'Educació Plàstica i Visual vinculada als nous canals comunicatius utilitzats per l'alumnat. Paraules clau: Xarxes Socials, Web 2.0, TIC, Aula híbrida, Programari lliure Abstract : This article aims to explore the great transformation that the educational community is suffering because of the network known as the Internet. It is specifically focused on the relationships that occur between artistic education and social networks, analyzing the fundamental concepts that come together in this relationship from different areas of knowledge, such as new technologies, art education, psychology, web 2.0 and free software. The Educational Centers have grown away from the new media, and therefore from the reality of the students (from the students real life). Our intention is to get closer to these new technologies, from the most absolute simplicity, in order to carry out the tasks of the Visual and Plastic Education course, establishing a relationship between these tasks and the new channels of communication used by students. Key words: Social Networking, Web 2.0, ICT, Hybrid classroom, Free Softwar

    Análisis del mensaje periodístico televisivo y su entendimiento en Lengua de Signos (Comunitat Valenciana)

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    XIX Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2014)El origen de esta investigación es poder reflejar las deficiencias comunicativas de la televisión con respecto a la gente sorda. Se ha centrado en el contexto de la Comunitat Valenciana por acotar el campo de trabajo. El estudio intenta conocer la percepción de los sordos y oyentes sobre la adaptación del mensaje periodístico a la Comunidad Sorda. Analizar la postura de expertos en Lengua de Signos en torno a la adaptación del mensaje periodístico actual y estudiar el planteamiento de las televisiones más vistas en la Comunitat. Para ello ha sido necesario crear encuestas y realizar entrevistas personales a expertos, así como consultar leyes y normativas. Con toda esta información se han podido elaborar tablas estadísticas para demostrar situaciones como que las personas sordas son más conformistas que las oyentes, quienes se muestran más preocupadas por la adaptabilidad del mensaje. También se demuestra en este trabajo que las personas sordas están más satisfechas con la televisión actual que las personas oyentes, y que los canales que mejor cumplen las expectativas informativas para este grupo de población es el primer canal de Televisión Española y La Sexta. Otra amplia parte del trabajo recoge las opiniones sobre la ya inexistente Televisión Pública Valenciana y su planteamiento con respecto al mensaje periodístico para personas sordas

    Una aproximació a la situació dels programes d'immersió lingüística al País Valencià

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    An immersion programme is an integrating educational curriculum, which aims to increase and not to reduce knowledge, and on no account tries to replace the family language of the student. Provided the teachers follow suitable pedagogic guidelines, they will encourage the students' capacity for linguistic reflection and, therefore, will foster the learning of other languages, making it easier for students to become multilingual and multicultural Such programme is included in our legislative codes which, in addition to giving legal support, also give methodological strategies that may guide teachers in its application. However, we may not forget that any school choice implying a change of language has a clear sociopolitical dimension, which is clearly the origin of the attitudes families and students possess on arrival at school

    The Ethics of Financial Market Making and Its Implications for High-Frequency Trading

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    During the last 20 years, the financial sector has undergone an unprecedented transformation due to new regulations and the implementation of several technological advancements. The combination of regulation and technology has brought about new financial processes that have fundamentally changed how financial market making is done. This paper studies the ethics of financial market making and its implications for one of the most controversial financial innovations of modern times, namely high-frequency trading (HFT). We claim that the Aristotelian distinction between natural chrematistics, which is aimed at serving the real economy, and unnatural chrematistics, whose ultimate purpose is wealth accumulation, can be a useful criterion to assess the ethics of financial market making and the goodness of an innovation as HFT, and how it can serve the common good of society. This approach can be defined as 'purpose oriented' or 'purpose fulfillment'

    Experiential learning in virtues ethics through a case study: The 'St. Albans Family Enterprises'

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    Teaching business ethics effectively may prepare future leaders and managers to better deal with delicate situations that they might face in the workplace. However, such an aim is one of the biggest challenges that educators at universities are called on to solve. An increasing number of scholars are invoking the role of prudence in the virtue ethics context as a viable approach to teach students how to manage ethical dilemmas. In this regard, this paper presents the ‘St. Albans Family Enterprise’ case study that can serve as an instrument to help students and practitioners develop their ethical decision-making ability and to foster a disposition towards applying sound judgment or what can be called in classical terms, prudence. The paper also offers guidance to educators about how the case can be used for teaching purposes, and explains the implications of exercising practical wisdom (prudence) within a virtue ethics framework


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    Le prolusioni e i testi delle lezioni universitarie sono il punto di partenza della ricerca: tali scritti offrono una prospettiva privilegiata \u2013 all\u2019interno del mondo giuridico subalpino prima e unitario poi \u2013 per valutare se e in che misura questi \u2018discorsi giuridici\u2019, per loro natura indirizzati a un pubblico di \ue9lite ma non limitato ai soli universitari, abbiano influito non solo sulla vita scientifica, accademica ma pure su quella culturale, politica ed istituzionale. La prima parte della tesi \ue8 dedicata ad un\u2019analisi dettagliata del dibattito sull\u2019istruzione legale a partire dalla \u2018Riforma Alfieri\u2019 del 1846: si \ue8 cercato di offrire un quadro della situazione didattica della Facolt\ue0 giuridica torinese nella seconda met\ue0 dell\u2019Ottocento, attraverso le parole \u2013 ed in specie i testi di lezione \u2013 degli stessi protagonisti che si preoccuparono di migliorare la qualit\ue0 e l\u2019organizzazione dell\u2019insegnamento. Tale cornice aiuta a comprendere meglio il clima e l\u2019ambiente di convinta partecipazione al miglioramento della didattica giuridica in cui si inseriscono le prolusioni e i discorsi inaugurali, che a loro volta rispecchiano le problematiche e gli argomenti topici del periodo, e le lezioni dei docenti della Facolt\ue0 subalpina. In proposito emerge l\u2019importante contributo di tre di essi, il Merlo, il Melegari e l\u2019Albini: nella seconda parte della tesi \ue8 stato dedicato un capitolo a ciascuno di questi tre giuristi. La scelta \ue8 ricaduta su questi tre docenti perch\ue9, sebbene molto diversi per origine e percorso di formazione, hanno offerto un diretto contributo personale al miglioramento degli studi legali sia con la collaborazione fattiva ad un perfezionamento legislativo del cursus studiorum legale sia con i loro insegnamenti che erano significativi del nuovo percorso degli studi legali intrapreso dopo la riforma Alfieri del 1846. Il punto di incontro fra i tre studiosi si trova nel comune convinto e profondo interesse per il miglioramento degli studi legali. La lettura dei testi delle loro lezioni ha permesso di poter apprezzare tale sforzo, non solo dal punto di vista dell\u2019impegno per il miglioramento della regolamentazione degli studi nella Facolt\ue0 legale, ma anche da quello del contenuto degli insegnamenti.The introducing lectures and the transcriptions of the University of Turin courses in law are the starting point of the research. These documents offer a privileged perspective on the law environment of the subalpine world, and subsequently of united Italy. They allow us to evaluate whether and how these discourses in law, addressed to a privileged public but not restricted to university circles, have had an influence not only on academia but also on the cultural, political and institutional life of the time. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to a detailed analysis of the debate on the structure of legal studies, starting from the 1846 \u201cAlfieri reform\u201d. The goal is to delineate an outline of the situation of didactics of the Turin\u2019s Law School during the second half of the nineteenth century. This is accomplished through the words and the transcriptions of the courses of those same professors that were influential in improving the quality and organization of the teaching. Such analysis helps better understanding the environment of active participation to the amelioration of the didactics of law education in which the inaugural lectures are immersed, reflecting the problems and topics of the time. In the second part of the thesis, the contributions of Professors Merlo, Melegari and Albini are discussed, and a chapter is dedicated to each of them. The analysis of the work of these three scholars is particularly interesting as, even if very different for social origin and academic curriculum, they have offered an important personal input to the enrichment of the law education path, both with an effective collaboration in the legal definition of the cursus studiorum and with their teachings, providing significant examples of the new study path in law (post Alfieri reform). The meeting point between the three scholars is the common interest for the improvement of legal studies. The analysis of the texts of their lectures has allowed this effort to be appreciated, not only under the point of view of the legal definition of the cursus studiorum, but also under that of the contents of their teaching

    Dizionario degli avvocati di Ancona, a cura di Nicola Sbano, Il lavoro editoriale, Ancona, 2009, pp. 319

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    Impact of electronic correlations on the equation of state and transport in ϵ\epsilon-Fe

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    We have obtained the equilibrium volumes, bulk moduli, equations of state of the ferromagnetic cubic α\alpha and paramagnetic hexagonal ϵ\epsilon phases of iron in close agreement with experiment using an ab initio dynamical mean-field theory approach. The local dynamical correlations are shown to be crucial for a successful description of the ground-state properties of paramagnetic ϵ\epsilon-Fe. Moreover, they enhance the effective mass of the quasiparticles and reduce their lifetimes across the αϵ\alpha \to \epsilon transition leading to a step-wise increase of the resistivity, as observed in experiment. The calculated magnitude of the jump is significantly underestimated, which points to non-local correlations. The implications of our results for the superconductivity and non-Fermi-liquid behavior of ϵ\epsilon-Fe are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Long term ordering kinetics of the two dimensional q-state Potts model

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    We studied the non-equilibrium dynamics of the q-state Potts model in the square lattice, after a quench to sub-critical temperatures. By means of a continuous time Monte Carlo algorithm (non-conserved order parameter dynamics) we analyzed the long term behavior of the energy and relaxation time for a wide range of quench temperatures and system sizes. For q>4 we found the existence of different dynamical regimes, according to quench temperature range. At low (but finite) temperatures and very long times the Lifshitz-Allen-Cahn domain growth behavior is interrupted with finite probability when the system stuck in highly symmetric non-equilibrium metastable states, which induce activation in the domain growth, in agreement with early predictions of Lifshitz [JETP 42, 1354 (1962)]. Moreover, if the temperature is very low, the system always gets stuck at short times in a highly disordered metastable states with finite life time, which have been recently identified as glassy states. The finite size scaling properties of the different relaxation times involved, as well as their temperature dependency are analyzed in detail.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figure