705 research outputs found

    Aproximació a l'estudi de l'estructura negativa CSP-Est 12 del jaciment prehistòric de la Caserna de Sant Pau del Camp (Barcelona)

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 13. Sesión de pósters libres.These last years the preventive archaeological excavations in Catalonia (Spain), allowed a great volume of documentation of prehistoric sites inside the subsoil of the Barcelona city. These sites often offers a re- currently documentation of negative structures (pits or similar), that are mostly stuffed by sediments formed by biotic and abiotic materials, product of a different complex processes (both tafonomic and social), that are very difficult to explain archaeologically without an interdisciplinary study of the primary social utilization of these prehistoric structures. Our study is a new contribution to the global revision of the Bronze age site "Caserna de la guardia civil de Sant Pau del Camp" in Barcelona city. That project being done by the group of archaeological research SAPPO (Dept. of Prehistory, UAB).Les excavacions preventives han permès una gran documentació d'assentaments d'hàbitat a l'aire lliure en el subsòl de Barcelona, dels quals molt sovint es documenten les estructures negatives (cubetes, sitges, fons de cabana, ...). Aquest tipus d'estructures es documenten majoritàriament amb farcits formats per sediments al costat de materials biòtics i abiòtics, fruit de processos complexos (tant tafonòmics com socials) que molt rarament proporcionen informació sobre les utilitzacions primàries d'aquestes estructures. No obstant això l'estudi especialitzat i interdisciplinari de la morfologia i dels materials pot permetre una aproximació global tant de l'estructura com a un nivell més general a l'assentament. Aquest estudi és una nova aportació a la revisió global dels nivells del Bronze del jaciment de Sant Pau del Camp de Barcelona que està realitzant el grup de recerca SAPPO del Departament de Prehistòria de la UAB

    Comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de tres hatos de ganado Cebú del Magdalena Medio

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    Se estudia el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de 3 hatos de ganado Cebú-Brahman puros, localizados en Sabana de Torres, Girón y Lebrija al noroccidente de Santander, con alturas de 118 a 160 m.s.n.m., temperaturas de 25 a 27 grados centígrados, humedad relativa de 65 a 80 por ciento y topografía plana con ondulaciones y suelo ácido. El sistema de explotación evolucionó desde el pastoreo continuo en praderas nativas al rotacional con praderas mejoradas y suplementación mineral. El sistema de monta fue continuo y osciló entre 35 vacas/toro al comienzo y 25-30 vacas/toro al final. Debido a la ubicación y manejo diferentes, los 3 hatos fueron analizados independientemente. En el hato 1 se analizaron 1843 observaciones para medir el intervalo entre partos y 478 para el peso al nacimiento y al desdete (270 días). Se utilizó un análisis por cuadrados mínimos con subclases desiguales. El peso al destete se ajustó por covarianza, debido a la dispersión de la edad al destete. Para tasa de natalidad se procesaron y analizaron por X elevado a la 2 3175 hatos

    Leptin and adiponectin variations in rat’s milk and plasma throughout the lactation period

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 1. Pòster núm. 1

    The 2011 October Draconids outburst. I. Orbital elements, meteoroid fluxes and 21P/Giacobini-Zinner delivered mass to Earth

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    On October 8th, 2011 the Earth crossed the dust trails left by comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner during its XIX and XX century perihelion approaches with the comet being close to perihelion. The geometric circumstances of that encounter were thus favorable to produce a meteor storm, but the trails were much older than in the 1933 and 1946 historical encounters. As a consequence the 2011 October Draconid display exhibited several activity peaks with Zenithal Hourly Rates of about 400 meteors per hour. In fact, if the display had been not forecasted, it could have passed almost unnoticed as was strongly attenuated for visual observers due to the Moon. This suggests that most meteor storms of a similar nature could have passed historically unnoticed under unfavorable weather and Moon observing conditions. The possibility of obtaining information on the physical properties of cometary meteoroids penetrating the atmosphere under low-geocentric velocity encounter circumstances motivated us to set up a special observing campaign. Added to the Spanish Fireball Network wide-field all-sky and CCD video monitoring, other high-sensitivity 1/2" black and white CCD video cameras were attached to modified medium-field lenses for obtaining high resolution orbital information. The trajectory, radiant, and orbital data of 16 October Draconid meteors observed at multiple stations are presented. The results show that the meteors appeared from a geocentric radiant located at R.A.=263.0+-0.4 deg. and Dec.=+55.3+-0.3 deg. that is in close agreement with the radiant predicted for the 1873-1894 and the 1900 dust trails. The estimated mass of material from 21P/Giacobini-Zinner delivered to Earth during the six-hours outburst was around 950+-150 kg.Comment: Manuscript in press in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, submitted to MNRAS on November 16th, 2012 Accepted for publication in MNRAS on April 28th, 2013 Manuscript Pages: 21 Tables: 8 Figures: 4 Manuscript associated: "The 2011 October Draconids outburst. II. Meteoroid chemical abundances from fireball spectroscopy" by J.M. Madiedo is also in press in the same journa

    Leptin and EGF Supplementation Enhance the Immune System Maturation in Preterm Suckling Rats

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    In preterm newborns the immaturity of the immune system is remarkable, with reduced innate and adaptive immune responses. Many bioactive compounds in breast milk, such as growth factors and adipokines, contribute to the immune system's maturation in early life. However, studies on the immunoregulatory activity in preterm neonates are practically nonexistent. The aim of the present study was to determine whether a nutritional supplementation in early life with leptin or epidermal growth factor (EGF) was able to promote the maturation of the systemic and intestinal immune system in preterm conditions. For this purpose, premature rats were daily supplemented by oral gavage with leptin or EGF. Term and Preterm groups receiving vehicle were used as controls. Preterm rats showed deficiencies compared to full-term ones, such as lower body weights, erythrocyte counts, plasma IgG and IgM concentrations and B cell percentages, and higher values of Th and Tc TCRαβ+ cells in mesenteric lymph nodes, and intestinal permeability, among others. However, leptin and EGF supplementation were able to revert some of these deficiencies and to improve the premature immune system's development. These results suggest that leptin and EGF are involved in enhancing the maturation of the systemic and intestinal immune system in preterm conditions

    Assessment of vapor pressure deficit variability and trends in Spain and possible connections with soil moisture

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    The Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) is one of the most relevant surface meteorological variables; with important implications in ecology, hydrology, and atmosphere. By understanding the processes involved in the variability and trend of the VPD, it is possible to assess the possible impacts and implications related to both physical and human environments, like plant function, water use efficiency, net ecosystem production, atmospheric CO2 growth rate, etc. This study analysed recent temporal variability and trends in VPD in Spain between 1980 and 2020 using a recently developed high-quality dataset. Also, the connection between VPD and soil moisture and other key climate variables (e.g. air temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity) was assessed on different time scales varying from weekly to annual. The objective was to determine if changes in land-atmosphere feedbacks connected with soil moisture and evapotranspiration anomalies have been relevant to assess the interannual variability and trends in VPD. Results demonstrate that VPD exhibited a clear seasonality and dominant positive trends on both the seasonal (mainly spring and summer) and annual scales. Rather, trends were statistically non-significant (p > 0.05) during winter and autumn. Spatially, VPD positive trends were more pronounced in southern and eastern of Spain. Also, results suggest that recent trends of VPD shows low contribution of variables that drive land-atmosphere feedbacks (e.g. evapotranspiration, and soil moisture) in comparison to the role of global warming processes. Notably, the variability of VPD seems to be less coupled with soil moisture variability during summertime, while it is better interrelated during winter, indicating that VPD variability would be mostly related to climate variability mechanisms that control temperature and relative humidity than to land-atmosohere feedbacks. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of assessing driving forces and physical mechanisms that control VPD variability using high-quality climate datasets, especially, in semiarid and sub-humid regions of the world

    La Leishmaniosis en la provincia de Granada: estudio de la enzootia canina

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    Con el fin de determinar el papel que desempeña el perro en la epidemiología de la Leishmaniosis en la provincia de Granada hemos realizado un estudio de la sintomatología, índice de parasitación y distribución de esta enfermedad en dicho animal. En cuanto a la sintomatología, algunos perros presentaban el cuadro clínico característico de la enfermedad, pero otros, sin embargo, presentaban unos síntomas totalmente inespecíficos y, en consecuencia, fácil de confundir con otras enfermedades. La realización de una encuesta al azar en 1.503 perros proporciona un índice de parasitación del 8,84%, lo que nos da una idea de la importancia de la enfermedad. Además, se puede observar que, aunque los mayores índices de parasitación se encuentran en las comarcas tradicionalmente consideradas endémicas (La Costa y Las Alpujarras), la enfermedad está ampliamente esparcida por toda la provincia y con unos índices dignos de tener en cuenta. En consecuencia, habría que considerar como zona endémica de leishmaniosis a toda la provincia, y no se debería restringir este término solamente a la región costero-alpujarreña, tal y como ha venido sucediendo

    La Leishmaniosis en la provincia de Granada: estudio de la enzootia canina

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    Con el fin de determinar el papel que desempeña el perro en la epidemiología de la Leishmaniosis en la provincia de Granada hemos realizado un estudio de la sintomatología, índice de parasitación y distribución de esta enfermedad en dicho animal. En cuanto a la sintomatología, algunos perros presentaban el cuadro clínico característico de la enfermedad, pero otros, sin embargo, presentaban unos síntomas totalmente inespecíficos y, en consecuencia, fácil de confundir con otras enfermedades. La realización de una encuesta al azar en 1.503 perros proporciona un índice de parasitación del 8,84%, lo que nos da una idea de la importancia de la enfermedad. Además, se puede observar que, aunque los mayores índices de parasitación se encuentran en las comarcas tradicionalmente consideradas endémicas (La Costa y Las Alpujarras), la enfermedad está ampliamente esparcida por toda la provincia y con unos índices dignos de tener en cuenta. En consecuencia, habría que considerar como zona endémica de leishmaniosis a toda la provincia, y no se debería restringir este término solamente a la región costero-alpujarreña, tal y como ha venido sucediendo