603 research outputs found

    O desenvolvimento do raciocínio proporcional num ambiente dinâmico de geometria dinâmica: ressonância de um programa de formação contínua em matemática - m@c2

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    A frequência do m@c2 – Programa de Formação Continua em Matemática com professores do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade de Aveiro – inspirou e motivou uma professora, em parceria com o ex-formador, a conceber e implementar uma experiência de aprendizagem que pudesse contribuir para um mais sólido desenvolvimento d o raciocínio proporcional e da representação gráfica das situações em causa, envolvendo o conceito de função linear. Para a sua avaliação, desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso que envolveu uma turma do 6º ano de escolaridade. A análise qualitativa dos dados recolhidos permitiu concluir que a exploração de um ambiente dinâmico de geometria dinâmica – GeoGebra – pode criar condições para o desenvolvimento de tal compreensão.The frequency of the m@c2 - In training Program in Mathematics with teachers in the of Elementary School of the University of Aveiro - inspired and motivated a female teacher, in partnership with former trainer, to design and implement a learning experience that could contribute to a stronger development of proportional reasoning and graphical representation of the situations in question, involving the concept of linear function. For its assessment, a study case was developed involving a group of 6th grade. Qualitative analysis of the data collected showed that the exploitation of a dynamic geometry dynamic - GeoGebra - can create conditions for the development of such understanding.La frecuencia de la m@c2 - Programa de Formación Continua en Matemáticas con los maestros de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Aveiro - inspiró y motivó una maestra, en colaboración con su ex formador, a diseñar y implementar una experiencia de aprendizaje que podría contribuir a un mayor desarrollo del razonamiento proporcional y de la representación gráfica de las situaciones en cuestión, lo que implica el concepto de función lineal. Para su evaluación, se desarrolló un estudio de caso que involucra a un grupo de sexto. El análisis cualitativo de los datos recogidos ha mostrado que la explotación de un ambiente dinámico de geometría dinámica - GeoGebra - puede crear las condiciones para el desarrollo de esa comprensión

    Contributos para a integraçao da história da matemática na formaçao inicial de professores

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    Este artigo insere-se num estudo desenvolvido no âmbito da formação inicial de professores da escolaridade básica (educação primária) com foco na resolução e exploração didáctica de problemas que ilustram usos da matemática em situação diversificadas do quotidiano social passado (problemas históricos). Os resultados permitem-nos sustentar a relevância didáctica destes problemas e identificar algumas dificuldades à sua integração na aula de matemática. É esta discussão que aqui pretendemos fazer

    Didática da matemática em cursos de formação de educadores e professores

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    The Bologna Process aimed at restructuring European Higher Education, improving its quality training and standardization. However, these objectives have not been fulfilled, yet. The training of early childhood educators and primary school teachers is dissimilar, namely, in the skills demanded, the access to the courses and the degree requirements. We analyzed, specifically, the syllabuses of the courses, taking into account the didactics of mathematics. We concluded that these syllabuses differ greatly concerning the (in)dependence of the courses, their distribution, number of European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), aims, program content, teaching methodology, system of assessment and bibliography proposed.publishe

    Thermal restraint and fire resistance of columns

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    A proposal is made, based on the results of a series of tests and calculations, with the aim of being used as a simple method to correct the value of the critical temperature of steel columns free to elongate, in order to take into account the restraint effect of the structure to which they belong in a practical situation. To better illustrate the possible types of behaviour of heated steel columns with elastic restraint to the thermal elongation, and the reasons why the critical temperature of axially loaded slender steel columns with thermal restraint can sometimes be lower than the critical temperature of the same columns free to elongate, a simple model is presented and used in a qualitative analysis.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V37-46WW50B-1/1/139a30367738460772843d1279c4c32

    Different kidney function trajectory patterns before dialysis in elderly patients: clinical implications and outcomes

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    Background. Identifying trajectories of kidney disease progression in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients may help to deliver better care. We aimed to identify and characterize trajectories of renal function decline in CKD patients and to investigate their association with mortality after dialysis.Methods. This retrospective cohort study included 378 CKD patients who initiated dialysis (aged 65 years and over) between 2009 and 2016. Were considered mixed models using linear quadratic and cubic models to define the trajectories, and we used probabilistic clustering procedures. Patient characteristics and care practices at and before dialysis were examined by multivariable multinomial logistic regression. The association of these trajectories with mortality after dialysis was examined using Cox models.Results. Four distinct groups of eGFR trajectories decline before dialysis were identified: slower decline (18.3%), gradual decline (18.3%), early rapid decline (41.2%), and rapid decline (22.2%). Patients with rapid eGFR decline were more likely to have diabetes, more cognitive impairment, to have been hospitalized before dialysis, and were less likely to have received pre-dialysis care compared to the patients with a slower decline. They had a higher risk of death within the first and fourth year after dialysis initiation, and after being more than 4 years in dialysis.Conclusions. There are different patterns of eGFR trajectories before dialysis initiation in the elderly, that may help to identify those who are more likely to experience an accelerated decline in kidney function, with impact on pre ESKD care and in the mortality risk after dialysis

    Undifferentiated Sarcoma of the Liver in the Adult

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    Os AA apresentam um caso clínico de sarcoma indiferenciado do fígado no adulto com metástases pulmonares, cardíacas e com recidiva local hepática. Salienta-se a contribuição dos exames complementares de diagnóstico, com especial relevo para a ecocardiografia no diagnóstico precoce de metástases intracardiacas. Não encontrámos qualquer outro caso descrito na literatura portuguesa

    Biomarkers and Imaging Findings of Anderson-Fabry Disease-What We Know Now

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    Anderson-Fabry disease (AFD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder, caused by deficiency or absence of the alpha-galactosidase A activity, with a consequent glycosphingolipid accumulation. Biomarkers and imaging findings may be useful for diagnosis, identification of an organ involvement, therapy monitoring and prognosis. The aim of this article is to review the current available literature on biomarkers and imaging findings of AFD patients. An extensive bibliographic review from PubMed, Medline and Clinical Key databases was performed by a group of experts from nephrology, neurology, genetics, cardiology and internal medicine, aiming for consensus. Lyso-GB3 is a valuable biomarker to establish the diagnosis. Proteinuria and creatinine are the most valuable to detect renal damage. Troponin I and high-sensitivity assays for cardiac troponin T can identify patients with cardiac lesions, but new techniques of cardiac imaging are essential to detect incipient damage. Specific cerebrovascular imaging findings are present in AFD patients. Techniques as metabolomics and proteomics have been developed in order to find an AFD fingerprint. Lyso-GB3 is important for evaluating the pathogenic mutations and monitoring the response to treatment. Many biomarkers can detect renal, cardiac and cerebrovascular involvement, but none of these have proved to be important to monitoring the response to treatment. Imaging features are preferred in order to find cardiac and cerebrovascular compromise in AFD patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Familial pseudoxanthoma elasticum with nephrocalcinosis: a case report

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by progressive calcification and fragmentation of elastic fibres. PXE commonly involves the reticular dermis, the Bruch membrane of the eye, and blood vessels. PXE is caused by mutations in the ABCC6 gene. More than 300 pathogenic ABCC6 mutations are known. Two of these mutations are common: p.R1141X in exon 24, with a prevalence of 30%, and the Alu–mediated deletion of exons 23 to 29 (EX23_29del; p.A999_S1403del) found in 10-20% of patients. Homozygosity is rare. A 40-year-old female with a previous diagnosis of PXE was admitted in Nephrology Outpatient Clinic for nephrocalcinosis. She has two sisters, one of which also has a diagnosis of PXE and nephrocalcinosis. Physical examination revealed the presence of typical skin and ocular abnormalities. Microscopic and gross hematuria was reported in both affected sisters. Abdominal ultrasound confirmed bilateral cortico-medullar nephrocalcinosis. Calcium and phosphorus levels in blood and urine were normal. Hyperparathyroidism, renal tubular acidosis, hypervitaminosis D and hyperoxaluria were excluded. Renal biopsy showed only minor glomerular abnormalities. Medullary sponge kidney was identified by excretory urography. Genomic DNA was used as a template for PCR amplification of the region spanning introns 22 to 29 of ABCC6 [Pfendner et al., J Med Genet 2007;44:621-8]. The oligonucleotide cocktail used generated a 552bp PCR product for the normal sequence, and a 652bp product for the deletion mutation. Both sisters with PXE were homozygous for the EX23_29del mutation. The third sister did not carry this deletion. There are occasional reports of diffuse visceral calcifications (testis, mammary gland) in PXE. PXE-associated nephrocalcinosis was previously noted in four patients belonging to different families. This is the first report of familiar co-occurrence of PXE and nephrocalcinosis with medullary sponge kidney. These sisters’ peculiar phenotype could be due to their unusual genotype, or other shared genetic and environmental factors

    Benefícios dos Ativadores Seletivos dos Recetores de Vitamina D em Doentes Transplantados Renais

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    Severe chronic kidney disease may lead to disturbances, such as hyperphosphatemia, increased secretion of fibroblast growth factor -23 (FGF -23) and vitamin D deficiency. These may increase plasmatic levels of parathyroid hormone, and decrease plasmatic levels of calcium. Altogether, these may contribute to the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism, and to abnormalities in mineral metabolism. Kidney transplantation is the best option to improve longevity and quality of life in end -stage chronic kidney disease patients. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in chronic kidney disease. Therefore, diagnosing this deficiency may be pivotal for minimizing mortality in chronic kidney disease, because pharmacological treatments for this deficiency may be prescribed. Calcitriol is indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, both in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients. However, calcitriol may increase the plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous, which can lead to vascular calcifications, that have been associated with cardiovascular mortality. Selective vitamin D receptor activators are indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in chronic kidney disease. These have the advantage of being associated with lower increases of plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous. These drugs also seem to have additional effects that may minimise patient morbidity and mortality, especially due to potentially reducing cardiovascular events. Unfortunately, there are few studies about the use of these drugs in kidney transplanted patients. Here we present a review about the physiology of vitamin D, the consequences of its deficiency in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients, and about the diagnosis and treatment of this deficiency. Finally, we discuss the new line of research about the efficacy and safety of selective vitamin D receptor activators in kidney transplanted patients

    Two isoforms of vasa maternal factor in Senegalese sole: Biotechnological applications

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    Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) identification and manipulation present considerable potential for hatchery practice and surrogate broodstocks. To carry out the PGCs characterization a specific molecular marker is required. The vasa gene is a good candidate to identify PGCs and others germinal cells (Nagasawa et al., 2009). The aim of this study was the cloning of the Solea senegalensis vasa cDNA and its expression pattern during early development and adulthood
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