547 research outputs found

    Som paraules. Aproximació al que som i projectem quan parlem. Reflexió i aplicació pràctica per a Educació Infantil

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    El llenguatge és una eina essencial perquè l’individu puga desenvolupar-se socialment i culturalment i, alhora, li servirà per bastir la construcció de la seua personalitat. La capacitat lingüística de l’ésser humà està estretament relacionada amb el seus pensaments. Per això, segons el vocabulari assolit ―conformat d’intencions i significats diferents―, les emocions que provoquen conductes en la relació amb els altres seran ben diferents. Durant els primers anys, les persones establim les basses d’allò que serà la nostra personalitat i el llenguatge tindrà un paper decisiu en aquesta construcció. Aprendre a gestionar els nostres pensaments fets de paraules i ser conscients de quines intencions hi ha al darrere, serà una tasca a treballar des de la primera etapa educativa a l’escola, amb la finalitat d’anar desenvolupant competències que ens ajuden a tindre una vida social plena i completa.The individual has Language as an essential tool to develop socially and culturally and, at the same time, it’s the basis that will help you in the construction of your personality. The linguistic capacity of the individual is closely related to his thoughts and according to the words that make these intentions and meanings, they will produce some emotions that cause behavior in the relationship with others. It is during the first years of development, where people set the foundations of what will be our personality and language will play an important role in this construction. Learning to manage our thoughts made of words and being aware of what intentions are behind those words will be the main task to work on from the first educational stage in school. All of this with the purpose of developing skills that help us have good relationships with others and with oneself

    Revelaciones y ocultaciones

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    El proyecto llevado a cabo, engloba un trabajo de experimentación técnica a caballo entre la fotografía y la pintura. Un diálogo entre los dos lenguajes en el que se trata un tema tan amplio, abstracto y atrayente como es el de la identidad. Se trata de una serie de diez retratos fotográficos realizados en blanco y negro pero no revelados de la manera tradicional, sino haciendo partícipe de ello a la herramienta clave de la pintura: el pincel. Reveladas a brochazos, estas imágenes simbolizan aquello que nos deja entrever cada persona de sí misma partiendo de “la frágil belleza contenida en un instante” que se consigue mediante la fotografía. El objetivo es hacernos pensar en qué hay más allá de lo que aparentamos, de lo que somos por fuera y dejamos que la gente vea de nosotros. Las imágenes intentan expresar el alma de un individuo cómo si lo de dentro saliera en forma de explosión dejándonos ver los detalles ocultos de su persona. Dentro del trabajo también es importante el color, tomado como la mejor forma de intentar representar algo tan abstracto, algo intangible pero tan importante como es el estado de ánimo, una emoción, el alma en si. Por ello, mediante suaves veladuras se cierra el proceso en el que de una manera poética se trata el tema del retrato y con él, el de la identidad. En este proyecto cobra la misma importancia el camino experimental que se ha trazado técnicamente para llegar al final resultado final como el resultado mismo.Oltra I Bea, M. (2014). Revelaciones y ocultaciones. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/50285.Archivo delegad

    Genetics of Hypercholesterolemia: Comparison Between Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Hypercholesterolemia Nonrelated to LDL Receptor

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    Severe hypercholesterolemia (HC) is defined as an elevation of total cholesterol (TC) due to the increase in LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) >95th percentile or 190 mg/dl. The high values of LDL-C, especially when it is maintained over time, is considered a risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), mostly expressed as ischemic heart disease (IHD). One of the best characterized forms of severe HC, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), is caused by the presence of a major variant in one gene (LDLR, APOB, PCSK9, or ApoE), with an autosomal codominant pattern of inheritance, causing an extreme elevation of LDL-C and early IHD. Nevertheless, an important proportion of serious HC cases, denominated polygenic hypercholesterolemia (PH), may be attributed to the small additive effect of a number of single nucleotide variants (SNVs), located along the whole genome. The diagnosis, prevalence, and cardiovascular risk associated with PH has not been fully established at the moment. Cascade screening to detect a specific genetic defect is advised in all first- and second-degree relatives of subjects with FH. Conversely, in the rest of cases of HC, it is only advised to screen high values of LDL-C in first-degree relatives since there is not a consensus for the genetic diagnosis of PH. FH is associated with the highest cardiovascular risk, followed by PH and other forms of HC. Early detection and initiation of high-intensity lipid-lowering treatment is proposed in all subjects with severe HC for the primary prevention of ASCVD, with an objective of LDL-C <100 mg/dl or a decrease of at least 50%. A more aggressive reduction in LDL-C is necessary in HC subjects who associate personal history of ASCVD or other cardiovascular risk factors

    Probing of local ferroelectricity in BiFeO3 thin films and (BiFeO3)m(SrTiO3)m superlattices

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    Ferroelectric BiFeO3 thin films and artificial superlattices of (BiFeO3)m(SrTiO3)m (m~ 1 to 10 unit cells) were fabricated on (001)-oriented SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed laser ablation. The variation of leakage current and macroscopic polarization with periodicity was studied. Piezo force microscopy studies revealed the presence of large ferroelectric domains in the case of BiFeO3 thin films while a size reduction in ferroelectric domains was observed in the case of superlattice structures. The results show that the modification of ferroelectric domains through superlattice, could provide an additional control on engineering the domain wall mediated functional properties.Comment: 14 pages, To be published in J. Mag. Mag Mater. proceedings of EMRS 200

    ANGPTL3 gene variants in subjects with familial combined hyperlipidemia

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    Angiopoietin-like 3 (ANGPTL3) plays an important role in lipid metabolism in humans. Loss-of-function variants in ANGPTL3 cause a monogenic disease named familial combined hypolipidemia. However, the potential contribution of ANGPTL3 gene in subjects with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) has not been studied. For that reason, the aim of this work was to investigate the potential contribution of ANGPTL3 in the aetiology of FCHL by identifying gain-of-function (GOF) genetic variants in the ANGPTL3 gene in FCHL subjects. ANGPTL3 gene was sequenced in 162 unrelated subjects with severe FCHL and 165 normolipemic controls. Pathogenicity of genetic variants was predicted with PredictSNP2 and FruitFly. Frequency of identified variants in FCHL was compared with that of normolipemic controls and that described in the 1000 Genomes Project. No GOF mutations in ANGPTL3 were present in subjects with FCHL. Four variants were identified in FCHL subjects, showing a different frequency from that observed in normolipemic controls: c.607-109T>C, c.607-47_607-46delGT, c.835+41C>A and c.*52_*60del. This last variant, c.*52_*60del, is a microRNA associated sequence in the 3'UTR of ANGPTL3, and it was present 2.7 times more frequently in normolipemic controls than in FCHL subjects. Our research shows that no GOF mutations in ANGPTL3 were found in a large group of unrelated subjects with FCHL

    Effect of intensive LDL cholesterol lowering with PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies on tendon xanthoma regression in familial hypercholesterolemia

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    Background and aims: The effect of LDLc lowering with PCSK9 antibodies on tendon xanthomas (TX) is unknown. Methods: TX was measured in 24 heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) cases and in 24 HeFH controls with or without PCSK9 inhibitors for at least one year. Results: Exposure to PCSK9 inhibitors in cases was 2.96 ± 1.33 years. LDLc decreased 80.8 ± 7.66% in cases and 56.9 ± 11.1% in controls. There was a decrease in maximum (-5.03%) and mean (-5.32%) TX in cases but not in controls (+3.97%, +3.16, respectively, p = 0.01). PCSK9 inhibitor treatment was independently associated with TX reduction. Conclusion: Addition of a PCSK9 inhibitor to statin and ezetimibe resulted in a greater decrease in LDLc and TX after 3 years of treatment

    In-situ laser synthesis of rare earth aluminate coatings in the system Ln-Al-O (Ln = Y, Gd)

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    Laser zone melting (LZM) was employed in this work to prepare Ln-Al-O coatings on polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates, using the corresponding mixtures of powdered rare-earth oxides and Al2O 3 as starting materials. In-situ synthesis of the compounds Ln = Y, Gd was performed using a CO2 laser, emitting at 10.6 μm. Microstructure (SEM) and phase nature (XRD) demonstrated in-situ formation of Al2O3/Y3Al5O12(YAG) and Al2O3/GdAlO3(GAP) eutectic systems. The interaction with the substrate resulted in mechanically stable, well integrated 200-500 μm thick composite coatings, as observed in nanoindentation tests. The phase relations found in these materials are consistent with the crystallographic concepts advanced by Vegas (Ramos-Gallardo & Vegas, J. Solid State Chem. 128 (1997) 69), where cation sub-arrays are proposed to play an important role in governing metal oxide structures. These sub-arrays are suggested as the structural drive behind eutectic oxide formation. LZM proves to be a convenient method to investigate the behaviour of complex oxide systems at high temperature, to apply a rational concept towards the understanding of phase relations and to develop design criteria for oxide coatings. © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Government (projects CEN 2007-2014, MAT2010- 18519 and SURFALUX SOL-00030930),Peer Reviewe

    Does mindful parenting mediate the association between maternal anxiety during pregnancy and child behavioral/emotional problems?

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    Objectives Maternal anxiety during pregnancy is a risk factor for child behavioral/emotional problems. Knowledge about explanatory factors mediating this link is scarce. Maternal anxiety during pregnancy may be an indicator of adverse postnatal environmental conditions, including maternal anxiety and poor parenting, possibly affecting child behavior. This study investigated whether maternal anxiety and mindful parenting in early childhood mediate the association between maternal anxiety during pregnancy and child behavioral/emotional problems. Methods This study was based on a sample of 118 mother-child dyads who participated in a cohort study that followed participants from pregnancy until 4 years after birth. At 21 weeks’ gestation and when the child was 4 years old, mothers completed questionnaires to assess state anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) and general anxiety (Symptom Checklist-90 anxiety subscale). At age 4 years, mothers reported mindful parenting (Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale) and child behavioral/emotional problems (Child Behavior Checklist). Results Maternal state anxiety during pregnancy was positively associated with child internalizing problems and negatively with mindful parenting. Maternal general anxiety during pregnancy was related with more child internalizing and externalizing problems but not with mindful parenting. The association between maternal state anxiety during pregnancy and child internalizing problems was sequentially mediated via concurrent maternal general anxiety and mindful parenting. Conclusions These findings suggest that maternal anxiety during pregnancy continues into early childhood and, because of this, it subsequently affects child internalizing behavior via poor mindful parenting. Replication studies are needed before developing interventions for tackling maternal anxiety during pregnancy and promoting mindful parenting

    Frequency of rare mutations and common genetic variations in severe hypertriglyceridemia in the general population of Spain

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    Background: Hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) is a common complex metabolic trait that results of the accumulation of relatively common genetic variants in combination with other modifier genes and environmental factors resulting in increased plasma triglyceride (TG) levels. The majority of severe primary hypertriglyceridemias is diagnosed in adulthood and their molecular bases have not been fully defined yet. The prevalence of HTG is highly variable among populations, possibly caused by differences in environmental factors and genetic background. However, the prevalence of very high TG and the frequency of rare mutations causing HTG in a whole non-selected population have not been previously studied. Methods: The total of 23, 310 subjects over 18 years from a primary care-district in a middle-class area of Zaragoza (Spain) with TG >500 mg/dL were selected to establish HTG prevalence. Those affected of primary HTG were considered for further genetic analisys. The promoters, coding regions and exon-intron boundaries of LPL, LMF1, APOC2, APOA5, APOE and GPIHBP1 genes were sequenced. The frequency of rare variants identified was studied in 90 controls. Results: One hundred ninety-four subjects (1.04 %) had HTG and 90 subjects (46.4 %) met the inclusion criteria for primary HTG. In this subgroup, nine patients (12.3 %) were carriers of 7 rare variants in LPL, LMF1, APOA5, GPIHBP1 or APOE genes. Three of these mutations are described for the first time in this work. The presence of a rare pathogenic mutation did not confer a differential phenotype or a higher family history of HTG. Conclusion: The prevalence of rare mutations in candidate genes in subjects with primary HTG is low. The low frequency of rare mutations, the absence of a more severe phenotype or the dominant transmission of the HTG would not suggest the use of genetic analysis in the clinical practice in this population