1,324 research outputs found


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    An efficient and cost-effective piecewise mathematical model is presented to represent a descriptive huge data mathematically. The techniques of function lines as decision boundaries are applied to incorporate the big data of the organization into slope intercept form. Which may be very helpful for a better understanding of discrete data to obtain sustainable and accurate results. Based on the boundaries limitation results of the collected data of the Federal Board of Revenue, the income tax against the income is studied. And finally the reliability of piecewise function to optimize the role of strategic management in any organization is investigated. The results showed that, the slope rate measured in the boundaries of income in percentage or increased slope rate is in good agreement with that predicted by the organization in descriptive form

    High sensitivity and multifunctional micro-Hall sensors fabricated using InAlSb/InAsSb/InAlSb heterostructures

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    Further diversification of Hall sensor technology requires development of materials with high electron mobility and an ultrathin conducting layer very close to the material's surface. Here, we describe the magnetoresistive properties of micro-Hall devices fabricated using InAlSb/InAsSb/InAlSb heterostructures where electrical conduction was confined to a 30 nm-InAsSb two-dimensional electron gas layer. The 300 K electron mobility and sheet carrier concentration were 36 500 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and 2.5 x 10(11) cm(-2), respectively. The maximum current-related sensitivity was 2 750 V A(-1) T-1, which was about an order of magnitude greater than AlGaAs/InGaAs pseudomorphic heterostructures devices. Photolithography was used to fabricate 1 mu m x 1 mu m Hall probes, which were installed into a scanning Hall probe microscope and used to image the surface of a hard disk


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    Comparison of Antibacterial Activities of Agarwood (Gyrinops versteegii) Resin and Leaf Crude ExtractThis research aim is to compare antibacterial activities of leaves extract and resin extract of Gyrinops versteegii with different extraction solvent and concentration. Leaves and resin had been prepared by drying and grinding then were extracted by maceration method. Factorial experiment design was used for extract application to Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923. First factor was extract ingredient, second factor was extraction solvent, third factor was extract concentration. Inhibition zone as main parameter for antibacterial assay were analysed by ANOVA, HSD test and standard error. The inhibition zone of resin was higher than inhibition zone of leaves. The extraction solvent and extract concentration were not significantly resulted in different inhibition zone diameter. However, there were unique interaction between extraction solvent and extraction concentration that affected inhibition zone diameter. It could be concluded that the inhibition zone of resin was higher than that of leaves while no significant result from extraction solvent and extract concentration factorsKeywords: antibacterial, agarwood, extract, leaves, resin ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas antibakteri daun gaharu dan resin gaharu G. versteegii menggunakan beberapa pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak yang berbeda. Bahan daun dan resin gaharu dikeringkan dan dicacah, kemudian diekstrak menggunakan metode maserasi. Uji aplikasi ekstrak pada Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923 dilakukan menggunakan rancangan faktorial, yaitu faktor pertama bahan ekstrak (resin, daun), faktor kedua pelarut pengekstrak (etanol, metanol), dan faktor ketiga konsentrasi ekstrak (0,25; 0,5; dan 1 g mL–1). Data zona hambat terhadap bakteri uji dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA, BNJ dan standard error. Rerata zona hambat ekstrak daun gaharu (7 mm) lebih besar secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan rerata zona hambat ekstrak resin (6,5 mm). Faktor pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap zona hambat. Pelarut pengekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak memberikan pengaruh interaksi berbeda-beda terhadap zona hambat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ekstrak daun gaharu memiliki aktivitas antibakteri lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan ekstrak resin gaharu dengan konsentrasi ekstrak efisien sebesar 0,25 g mL–1


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    In many cloud computing environments, cloud-native applications can be decoupled from the underlying hardware that operates such applications. Presented herein are techniques through which capabilities and metrics collected from a virtual/physical compute resource can be used to identify the presence of different accelerators and their capabilities in real time. The metrics that can be collected from within an application can be extended to include execution context awareness, which may be used to suggest a resource profile for the application. Further, holistic visualization of various metrics can be provided in some instances based on the accelerator from where a service is being executed

    Evaluation of Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) for Diagnosing Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes among Palestinian Arab Population

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    The purpose of the study is to compare the potential of HbA1c to diagnose diabetes among Palestinian Arabs compared to fasting plasma glucose (FPG). A cross-sectional sample of 1370 Palestinian men (468) and women (902) without known diabetes and above the age of 30 years were recruited. Whole blood was used to estimate HbA1c and plasma for FPG and total lipid profile. Fasting plasma glucose was used as a reference to diagnose diabetes (126mg/dL)andprediabetes(100125mg/dL).Theareaunderthereceiveroperatingcharacteristiccurve(AUC)forHbA1cwas81.9diabetesand63.90.498)andlowwithprediabetes(K=0.142).TheoptimalcutoffvalueforHbA1ctodiagnosediabeteswas 126 mg/dL) and prediabetes (100–125 mg/dL). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for HbA1c was 81.9% to diagnose diabetes and 63.9% for prediabetes. The agreement between HbA1c and diabetes as diagnosed by FPG was moderate (K = 0.498) and low with prediabetes (K = 0.142). The optimal cut-off value for HbA1c to diagnose diabetes was 6.3% (45 mmol/mol). The sensitivity, specificity and the discriminant ability were 65.6% (53.1–76.3%), 94.5% (93.1–95.6%), 80.0% (72.8–87.3%), respectively. However, using cut-off value of 6.5thesensitivity,specificityandthediscriminantabilitywere57.4FordiagnosingprediabeteswithHbA1cbetween5.76.4discriminantabilitywere62.7valueof 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) improved specificity. At this cut-off value, the sensitivity, specificity and the discriminant ability were 57.4% (44.9–69.0%), 97.1% (96.0–97.9%) and 77.3% (71.0–83.5%). For diagnosing prediabetes with HbA1c between 5.7–6.4% (39–46 mmol/mol), the sensitivity, specificity and the discriminant ability were 62.7% (57.1–67.9%), 56.3% (53.1–59.4%) and 59.5% (56.3–62.5%), respectively. HbA1c at cut-off value of 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) by itself diagnosed 5.3% and 48.3% as having diabetes and prediabetes compared to 4.5% and 24.2% using FPG, respectively. Mean HbA1c and FPG increase significantly with increasing body mass index. In conclusion, the ROC curves showed HbA1c could be used for diagnosing diabetes when compared to FPG but not for prediabetes in Palestinians Arabs even though only about 50% of the diabetic subjects were identified by the both HbA1c and FPG.This project was partially supported by United Nation Relief and Working Agency (UNRWA. No additional external funding received for this study. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Simulation of Water Proofing Building Using Poly Ethylene (PE) Sheets

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    The research focused on how to use high density poly ethylene )HDPE( sheets in waterproofing operations of floor buildings (bathrooms, kitchens, basements and swimming pools), which uses Bitumen and how the Bitumen is modified by introducing some polymeric materials, until using of forced thermoplastic booster (carbon black or Fiber Glass). In insulation process HDPE sheets is placed under the concrete floor, which displays the sheet pressure and this pressure causes the stresses and deformations in the insulation material by using (solid work program) the geometric design sample dimensions were determined using stress analysis and simulation the input data are the material (HDPE) characteristics such as density, tensile strain, the poison ratio and tear resistance. The applied load on the sheet is a tile weight was analyzed by (solid work program) to determine stresses and deformations that have occurred to the insulation material. Absorption coefficient of moisture conducting test shows the HDPE has an excellent absorption properties to use in waterproofing, when using insulation material under concrete, the concrete dry out after 12 hours; which would lead to more cohesion of cement and concrete. Noting that the concrete without using insulation material will dry within 3 hours

    The Prediction of Tear Strength of plain weave fabric Using Linear Regression Models

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    The aim of the study is to predict the tear strength of plain weave fabric by knowing the yarn count, yarn tensile strength and the fabric linear density. A total of nine fabric samples (produced of three different yarn counts which were 36.88, 29.50 and 9.83 tex) were produced in deferent densities at weft direction which were 4.33, 7.08 and 8.26 threads per cm, while the density was fixed at the warp direction in 9.84 ends per cm . Tensile strength was tested for these fabrics at warp and weft direction. The results were analyzed and incorporated in the Min-Tab program and the development of regression coefficients and correlation between variables to obtain equations to predict the tear strength at warp and weft direction

    Variables determining the success of ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction of intussusception in infants: a tertiary center experience

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    Background: Intussusception represents one of the most common urgent surgical admissions during early infancy and childhood period. It’s a form of intestinal obstruction which is manifested by colicky abdominal pain, red current jelly stool and abdominal mass. Abdominal Ultrasound is the method of choice for diagnosis. Treatment of intussusception ranged from simple non operative reduction either by pneumatic or hydrostatic enema to surgical exploration. There multiple variables that may affect the result of of non operative management.Aim: We tried to study them to know whom patient would pass without surgery.Patients and methods: Two hundred patients diagnosed with intussusceptions included in this study. All of them received ultra sound guided hydrostatic reduction using warm saline. The maximum number of attempts of reduction was three times. We used intrvenous sedation in irritable infants.Results: 2 hundred cases with intussusception were treated in this study. One hundred forty were reduced (group A) and 60 cases (group B) required surgical exploration. The mean body weight in group A was 7.3 Kg while in group B 9.3Kg. seventy five cases from both groups were operated.Conclusion: Several factors affect the result of hydrostatic reduction as total leukocytic count, CRP and duration of symptoms. In addition the size of the mass and the presence or absence of free peritoneal fluid affects the non operative management.Keywords: hydrostatic, intussusception, ultrasoun


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    As a result of recent industry attention towards full-stack observability, there are various application performance monitoring (AMP) tools, runtime application self-protection (RASP) tools, and distributed tracing modules (such as OpenTelemetry (OTel), the Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), etc.) available for different programming languages which may be injected as instrumentation code into an actual application to support a very detailed trace or log collection for subsequent analysis. Using a no- or low-code construct, the observability instrumentation code and the application code may be dynamically bundled together to create the function that is required to execute the relevant transactions. Techniques are presented herein that support a new dynamic, traffic-aware Composable Function that leverages an inbound traffic request (comprising metadata and various attributes with, for example, the relevant tracing context header, custom Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) header, or OTel header with baggage) to identify and determine whether a function bundle should be composed with observability, APM, or RASP tools for the efficient utilization of the resource. Such a dynamically composed function may, in turn, be hosted as one or more containers within a pod or as a serverless function to provide more flexibility across different application and cluster environments