194 research outputs found

    Memoria y desmemoria histórica. Contra el desafío oficial del olvido: el caso de los bombardeos

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    Alemanya ha sabut assumir un passat recent prou dramàtic i un dels darrers actes en la recuperació de la memòria col·lectiva ha estat el record de la devastació soferta durant els bombardeigs aliats després d’anys d’amnèsia. En aquest article es mostra el procés de recuperació de la història i del patrimoni de la guerra a Alemanya i s’evidencia al mateix temps la inexistencia d’una política cultural i patrimonial dedicada a la Guerra d’Espanya.Germany seems to have successfully assumed his recent past, as dramatic as it is. One of the last demonstrations of this recovery of its collective memory has been the development of initiatives around the devastation caused by the allied bombardments, done after decades of amnesia. In this paper the author describes the projects done to recover the memory of this episode of the Second World War as well as the heritage that still remains intact. This description is made establishing parallelisms with the lack of similar initiatives focused on the Spanish Civil War

    Selective Feeding by Phyllostomid Fruit Bats in a Subtropical Montane Cloud Forest

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    Phyllostomid bats eat the fruits and disperse the seeds of a wide variety of neotropical plant species, particularly those typical of early successional stages (Fleming & Heithaus 1981, Heithaus 1982, Orozco-Segovia et al. 1985). In assessing the effects of frugivorous animals on plant populations and vice-versa, it is important to determine whether the animals are selective in the types of fruit they eat, or whether the proportional abundance of different fruit species in their diets simply reflects availability in the environment. The purpose of this study was to test experimentally the hypothesis that two common phyllostomid species, Sturnira ludovici and Dermanura tolteca (=Artibeus toltecus), feed selectively in the subtropical montane cloud forest of western México. Feeding selectivity of plant-visiting animals can be measured at several ecological scales. At the community level, fruit bats and other taxonomic guilds of vertebrate frugivores exploit only a limited subset of the available fruit resource base (Heithaus et al. 1975, Janson 1983, Gautier-Hion et al. 1985). At this level, the phyllostomid bats in our study area appear to feed selectively, insofar as seeds identified from the feces of mist-netted bats represent only a fraction of the potentially available cloud forest plant species. Fruits of second- growth shrubs accounted for the overwhelming majority of 117 fecal samples obtained from S. ludovici captured throughout the yearly cycle, 1991–1993. In particular, fruits of two common ground-story shrubs, Solanum nigricans and S. aphyodendron (Solanaceae), accounted for 40 and 43 percent of all samples, respectively. Fruits of Conostegia volcanalis (Melastomataceae), a subcanopy-level tree common in moist drainages, accounted for 7 percent. Of 29 fecal samples obtained from D. tolteca captured during this same time period, fruits of S. nigricans and S. aphyodendron accounted for 21 and 42 percent of all samples, respectively, whereas fruits of C. volcanalis accounted for 38 percent. All fecal samples contained seeds of only one species per sample. The relative importance of these three plants as fruit resources for bats is corroborated by rates of nocturnal fruit-removal from plants monitored in the field (Schöndube-F. 1994). Here we report the results of feeding experiments designed to test whether cloud forest bats feed selectively among a limited array of six fruit species actually known or suspected of being included in their diets. Compared to other fruits in its diet, S. ludovici handles and digests S. nigricans fruits more efficiently, and extracts more metabolizable energy per fruit. Solanum nigricans fruits are also highest in sugar and protein content (Schöndube-F. 1994). Because the overall ease of handling, digestibility, and nutritional quality of fruit are known to influence the diet choice of frugivores (Moermond & Denslow 1985, Bonaccorso & Gush 1987), we predicted that captive S. ludovici would feed selectively on S. nigricans fruits. In a premontane cloud forest in Costa Rica, both S. ludovici and D. tolteca fed on the fruits of second growth shrubs, although D. tolteca specialized on the fruit crops of canopy level trees during seasonal peaks in fruit abundance (Dinerstein 1986). Under the assumption that patterns of habitat use and feeding behavior are similar in our study area, we predicted that captive D. tolteca would feed selectively on the fruits of C. volcanalis

    Mexi-futurism. The transitorial path between tradition and innovation.

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    This paper presents a dissertation about the development of design in Mexico from the point of view of the approaches that its actors have had over time in the search and definition of a regional and authentic identity. The narrative examines the influence of different contextual variables and focuses its attention on the historical dichotomy still in force, between the vernacular cultural heritage and the valuation and appropriation of foreign elements; between the approach to the value of tradition and the promise of innovation as a goal, platform on which the foundations of advanced design emerge

    Simulation of 3d Ising spin glass model using three replicas: study of Binder cumulants

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    We have carried out numerical simulations of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass model with first neighbour Gaussian couplings using three replicas for each sample of couplings. We have paid special attention to the measure of two types of Binder cumulant that can be constructed from the three possible overlaps between the replicas. We obtain new information about the possible phase transition and perform an initial analysis of the ultrametricity issue.Comment: 14 pages and 7 figures, available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm

    Estudio de optimización con Lean Construction y uso de viguetas prefabricadas de la ampliación del Albergue María Rosario Aráoz

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    En Perú, la construcción de obras públicas de infraestructura social es asiduamente asociada como un referente de crecimiento económico; por tanto, su gestión merece un estudio. En esta tesis se plantea la mejora del planeamiento, construcción y control de la ampliación del albergue municipal “María Rosario Aráoz” para determinar su optimización con lineamientos del PMI, Lean Construction y el uso de viguetas prefabricadas. El trabajo se inicia con el diagnóstico de la obra construida bajo en enfoque tradicional: valorizaciones con curvas S, diagramas de Gantt, programas de avance real y evaluación por histogramas. Luego se inicia el desarrollo de la alternativa de planeamiento para las áreas de gestión más relevantes en base al análisis del diagnóstico de la gestión de la construcción real, el PMBOK y el pensamiento Lean. Posteriormente, se realizó un estudio de aplicación que propone la programación y control con el Last Planner System y obtener resultados de su implementación teórica con las herramientas de este sistema para identificar beneficios y diferencias respecto al enfoque anterior. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis comparativo entre el aligerado convencional y sistemas de viguetas prefabricadas “Techomax” y “Vigacero” aplicado al albergue. La selección del sistema más óptimo se hizo base al método lean de toma de decisiones “Choosing By Advantages”

    3D Spin Glass and 2D Ferromagnetic XY Model: a Comparison

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    We compare the probability distributions and Binder cumulants of the overlap in the 3D Ising spin glass with those of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic 2D XY model. We analyze similarities and differences. Evidence for the existence of a phase transition in the spin glass model is obtained thanks to the crossing of the Binder cumulant. We show that the behavior of the XY model is fully compatible with the Kosterlitz-Thouless scenario. Finite size effects have to be dealt with by using great care in order to discern among two very different physical pictures that can look very similar if analyzed without large attention.Comment: 14 pages and 6 figures. Also available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm

    Entrepreneurship and social networks in Spain

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    The objective of the work is to know the behavior of new Spanish companies in social networks and the use they make of them, trying to establish relationships between the type of company and its behavior in the digital world. We obtain information on the almost 30,000 companies constituted between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017 from the Official Bulletin of the Mercantile Registry (BORME), using the classification of economic activities CNAE when defining the type of company. The newly created companies show interest in visualizing themselves in social networks, 36% in Facebook, 23% in LinkedIn and 15% in Twitter, detecting also activity in Instagram and YouTube for some particular niches, being the commercial activity (Group C of CNAE) the predominant in the presence of new Spanish companies in social networks

    Entrepreneurship and social networks in Spain

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    The objective of the work is to know the behavior of new Spanish companies in social networks and the use they make of them, trying to establish relationships between the type of company and its behavior in the digital world. We obtain information on the almost 30,000 companies constituted between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017 from the Official Bulletin of the Mercantile Registry (BORME), using the classification of economic activities CNAE when defining the type of company. The newly created companies show interest in visualizing themselves in social networks, 36% in Facebook, 23% in LinkedIn and 15% in Twitter, detecting also activity in Instagram and YouTube for some particular niches, being the commercial activity (Group C of CNAE) the predominant in the presence of new Spanish companies in social networks

    La experiencia del Consejo de Alumnos del CEPT N° 4, Mercedes, provincia de Buenos Aires

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    El C.E.P.T N° 4 es una institución educativa que cogestiona con el estado y se encuentra gobernada por el Consejo de Administración (en el cual se encuentran los padres de los alumnos, los cuales buscan mejoras educativas para sus hijos), dentro de la institución se encuentran trabajando distintos grupos uno es el C.D.L espacio donde la comunidad expresa sus proyectos de desarrollo local, y otro es el Consejo de Alumnos, del cual a continuación le explicaremos sus funciones y ordenes.Eje: Educación y formación para el desarrollo ruralUniversidad Nacional de La Plat

    Análisis del equilibrio dinámico, en jugadoras del equipo de baloncesto y el equipo de vóley de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

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    En este trabajo se analizará el equilibrio dinámico en deportistas amateur universitarios, que pertenecen al equipo de baloncesto y vóley de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, y la incidencia en el riesgo de lesión de miembros inferiores por medio del Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), aplicado en 30 jugadoras divididas en, 14 jugadoras del equipo de baloncesto y 16 del equipo de vóley. Se analizará las posibles causas que llevan a un déficit de equilibrio y por ende un riesgo de lesión durante el juego o entrenamiento. Con los datos analizados se tratará de identificar la relación que existe entre el equilibrio y diferentes variables tales como: peso, talla, pierna dominante, posición en el campo de juego y antigüedad en el equipo, tratando de identificar un factor preponderante que conlleve a este déficit