163 research outputs found

    Effects of Photoperiod, Water temperature, and Exogenous Hormones on Spawning and Plasma gonadal Steroid in Starry Flounder, Platichthys stellatus

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    The sexual maturation and spawning of teleosts are regulated by the external environment and the endocrine system. When the environmental conditions are artificially adjusted at a fish farm, the maturity and spawning of fish can be controlled. In this study, sexual maturation and spawning of the starry flounder, Platichthys stellatus, were artificially induced by adjusting the water temperature and photoperiod at a fish farm to accelerate the species’ natural spawning period. One experimental group acted as a control and was exposed to a natural photoperiod and natural water temperature (NPNT). In contrast, another experimental group was exposed to an adjusted environment consisting of a regulated photoperiod and temperature (RPRT). Daylight time was reduced by 10 minutes every 3 days from 13 hours to a duration of 8 hours. The water temperature was first reduced by 1oC every day, starting at 22oC and ending at 8oC, and then raised to 10oC until the spawning period. Both experimental groups were treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog (GnRHa) pellets to induce ovulation. The results show that when the water temperature and photoperiod were artificially controlled, ovulation could be induced 97 days earlier than the natural spawning. Plasma testosterone levels of RPRT and NPNT tended to increase and then decrease 1–2 months before spawning, and plasma levels of 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one increased 1–2 months before spawning. The concentration of estradiol-17β (E2) in plasma was not associated with spawning

    Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Cancer: Early Evaluation of Therapeutic Response with Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography

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    The early assessment of the therapeutic response after percutaneous radiofrequency (RF) ablation is important, in order to correctly decide whether further treatment is necessary. The residual unablated tumor is usually depicted on contrast-enhanced multiphase helical computed tomography (CT) as a focal enhancing structure during the arterial and portal venous phases. Contrast-enhanced color Doppler and power Doppler ultrasonography (US) have also been used to detect residual tumors. Contrast-enhanced gray-scale US, using a harmonic technology which has recently been introduced, allows for the detection of residual tumors after ablation, without any of the blooming or motion artifacts usually seen on contrast-enhanced color or power Doppler US. Based on our experience and reports in the literature, we consider that contrast-enhanced gray-scale harmonic US constitutes a reliable alternative to contrast-enhanced multiphase CT for the early evaluation of the therapeutic response to RF ablation for liver cancer. This technique was also useful in targeting any residual unablated tumors encountered during additional ablation

    Overlapping Ablation Using a Coaxial Radiofrequency Electrode and Multiple Cannulae System: Experimental Study in ex-Vivo Bovine Liver

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    Objective To assess the sizes and configurations of thermal zones after overlapping ablations using a coaxial radiofrequency (RF) electrode and multiple cannulae in ex-vivo bovine liver. Materials and Methods For ablation procedures, a coaxial RF electrode and introducer set was used. Employing real-time ultrasound guidance and overlapping techniques in explanted, fresh bovine liver, we created five kinds of thermal zones with one (n=10), two (n=8), four (n=3), and six ablation spheres (n=3). Following ablation, MR images were obtained and the dimensions of all thermal zones were measured on the longitudinal or transverse section of specimens. The shape of the composite ablation zones was evaluated using three-dimensional MR image reconstruction. Results At gross pathologic examination of ten single-ablation zones (spheres), the long-axis (transverse) and short-axis lengths of zones ranged from 3.7 to 4.4 (mean, 4.1) cm and from 3.5 to 4.0 (mean, 3.7) cm, respectively. The long-axis (transverse) and short-axis lengths of double-ablation zones (cylinders) with 23% overlap ranged from 7.0 to 7.7 (mean, 7.3) cm and from 3.0 to 3.9 (mean, 3.5) cm, respectively; those with 58% overlap ranged from 6.0 to 6.4 (mean, 6.2) cm and from 3.8 to 4.6 (mean, 4.3) cm, respectively. The long-axis (diagonal) and short-axis lengths on a transverse section of four-ablation zones (cakes) ranged from 8.5 to 9.7 (mean, 9.1) cm and from 3.0 to 4.1 (mean, 3.7) cm, respectively. Gross pathologic examination of three composite six-ablation zones (spheres) showed that the long-axis (diagonal) and short-axis lengths of zones ranged from 9.0 to 9.9 (mean, 9.4) cm and from 6.8 to 7.5 (mean, 7.2) cm, respectively. T2-weighted MR images depicted low-signal thermal zones containing multiple curvilinear and spotty regions of hyperintensity. Conclusion Using a coaxial RF electrode and multiple cannulae, together with ultrasound guidance and precise overlapping ablation techniques, we successfully created predictable thermal zones in ex-vivo bovine liver.ope

    Chondrolipoma in the Pelvic Cavity: a Case Report

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    A chondrolipoma is an extremely rare form of a benign mesenchymal tumor containing mature cartilage and fatty tissue. Chondrolipomas may be found in almost any part of the body, particularly in the connective tissue of the breast, head and neck area, as well as in the skeletal muscle. However, to the best of our knowledge, chondrolipomas located in the pelvic cavity have not been reported. In this case report, we describe a case of a chondrolipoma in the pelvis, and show that it has its own characteristic imaging findings, which included the composition of fatty tissue and calcification in most parts, as well as some focal areas of chondroid tissue based on the CT and MR findings

    Needle Tract Implantation after Percutaneous Interventional Procedures in Hepatocellular Carcinomas: Lessons Learned from a 10-year Experience

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    Percutaneous interventional procedures under image guidance, such as biopsy, ethanol injection therapy, and radiofrequency ablation play important roles in the management of hepatocellular carcinomas. Although uncommon, the procedures may result in tumor implantation along the needle tract, which is a major delayed complication. Implanted tumors usually appear as one or a few, round or oval-shaped, enhancing nodules along the needle tract on CT, from the intraperitoneum through the intercostal or abdominal muscles to the subcutaneous or cutaneous tissues. Radiologists should understand the mechanisms and risk factors of needle tract implantation, minimize this complication, and also pay attention to the presence of implanted tumors along the needle tract during follow-up