511 research outputs found

    Genomic sequence of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni HS:19 Penner serotype reference strain RM3420

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    Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni infections are a leading cause of foodborne gastroenteritis and the most prevalent antecedent to Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Penner serotype HS:19 is among several capsular types shown to be markers for GBS. This study describes the genome of C. jejuni subsp. jejuni HS:19 Penner reference strain RM3420

    Complete genomic sequence of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni HS: 19 strain RM1285 isolated from packaged chicken

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    Poultry products serve as the main source of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni infections in humans. C. jejuni subsp. jejuni infections are a leading cause of foodborne gastroenteritis and are a prevalent antecedent to Guillain-Barré syndrome. This study describes the genome of C. jejuni subsp. jejuni HS:19 strain RM1285, isolated from packaged chicken in California

    Complete genome sequences of Campylobacter jejuni strains RM3196 (233.94) and RM3197 (308.95) isolated from patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome

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    Infections with Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni are a leading cause of foodborne gastroenteritis and the most prevalent infection preceding Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). This study describes the genomes of C. jejuni subsp. jejuni HS:41 strains RM3196 (233.94) and RM3197 (308.95) that were isolated from patients with GBS in Cape Town, South Africa

    Systematic review of the psychometric performance of generic childhood multi-attribute utility instruments

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    Background Childhood multi-attribute utility instruments (MAUIs) can be used to measure health utilities in children (aged ≤ 18 years) for economic evaluation. Systematic review methods can generate a psychometric evidence base that informs their selection for application. Previous reviews focused on limited sets of MAUIs and psychometric properties, and only on evidence from studies that directly aimed to conduct psychometric assessments. Objective This study aimed to conduct a systematic review of psychometric evidence for generic childhood MAUIs and to meet three objectives: (1) create a comprehensive catalogue of evaluated psychometric evidence; (2) identify psychometric evidence gaps; and (3) summarise the psychometric assessment methods and performance by property. Methods A review protocol was registered with the Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO; CRD42021295959); reporting followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 guideline. The searches covered seven academic databases, and included studies that provided psychometric evidence for one or more of the following generic childhood MAUIs designed to be accompanied by a preference-based value set (any language version): 16D, 17D, AHUM, AQoL-6D, CH-6D, CHSCS-PS, CHU9D, EQ-5D-Y-3L, EQ-5D-Y-5L, HUI2, HUI3, IQI, QWB, and TANDI; used data derived from general and/or clinical childhood populations and from children and/or proxy respondents; and were published in English. The review included ‘direct studies’ that aimed to assess psychometric properties and ‘indirect studies’ that generated psychometric evidence without this explicit aim. Eighteen properties were evaluated using a four-part criteria rating developed from established standards in the literature. Data syntheses identified psychometric evidence gaps and summarised the psychometric assessment methods/results by property. Results Overall, 372 studies were included, generating a catalogue of 2153 criteria rating outputs across 14 instruments covering all properties except predictive validity. The number of outputs varied markedly by instrument and property, ranging from 1 for IQI to 623 for HUI3, and from zero for predictive validity to 500 for known-group validity. The more recently developed instruments targeting preschool children (CHSCS-PS, IQI, TANDI) have greater evidence gaps (lack of any evidence) than longer established instruments such as EQ-5D-Y, HUI2/3, and CHU9D. The gaps were prominent for reliability (test–retest, inter-proxy-rater, inter-modal, internal consistency) and proxy-child agreement. The inclusion of indirect studies (n = 209 studies; n = 900 outputs) increased the number of properties with at least one output of acceptable performance. Common methodological issues in psychometric assessment were identified, e.g., lack of reference measures to help interpret associations and changes. No instrument consistently outperformed others across all properties. Conclusion This review provides comprehensive evidence on the psychometric performance of generic childhood MAUIs. It assists analysts involved in cost-effectiveness-based evaluation to select instruments based on the application-specific minimum standards of scientific rigour. The identified evidence gaps and methodological issues also motivate and inform future psychometric studies and their methods, particularly those assessing reliability, proxy-child agreement, and MAUIs targeting preschool children

    Влияние механической активации гидрида титана на его взаимодействие с азотом и кислородом

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    Показано, что размол гидрида титана в планетарной мельнице приводит к повышению удельной поверхности порошка, росту микроискажений кристаллической решетки, уменьшению содержания в нем водорода и повышению химической активности, что позволяет получать нитрид титана из него в среде азота уже при температуре 500 °С. За счет кислорода, адсорбирован ного механически активированным порошком при нагревании в атмосфере азота, происходят реакции окисления атомов титана, в результате чего образуется низший оксид Tі2О.Показано, що подрібнення гідриду титану в планетарному млині приводить до підвищення питомої поверхні порошку, зростанню дефектів кристалічної ґратки, зменшенню вмісту в ній водню і підвищенню хімічної активності. Це дає змогу досягти повного перетворення механічно активованого гідриду в нітрид титану вже за температури 500 °С і витримці упродовж однієї години в середовищі азоту. За рахунок кисню, адсорбованого механічно активованим порошком при нагрівання в атмосфері азоту, проходять реакції окиснення, в результаті чого утворюється нижчий оксид Ti2O.Milling of titanium hydride in planetary mill is shoun to increase the speci surface area of powder, to decrease the hydrogen content in it and to intensity chemical activity. This makesit possible to obtain titanium nitride from the titanium hydride in a nitrogen atmosphere at as low temperature as 500 °C . Thanks to the presence of oxygen adsorbed by mechanically activated powder under heating in a nitrogen atmosphere? Reaction of intramolecular oxidation -reduction, of titanium takes place, which results in forming the lower oxide Ti2O

    Whole-Genome Sequencing-Based Characterization of 100 Listeria monocytogenes Isolates Collected from Food Processing Environments over a Four-Year Period

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    Listeria monocytogenes is frequently found in foods and processing facilities, where it can persist, creating concerns for the food industry. Its ability to survive under a wide range of environmental conditions enhances the potential for cross-contamination of the final food products, leading to possible outbreaks of listeriosis. In this study, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was applied as a tool to characterize and track 100 L. monocytogenes isolates collected from three food processing environments. These WGS data from environmental and food isolates were analyzed to (i) assess the genomic diversity of L. monocytogenes, (ii) identify possible source(s) of contamination, cross-contamination routes, and persistence, (iii) detect absence/presence of antimicrobial resistance-encoding genes, (iv) assess virulence genotypes, and (v) explore in vivo pathogenicity of selected L. monocytogenes isolates carrying different virulence genotypes. The predominant L. monocytogenes sublineages (SLs) identified were SL101 (21%), SL9 (17%), SL121 (12%), and SL5 (12%). Benzalkonium chloride (BC) tolerance-encoding genes were found in 62% of these isolates, a value that increased to 73% among putative persistent subgroups. The most prevalent gene was emrC followed by bcrABC, qacH-Tn6188, and qacC. The L. monocytogenes major virulence factor inlA was truncated in 31% of the isolates, and only one environmental isolate (L. monocytogenes CFS086) harbored all major virulence factors, including Listeria pathogenicity island 4 (LIPI-4), which has been shown to confer hypervirulence. A zebrafish embryo infection model showed a low (3%) embryo survival rate for all putatively hypervirulent L. monocytogenes isolates assayed. Higher embryo survival rates were observed following infection with unknown virulence potential (20%) and putatively hypovirulent (53 to 83%) L. monocytogenes isolates showing predicted pathogenic phenotypes inferred from virulence genotypes

    Calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1 (CAMTA1) alleles predispose human episodic memory performance

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    Little is known about the genes and proteins involved in the process of human memory. To identify genetic factors related to human episodic memory performance, we conducted an ultra-high-density genome-wide screen at > 500000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a sample of normal young adults stratified for performance on an episodic recall memory test. Analysis of this data identified SNPs within the calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1 (CAMTA1) gene that were significantly associated with memory performance. A follow up study, focused on the CAMTA1 locus in an independent cohort consisting of cognitively normal young adults, singled out SNP rs4908449 with a P-value of 0.0002 as the most significant associated SNP in the region. These validated genetic findings were further supported by the identification of CAMTA1 transcript enrichment in memory-related human brain regions and through a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment on individuals matched for memory performance that identified CAMTA1 allele-specific upregulation of medial temporal lobe brain activity in those individuals harboring the ‘at-risk' allele for poorer memory performance. The CAMTA1 locus encodes a purported transcription factor that interfaces with the calcium-calmodulin system of the cell to alter gene expression patterns. Our validated genomic and functional biological findings described herein suggest a role for CAMTA1 in human episodic memor

    Preference elicitation techniques used in valuing children’s health-related quality-of-life: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Valuing children’s health states for use in economic evaluations is globally relevant and is of particular relevance in jurisdictions where a cost-utility analysis is the preferred form of analysis for decision making. Despite this, the challenges with valuing child health mean that there are many remaining questions for debate about the approach to elicitation of values. The aim of this paper was to identify and describe the methods used to value children’s health states and the specific issues that arise in the use of these methods. METHODS: We conducted a systematic search of electronic databases to identify studies published in English since 1990 that used preference elicitation methods to value child and adolescent (under 18 years of age) health states. Eligibility criteria comprised valuation studies concerning both child-specific patient-reported outcome measures and child health states defined in other ways, and methodological studies of valuation approaches that may or may not have yielded a value set algorithm. RESULTS: A total of 77 eligible studies were identified from which data on country setting, aims, condition (general population or clinically specific), sample size, age of respondents, the perspective that participants were asked to adopt, source of values (respondents who completed the preference elicitation tasks) and methods questions asked were extracted. Extracted data were classified and evaluated using narrative synthesis methods. The studies were classified into three groups: (1) studies comparing elicitation methods (n = 30); (2) studies comparing perspectives (n = 23); and (3) studies where no comparisons were presented (n = 26); selected studies could fall into more than one group. Overall, the studies varied considerably both in methods used and in reporting. The preference elicitation tasks included time trade-off, standard gamble, visual analogue scaling, rating/ranking, discrete choice experiments, best-worst scaling and willingness to pay elicited through a contingent valuation. Perspectives included adults’ considering the health states from their own perspective, adults taking the perspective of a child (own, other, hypothetical) and a child/adolescent taking their own or the perspective of another child. There was some evidence that children gave lower values for comparable health states than did adults that adopted their own perspective or adult/parents that adopted the perspective of children. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in reporting limited the conclusions that can be formed about which methods are most suitable for eliciting preferences for children’s health and the influence of differing perspectives and values. Difficulties encountered in drawing conclusions from the data (such as lack of consensus and poor reporting making it difficult for users to choose and interpret available values) suggest that reporting guidelines are required to improve the consistency and quality of reporting of studies that value children’s health using preference-based techniques. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40273-022-01149-3