120 research outputs found

    PT-Symmetric potential impact on the scattering of a Bose-Einstein condensate from a Gaussian Obstacle

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    The scattering of a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) from a Gaussian well and Gaussian barrier is investigated over a wide range of depths and heights, respectively. We compare analytical and numerical results for a BEC scattering from Gaussian Obstacles, both in the presence and in the absence of PT-symmetric potential. And we find out that the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation (CGLE) method has limitations due to the limited number of variational parameters of the ansatz. We also find that the presence of the PT-symmetric potential controls the reflection and the transmission flux of the BEC through the Gaussian Obstacle

    Challenges Faced to Mazri Palm (Nannorhops ritchieana): A Case Study of Jhandey, District Mardan-Pakistan

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    Mazri is the local name for dwarf palm (Nannorhops ritchieana). About 65,000 people are involved in processing of Mazri leaves- 78% of them are women, in Pakistan. Average annual production of raw Mazri leaves in the country is 37,315 tones. Jhandey (Kalpani) is small town famous for its various products made from Mazri palm. 90% of the people of the area are dependent on Mazri products business. Price of the raw material (leaves) used in product preparation is Rs. 200-220 per 50 kg. Various products are prepared by the local people, which are really attractive to the domestic and international tourists. The number of products prepared per shop is 10-14. Various challenges are faced to the business of Mazri products like unsustainable processing of raw material, higher rates of raw material compared to prices of the products, lack of advertisement, improper marketing and substitution of Mazri products by polythene products etc. The study aimed at addressing issues and challenges faced to marketing and processing of Mazri in the area

    Fusion Reaction of Weakly Bound Nuclei

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    Semiclassical and full quantum mechanical approaches are used to study the effect of channel coupling on the calculations of the total fusion reaction cross section σfus and the fusion barrier distribution Dfus for the systems 6Li + 64Ni, 11B + 159Tb, and 12C + 9Be. The semiclassical approach used in the present work is based on the method of the Alder and Winther for Coulomb excitation. Full quantum coupled-channel calculations are carried out using CCFULL code with all order coupling in comparison with our semiclassical approach. The semiclassical calculations agree remarkably with the full quantum mechanical calculations. The results obtained from our semiclassical calculations are compared with the available experimental data and with full quantum coupled-channel calculations. The comparison with the experimental data shows that the full quantum coupled channels are better than semiclassical approach in the calculations of the total fusion cross section σfus and the fusion barrier distribution Dfus

    Virulence Factors in Streptococcus pneumonia and the Role of Complement C1q in the Immune Response

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    المكورات العقدية الرئوية Streptococcus pneumonia  هي بكتيريا إيجابية الغرام , تستعمر في الأسطح المخاطية من البلعوم الأنفي تعتبر من مسببات الأمراض الرئيسية لدى البشر, من الأمراض التي تسببها هي الالتهاب الرئوي والتهاب السحايا. تنتج هذه البكتريا العديد من عوامل الضراوة التي تشارك في ميكانيكيه الإصابة, ان المعركة بين المضيف البشري والممرض الجرثومي معقدة للغاية  اذ يحاول كل طرف التفوق على الآخر من أجل البقاء.  الجهاز المناعي الذاتي في الأنسان وخاصة نظام المتمم  complement system يعتبر خط الدفاع الأول ضد مسببات الأمراض الغازية. بصورة عامة تمتلك الممرضات عدد من الاستراتيجيات لمواجهة نظام المتمم  من أجل البقاء والاستمرار داخل المضيف, وأحد هذه المُمْرِضات هو المكورات الرئوية Streptococcus pneumonia التي تمتلك العديد من عوامل الضراوة تساعدها في أحداث الإصابة داخل جسم المضيف, مثل قابلية المكورات الرئوية على الالتصاق adhesions , تكوين المستعمرات  colonize, التي تعتبر العوامل الأساسية في أحداث الإصابة. تناقش هذه المراجعة الفعاليات البيولوجية ضد عوامل الضراوة للمكورات الرئوية, وتوضح الدور الرئيسي لجزيئة المتمم الأولى (( C1q التي تنشط ضد الإصابة خلال المسلك الكلاسيكي للمتمم .  Streptococcus pneumonia is a major pathogen in humans, and causes diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis. This bacterium produces many virulence factors that participate in the mechanics of injury. The battle between human host and bacterial pathogen is extremely complex. Each side tries to outpace the other in the race for survival. Particularly in the innate immune system in humans, the complementary immune system acts as the first line of defense against invading pathogens during the course of evolution, however, the pathogen has developed multiple strategies to counter the host complement system and colonization, for survival and sustainability within the host. One of these pathogens is Streptococcus (pneumococcus), which are Gram-positive bacterial pathogens that often coexist in the human respiratory system. Depending on the host's sensitivity, pneumococcus can transform into an infectious agent that spreads within the human host and causes diseases ranging from mild to severe and potentially life-threatening diseases. This transition from the symbiont to the infectious agent is a very complex process and an understanding of this mechanism is essential in controlling pneumococcal disease. Using its complex arsenal of weapons such as surface adhesions as well as pneumococcal recruitment recruit the host's immune system. This review discusses the biological activity of several pneumococcal virulence agents and describes C1q, the first subunit of the classic complement pathway, and its role in antimicrobial reactions, as pneumococcus exploits C1q as a molecular bridge that facilitates the attachment of this bacterium to the cell surfaces of the host

    Photoexcitation and photoionization from the 2p53p[5/2]2,3 levels in neon

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    We present measurements of the excitation spectra from the 2p53p [5/2]3,2 levels in neon using two-step laser excitation and ionization in conjunction with an optogalvanic detection in dc and rf discharge cells. The 2p53p [5/2]3,2 intermediate levels have been approached via the collisionally populated 2p53s [3/2]2 metastable level. The Rydberg series 2p5(2P3/2)nd [7/2]4 (12 ⩽ n ⩽ 44), 2p5(2P3/2)ns [3/2]2 (13 ⩽ n ⩽ 35) and the parity forbidden transitions 2p5(2P3/2)np [5/2]3 (13 ⩽ n ⩽ 19) have been observed from the 2p53p [5/2]3 level, whereas the 2p5(2P3/2)nd [7/2]3 (12 ⩽ n ⩽ 44), 2p5(2P3/2)ns [3/2]2 (13 ⩽ n ⩽ 35), and 2p5(2P1/2)nd′ [5/2]3 (9 ⩽ n ⩽ 12) Rydberg series have been observed from the 2p53p[5/2]2 level in accordance with the ΔJ = ΔK = ± 1 selection rules. The photoionization cross sections from the 2p53p [5/2]3 intermediate level have been measured at eight ionizing laser wavelengths (399, 395, 390, 385, 380, 370, 364, and 355 nm) and that from the 2p53p [5/2]2 level at 401.8 nm. These measurements are in excellent agreement with the experimental values reported in the literature, while the experimental data lie much below the theoretically calculated photoionization cross sections curve

    Evaluation of Different Methods of Curing Bacterial Plasmids

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    تلعب البلازميدات دورا مهما في انتشار صفة مقاومة المضادات الحيوية بين السلالات البكترية والتي تشكل تهديدا  على الصحة العالمية. لذا اقتضت الضرورة ايجاد طرق ناجعة و كفيلة للحد من انتقال البلازميدات. تعتمد الطرق التقليدية لازالة البلازميد على تنمية السلالات البكترية في ظل ظروف غير ملائمة ، مثل ارتفاع درجة الحرارة أو إضافة عوامل أقحام تتداخل مع بنية تركيب الدنا اثناء تكرار البلازميد. هنالك أساليب أخرى تعتمد على ظاهرة عدم توافق البلازميد القائمة على مبدأ التنافس بين البلازميدات المتطابقة ولكنها تتطلب معرفة دقيقة بآلية تضاعف البلازميد المستهدف ، بالإضافة إلى المعالجة اللاحقة للبلازميد المسبب للتداخل . مع ظهور تقنية كريسبركاس9 التي هي محاكاة الدفاع البكتيري الطبيعي ضد المتسللين من البلازميد والعاثي، تم استثمار هذه التقنية لتكون اداه دقيقة لاستهداف اماكن متخصصة في الحمض النووي البلازميدي. في هذه المراجعة سنتناول اهم طرق الازالة والحذف للبلازميدات من الخلايا البكتيرية.Plasmids play an important role in the spread of antibiotic resistance among bacterial strains that pose a threat to global health. Traditional methods of curing plasmid rely on the development of bacterial strains under inappropriate conditions, such as high temperature or the addition of intruding agents that interfere with the structure of DNA synthesis during the replication of plasmids. Other methods rely on the phenomenon of plasmid compatibility based on the principle of competition between identical plasmids but require accurate knowledge of the mechanism of multiplying the target plasmid, in addition to the subsequent treatment of the interfering plasmid. With the advent of Crispras9, which simulates natural bacterial defense against plasmid and latex infiltrators, this technique has been used as an accurate tool for targeting places specializing in plasmid DNA. In this review, we will address the most important methods of removing and deleting plasmids from bacterial cells

    Phytoplankton Structure biochemical Stoichiometry and elemantal comnosition in Lake Nasser Egypt

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    The relationship between environmental variables and elemental, biochemical composition of phytoplankton species in Lake Nasser were studied. In the lake 130 phytoplankton species were recorded, the lake is dominated mainly by Cyclotella glomerata (Bacillariophyceae), Planktolyngbya limnetica, Eucapsis minuta (Cyanophyceae). Phytoplankton organic carbon content at the lake was 32%. The elevation of NO3 (365 μg/l) and CO3 (21 mg/l) at the east of the lake was concurrently with the highest proportion of inorganic C, N and algal protein content. C/N ratio decreased thus Redfield ratio indicating a high growth rate of phytoplankton with increasing protein content. C/H and O/C ratio for natural phytoplankton samples were less than one, which means unsaturated aliphatic compounds at metabolites categories of phytoplankton. RDA analysis cleared that, Cyclotella glomerata (dominant at the north area) was sensitive to flushing, tolerant to nutrient deficiency and had higher protein content. Planktolyngbya limnetica (dominant at the middle) was more sensitive to pH, phosphorus is non-limiting factor and characterized by elevation in lipid content. Eucapsis minuta (dominant at the south) was tolerant to mild light deficiency and contains a maximum value of carbohydrates and Chlorophyll a