163 research outputs found

    Evaluation of effective demographic variables in competition performances of Turkish wrestling referees

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    Management of wrestling competitions of equal competitors is often assigned to successful referees. For this reason, it is important to determine the demographic variables that influence the refereesā€™ level of success. In this context, the aim of the study was to evaluate the effective demographic variables in competition performances of Turkish wrestling referees using the logistic regression analysis. The purpose of this research was explained to the referees and voluntary participation was provided. The research data consist of demographic variables and the referee evaluation reports of the year 2016 calculated by the Central Referee Committee of the Turkish Wrestling Federation. The referees were classified as successful (between 7-8.5 points) and unsuccessful (between ā‰„8.5-10 points) according to their performance scores. Accordingly, the international referees were 49 times more successful than the national referees in a competition. The referees who wrestled at the international level were 6 times more successful than the referees wrestling at the national level and who did not wrestle. Referees whose ages 31-40 and ā‰„41 were 7.9 and 24.9 times more successful than ā‰¤30 age respectively. Moreover, it was determined that those who were refereeing for social identity, a hobby, and other reasons in a competition were, respectively, 6, 39 and 22 times more possible to be successful than those who were refereeing for social status. Consequently, if a successful referee performance was desired, the ones should be selected as who were over 41 years of age and wrestled at the international level, and who were international level referees that were refereeing as a hobby or other. Thus, a more successful referee performance can be achieved in competitions

    The investigation of sportsmanship behaviors of university students

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the effective factors on sportsmanship behaviors of university students. With this purpose, students' attitudes for rules, injurious acts, opponent game perspective and sportsmanship behaviors were examined, and the effects of these factors were modeled via structural equation modeling. To measure the effective factors on students sportsmanship behaviors, a likert scale type questionnaire, ranging from 1 'strongly disagree' to 5 'strongly agree' was applied on a face-to-face basis. The sportsmanship questionnaire about sportsmanship was composed of 45 questions. In the statistical analysis obtained data, SPSS and LISREL software were used. The results of the analyses indicate that while "game perspective" is the most effective factor on students' sportsmanship behavior, the factors; "opponent", "rules", and "injurious acts" are also statistically significant.El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar los factores efectivos sobre el comportamiento deportivo de los estudiantes universitarios. Con este propĆ³sito, se examinaron las actitudes de los estudiantes respecto a las reglas, los actos perjudiciales, la perspectiva del juego del oponente y los comportamientos de deportividad, y los efectos de estos factores se modelaron mediante el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales. Para medir los factores efectivos en los comportamientos de deportividad de los estudiantes, se aplicĆ³ un cuestionario tipo escala tipo Likert, que varĆ­a de 1 "totalmente en desacuerdo" a 5 "totalmente de acuerdo" en persona. El cuestionario de deportividad sobre deportividad estaba compuesto por 45 preguntas. En el anĆ”lisis estadĆ­stico de los datos obtenidos, se utilizaron el software SPSS y LISREL. Los resultados de los anĆ”lisis indican que si bien la "perspectiva del juego" es el factor mĆ”s efectivo en el comportamiento deportivo de los estudiantes, los factores; "Oponente", "reglas" y "actos nocivos" tambiĆ©n son estadĆ­sticamente significativos.O objetivo do presente estudo foi examinar os fatores efetivos no comportamento esportivo de universitĆ”rios. Para tanto, foram examinadas as atitudes dos alunos em relaĆ§Ć£o a regras, atos prejudiciais, a perspectiva de jogo do adversĆ”rio e o comportamento esportivo, e os efeitos desses fatores foram modelados atravĆ©s da modelagem de equaƧƵes estruturais. Para medir os fatores efetivos no comportamento esportivo dos alunos, foi aplicado um questionĆ”rio da escala do tipo Likert, que varia de 1 "discordo totalmente" a 5 "concordo totalmente" pessoalmente. O questionĆ”rio de espĆ­rito esportivo foi composto por 45 perguntas. Na anĆ”lise estatĆ­stica dos dados obtidos, foram utilizados os softwares SPSS e LISREL. Os resultados das anĆ”lises indicam que, embora a "perspectiva do jogo" seja o fator mais eficaz no comportamento esportivo dos estudantes, os fatores; "Oponente", "regras" e "atos prejudiciais" tambĆ©m sĆ£o estatisticamente significativos

    Common fixed point results of generalized almost rational contraction mappings with an application

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    In this paper, we introduce the notion of generalized almost rational contraction with respect to a pair of self mappings on a complete metric space. Several common xed point results for such mappings are proved. Our results extend and unify various results in the existing literature. An example and application to obtain the existence of a common solution of the system of functional equations arising in dynamic programming are also given in order to illustrate the e ectiveness of the presented results.This article was funded by the Deanship of Scienti c Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.http://www.tjnsa.comhb2016Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    An elderly diabetic case of ochronosis with depression and chronic pain

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    Alkaptonuria (ochronosis) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder featuring a genetic error in the amino acid metabolism. A defect in the tyrosine metabolism results in the accumulation and deposition of homogentisic acid in connective tissue, causing a blue-black discolouration. Degenerative arthropathy of the spine, knee, and hip are common signs of ochronosis in older age. An association between ochronosis and depression has not previously been discussed in the literature. This case report describes a 69 year-old woman with diabetes mellitus, ochronosis, depression and chronic pain. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (6): 710-713)Alkaptoniuria (ochronoza) jest rzadką, dziedziczoną w sposĆ³b autosomalny recesywny chorobą metaboliczną, ktĆ³ra polega na genetycznym defekcie przemiany aminokwasu, tyrozyny. Defekt ten powoduje gromadzenie się i odkładanie kwasu homogentyzynowego w tkance łącznej powodujące jej niebiesko-czarne zabarwienie. Częstymi objawami ochronozy w starszym wieku są zmiany zwyrodnieniowe stawĆ³w kręgosłupa, kolan i bioder. W bibliografii nie znaleziono opracowań dotyczących związku między ochronozą i depresją. Niniejszy opis przedstawia przypadek 69-letniej kobiety cierpiącej z powodu ochronozy, depresji i przewlekłego bĆ³lu. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (6): 710-713

    Determination of permanent deformation of flexible pavements using finite element model

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    Nevezani zrnati materijal koji se koristi u savitljivim kolničkim konstrukcijama ponaÅ”a se elastoplastično pod utjecajem ponavljanih prometnih opterećenja. Trajne deformacije koje se javljaju na povrÅ”ini kolnika uslijed prometnog opterećenja jedan su od osnovnih problema koji negativno utječu na ponaÅ”anje kolničkih konstrukcija. Zbog toga su u novije vrijeme razvijeni brojni modeli za analizu trajnih deformacija, tj. za izračunavanje pojave kolotraga na kolnicima. Većina istraživanja koja se bave tim pitanjem temelje se na provedbi dinamičkih troosnih ispitivanja. U ovom je istraživanju deformabilnost nevezanih zrnatih materijala određena ispitivanjem prema metodi rezonantnog stupca. Također, umjesto određivanja ukupnih trajnih deformacija zbrajanjem izračunanih deformacija pojedinačnih slojeva kolnika, u ovom se radu na četiri različita tipa kolničkih konstrukcija provode dinamičke dvodimenzionalne osnosimetrične analize metodom konačnih elemenata kako bi se predvidjela ukupna trajna deformacija koja se javlja na povrÅ”ini kolnika nakon određenog broja ciklusa opterećenja. Nevezani slojevi za prvi modelirani tip kolničke konstrukcije sastoje se od prirodnog agregata. Nevezani nosivi sloj i/ili tamponski sloj preostalih triju kolničkih konstrukcija sastoji se od otpadnog materijala čelične zgure. Odnos trajnih deformacija i broja ciklusa opterećenja za sva četiri tipa kolničkih konstrukcija prikazan je na polulogaritamskim dijagramima. Za svaki je analizirani tip kolničke konstrukcije prikazana jednadžba trajnih deformacija.The unbound granular material used in flexible road pavements exhibits an elastoplastic behaviour under repetitive traffic loads. Permanent deformation occurring on pavement surface under traffic load is one of the main road pavement problems affecting road performance. Therefore, many permanent deformation models for calculating road pavement rutting have recently been developed by researchers. Most of these studies involve performance of dynamic triaxial tests. In this study, deformation characteristics of unbound granular materials are determined using the resonant column test. Then, instead of determining the total permanent deformation by summing up the calculated permanent deformations obtained in each pavement layer, dynamic 2D axisymmetric finite element analyses are performed for four different pavement cross sections to predict the total permanent deformation occurring on pavement surface under certain load cycles. The first modelled cross section of unbound granular material consists of natural aggregate. The base and/or subbase of remaining three cross sections consists of steel slag waste material. The permanent deformation versus load cycle is presented for four multi-layer road cross sections using semi logarithmic graphs. Finally, the permanent deformation model equation is developed for each pavement cross section using their fitting curves

    Internally Displaced Persons and the Cyprus Peace Process

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    The article focuses on the Greek Cypriot Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and their attitudes towards the islandā€™s reunification talks. We utilize quantitative data from two representative sample surveys, conducted in 2016-2017, probing respondents on their views on territorial readjustments, property provisions and power-sharing. Contrary to findings in the literature, IDP status is associated with higher levels of support for a negotiated peace settlement. The article examines the impact of anticipated threats and economic opportunities accompanying a settlement and suggests a set of institutionalized mechanisms to incorporate the views of IDPs and other disadvantaged groups in future reunification talks

    The impact of admission red cell distribution width on long-term cardiovascular events after primary percutaneous intervention: A four-year prospective study

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    Background: Red cell distribution width (RDW) is an indicator of erythrocyte in different size, and its prognostic value has been demonstrated in numerous cardiac and non-cardiac diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of RDW on the long- -term cardiovascular events in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods: Ninety-six consecutive patients (mean age 60.6 Ā± 12.5 years, 77.1% male) with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), who were treated with primary PCI, were analyzed prospectively. Baseline RDW and high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were measured. The patients were followed up for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) for up to 48 months after discharge. Results: There were 30 patients with long-term MACE (Group 1) and 66 patients without long-term MACE (Group 2). Age, admission RDW, hs-CRP and creatine kinase-MB levels, heart rate after PCI, previously used angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, left anterior descending artery lesion, and electrocardiographic no-reflow were higher in Group 1. Admission hemoglobin levels were lower in Group 1. An RDW level ā‰„ 13.85% measured on admission had 80% sensitivity and 64% specificity in predicting long-term MACE on receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis. In multivariate analyses, only admission RDW (HR 5.26, < 95% CI 1.71ā€“16.10; p = 0.004) was an independent predictor of long-term MACE. Conclusions: A high baseline RDW value in patients with STEMI undergoing primary PCI is independently associated with increased risk for long term MACE
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