6 research outputs found

    Phylogeny and Diversity of Entamoeba in Cockroaches, with an Emphasis on Periplaneta americana

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    While the parasitic Amoebozoan Entamoeba histolytica has been well-studied for its role in human pathogenesis, the biodiversity of invertebrate-inhabiting Entamoeba has scarcely been investigated. Using molecular methods, I searched for Entamoeba in the guts of cockroaches from four of the six Blattodean families. Entamoeba small-subunit rRNA genes were recovered from all eight species of cockroaches tested, five of which represent newly discovered hosts. Phylogenetic analysis of over 190 sequences revealed a novel and highly diverse clade of cockroach-inhabiting Entamoeba, separate from the clade predominated by vertebrate-inhabitants. These results double the known genetic diversity of Entamoeba and suggest that they may be widespread among cockroaches. While it would be premature to delineate new species based solely on the sequence data, work on other biologically relevant features of these Entamoeba variants could assist with that

    Estimasi Kadar Air Daging Sapi Berdasarkan Luas Area Jejak Air Daging Fresh Meat Water Estimate Based On Meat Water Stain Area

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    Daging sapi mengandung protein tinggi, zat besi, seng, selenium, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niasin, fosfor, dan asam amino esensial yang dibutuhkan manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mengestimasi kadar air daging sapi berdasarkan jejak air daging pada kertas. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengantisipasi pemalsuan daging (gelonggongan). Sebanyak 10 sampel daging bagian silrloin sberat 250gram diambil dari individu berbeda yang telah dipastikan dalam kondisi sehat dan normal dan dipotong di RPH. Daging dibawa dengan kotak pendingin dari ke laboratorium. Sebanyak 100gram daging diuji proksimat dan lima (5) gram untuk uji tekan dengan berat beban sebagai perlakuan yaitu 0,5 kg dan 2 kg selama 5 menit di atas kertas di kertas saring Whatmann no 1. Luas area jejak air daging pada kertas diukur menggunakan planimeter (Planix-5, Tamaya®, Jepang). Data luas area jejak air daging hasil uji tekan dan kadar  air hasil uji proksimat dianalisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil uji proksimat menunjukkan kandungan nutrisi daging yaitu kadar air -rata 74,16±1,11%, kadar abu 0,98 ± 0,09%, kadar protein 19,38±1,47%, dan kadar lemak 3,98±2,86%. Rerata luas jejak air daging menggunakan beban 0,5 kg adalah 27,03±14,3 cm2, dan persamaan linier yang dihasilkan kadar air daging (Y)= 72,925+0,046 (P>0,05), sedangakan dengan beban 2 kg menghasilkan luas rata-rata 43,37±15,67 cm2, dan persamaan linier Y = 71,573 + 0,059X (P<0,05). Berdasarkan persamaan linier dengan beban 2 kg maka kisaran luas jejak air untuk daging normal diperoleh dari 1-143 cm2 dengan perkiraan kadar air 71,63-80,01%. 

    Accountability of the performance of general election of the regional head supervisory committee in 2015 of Gorontalo District

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    The low trust of the majority of the community towards the independent institutions of the General Election of the Regional Head threatens the growth of democratic governance. This study aims to describe and analyze the performance accountability of the Election Supervisory Committee of 2015 in Gorontalo District. The main data was collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research showed that the preventive action against infringement of Pemilukada in 2015, was quite prone to index 2.28. From 5 indicators used, 2 indicators were considered vulnerable namely, money politics with the value of index 3.5 and public participation with the value index3, 3. Panwaslukada has claimed to have been transparent in surveillance, although some of the society still have doubts. The commoners who are categorized as the poor have always been subjected to the vulnerability of participation and money politics in elections in 2015, because of the many stakeholders from holding parties to successful teams. However, violations occurring during the implementation of the General Election were materially unprove

    Identifying the Influence of Foreign Direct Investment Toward the ASEAN Economic Community 2025

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    ASEAN as a region has a great economic potential, which explains the large interest in terms of investment in the region. The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) cooperation program is also a milestone in increasing foreign investment in ASEAN. This study uses a quantitative approach, with the subject of this research being 10 ASEAN countries in 2015–2021. The dependent variable used in this study is foreign direct investment, and the independent variables are government effectiveness, political stability, trade openness, and the workforce. The data in this study comes from the world bank. The analytical method applied in this study is the panel data regression analysis method. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that trade openness and labor force had a positive and significant impact on foreign direct investment in 10 ASEAN countries in 2015–2021. At the same time, government effectiveness and political stability had a positive but insignificant effect. The results of simultaneous testing show that government effectiveness, political stability, trade openness, and the workforce influenced foreign direct investment in 10 ASEAN countries in 2015–2021. The government can use this study in determining foreign investment policies, especially those related to maintaining a stable investment climate. Keywords: ASEAN, foreign direct investment, government effectiveness, labor force, political stability, trade opennes