112 research outputs found

    Fabric Study and Structural History of Deformed Plutonic and Metamorphic Rocks in the Holden Area, North Cascades, Washington

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    The Holden area, in the Crystalline Core of the North Cascades, contains deformed and undeformed plutons ranging from Triassic to Eocene in age. Two deformational styles have been identified in the Holden area. Contractional deformation is indicated by steeply-plunging, down-dip, mineral and stretching lineations in the syn-tectonic Seven Fingered Jack pluton (estimated midLate Cretaceous), and in the pre-tectonic Dumbell Mountain pluton (220 Ma), associated with apparent flattened fabrics. Strike-slip shear deformation is represented by gently-plunging to subhorizontal, strike-parallel mineral and stretching lineations, which are commonly associated with constricted fabrics. These fabrics occur prominently in the Dumbell Mountain pluton, and crosscut successive intrusive phases in the syn-tectonic root of the Duncan Hill pluton (47-45 Ma emplacement age). Thus, contractional and strike-slip styles of deformation may have been active from mid-Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary in the Holden area. Deformation of uncertain style was active in the mid-Late Cretaceous in the Cardinal Peale pluton (73 Ma), evidenced by: 1) an elongate map pattern; 2) xenoliths aligned parallel to pluton contacts; and 3) a northwest striking foliation defined by recrystallized textures, all of which are aligned parallel to the foliation in the country rock. Metamorphism reached the amphibolite facies in the Holden area as indicated by the assemblage hornblende + oligoclase + garnet. A few chlorite + albite + epidote assemblages and local alteration of biotite, hornblende, and garnet to chlorite reflect overprinting by a pervasive low-grade metamorphic event. Steeply-plunging lineation and strike-parallel lineation are defined by amphibolite facies assemblages, indicating that medium-to high-grade metamorphism was coeval with deformation. Strike-parallel lineations defined by both ductile and brittle fabrics with associated chlorite are probably related to deformation associated with later low-grade metamorphic conditions. Existing models for the structural development of the Cascades include a collisional model resulting in essentially SW-NE directed contraction (Brandon and Cowan, 1985), and a strike-slip or transpressional model resulting in NW-SE lineations with low plunge (Brown and Talbot, 1989). Data for the Holden and surrounding areas indicates that both contraction and strike-slip shear deformation were active at the same time. It is possible that oblique convergence from 80 Ma to 43 Ma was partitioned into orogen-normal and orogen-parallel components to produce coeval contractional and strike-slip shear structures. The development of two structural styles in the Holden area emphasizes the need to incorporate both strike-slip and contractional processes as important deformation mechanisms in the orogenesis of the Crystalline Core of the North Cascades

    Evaluation of pigmented post-consumer recycled polyethylene properties

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    With increased regulation of recycled materials, such as minimum content claims for bags and rigid containers in California, additional research was needed to understand how the recycled content affects the material properties and safety of these polymers. The objective of this research was to investigate how material properties changed as commodity recycled material is incorporated into commercial products, and if these changes can be modeled. Post-consumer recycled (PCR) linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) feedstocks were blended with virgin LLDPE to create 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% wt/wt PCR sample sets. The recycled feedstocks contained either exclusively calcium carbonate or a blend of calcium carbonate and carbon black pigments. The sample blends were extruded on a Wayne single screw extruder into film and sheet. Samples were evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) and fluorescence spectroscopy. Extractions in nhexane and xylene were performed according to Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21, B, Part 177.1520 for regulatory compliance with direct food contact applications. Results of this study suggest the potential for modeling of recycled content in pigmented polyethylene, particularly using ultraviolet spectroscopy, and that post-consumer recycled material may be safely incorporated into food contact applications

    Designing of a regenerative feedwater heater biomass heating plant

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    Hlavnou úlohou tejto diplomovej práce je projekčný návrh nízkotlakového regeneračného ohrievača napájacej vody. Bol vykonaný tepelný a hydraulický výpočet tohto zariadenia. Následne je podrobne popísaný spôsob regulácie teploty výstupnej vody. V závere sú uvedené výpočty pre dimenzovanie hrúbok stien hlavných plášťov. Projekčný výkres je súčasťou práce ako príloha.The main task of this diploma thesis is a draft design low-regenerative feedwater heater. There is conducted thermal and hydraulic calculation of this device. After that there is detaily described the method for controlling the temperature of the outlet water. Conclusion includes calculations for sizing wall thickness of the main tires. Projection drawing is part of the work as a supplement.

    Geomorphological Changes by the Action of Coastal Processes and Anthropogenic Activties along the Coastal Zone between Ras Al-Jalaiah And Ras Az-Zour, Southern Kuwait

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    The coastline is one of the most important linear features on the earth s surface which displays a dynamic nature The natural processes that interact with the coastal environment of Kuwait are tides currents and waves The main shoreline of the coast of Kuwait is about 325 km long In the north the coast is characterized by wide intertidal mudflats bounded by a large-scale coastal sabkha partly covered with sand drifts The southern shore is characterized by relatively steep sand beaches with narrow to moderately wide rocky intertidal platforms which are partly covered by sand and algal mats The area of interest is the coastal area between Ras al-Julaiha and Ras Az-Zour in the southern area of Kuwait Sandy berm and wave-cut cliff bound this southern intertidal environment The study area is a superficial open vulnerable bay of a maximum depth of 28 m extending along the southern shore of Kuwait Ras Al-Jalaiah promontory bounds the area northwards and Ras Az-Zour promontory bounds it southward with a distance measured vertically of 18 085 k

    Dervish Sound Dress; An Investigation of Wearable Technology Using Computer Music and Haptic Mechanisms for Live Performance

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    The realm of this thesis combines the areas of computer music, fashion design, digital art, smart clothing, biometrics, cultural traditions and performance. Dervish Sound Dress is a wearable piece of technology; a garment that is inspired by the sacred ‘turning’ experience of the Whirling Dervishes or the Mevlevi Sufi order in Turkey known as the sema. It utilizes the fundamental aspects of the sema such as music, performance and body movement through spiritual elation by creating a unique and interactive experience. Wearable technology is a burgeoning field of research. Fashion designers who are using smart textiles or integrating fashion and technology in some way require collaboration with electrical engineers and programming professionals. The garment functions as a body instrument and can be manipulated by the wearer. The cultural traditions of the Mevlevi Sufis and their metaphysical experience during the turning ritual of the sema performance is the inspiration behind the creation of a garment that emulates sounds by using body movement. Dervish Sound Dress is outfitted with sensors that trigger musical sounds when the wearer touches the bodice interface or changes gesture or movement. The wearer is alerted to the sounds through the use of haptics that are sensed on the body. The sensation is similar to when a musician plays an instrument that reverberates resulting in an immersive relationship that goes further than the auditory. The aim is to develop garments that will inspire the creation of musical sounds that can be controlled by an intuitive interface in clothing. It is a study that uses technology and performance by taking a sacred experience and creating artistic expression. Dervish Sound Dress seeks to examine how technology can be integrated into a garment as an expressive body instrument to augment contemporary sonic performance

    Technological process of implementation of ceilings

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    Import 26/06/2013Předmětem bakalářské práce je technologický postup provádění konstrukce montovaných stropů nad podlažími částečně podsklepeného bytového domu o třech nadzemních podlažích. Stropní konstrukce bude řešena v systému Heluz Miako, tvořeném keramickými stropními vložkami a keramobetonovými stropními nosníky vyztuženými prostorovou výztuží. Součástí bakalářské práce je rovněž projektová dokumentace v rozsahu pro stavební povolení, odpovídající výkresová dokumentace včetně konstrukčních detailů stropních konstrukcí a tepelně technické posouzení objektu a jeho vybraných detailů. V technologické a prováděcí části je kromě technologického postupu vypracován kontrolní list provádění, časový harmonogram stavby, souhrnný rozpočet stavby a položkový rozpočet stropních konstrukcí.The subject of this bachelor thesis is the technological procedure of placing prefabricated ceilings over the floors of a three-story block of flats with a partial cellar structure underneath. The ceiling structure will be designed in the Heluz Miako system, which constitutes of ceramic ceiling block and ceramic-concrete ceiling beams reinforced by bracing. Part of the thesis is also the project documentation in the extent for a building permit, appropriate technical drawing documentation including construction details of the ceiling structures and an evaluation of the thermal qualities of the object and its particular details. Apart from a technological procedure carried out in the technological and executive part, a check list of the execution, a time schedule of the construction, its total budget and the itemized budget of the ceiling structures are dealt with as well.Prezenční225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Pollution Prevention Manual for Lithographic Printers

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    Plan for safety and health at work on the construction site of the multifunctional building

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    Import 26/02/2015Předmětem diplomové práce je plán bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci na staveništi pro zděnou budovu polyfunkční výstavby o čtyřech nadzemních a jednom podzemním podlaží. V prvním nadzemním podlaží jsou situovány prodejní plochy, v podlažích následujících pak bytové jednotky. Součástí diplomové práce je rovněž projektová dokumentace v rozsahu pro provádění stavby, odpovídající výkresová dokumentace, výpisy výrobků řemeslných činností a doplňkové výkresy vhodné ke správnému a úplnému vypracování technologické části. V technologické a prováděcí části je kromě plánu bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci vypracována identifikace rizik plynoucích z činností výstavbového procesu a jejich následné vyhodnocení, časový plán stavby formou řádkového harmonogramu a položkový rozpočet stavebních a montážních prací.The subject of this diploma thesis is safety and health protection plan for work at a construction site of a brick multifunctional building consisting of four above-ground and one underground floor. Floorspace is located on the first floor, while the remaining three contain housing units. Part of the diploma thesis is also project documentation in the extent necessary for a building permit, appropriate technical drawing documentation, listings of products of craftsman activities and supplemental drawings suitable for correct and complete development of the technological part. The technological and executive part also contains, apart from the safety and health protection plan for work, an identification of risks stemming from the activities regarding the construction process and their subsequent evaluation, a timetable of the construction and an itemized budget of construction and assembly jobs.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvívýborn

    Economy of outdoor pool

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    V tejto bakalárskej práci sú zanalyzované všetky potrebné náklady na prevádzku domáceho vonkajšieho bazéna. Pri jednotlivých položkách sú uvedené ceny. Zvolené sú dve bazénové riešenia a pre tie je vyrátaná päťročná kalkulácia na ich prevádzku. V závere práce je ich porovnanie.In this bachelor‘s thesis are analyzed all the necessary operating costs of home outdoor pool. For each item is listed price. For two chosen solutions is made five-year calculation for their operation. At the end of this thesis a comparison is made.

    QR code detection under ROS implemented on the GPU

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem a implementací algoritmu pro detekci QR kódů s integrací do platformy ROS a výpočty běžícími na grafické kartě. Z rešerše současně dostupných nástrojů a technik je vybrán vhodný postup a algoritmus je napsán jako modul v programovacím jazyce Python, který je snadno integrovatelný do ROS. Ke zprostředkování výpočtů na vícejádrovém hardware, jako jsou grafické karty či vícejádrové procesory, je využita knihovna OpenCL.This master's thesis deals with the design and implementation of a QR code detection algorithm under the ROS platform with computations running on a graphical processing unit. Through a comparative survey of available tools and techniques, a suitable approach is chosen and the algorithm is written as a module in the Python programming language, ready to be implemented under the ROS platform. The OpenCL parallel computing platform is used to facilitate parallel computation on multi-core hardware, such as graphical processing units or multi-core CPUs.