70 research outputs found

    Elucidating College Students’ Stressors: Photovoice as a Pedagogical Tool and Qualitative Methodology

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    Traditional research examining student stress relies on surveys using pre-determined categories. This study diverts from that approach by adopting a Communication in Conflict class assignment over seven classes (N = 115) using photovoice to determine if results fluctuate by using a different methodology. Additionally, we sought to understand if the sources of stress vary by gender and semester. The data revealed seven categories as the main stressors of student conflict: 1) time management, 2) mental health, 3) finding oneself, 4) future uncertainty, 5) other, 6) financial, and 7) past mistakes. Regardless of participants’ sex/gender or semester in which the data were collected, time management and mental health remained constant. Furthermore, finding oneself and future uncertainty were stressors identified more often in the fall rather than the spring semester. These results varied from traditional survey research

    RNA immunoprecipitation to identify in vivo targets of RNA editing and modifying enzymes

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    The past decade has seen an exponential increase in the identification of individual nucleobases that undergo base conversion and/or modification in transcriptomes. While the enzymes that catalyze these types of changes have been identified, the global interactome of these modifiers is still largely unknown. Furthermore, in some instances, redundancy among a family of enzymes leads to an inability to pinpoint the protein responsible for modifying a given transcript merely from high-throughput sequencing data. This chapter focuses on a method for global identification of transcripts recognized by an RNA modification/editing enzyme via capture of the RNAs that are bound in vivo, a method referred as RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP). We provide a guide of the major issues to consider when designing a RIP experiment, a detailed experimental protocol as well as troubleshooting advice. The RIP protocol presented here can be readily applied to any organism or cell line of interest as well as both RNA modification enzymes and RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that regulate RNA modification levels. As mentioned at the end of the protocol, the RIP assay can be coupled to high-throughput sequencing to globally identify bound targets. For more quantitative investigations, such as how binding of an RNA modification enzyme/regulator to a given target changes during development/in specific tissues or assessing how the presence or absence of RNA modification affects transcript recognition by a particular RBP (irrespective of a role for the RBP in modulating modification levels); the RIP assay should be coupled to quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR)

    A protein-protein interaction underlies the molecular basis for substrate recognition by an adenosine-to-inosine RNA-editing enzyme

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    Adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADARs) convert adenosine to inosine within double-stranded regions of RNA, resulting in increased transcriptomic diversity, as well as protection of cellular double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) from silencing and improper immune activation. The presence of dsRNA-binding domains (dsRBDs) in all ADARs suggests these domains are important for substrate recognition; however, the role of dsRBDs in vivo remains largely unknown. Herein, our studies indicate the Caenorhabditis elegans ADAR enzyme, ADR-2, has low affinity for dsRNA, but interacts with ADR-1, an editing-deficient member of the ADAR family, which has a 100-fold higher affinity for dsRNA. ADR-1 uses one dsRBD to physically interact with ADR-2 and a second dsRBD to bind to dsRNAs, thereby tethering ADR-2 to substrates. ADR-2 interacts with >1200 transcripts in vivo, and ADR-1 is required for 80% of these interactions. Our results identify a novel mode of substrate recognition for ADAR enzymes and indicate that protein-protein interactions can guide substrate recognition for RNA editors

    Exposure Patterns in the Digital Domain: A Demographic Analysis of Media Use and Access in the United States

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    In this study we examine and extend knowledge in a relatively neglected area of diversity research in the digital domain: exposure diversity. Specifically, we assess how different demographic groups use digital devices to consume media content and connect with one another. Two hundred and ninety-seven participants were surveyed about the digital media devices they have and what they do with them. We analyzed access and use in terms of users’ age, gender, race, annual income, and education. Our results confirm the persistence of a digital divide with regard to exposure diversity and continue to verify earlier findings regarding significant differences in media use and access in different demographic groups

    Profiling neural editomes reveals a molecular mechanism to regulate RNA editing during development

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    Adenosine (A) to inosine (I) RNA editing contributes to transcript diversity and modulates gene expression in a dynamic, cell type-specific manner. During mammalian brain development, editing of specific adenosines increases, whereas the expression of A-to-I editing enzymes remains unchanged, suggesting molecular mechanisms that mediate spatiotemporal regulation of RNA editing exist. Herein, by using a combination of biochemical and genomic approaches, we uncover a molecular mechanism that regulates RNA editing in a neural- and development-specific manner. Comparing editomes during development led to the identification of neural transcripts that were edited only in one life stage. The stage-specific editing is largely regulated by differential gene expression during neural development. Proper expression of nearly one-third of the neurodevelopmentally regulated genes is dependent on adr-2, the sole A-to-I editing enzyme in C. elegans However, we also identified a subset of neural transcripts that are edited and expressed throughout development. Despite a neural-specific down-regulation of adr-2 during development, the majority of these sites show increased editing in adult neural cells. Biochemical data suggest that ADR-1, a deaminase-deficient member of the adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR) family, is competing with ADR-2 for binding to specific transcripts early in development. Our data suggest a model in which during neural development, ADR-2 levels overcome ADR-1 repression, resulting in increased ADR-2 binding and editing of specific transcripts. Together, our findings reveal tissue- and development-specific regulation of RNA editing and identify a molecular mechanism that regulates ADAR substrate recognition and editing efficiency

    Antenatal care trial interventions: a systematic scoping review and taxonomy development of care models

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    BACKGROUND: Antenatal care models vary widely around the world, reflecting local contexts, drivers and resources. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have tested the impact of multi-component antenatal care interventions on service delivery and outcomes in many countries since the 1980s. Some have applied entirely new schemes, while others have modified existing care delivery approaches. Systematic reviews (SRs) indicate that some specific antenatal interventions are more effective than others; however the causal mechanisms leading to better outcomes are poorly understood, limiting implementation and future research. As a first step in identifying what might be making the difference we conducted a scoping review of interventions tested in RCTs in order to establish a taxonomy of antenatal care models. METHODS: A protocol-driven systematic search was undertaken of databases for RCTs and SRs reporting antenatal care interventions. Results were unrestricted by time or locality, but limited to English language. Key characteristics of both experimental and control interventions in the included trials were mapped using SPIO (Study design; Population; Intervention; Outcomes) criteria and the intervention and principal outcome measures were described. Commonalities and differences between the components that were being tested in each study were identified by consensus, resulting in a comprehensive description of emergent models for antenatal care interventions. RESULTS: Of 13,050 articles retrieved, we identified 153 eligible articles including 130 RCTs in 34 countries. The interventions tested in these trials varied from the number of visits to the location of care provision, and from the content of care to the professional/lay group providing that care. In most studies neither intervention nor control arm was well described. Our analysis of the identified trials of antenatal care interventions produced the following taxonomy: Universal provision model (for all women irrespective of health state or complications); Restricted 'lower-risk'-based provision model (midwifery-led or reduced/flexible visit approach for healthy women); Augmented provision model (antenatal care as in Universal provision above but augmented by clinical, educational or behavioural intervention); Targeted 'higher-risk'-based provision model (for woman with defined clinical or socio-demographic risk factors). The first category was most commonly tested in low-income countries (i.e. resource-poor settings), particularly in Asia. The other categories were tested around the world. The trials included a range of care providers, including midwives, nurses, doctors, and lay workers. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions can be defined and described in many ways. The intended antenatal care population group proved the simplest and most clinically relevant way of distinguishing trials which might otherwise be categorised together. Since our review excluded non-trial interventions, the taxonomy does not represent antenatal care provision worldwide. It offers a stable and reproducible approach to describing the purpose and content of models of antenatal care which have been tested in a trial. It highlights a lack of reported detail of trial interventions and usual care processes. It provides a baseline for future work to examine and test the salient characteristics of the most effective models, and could also help decision-makers and service planners in planning implementation

    Disruption in A-to-I Editing Levels Affects C. elegans Development More Than a Complete Lack of Editing

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    A-to-I RNA editing, catalyzed by ADAR proteins, is widespread in eukaryotic transcriptomes. Studies showed that, in C. elegans, ADR-2 can actively deaminate dsRNA, whereas ADR-1 cannot. Therefore, we set out to study the effect of each of the ADAR genes on the RNA editing process. We performed comprehensive phenotypic, transcriptomics, proteomics, and RNA binding screens on worms mutated in a single ADAR gene. We found that ADR-1 mutants exhibit more-severe phenotypes than ADR-2, and some of them are a result of non-editing functions of ADR-1. We also show that ADR-1 significantly binds edited genes and regulates mRNA expression, whereas the effect on protein levels is minor. In addition, ADR-1 primarily promotes editing by ADR-2 at the L4 stage of development. Our results suggest that ADR-1 has a significant role in the RNA editing process and in altering editing levels that affect RNA expression; loss of ADR-1 results in severe phenotypes

    Midwifery-led antenatal care models: mapping a systematic review to an evidence-based quality framework to identify key components and characteristics of care.

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    BACKGROUND: Implementing effective antenatal care models is a key global policy goal. However, the mechanisms of action of these multi-faceted models that would allow widespread implementation are seldom examined and poorly understood. In existing care model analyses there is little distinction between what is done, how it is done, and who does it. A new evidence-informed quality maternal and newborn care (QMNC) framework identifies key characteristics of quality care. This offers the opportunity to identify systematically the characteristics of care delivery that may be generalizable across contexts, thereby enhancing implementation. Our objective was to map the characteristics of antenatal care models tested in Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) to a new evidence-based framework for quality maternal and newborn care; thus facilitating the identification of characteristics of effective care. METHODS: A systematic review of RCTs of midwifery-led antenatal care models. Mapping and evaluation of these models' characteristics to the QMNC framework using data extraction and scoring forms derived from the five framework components. Paired team members independently extracted data and conducted quality assessment using the QMNC framework and standard RCT criteria. RESULTS: From 13,050 citations initially retrieved we identified 17 RCTs of midwifery-led antenatal care models from Australia (7), the UK (4), China (2), and Sweden, Ireland, Mexico and Canada (1 each). QMNC framework scores ranged from 9 to 25 (possible range 0-32), with most models reporting fewer than half the characteristics associated with quality maternity care. Description of care model characteristics was lacking in many studies, but was better reported for the intervention arms. Organisation of care was the best-described component. Underlying values and philosophy of care were poorly reported. CONCLUSIONS: The QMNC framework facilitates assessment of the characteristics of antenatal care models. It is vital to understand all the characteristics of multi-faceted interventions such as care models; not only what is done but why it is done, by whom, and how this differed from the standard care package. By applying the QMNC framework we have established a foundation for future reports of intervention studies so that the characteristics of individual models can be evaluated, and the impact of any differences appraised
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