15 research outputs found
Kristen i det senmoderna : Unga frikyrkligas identitet i senmoderniteten
The purpose of this essay is to examine how young members of Free Churches relate to issues connected with lifestyle and identity, based on the changed conditions for the self in late modernity. More specifically, I want to examine how they deal with the increased degree of detraditionalisation and institutional individualization in late modernity. My research-question is: How do young members of Free Churches relate to issues connected with lifestyle and identity, with the increased degree of personal freedom and institutional individualization in late modernity as a starting point? The empiric part of the essay is carried out by qualitative in-depth interviews with five young members of Free Churches. These semi-structured interviews are focused on a number of different areas of the changed conditions for the self in late modernity. My theoretical perspective has been constructed from the theories of Anthony Giddens, Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim. From these theories a focus on certain relevant areas of the condition of the self in late modernity, has developed. These are work, consumption, marriage, love, sexuality, body and health. The general way of relating to issues of lifestyle and identity that I could interpret from my interview-respondentsâ answers was that they exercised a form of opposition against the dominant way of life in late modernity, in issues that can be connected to detraditionalisation. Examples of such issues are those related to marriage and sexuality. But they relate more according to the dominant late modern way of life, in issues that can be connected to the institutional individualization, such as issues of work, consumption and body
"We Paid and Then We Could Continueâ: Corruption during the Migration Trajectory, the Experience of Afghan Migrants
It is a common argumentation that contemporary world is characterized by globalization and the dissolving of borders. Flows of information, goods and people are argued to be fundamental in this new world. However, it seems as these flows are not applicable for all. The rise of border policies in Europe, as a way of controlling international migration, has created a situation where states strive towards a strict control of those crossing the borders. These hindrances often force migrants to deal with illegal means in order to continue their journey. Corruption is argued to be a fundamental part of these means, and conceptualized by large international organisations as a great threat towards the maintaining of solid borders. Others argue that corruption could be seen as part of everyday life, and important for migrants when negotiating their illegal status towards states. The aim of this thesis, based upon semi-structured interviews, is to explore the role of corruption during the migration trajectory. Questions stated are how migrants organize their trajectory and with the help of which actors, how migrants experience corruption during their trajectory and what this might tell us about the role of corruption in migration more broadly. By exploring the intervieweesâ narratives this thesis could raise that corruption is a fundamental means throughout their journey. It creates possibilities to pass hindrances on their way, as well as negotiate their status towards actors who aim towards controlling them. Which consequently will raise their level of agency. Furthermore, corruption is part of the blurring of boarders, making the legal and illegal intertwined, enabling an expansion of the migration industry
Att lÀra elever att lÀra sig sjÀlva : En fokusgruppsstudie om lÀrares förestÀllningar om att arbeta metakognitivt i undervisningen
Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att undersöka lÀrares förestÀllningar om sitt uppdrag att frÀmja elevers metakognitiva förmÄga och hur de beskriver att de arbetar för att lÀra elever att lÀra sig sjÀlva. I undersökningen anvÀndes fokusgruppssamtal med sammanlagt sex grundskolelÀrare. DÄ samtalen var genomförda transkriberades och sammanstÀlldes de. Resultatet visar att lÀrarna beskriver uppdraget som svÄrt och komplicerat men att metakognition genomsyrar stora delar av undervisningen. NÄgra av lÀrarna Àr vÀl medvetna om vad begreppet metakognition innebÀr medan andra har en vag uppfattning om vad det Àr. I resultatet framtrÀder tvÄ sÀtt att se pÄ elevers utvecklande av metakognitiva förmÄgor. Med det ena synsÀttet ligger ansvaret till största del pÄ eleven sjÀlv och det finns en förvÀntan att förmÄgan ska vÀxa fram. Med det andra synsÀttet ser lÀrarna sin egen roll som en avgörande faktor för att eleverna ska utveckla metakognitiva förmÄgor. Samtliga lÀrare ger konkreta exempel pÄ hur de arbetar för att eleverna ska fÄ syn pÄ sitt lÀrande men de lyfter ocksÄ kritiska aspekter med att arbeta metakognitivt
Det Àr svÄrt att vara den man vill vara : En studie om identitet och lÀrande utifrÄn Tv-programmet Idol
Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att undersöka hur tvĂ„ Idoldeltagare och tvĂ„ sĂ„nglĂ€rare upplever TV-programmet Idol utifrĂ„n ett lĂ€randeperspektiv, vilket innefattar frĂ„gor kring sĂ„ng, identitet och socialisation. I uppsatsen presenteras vĂ„rt resultat frĂ„n fyra intervjuer, samt litteratur kring musik och musikliv, musik och media samt musik och identitet. Litteraturen beskriver att lĂ€rande inte nödvĂ€ndigtvis behöver skapas i skolan utan ocksĂ„ kan ske pĂ„ andra platser. Studien visar att deltagarna i Idol upplever att de har lĂ€rt sig mycket. De anser att de har fĂ„tt musicera tillsammans med andra, trĂ€ffa mĂ€nniskor inom musikbranschen, arbeta med sĂ„ngpedagoger, samt lĂ€ra sig hur TV. OcksĂ„ sĂ„nglĂ€rarna anser att deltagarna i Idol lĂ€r sig och att programmet Ă€r ett bra tillfĂ€lle för dem som vill synas och âkomma framâ. De pĂ„pekar dĂ€remot att lĂ€randet handlar för lite om musiken och mer om branschen och TV. Exempelvis sĂ€ger en av intervjupersonerna att sĂ„ngen blir âframkrystatâ och oĂ€kta pĂ„ grund av att Idoldeltagarna tvingas âlevereraâ enbart för TV. Vid analysen av studien lyfts Idols koppling till ett informellt lĂ€rande fram. Media tar allt mer plats i dagens samhĂ€lle och Ă€r en stor del av ungdomars identitetsbygge. HĂ€r mĂ€rks skillnader mellan sĂ„nglĂ€rarna och Idoldeltagarna i hur de uppfattar att man lĂ€r sig, var man lĂ€r sig och vad lĂ€rande Ă€r bra för. I olika situationer, som i musiksalen möts olika erfarenheter frĂ„n olika former av lĂ€rande
There are no qualitative methods - nor quantitative for that matter: The misleading rhetoric of the qualitative-quantitative argument
International audienceThis article is about the comprehensive but meaningless rhetoric encircling the pseudo issue of quantitative-qualitative method. Two questions get clarification in this article. First, what does the term method mean, and second, what constraints should be attached to the term when moving into the theory and practice of science. Based on an examination of these two, we subsequently address the question of what the quantitative-qualitative argument is about. Our reasoning leads to the conclusion that the quantitative-qualitative argument should be removed from the agenda, so that significant and important a priori choices may be given due attention instea