32 research outputs found

    Cultivated sweet rowanberries have high phenolic content and antioxidant capacity

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    Cultivation of sweet rowan was started in Kuopio in 1990 when various cultivars and hybrids adapted to nothern climates were planted in the University Botanical Garden. All the cultivars have high antioxidant and phenolic content. The phenolic profile and high antioxidant capacity make the rowanberries potentially very interesting sources of preservatives and colouring agents for the food processing industry

    Benzothiadiazole induces the accumulation of phenolics in strawberry

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    We have studied the potency of benzothiadiazole against powdery mildew disease in strawberry under greenhouse conditions, where the disease can be a problem. The results show that, in addition to other cultivation techniques, BTH-induced resistance could be exploited to obtain fruits with higher amount of beneficial health compounds

    Arctic bramble, berry with unique aroma is a rich source of phytochemicals. Cultivation is still problematic

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    The main goal in the cultivation trials is the evaluation of the productivity and downy mildew resistance of a selected arctic bramble clone, which in preliminary trials has shown disease resistance

    Fenoliset terveyskomponentit marjantuotannossa

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    Benzothiadiazole induces the accumulation of phenolics and improves resistance to powdery mildew in strawberries

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    Benzothiadiazole (BTH) enhanced the accumulation of soluble and cell-wall-bound phenolics in strawberry leaves and also improved the resistance to powdery mildew infection under greenhouse conditions. The most pronounced change was seen in the levels of ellagitannins, which increased up to 2- to 6-fold 4 days after the BTH application, but persisted only in the inoculated plants. The induction of phenolic metabolism by BTH was also reflected in the fruits, several compounds being increased in inoculated, BTH-treated plants. Basal salicylic acid (SA) content was high in strawberry leaves, but increased in a similar fashion to other phenolics after the treatments. Several phenolic compounds were identified in strawberries for the first time. For example, ellagic acid deoxyhexose, three agrimoniin-like ellagitannins, sanguiin H-10- and lambertianin C-like ellagitannins in the leaves, ellagic acid, p-coumaric acid, gallic acid, and kaempferol hexose in the cell-wall-bound fraction of the leaves, and kaempferol malonylglucoside in the fruits. The findings show that BTH can enhance the accumulation of phenolics in strawberry plants which may then be involved in the BTH-induced resistance to powdery mildew

    Gastrointestinal manifestations after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes

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    Background: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is an effective treatment for obesity, which improves cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of premature mortality. However, some reports have suggested that RYGB may predispose patients to adverse health outcomes, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer. Objectives: The present prospective study aimed to evaluate the impact of RYGB surgery on cardiovascular risk factors and gastrointestinal inflammation in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D). Setting: University hospital setting in Finland. Methods: Blood and fecal samples were collected at baseline and 6 months after surgery from 30 individuals, of which 16 had T2D and 14 were nondiabetics. There were also single study visits for 6 healthy reference patients. Changes in cardiovascular risk factors, serum cholesterol, and triglycerides were investigated before and after surgery. Fecal samples were analyzed for calprotectin, anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae immunoglobulin A antibodies (ASCA), active lipopolysaccharide (LPS) concentration, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), intestinal alkaline phosphatase activity, and methylglyoxal-hydro-imidazolone (MG-H1) protein adducts formation. Results: After RYGB, weight decreased on average 221.6% (-27.2 +/- 7.8 kg), excess weight loss averaged 51%, and there were improvements in cardiovascular risk factors. Fecal calprotectin levels (P < .001), active LPS concentration (P < .002), ASCA (P < .02), and MG-H1 (P < .02) values increased significantly, whereas fecal SCFAs, especially acetate (P < .002) and butyrate (P < .03) levels, were significantly lowered. Conclusion: The intestinal homeostasis is altered after RYGB, with several fecal markers suggesting increased inflammation; however, clinical significance of the detected changes is currently uncertain. As chronic inflammation may predispose patients to adverse health effects, our findings may have relevance for the suggested association between RYGB and increased risks of incident IBD and colorectal cancer. (C) 2020 American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Total fecal IgA levels increase and natural IgM antibodies decrease after gastric bypass surgery

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    Obesity is associated with low-grade inflammation and increased systemic oxidative stress. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is known to ameliorate the obesity-induced metabolic dysfunctions. We aimed to study the levels of natural antibodies in feces, before and 6 months after RYGB surgery in obese individuals with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D). Sixteen individuals with T2D and 14 non-diabetic (ND) individuals were operated. Total IgA, IgG and IgM antibody levels and specific antibodies to oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde adducts (MAA adducts), Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipain A hemagglutinin domain (Rgp44) and phosphocholine (PCho) were measured using chemiluminescence immunoassay. Total fecal IgA was elevated, while total IgM and IgG were not affected by the surgery. Fecal natural IgM specific to oxLDL decreased significantly in both T2D and ND individuals, while fecal IgM to Rgp44 and PCho decreased significantly in T2D individuals. A decrease in IgG to MAA-LDL, Rgp44 and PCho was detected. RYGB surgery increases the levels of total fecal IgA and decreases fecal natural IgG and IgM antibodies specific to oxLDL. Natural antibodies and IgA are important in maintaining the normal gut homeostasis and first-line defense against microbes, and their production is markedly altered with RYGB surgery.Peer reviewe

    Rakeinteisen kirjaamisen osaamisen kehittäminen : alueprojektin loppuraportti

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    Tämä hoitotyön rakenteisen kirjaamisen osaamisen kehittämisen loppuraportti valmistui osana Vantaan alueellista eNNI © -hanketta yhteistyössä Katriinan sairaalan osaston 4b kanssa. eNNI © on valtakunnallinen rakenteisen kirjaamisen yhtenäisen mallin kehittämishanke vuosille 2008–2012. Valtakunnallisessa eNNI © -hankkeessa on mukana 19 ammattikorkeakoulua. Tässä hankkeessa yhtenä keskeisenä tavoitteena oli muodostaa työelämän ja koulutuksen välille uudenlaista kehittämisyhteistyötä ja juurruttaa rakenteinen kirjaaminen työyhteisöön. Tässä alueprojektissa olivat mukana Katriinan sairaala sekä Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu. (Hankekuvaus 2008.) Hoitotyön rakenteinen kirjaaminen on yhdenmukaista informaatiota, sähköisessä muodossa potilastietojärjestelmässä. Rakenteinen kirjaaminen perustuu kansallisesti määriteltyihin hoitotyön ydintietoihin, kehitettyyn FinCC-luokituskokonaisuuteen ja hoitotyön prosessiajatteluun. Tämä opinnäytetyö kuvaa hoitotyön rakenteisen kirjaamisen osaamisen kehittymistä Katriinan sairaalan osastolla 4 b yhteistyössä Tikkurilan Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa. Opinnäytetyössä arvioidaan alueprojektin tavoitteiden toteutumista Katriinan sairaalan osastolla 4b. Haastattelut toteutettiin teemahaastatteluina kahtena eri päivänä ryhmissä vuonna 2010. Haastateltavia oli yhteensä 11, sairaanhoitajat, perushoitajat ja lähihoitajat muodostivat osaston 4b hoitohenkilökunnan. Arviointi tehtiin teemahaastatteluina ja teemakysymyksiä oli kaksi: 1. Mikä merkitys on ollut osaston 4b ja Laurean keskinäisellä yhteistyöllä? 2. Millä tavalla kirjaaminen on muuttunut? Haastattelun tuloksia arvioitiin sisällönanalyysillä aineistosta esiin nousseista tuloksista. Haastattelujen mukaan Tikkurilan Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun ja Katriinan sairaalan järjestämät koulutukset sekä osaston 4b osastotunnit avasivat uusia näkökulmia kirjaamiseen. Ryhmässä työskentelyn merkitys ajatustyön prosessoinnissa oli merkittävää kirjaamisen kehittymisessä. Yhteistyö ammattikorkeakoulun ja työelämän kanssa on hyödyttänyt molempia osapuolia. Kirjaaminen on kehittynyt osastolla 4b siten, että kirjaaminen on tullut selkeämmäksi ja luontevammaksi. Kirjaamisen muutoksia ovat esimerkiksi hoitosuunnitelmien huolellisempi laadinta. Päivittäisessä kirjaamisessa potilaan todellisten voimavarojen näkyminen on kehittynyt koulutusten myötä. Päivittäisessä kirjaamisessa hoitotoimintojen vaikuttavuus, sekä tavoitteiden kirjaaminen oli vaihtelevaa ja osin epäselvää. Kirjaaminen on haastattelujen mukaan osastolla yhtenäistynyt. Kehittämisen tarpeiksi nousi työelämän ja ammattikorkeakoulun yhteistyön suunnitelmallisuus pidemmällä aika välillä, tiedonkulun kehittäminen eri yhteistyötahojen välillä, sähköisen potilastietojärjestelmään tutustuminen jo opiskeluaikana ja Graafisen Finnstarin haavalehden kehittäminen siten, että haavalehti ohjaisi kirjaamista enemmän esim. haavan mittaamisen osalta. Päivittäisessä kirjaamisessa tavoitteiden sekä hoitotoimintojen näkyminen nousi myös kehittämisen tarpeeksi.Developing structured documentation in the work community The final report will be completed as part of the regional eNNI© Project in collaboration with Katriina Hospital ward 4b. The eNNI© Project is a national project for the years 2008-2012, which aims to standardise the model of structured documenting. Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Katriina Hospital are participating in the regional project in Vantaa. This project is part of the national eNNI© Project funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education. There are 19 universities of applied sciences in total, which are taking part in the national eNNI© Project. One key objective is to create a new kind of development cooperation between employment, education and training as well as to imprint structured documentation in the work community. Structured documentation is consistent information in electronic form in the patient database. Mutually defined structured core data indicate the classified part of the patient care documentation. Structured documentation is based on FinCC classification. The final report describes the developing and imprinting of structural documentation in a work community as well as the cooperation between Katriina Hospital ward 4b and Laurea University of Applied Sciences. The thesis discusses also the project objectives in Katrina Hospital ward 4b. The interviews were conducted through thematic interviews in groups, on two different days in 2010. The interviewees were 11 nurses and practical nurses from Katriina Hospital ward 4b. The evaluation was carried out through thematic interviews and there were two thematic questions: 1. What is the importance of the cooperation between ward 4b and Laurea University of Applied Sciences? 2. How has the registration changed? The interview results were analysed through content analysis. According to the interviews training courses organised by Laurea Tikkurila and lessons given by Katriina Hospital ward 4b, opened up new perspectives on the recording. Group work played an important role in the development of the documentation. Cooperation between the ward 4b and Laurea University of Applied Sciences has benefited both parties. The documentation has been developed on the ward 4b so that the recording has become clearer and easier. The documentation has been altered so that the care management plans are more carefully planned. Daily documentation of the patient's actual capabilities has been developed through training. Daily documentation concerning the effectiveness of treatment operations, as well as the objectives of recording were varied and to some extent unclear. According to the interviews, the documentation on the ward has been harmonised.According to the interviews, the following issues need to be developed; planning the coopera-tion between working life and the partner universities of applied sciences, developing the information flow between the cooperators, the nursing students' familiarisation with the electronic patient system and the development of the graphic Finnstar wound magazine so that the magazine could guide more the documentation of the wound care, for example the measurement of the wounds. In daily documentation, the focus should also be on the visibility of the objectives and the nursing care

    Kun kriisi koskettaa : Lasten- ja Nuortenkoti Kimppa Oy:n toimintaopas äkillisten kriisitilanteiden varalle

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Mari-Anne Hukkanen & Heidi Kilpiäinen Kun kriisi koskettaa. Lasten- ja nuortenkoti Kimppa Oy:n toimintaopas äkillisten kriisitilanteiden varalle. 39s., 2 liitettä. Syksy 2019. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Sosionomi (AMK) Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa Lasten- ja nuortenkoti Kimppa Oy:lle toimintaopas äkillisten kriisitilanteiden varalle. Opas sisältää kriisiviestintäohjeita, ja sen tarkoituksena on parantaa kriisitilanteiden hallintaa ja antaa neuvoja kriisitilanteiden hoitamiseksi, sekä jälkihoidon varmistamiseksi. Opas tulee osaksi Lasten- ja nuortenkoti Kimpan perehdytyskansiota ja turvallisuussuunnitelmaa. Tarve kehittämishankkeelle nousi työelämästä. Lähdeaineistona käytettiin aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta ja verkkojulkaisuja. Opinnäytetyöprosessi eteni kehittämishankkeena toiminnallisen opinnäytetyömallin mukaisesti. Alkukartoituskyselyn avulla selvitettiin todennäköisimpiä kriisejä ja uhkia, jotka voisivat koskea Kimpan työntekijöitä ja nuoria. Opinnäytetyö rakentui teoriaosasta, produktista ja raportoinnista. Produktina syntyi opas Kun kriisi koskettaa. Raportissa kuvataan oppaan syntyä ja toteutusta. Kun kriisi koskettaa- toimintaopas on 20- sivuinen äkillisten kriisitilanteiden hallintaan tarkoitettu apuväline Lasten- ja nuortenkoti Kimpan työntekijöille. Oppaan tarkoituksena on antaa selkeitä toimintaohjeita, kuinka toimia äkillisten kriisien aikana tai heti sen jälkeen. Asiasanat: kriisit, kriisiviestintä, kriisin jälkihoito, psyykkinen ensiapu, resilienssiABSTRACT Mari-Anne Hukkanen and Heidi Kilpiäinen When the crisis touches - An Instruction Manual Guide in Case of Sudden Crisis Situation for Kimppa Inc. Children's and Youth home 39p., 2 appendices Autumn 2019 Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Social Services Bachelor of Social Services The aim of this thesis was to provide an instruction manual guide in the case of an acute crisis situation for Kimppa Inc. Children's and Youth Home. This guide contains crisis communication guidelines and is intended to improve crisis management and provide guidance on how to deal with crisis situations and ensure aftercare. This guide will be part of the orientation folder and safety plan in Kimppa. We used related literature and online publications as reference material. The thesis process proceeded as a development project according to the functional thesis model. The initial mapping survey identified the most likely crises and threats which could affect the employees and inhabitants of Kimppa. The thesis consisted of theory, product and reporting. Product is the guide: When the Crisis Touches. How the guide was created and implemented is described in the report. When the Crisis Touches is a 20-page tool for managing acute crisis situations at Kimppa. The purpose of this guide is to provide simple and clear instructions on how to respond during or immediately after an acute crisis. Keywords: crises, crisis aftercare, crisis communication, psychiatric first aid, resilienc