18 research outputs found


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    People’s perception of Pancasila seems to be on the way back. It reminds us that the acceptance of Pancasila as the national ideology is actually not something taken for granted. For that reason, it is necessary to refresh the Pancasila from aspects of knowledge, understanding and practice of the philosophical values contained in it. Law development must be started from the values of Pancasila, because essentially Pancasila is a milestone of convergence of ideas and thoughts on the basic philosophy of state discussed deeply by the founders of the state. Pancasila becomes a sublime agreement (modus vivendi) which is then established as the foundation of state ideology. In this case, Pancasila becomes the rational basis of assumptions about the law to be established as well as the orientation that shows where the nation and state should be established. Thus, Pancasila is an agreement and consensus to build a nation of one country, without considering the different backgrounds that include religion, race, ethnicity, culture, language and others. As the foundation of the state, Pancasila becomes the rechtsidee that should be written in every law-making and enforcement


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    Pengawasan partisipatif merupakan inisiatif untuk melakukan kegiatan diluar lembaga pengawas untuk dapat memastikan berjalannya tahapan pelaksanaan pemilihan umum dengan mengumpulkan data dan informasi, kemudian menginventarisasi hasil kasus-kasus yang berkaitan dengan proses penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum yang dilakukan oleh kelompok atau organisasi masyarakat yang bersifat independen. Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) itu sendiri merupakan landasan dasar berjalannya praktek demokrasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami pengawasan partisipatif dalam rangka upaya menjaga nilai-nilai demokrasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Peneliti melakukan observasi dan interview dengan para komisioner Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) Kota Salatiga dan masyarakat guna memahami gagasan, tujuan dan implementasi dari pengawasan partisipatif pada pemilu tahun 2019 di Kota Salatiga. Temuan penelitian ini mendapatkan bahwa pengawasan partisipatif dengan melibatkan masyarakat untuk turut serta dalam kegiatan pengawasan proses ke-pemilu-an merupakan hal yang relevan. Terobosan pengawasan partisipatif yang dilakukan Bawaslu Salatiga melalui beberapa program seperti pembentukan kampung pengawasan dan kampung anti politik uang. Pengawasan partisipatif pemilu memuat keseluruhan tujuan hukum seperti yang dikatakan Gustav Radbruch. Sementara dalam kajian ahkam al-sulthaniyah, pengawasan partisipatif memberikan kemaslahatan dalam proses pemilihan imamah

    Liminality Rituals of Interfaith Families: Symbolic Interactionism and Maqāshid Sharia Perspectives

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    This study aims to determine the dynamics of life cycle liminality rituals in interfaith families in Salatiga City and their meanings. This study used a qualitative approach with socio-juridical (socio-legal) methods. This fieldwork was conducted on interfaith families in Salatiga City. The results of this study revealed that interfaith marriages in the Salatiga City people, from the perspective of symbolic interactions, involved the mind, self, and society. The actors were influenced by interactions with other individuals and tried to share meaning with society. The cognition construction of interfaith family actors paid attention to the dimensions of society that demand the legality of a marriage. In the ritual act of liminality in the life cycle, interfaith families in Salatiga City had a fairly large tolerance. It was marked by the freedom of family members to perform rituals, whether they came from tradition or religion. In the context of maqāshid sharia, the concepts of hifdzun nafs, hifdzud dīn, hifdzun nasbi wa nasl, hifdzul māl, and hifdzul aql could be maintained as long as there was no coercion from other parties. Thus, freedom of worship and carrying out religious rituals is absolutely necessary

    Contribution of Islamic law in the discretionary scheme that has implications for corruption

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    This paper explores the studies of the thin line between discretion (freis ermessen) with a criminal act of corruption, using Islamic law’s perspective as one of the law material in Indonesia. Aim of this paper is to make boundaries between discretion which made based on State Administration Product and regulation and help an officer who does discretion will not be trap in a criminal act of corruption through Islamic law’s perspective. This paper purpose four boundaries. First, the boundaries can be seen through understanding the qawāidul fiqhiyyah especially related to governance. Second, act of detournement de povouir (abuse of authority) and abus de droit (arbitrariness) are contradictive with prophetic’s characteristic such as ṣiddiq (honesty), amanah (accountability), tablig (effective communication), faṭonah (smart and heedful). Third, detournement de povouir or abus de droit can categorized as jarimah takzir which can be punish by the authority above them. Fourth, effort to prevent the criminal act of corruption are with uswah leadership, muraqobah, qanaah, and commitment to take care themselves and their family with halal income. For that, public administration can consider using universal values in Islamic Law to help doing discretion without trapped in criminal act of corruption


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    The dowry is a gift made by the bridegroom to the bride with an obligatory law but it's not mentioned in the form and type, large and small both in the Qur'an and in the hadith and khitbah as a statement made by a man to a woman by expressing a desire to marry a woman as her life partner. This is seen in the perspective of Islamic feminism by interpreting the verses of the Qur'an to obtain the meaning of gender justice, this is because the interpretation that has been done traditionally is sometimes still gender biased and makes men superior. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method with research that explains the reality of the understanding of a social phenomenon that occurs in society and discussed in more detail. This study states that long before there was an issue of gender quality, the verses of the Qur'an glorified women, had long before paid attention to the position of women with the interpretation of Q.S An-Nisaa' : 4 about giving dowry Q.S. Al-Baqarah : 235 about the khitbah process and Q.S. Al-Baqarah : 236-237 about Mut'ah given to women who were given away

    Urgensi Sighat Taklik Talak Dalam Perkawinan Sebagai Upaya Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Perempuan Perspektif Maqasid Syari’ah

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    Dalam pengertian hukum Indonesia taklik talak adalah sebuah perjanjian akad terkait suami menggantungkan perceraian ketika suami melanggar isi taklik talak yang sudah dibacakan setelah akad nikah. Dalam hal ini peneliti menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif yakni penelitian kepustakaan dengan metode tiga kriteria hukum seperti bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Penulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan Maqasid al-Syari’ah dengan menjelaskan hakikat dan hikmah dari objek formalnya. Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini bahwa taklik talak keberadaanya sangat penting dalam aturan perkawinan. Dengan adanya taklik talak dalam perkawinan yang bisa dimaknai sebagai salah satu perjanjian perkawinan juga taklik talak merupakan suatu perlindungan hukum bagi seorang perempuan (isteri) untuk menjaga dan memperjuangkan hak-haknya terhadap laki-laki (suami) apabila suatu saat terjadi ketidak harmonisan dalam keluarga. Taklik talak sejalan dengan Maqasid al-Syari’ah, sebab isi taklik talak tidak ada yang bertentangan dengan hukum Islam sendiri yaitu melindungi hak-hak isteri sama halnya tujuan maqasid syari’ah yaitu hifd ad-din, hifd akl, hifd nafs, hifd nasb dan hifd maal


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    Tradition is a pattern of behavior that has deep roots in a society or can be interpreted as a habit that has long been carried out by a certain community in an area, which means carrying out the tradition means also carrying out the process of socialization between generations. Eachs region has a different culture. One of the traditions that is still carried out by the people in Jatirejo Village is the Suroan tradition or commonly called 1 Muharram. The Suroan tradition is a traditional Javanese ceremony in welcoming the Javanese new year which is a cultural assimilation of Javanese culture and Islamic culture carried out by Sultan Agung. People in the village of  Jatirejo themselves celebrate it with various forms of activities carried out each year.Suroan tradition which aims to express gratitude to Allah SWT, asking for fortune to be given blessings and gratitude for the harvest and most importantly, so that villagers avoid all kinds of dangers and diseases that afflict or reject. The implementation of the Suroan tradition in the village of  Jatirejo, begins with a deliberation between residents and local village officials, then the main event of the Suroan and closing traditions.As for the problem formulation in this study is "how are the economic and religious motives implications in the implementation of the Suroan tradition in the community of  Jatirejo Village, Suruh District, Kab. Semarang "

    Nonmarital Sex Rituals on Mount Kemukus (Study of Legal Culture and Islamic Law Perspective)

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    The legal construction in the Criminal Code (KUHP) and Islamic law the ban of extramarital sexual encounters, yet in Mount Kemukus, a different reality prevails. The formulation of the problems in this research are; first, what is the pattern of pilgrims' actions on Mount Kemukus? and second, what is the ideal of legal culture in Mount Kemukus? This study is from the perspective of legal culture and Islamic law. This paper examines the relationship between legal culture and Islamic law. This research is a field study employing a multidisciplinary socio-legal methodology. Observation and interviews were used to collect primary data, whilst a review of the literature was used to collect secondary data. This article combines social theory, legal theory, and Islamic legal theory to form an eclectic theory. This study found two general patterns, santri pilgrims and non-santri pilgrims, which represent the motivations, sources of belief, and patterns of pilgrims' actions; and (2) the ideal of legal culture in Mount Kemukus is to perform tawaṣul to Prince Samudro without performing non-marital sex rituals, and the law functions as a tool of social engineering for the benefit of society. The findings of this study suggest that in conditions of compulsion and despair, individuals seek justification for their actions even though they are against the social order. This research is useful for legal policies that regulate rituals and pilgrimages

    The Effect of Islamic Music Therapy for Reducing Pain in CKD Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis

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    When patients with CKD are receiving hemodialysis, cannulation is frequently performed. For hemodialysis patients, recurrent pain during cannulation is a severe issue. Even though there have been many studies on music therapy, there are currently few on Islamic music therapy’s effectiveness in easing cannulation pain. The study aimed to determine the effect of Islamic music therapy in reducing pain in CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study used a pre-experimental design. 61 hemodialysis patients at Wava Husada Hospital were subjects of the study. They were split into two groups: the Islamic music therapy intervention group and the control group. In this study, non-probability sampling was conducted. Inclusion requirements included being Muslim, receiving hemodialysis for CKD, using AV fistula access, and not being in critical condition. Following the intervention, the NRS pain scale was used to assess the level of pain in each respondent. This study discovered that the control and Islamic music therapy intervention groups experienced different levels of discomfort. This study’s P value was 0.001 (0.05) according to the Mann-Whitney statistical test. Based on the findings of this study, it can be said that using Islamic music therapy to treat hemodialysis patients with chronic kidney disease can help them feel less pain. Keywords: Islamic music therapy, Pain, Hemodialysi

    The Effectiveness of Spiritual Therapy in Reducing the Anxiety Level of Preoperative Patients

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    Pre-surgical anxiety is an anticipative response to an experience regarded by clients as a threat to their life and bodily integrity. Spiritual therapy is an alternative treatment used by the religious through prayer and dzikir. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of spiritual therapies on the level of patient anxiety in preoperative patients. This research used a pre-experiment with a post-test-only design. Fifty respondents were taken by total sampling and divided into two groups (intervention and control group); each group consisted of 25 patients. The research was conducted from September to October 2020 at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang hospital. The dependent variable was anxiety level, measured by SAS (Zung self-rating anxiety scale) questionnaire. The data were analyzed with Mann Whitney Test using SPSS software version 23. The intervention group had mild anxiety at 52%, while the control group had 80%. The statistical test obtained a p-value of 0.016 < 0.05 and an effect size of 0.34 (moderate). This means that there is a difference in anxiety levels between the two groups. Spiritual therapies can enhance emotional intelligence, interpret its condition, and be aware of anything in favor of Allah SWT to improve coping and lower the level of anxiety. The nurse may provide spiritual intervention to pre-surgery patients to reduce their level of anxiety. Keywords: anxiety, spiritual therapy, pre-operation, dziki