74 research outputs found

    IAP Studie 2017 : der Mensch in der Arbeitswelt 4.0

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    Digitalisierung prägt die «neue» Arbeitswelt. Neue Technologien, agile Arbeitsformen, mobil-flexible Arbeitsplätze und andere Entwicklungen beeinflussen, wie und wo wir in Zukunft arbeiten. Das Internet verändert unsere Vorstellungen von Arbeit und auch die Rolle des Menschen in der Wirtschaft. Die vorliegende IAP Studie fokussiert auf den Menschen in der Arbeitswelt 4.0. Das IAP Institut für Angewandte Psychologie hat mehr als 600 Schweizer Fach- und Führungskräfte befragt, wie sie die Veränderungen in der neuen Arbeitswelt erleben und inwieweit Digitalisierung in ihren Arbeitsalltag vorgedrungen ist. Seit 2011 bezeichnet «4.0» als Kurzformel die Umwälzungen der digitalen Transformation (Kagermann & Lukas, 2011). Arbeitswelt 4.0 steht für das Arbeiten während der laufenden vierten industriellen Revolution. Diese beinhaltet, dass über das mobile Internet und das «Internet der Dinge» ein neuer Teil unserer Lebens- und Arbeitswelten datentechnisch erfasst, vernetzt, ausgewertet und optimiert werden kann. Es entstehen neue Arbeitsprozesse, Geschäftsmodelle, Organisationsstrukturen, neue Berufsbilder und neue Anforderungen an Mitarbeitende. Doch wie gelingt in Organisationen eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation? Es liegen bereits zahlreiche Trend-Reports zum Thema Digitalisierung vor. Consulting-Firmen geben Ratschläge für neue Business-Modelle, Wirtschaftswachstum und Effizienzsteigerung, die dank digitaler Transformation, künstlicher Intelligenz und Big Data möglich werden sollen. Bisherige Studien zu digitaler Transformation setzen in der Regel auf technologische Investitionen zur Innovationsförderung und wagen grosse Zukunftsprognosen. Medien verkünden potenziell grosse Verluste von Arbeitsplätzen durch den digitalen Wandel. Die IAP Studie legt auf der Basis von Zahlen eine differenzierte Einschätzung der Arbeitswelt 4.0 vor und stellt dabei den Menschen in einer sich digitalisierenden Arbeitswelt ins Zentrum. Am Ende des Tages beeinflusst das Zusammenspiel von Mensch und Maschine den künftigen Erfolg von Firmen und Organisationen

    IAP Studie 2017 – Teil 2 : der Mensch in der Arbeitswelt 4.0: Ergebnisse der qualitativen Interviews

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    IAP Studie 2019 : agile Arbeits- und Organisationsformen in der Schweiz

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    Agilität ist ein zentraler Treiber des Digitalen Wandels. Die IAP Studie im Kontext der Arbeitswelt 4.0 widmet sich darum agilen Arbeits- und Organisationsformen in der Schweiz. Wie gestalten und erleben Schweizer Fach- und Führungspersonen die agile Transformation in ihrem eigenen Unternehmen? Welche Herausforderungen und Widerstände bringen agile Arbeits- und Organisationsformen mit sich? Diese Fragen hat die dritte IAP-Studie zur «Arbeitswelt 4.0» aufgenommen. Dazu hat das IAP in strukturierten Interviews 22 Fach- und Führungskräfte aus unterschiedlichen Branchen befragt, wie sie die agile Transformation erleben. Dabei wurden ausschliesslich Interviewpartnerinnen und Interviewpartner aus Unternehmen und Organisationen ausgewählt, welche die agile Transformation aus eigener Erfahrung kennen

    Changes of Adipose Tissue Morphology and Composition during Late Pregnancy and Early Lactation in Dairy Cows

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    Dairy cows mobilize large amounts of body fat during early lactation to overcome negative energy balance which typically arises in this period. As an adaptation process, adipose tissues of cows undergo extensive remodeling during late pregnancy and early lactation. The objective of the present study was to characterize this remodeling to get a better understanding of adaptation processes in adipose tissues, affected by changing metabolic conditions including lipid mobilization and refilling as a function of energy status. This was done by determining adipocyte size in histological sections of subcutaneous and retroperitoneal adipose tissue biopsy samples collected from German Holstein cows at 42 days prepartum, and 1, 21, and 100 days postpartum. Characterization of cell size changes was extended by the analysis of DNA, triacylglycerol, and protein content per gram tissue, and beta-actin protein expression in the same samples. In both adipose tissue depots cell size was becoming smaller during the course of the study, suggesting a decrease in cellular triacylglycerol content. Results of DNA, triacylglycerol, and protein content, and beta-actin protein expression could only partially explain the observed differences in cell size. The retroperitoneal adipose tissue exhibited a greater extent of time-related differences in cell size, DNA, and protein content, suggesting greater dynamics and metabolic flexibility for this abdominal depot compared to the investigated subcutaneous depot

    Changes of Adipose Tissue Morphology and Composition during Late Pregnancy and Early Lactation in Dairy Cows

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    Dairy cows mobilize large amounts of body fat during early lactation to overcome negative energy balance which typically arises in this period. As an adaptation process, adipose tissues of cows undergo extensive remodeling during late pregnancy and early lactation. The objective of the present study was to characterize this remodeling to get a better understanding of adaptation processes in adipose tissues, affected by changing metabolic conditions including lipid mobilization and refilling as a function of energy status. This was done by determining adipocyte size in histological sections of subcutaneous and retroperitoneal adipose tissue biopsy samples collected from German Holstein cows at 42 days prepartum, and 1, 21, and 100 days postpartum. Characterization of cell size changes was extended by the analysis of DNA, triacylglycerol, and protein content per gram tissue, and beta-actin protein expression in the same samples. In both adipose tissue depots cell size was becoming smaller during the course of the study, suggesting a decrease in cellular triacylglycerol content. Results of DNA, triacylglycerol, and protein content, and beta-actin protein expression could only partially explain the observed differences in cell size. The retroperitoneal adipose tissue exhibited a greater extent of time-related differences in cell size, DNA, and protein content, suggesting greater dynamics and metabolic flexibility for this abdominal depot compared to the investigated subcutaneous depot

    Neutral sphingomyelinase mediates the co-morbidity trias of alcohol abuse, major depression and bone defects

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    Mental disorders are highly comorbid and occur together with physical diseases, which are often considered to arise from separate pathogenic pathways. We observed in alcohol-dependent patients increased serum activity of neutral sphingomyelinase. A genetic association analysis in 456,693 volunteers found associations of haplotypes of SMPD3 coding for NSM-2 (NSM) with alcohol consumption, but also with affective state, and bone mineralisation. Functional analysis in mice showed that NSM controls alcohol consumption, affective behaviour, and their interaction by regulating hippocampal volume, cortical connectivity, and monoaminergic responses. Furthermore, NSM controlled bone–brain communication by enhancing osteocalcin signalling, which can independently supress alcohol consumption and reduce depressive behaviour. Altogether, we identified a single gene source for multiple pathways originating in the brain and bone, which interlink disorders of a mental–physical co-morbidity trias of alcohol abuse—depression/anxiety—bone disorder. Targeting NSM and osteocalcin signalling may, thus, provide a new systems approach in the treatment of a mental–physical co-morbidity trias

    Drug-perturbation-based stratification of blood cancer

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    As new generations of targeted therapies emerge and tumor genome sequencing discovers increasingly comprehensive mutation repertoires, the functional relationships of mutations to tumor phenotypes remain largely unknown. Here, we measured ex vivo sensitivity of 246 blood cancers to 63 drugs alongside genome, transcriptome, and DNA methylome analysis to understand determinants of drug response. We assembled a primary blood cancer cell encyclopedia data set that revealed disease-specific sensitivities for each cancer. Within chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), responses to 62% of drugs were associated with 2 or more mutations, and linked the B cell receptor (BCR) pathway to trisomy 12, an important driver of CLL. Based on drug responses, the disease could be organized into phenotypic subgroups characterized by exploitable dependencies on BCR, mTOR, or MEK signaling and associated with mutations, gene expression, and DNA methylation. Fourteen percent of CLLs were driven by mTOR signaling in a non-BCR-dependent manner. Multivariate modeling revealed immunoglobulin heavy chain variable gene (IGHV) mutation status and trisomy 12 as the most important modulators of response to kinase inhibitors in CLL. Ex vivo drug responses were associated with outcome. This study overcomes the perception that most mutations do not influence drug response of cancer, and points to an updated approach to understanding tumor biology, with implications for biomarker discovery and cancer care.Peer reviewe

    A community resource for paired genomic and metabolomic data mining

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    Genomics and metabolomics are widely used to explore specialized metabolite diversity. The Paired Omics Data Platform is a community initiative to systematically document links between metabolome and (meta)genome data, aiding identification of natural product biosynthetic origins and metabolite structures.Peer reviewe
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