71 research outputs found

    Using Cloud Transforming for Big Network Management Procedure

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    This research is addressed on an overview of a specialized system for the migration/assimilation of a hybrid enterprise network system with the possibility of embedded identification, through a remote encrypted connection to a new cyber ecosystem, without the active process ceasing to function until the first system is finally assimilated into the new one, without being disturbed the balance of its cyber security.Lattice Science Publication (LSP) © Copyright: All rights reserved

    Lifetime Bipolar Disorder comorbidity and related clinical characteristics in patients with primary Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: a report from the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS)

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    IntroductionBipolar disorder (BD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are prevalent, comorbid, and disabling conditions, often characterized by early onset and chronic course. When comorbid, OCD and BD can determine a more pernicious course of illness, posing therapeutic challenges for clinicians. Available reports on prevalence and clinical characteristics of comorbidity between BD and OCD showed mixed results, likely depending on the primary diagnosis of analyzed samples.MethodsWe assessed prevalence and clinical characteristics of BD comorbidity in a large international sample of patients with primary OCD (n = 401), through the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) snapshot database, by comparing OCD subjects with vs without BD comorbidity.ResultsAmong primary OCD patients, 6.2% showed comorbidity with BD. OCD patients with vs without BD comorbidity more frequently had a previous hospitalization (p < 0.001) and current augmentation therapies (p < 0.001). They also showed greater severity of OCD (p < 0.001), as measured by the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS).ConclusionThese findings from a large international sample indicate that approximately 1 out of 16 patients with primary OCD may additionally have BD comorbidity along with other specific clinical characteristics, including more frequent previous hospitalizations, more complex therapeutic regimens, and a greater severity of OCD. Prospective international studies are needed to confirm our findings.Peer reviewe


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    Introduction: There are a lot of unresolved issues associated with the classification, diagnosis, clinical management and understanding of the underlying pathogenic mechanisms of bipolar affective disorder. Aim: To search for discrete endophenotypes in BAD. Subjects and methods: We studied various bipolar I and II and recurrent depression patient samples and healthy controls using descriptive data, self and clinician-rated scales for neurological and psychopathological symptoms, neurocognitive instruments, and inventories for temperamental and characterological features. We also looked into the efficacy, tolerability and cost/benefit ratio of sodium valproate in the treatment of acute mania. Results: BAD patients display deficits in the domains of memory, selective attention, working memory and psychomotor speed. Sensory, motor and complex neurological soft signs can be considered part and parcel of the symptomatology of BAD. The evidence linking hyperthymic temperament to the bipolar spectrum is not supported, while cyclothymia seems to be a marker of vulnerability to affective psychopathology. In contrast to others, we found significantly lower self-transcendence in BAD patients compared to controls. Early age of onset, abrupt onset, lability of mood and energy with late-day brightening and activation, discriminate bipolar from unipolar depression. Sodium valproate (especially if started intravenously) is a highly efficacious, cost-effective treatment approach for acute mania. Conclusion: The discovery of BAD endophenotypes can enhance early diagnosis, prevent errors in treatment and help elucidate the genetic vulnerability for this grave disease

    The neuropsychology of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder : a new analysis

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    Background: Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is characterized by perfectionism, need for control, and cognitive rigidity. Currently, little neuropsychological data exist on this condition, though emerging evidence does suggest that disorders marked by compulsivity, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), are associated with impairment in cognitive flexibility and executive planning on neurocognitive tasks.Aim: The current study investigated the neurocognitive profile in a nonclinical community-based sample of people fulfilling diagnostic criteria for OCPD in the absence of major psychiatric comorbidity.Method: Twenty-one nonclinical subjects who fulfilled Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for OCPD were compared with 15 healthy controls on selected clinical and neurocognitive tasks. OCPD was measured using the Compulsive Personality Assessment Scale (CPAS). Participants completed tests from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery including tests of set shifting (Intra-Extra Dimensional [IED] Set Shifting) executive planning (Stockings of Cambridge [SOC]), and decision making (Cambridge Gamble Task [CGT]).Results: The OCPD group made significantly more IED-ED shift errors and total shift errors, and also showed longer mean initial thinking time on the SOC at moderate levels of difficulty. No differences emerged on the CGT.Conclusions: Nonclinical cases of OCPD showed significant cognitive inflexibility coupled with executive planning deficits, whereas decision-making remained intact. This profile of impairment overlaps with that of OCD and implies that common neuropsychological changes affect individuals with these disorders.Peer reviewe

    F-Wave in the Upper Extremities of Patients with Primary Torsion Dystonia

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    We investigated characteristics of the F-waves in the upper limbs of patients suffering from primary torsion dystonia (PTD) by means of surface-electrode electromyography. Single electric stimulation was used to obtain optimum M-responses from the m. abductor pollicis brevis (median nerve) and m. abductor digiti minimi (ulnar nerve). Ten consecutive supramaximum electrical stimuli were applied to each nerve to obtain F-waves from the wrist. In general, the registered M-response latencies and amplitudes, as well as conduction velocities via all inspected nerves, demonstrated no significant deviations from the normal ranges. Nearly all investigated patients, except one, had normal F-wave minimal latencies. The mean amplitudes of F-waves from both median and ulnar nerves were higher than the average F-wave amplitudes described in the literature. The frequency of occurrence of F-waves in both median and ulnar nerves was greater than in the norm. According to our results, it can be concluded that the amplitude and, to some extent, frequency rather than the latency of F-waves are important in the studies of patients with PTD. Increased amplitudes and frequencies reveal changes in the excitability of alpha motoneurons, which could be accepted as a measure of a disturbed interneuronal balance probably caused by alterations in the suprasegmental control mechanisms related to PTD.Ми досліджували характеристики F-хвилі в нервах верхніх кінцівок пацієнтів, що страждали на первинну торсіонну дистонію (ПТД); використовували стандартну техніку електроміографії з відведенням поверхневими електродами. Застосовували поодинокі супрамаксимальні електричні стимули для отримання оптимальних М-відповідей m. abductor policis brevis (подразнення n. medianus) та m. abductor digiti minimi (подразнення n. ulnaris); F-хвилі відводили на рівні зап’ястка. В цілому зареєстровані латентні періоди та амплітуди М-відповідей, як і швидкості проведення по досліджених нервах, не демонстрували драматичних відхилень від нормальних діапазонів значень. Середні амплітуди F-хвиль y n. medianus та n. ulnaris були вищими, ніж описані в літературі. Частота реєстрації F-хвиль в обох нервах була вищою, ніж у нормі. Згідно з нашими результатами, амплітуда та (до деякої міри) частота реєстрації F-хвиль є параметрами, що заслуговують на увагу при обстеженні пацієнтів із ПТД. Вищі значення амплітуд та частоти виникнення F-хвиль вказують на зміни збудливості альфа-мотонейронів. Такі значення можуть розглядатись як показники дисбалансу в інтернейронних системах, вірогідно, пов’язані зі зрушеннями в механізмах супрасегментарного контролю при ПТД

    Saberes na graduação em administração : um estudo nas universidades federais do estado de Minas Gerais

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    Conforme censo da educação superior no Brasil de 2015, o curso de administração é um dos mais procurados no país. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar como surgem e são legitimados os saberes na graduação em administração das universidades federais mineiras. Na tentativa de responder a este objetivo, foi realizada uma caracterização do curso, investigados os saberes veiculados na matriz curricular e analisada a produção de verdades na graduação. A abordagem metodológica escolhida para este estudo foi a da pesquisa qualitativa por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. A produção dos dados foi feita mediante a análise de um conjunto de 13 (treze) projetos pedagógicos. Como resultados foram identificados os objetivos do pensamento crítico e reflexivo, do campo de atuação e da qualificação técnica, os perfis responsável e generalista e os métodos da transmissão, da prática e da construção do saber. Em relação aos saberes veiculados na matriz curricular, foram investigados os saberes de formação básica, nas funções organizacionais, das especificidades regionais e organizacionais, formação social, ambiental e ética e em pesquisa. Assim, com a análise das características do curso com os saberes veiculados nas matrizes curriculares foi possível analisar a produção de verdades na graduação. Os objetivos do campo de atuação, da qualificação técnica e o perfil generalista são as características que se relacionam com os saberes mais presentes na graduação, de modo que os objetivos econômicos ainda estão ocupando uma posição hegemônica na formação dos bacharéis em administração entre as universidades pesquisadas.According to a census of higher education in Brazil in 2015, the administration course is one of the most sought after in the country. This research had as objective to investigate how the knowledge and the knowledge in the administration graduation of the federal universities of Minas Gerais arise and are legitimized. In an attempt to respond to this objective, a course characterization was carried out, the knowledge conveyed in the curricular matrix was investigated and the production of truths at the undergraduate level was analyzed. The methodological approach chosen for this study was that of the qualitative research through the technique of content analysis. The data were produced through the analysis of a set of 13 (thirteen) pedagogical projects. As results, the objectives of critical and reflexive thinking, the field of performance and technical qualification, the responsible and generalist profiles and the methods of transmission, practice and knowledge construction were identified. In relation to the knowledge conveyed in the curricular matrix, the basic training knowledge in organizational functions, regional and organizational specificities, social, environmental and ethical training and research were investigated. Thus, with the analysis of the characteristics of the course with the knowledge conveyed in the curricular matrices, it was possible to analyze the production of truths in the undergraduate course. The objectives of the field of activity, the technical qualification and the generalist profile are the characteristics that are related to the most present knowledge in the undergraduate, so that the economic objectives are still occupying a hegemonic position in the formation of the bachelors in administration among the researched universities

    Standards of care for obsessive–compulsive disorder centres

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    In recent years, many assessment and care units for obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) have been set up in order to detect, diagnose and to properly manage this complex disorder, but there is no consensus regarding the key functions that these units should perform. The International College of Obsessive- Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) together with the Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders Network (OCRN) of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) and the Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Section of the World Psychiaric Association (WPA) has developed a stand- ards of care programme for OCD centres. The goals of this collaborative initiative are promoting basic standards, improving the quality of clinical care and enhance the validity and reliability of research results provided by different facilities and countries

    Trajectories of maternal symptoms of anxiety and depression. A 13-year longitudinal study of a population-based sample

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a lack of population-based studies of developmental trajectories following mothers throughout the whole child-rearing phase and there are few longitudinal studies focusing on both symptoms of depression and anxiety. The aim of the current study is to identify latent trajectory groups based on counts of symptoms of anxiety and depression among mothers throughout the child-rearing phase and the relations of the latent groups to maternal socio-demographic variables.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data is from a prospective, longitudinal study of nearly 1000 families in Norway followed from when the index children were 18 months until they were 14.5 years old (the TOPP study). The study used latent profile analysis (LPA) to identify latent groups of mothers with distinct trajectories across time of symptom counts. Latent group differences on socio-demographic variables were tested with one-way ANOVAs, chi-square tests and exact tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Six trajectories based on maternal scores from six waves of data collection of symptoms of anxiety and depression were identified; a 'No symptoms' group with mothers without symptoms; a 'Low' group with mothers reporting low symptom levels; a 'Moderate-low' group with mothers reporting moderately low symptom levels; a 'Moderate' group with mothers with moderate symptoms; a 'High-chronic' group with mothers with overall high symptom levels; and a 'Low-rising' group with mothers starting with a low symptom level that increased over time. The mothers in the High-chronic symptom group differed from the other mothers on several socio-demographic variables. They were significantly younger than the mothers in the Low group comprising the oldest mothers. The mothers in the High-chronic group had significantly lower education, were less likely to have paid work and were less likely to be living with a partner than the mothers in the other groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study shows socio-demographic differences between mothers classified into six trajectory groups based on symptoms of anxiety and depression covering 13 years of the child-rearing period. Specific socio-demographic risk factors characterised mothers in the High-chronic symptom group. Identifying subgroups with enduring problems might inform more targeted preventive efforts.</p