338 research outputs found

    La transformation de l’université : vers une universitĂ© virtuelle

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    Cet article propose une description de l’universitĂ© virtuelle, portant sur la diffusion du savoir Ă  l’aide des nouvelles technologies et de l’internet, qui se dĂ©veloppe rapidement depuis quelques annĂ©es dans les pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s. Il traite des caractĂ©ristiques administratives et pĂ©dagogiques d’une telle universitĂ©, de la concurrence internationale qui pousse les dĂ©cideurs Ă  continuer dans la voie d’un dĂ©veloppement accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© de la formation en rĂ©seau, des mĂ©thodes pĂ©dagogiques et de leur adaptation spĂ©cifique aux exigences d’un enseignement Ă  distance et en ligne. La conclusion porte sur les conditions du dĂ©veloppement d’une universitĂ© virtuelle dans une perspective de gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de la formation universitaire en mode virtuel.This article presents a description of a virtual university, one that promotes the dissemination of knowledge with the help of new technologies and the Internet, and that is developing quickly over the last few years in developed countries. The author presents the administrative and pedagogical characteristics of such a university, the international competition that leads decision makers to continue the rapid development of on-line training, and the pedagogical methods and their specific adaptation for the requirements of distance and on-line teaching. The conclusion examines those conditions for the development of a virtual university whose aim is the generalization of university training in a virtual context.Este artĂ­culo propone una descripciĂłn de la universidad virtual, basado en la difusiĂłn del saber con la ayuda de nuevas tecnologĂ­as y del Internet, que se propaga rapidamente desde hace algunos años en los paĂ­ses desarrollados. Trata ademĂĄs de las caracterĂ­sticas administrativas y pedagĂłgicas de una tal universidad, de la competencia internacional que obliga a los dirigentes a continuar en la vĂ­a de un desarrollo acelerado de la formaciĂłn en red, de los mĂ©todos pedagĂłgicos y de su adaptaciĂłn especĂ­fica a las exigencias de una enseñanza a distancia y "on line" Para concluir, se examinan las condiciones para el desarrollo de una universidad virtual dentro de una perspectiva de generalizaciĂłn de la formaciĂłn en modo virtual.Der vorliegende Beitrag will eine Beschreibung der virtuellen UniversitĂ€t liefern, vor allem unter dem Aspekt der Wissensvermittlung mit Hilfe neuer Technologien sowie des Internets, das sich in den letzten Jahren in den IndustrielĂ€ndern sehr schnell weiter entwickelt. Im Ein-zelnen werden verwaltungstechnische und pĂ€dagogische Ele-mente der virtuellen UniversitĂ€t hervorgehoben sowie auch die internationale Konkurrenz, die die EntscheidungstrĂ€ger zu einer immer schnelleren Entwicklung der Online-Vermittlung und der Lehrmethoden sowie ihrer Anpassung an Fernstudium und Online-Lehre zwingt. Am Schluss werden die Entwicklungs-bedin-gungen einer virtuellen UniversitĂ€t untersucht im Hin-blick auf eine kĂŒnftige Hochschulausbil-dung, die nur noch virtuell vermittelt wird

    The role of physical activity in reducing blood pressure

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    Although the benefits of sports physical activity and its positive effects on health were not of the present day, many scientific studies and experimental observations whose results confirmed the strength of the relationship between lack of physical activity and health, and this was done by studying the negative effects of physical inactivity, Based on the results of studies conducted on a large number of people, they confirmed the existence of a relationship between physical inactivity and the incidence of many diseases of the age, and indicated the preventive and curative role that physical activity contributes to confronting many chronic diseases.    The aim of the study was to highlight the lack of sports physical activity as a risk factor in high blood pressure, and therefore we can say that physical activity has an effective role in maintaining the level of blood pressure in the ideal case. It was proven by the results of the field study, and our strong belief in the effective role of physical activity in combating high blood pressure prompted us to do this study, so it is better for it to be so or more than that for university students, as they constitute a pivotal and essential part of society, and we are certain of the importance of this The category in spreading health awareness was part of our research project, through which we highlighted the effectiveness of dynamic physical activity in the primary prevention of high blood pressure and its impact on the health of other organs such as: pulmonary, respiratory, circulatory, muscular.

    Barley growth, physiology, and forage quality as influenced by defoliation and water stress

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    Information on how limited water supply might affect the physiological changes that take place after defoliation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) after defoliation and their effects on forage-quality characteristics is needed. The objectives of this study were to investigate defoliation and water deficit stress effects on regrowth, physiology and forage quality characteristics of four barley cultivars known to differ in response to grazing. Two studies were conducted in the greenhouse, and in the field; one on defoliation intensity at two maturity stages and the other on defoliation during water stress;In the first study, defoliation generally decreased grain yield and its components and dry matter (DM) in plant parts, delayed anthesis, and shortened the grain filling period. In the greenhouse, defoliation reduced DM of \u27Acsad 176\u27, \u27Barlis 628\u27, \u27Asni\u27 and \u27Tamallalt\u27 by 30, 40, 18 and 30%, respectively, relative to plants that were not defoliated. In the field, however, severe defoliation resulted in increased final DM yield of Tamallalt and Asni (7 and 13%, respectively) compared to plants not defoliated. Severe defoliation increased crude proteins (CP) concentration of Asni and Tamallalt at tillering, increased cell-soluble concentration of all cultivars at anthesis except Tamallalt. In the second study, defoliation reduced tiller number, plant height, and water-use efficiency (WUE), but did not affect water potential (WP), solute potential (SP) or turgor pressure (TP). Water stress reduced plant height, leaf area, carbon exchange rate (CER) by more than 50%, WP, SP, total DM by more than 11%, and grain yields by more than 45% for all cultivars. It increased WUE and delayed anthesis of all cultivars. The highest rate of decrease of grain yield per unit DM was for Tamallalt (1.4 g/kgDM) and the lowest was for Acsad 176 (0.6 g/kgDM). Straw of the six-row barleys contained an 11% greater CP concentration than that of the two-row cultivars. Defoliation improved the forage quality at early growth stages over nondefoliated plants. Water stress maintained 55% CP, 2% IVDDM, and 6% cell-soluble concentrations greater in straw of stressed plants than in nonstressed plants. IVDDM and CP in straw were positively correlated with the leaf-to-stem ratio, forage yield, and turgor pressure, but negatively related to grain yield. Forage yield, turgor pressure and grain yield were negatively related with cell wall components of straw;It was concluded that cultivars like Acsad 176, which have high tillering capacity, well developed roots, higher CER, adjust osmotically, and a high yield potential, compared to other cultivars, are suitable for dual-use under a range of environmental conditions. Moreover, defoliation effects on forage quality were inconsistent depending on growth stages and cultivars, water stress improved quality by maintaining higher CP and cell-solubles concentrations and remarkably higher digestibility, and high grain yielding barley cultivars had high forage quality

    Is the spectrum of highly excited mesons purely coulombian?

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    We show that a static central potential may provide a precise description of highly excited light unflavoured mesons. Due to string breaking this potential becomes of chromoelectric type at sufficiently large quark-antiquark distances giving rise to a coulombian spectrum. The same conclusion can be inferred for any other meson sector through a straightforward extension of our analysis.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Near-optimal control of a stochastic SICA model with imprecise parameters

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    An adequate near-optimal control problem for a stochastic SICA (Susceptible-Infected-Chronic-AIDS) compartmental epidemic model for HIV transmission with imprecise parameters is formulated and investigated. We prove some estimates for the state and co-state variables of the stochastic system. The established inequalities are then used to prove a necessary and a sufficient condition for near-optimal control with imprecise parameters. The proofs involve several mathematical and stochastic tools, including the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequality.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and UIDB/04106/2020 (CIDMA).publishe

    Diglossie au Maroc : Inter-culturalité et Aménagement Linguistique

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    La situation linguistique au Maroc est marquĂ©e par une mosaĂŻque multiculturelle et multilingue. Il s’agit d’un creuset de langues nationales et de langues Ă©trangĂšres, qui, Ă  travers l’histoire se sont enracinĂ©es dans le champ linguistique et culturel du pays. D’un cĂŽtĂ©, on trouve les langues maternelles de la majoritĂ© des Marocains que sont l’amazighe (berbĂšre) et la darija (arabe dialectal marocain) et, de l’autre, les langues d’écriture et de l’enseignement, l’arabe standard, le français et l’anglais. La diversitĂ© et l’interaction entre ces diffĂ©rentes langues donnent lieu, selon les usages et les usagers, Ă  des pratiques diverses souvent qualifiĂ©es de bilinguisme ou multilinguisme. Or ces qualifications ne peuvent englober toutes les situations linguistiques du Maroc ; c’est pourquoi nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© d’adopter le terme diglossie. L’objectif de cet article est donc d’appliquer le concept de diglossie aux langues qui sont en usage au Maroc

    Dispersed materials & problems of homogenisation

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    We have obtained the physical features of an isotropic and homogeneous environment on both theoretical and experimental levels, in particular when thermal features are linked through the λ = a ρCp relation. As far as dispersed samples are particularly concerned, this largely used correlation is not confirmed in out-of balance non-homogeneous samples (transitional rate of flow /regime). So, we have developed, by electronic analogy a theoretical model that allows us to study the thermal performance and to discuss conditions of homogenization in such material.We have obtained the physical features of an isotropic and homogeneous environment on both theoretical and experimental levels, in particular when thermal features are linked through the λ = a ρCp relation. As far as dispersed samples are particularly concerned, this largely used correlation is not confirmed in out-of balance non-homogeneous samples (transitional rate of flow /regime). So, we have developed, by electronic analogy a theoretical model that allows us to study the thermal performance and to discuss conditions of homogenization in such material

    A Stochastic Capital-Labour Model with Logistic Growth Function

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    We propose and study a stochastic capital-labour model with logistic growth function. First, we show that the model has a unique positive global solution. Then, using the Lyapunov analysis method, we obtain conditions for the extinction of the total labour force. Furthermore, we also prove sufficient conditions for their persistence in mean. Finally, we illustrate our theoretical results through numerical simulations.Comment: This is a preprint whose final form is published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG in the book 'Dynamic Control and Optimization

    The Effect of Substitution and Polymerization of 2,7-Divinylcarbazole-benzo-bis-thiadiazole on Optoelectronic Properties: A DFT Study

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    In this work, we present the study of the conjugated copolymers 2,7-divinylcabazole and benzo-bis-thiadiazole, by the DFT method using the base B3LYP/6-31G (d, p). To evaluate the properties of these systems, we performed structural optimization without geometric restriction. The NBO analysis was obtained by an energy calculation of the DFT-B3LYP method under the atomic base 6-31G (d, p) from the optimized geometries. Calculations of vibratory frequencies of all the structures studied show that they have minima (all frequencies are positive) on the TPES. In order to study the electronic and optical properties, we calculated the HOMO and LUMO energy levels as well as the band gap (Gap energy). The absorption wavelengths of each system were calculated by the TD-DFT method at the functional level WB97XD under the atomic base 6-31G (d, p). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.V13I4.158

    Casablanca : de la ville projet urbain à la ville projet social, quelle lecture des documents d’urbanisme

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