113 research outputs found

    Interview with Marguerite Horyna

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    An interview with Marguerite Horyna regarding her experiences in a one-room school house.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/ors/1129/thumbnail.jp

    Differences In Students\u27 Motivation To Attend College: Large Versus Small High Schools

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    The current study examined the relationship between the variables: school size, motivation, and college attendance to determine if the size of a student’s high school, along with his/her motivational tendencies, influenced the student’s choice to pursue a college education. Additionally, it was hypothesized that college students who had attended smaller high schools (enrollment of \u3c 500) would exhibit motivational tendencies more characteristic of being intrinsically motivated, while college students who had attended larger high schools (enrollment = 500+) would be more extrinsically motivated. Data was gathered from college students attending a small mid-west university (N=266) using a brief demographics survey as well as Vallerand et al.’s (1992) Academic Motivation Scale. Results of a factorial MANOVA revealed a significant main effect for sex on the motivational subscales: extrinsic motivation- identified (MMale= 5.80, MFemale= 6.16), extrinsic motivation- external regulation (MMale= 5.94, MFemale= 6.24), and motivation (MMale= 1.89, MFemale= 1.43). Additional follow-up analyses utilizing Pearson Correlations indicated the existence of significant, positive, linear relationships between approximate number of senior classmates and the following subscales: intrinsic motivation- towards accomplishment, extrinsic motivation- identified, and extrinsic motivation- introjected. Furthermore, these results indicated a significant relationship between approximate high school enrollment and intrinsic motivation- towards accomplishment and a marginally significant relationship between approximate number of senior classmates and extrinsic motivation- external regulation. Results will be discussed in light of previous research and literature regarding secondary educational institutions, the various types of motivation, and their impact on students’ academic performance

    Gail Basil Graff -- Master Teacher

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    Written interview with Gail Graff, Master Teacher and member of the Kansas Association of Elementary School Principals.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/ors/1275/thumbnail.jp

    Video doorphone

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem dveřního video telefonu na platformě Raspberry Pi. Je zde popsána platforma Raspberry Pi, modul Raspberry Pi Camera, operační systémy pro Raspberry Pi a popis instalace a nastavení softwaru. Dále je zde popsán návrh a popis programů vytvořených pro dveřní video telefon a návrh přídavných modulů.This thesis deals with door video phone on the platform Raspberry Pi. There is described the platform Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Camera module, operating systems for Raspberry Pi and described installing and configuring the software. Next is described the concept and description of programs created for door video phone and design of additional modules.

    Memoria jako kategorie záchrany

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    Studie tematizuje paměť (memoria), rozpomínání, vzpomínku a sebevědomí jako soubor psychických výkonů, jemuž se moderním slovem říká identita. Vzpomínku jako obsah paměti pociťuje a vybavuje si subjekt ve svém vědomí. Znamená to ale, že vzpomínka skutečně náleží subjektu? Určujícím vztahem k individuálně subjektivním vzpomínkám je cynismus makrologické kolektivní či ještě lépe národní paměti. Protože se dosud žádná vědní disciplína nedokázala zmocnit monopolu nad pamětí a vzpomínkou, není pro práci na vytváření obsahu tzv. kolektivní či národní paměti potřebná žádná speciální vědecká kvalifikace. Paměť se působením externích vlivů (politických, náboženských, vědeckých atd.) stává úložným prostorem epizodických vzpomínek, jež procházejí procesem generalizace a stávají se sémantickými modely pro výklad a zdůvodnění toho, co je většinou z mocenských důvodů chápáno jako nezbytné v současnosti. Konceptualizace vzpomínky jako sociálního zprostředkování minulosti není nutná pro minulost, avšak neobejde se bez ní současnost. Vzpomínka je to, co zapadá do konceptu. Je-li paměť sociální konstrukt, který dosáhne toho, že je účelově akceptován, anebo se naopak stává formou odporu proti deformacím minulosti a zejména současnosti, je vzpomínka snadno jazykově analyzovatelný diskursivní výkon

    Platón a evropská tradice vztahu filosofie a hudby

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    The article focuses on the relationship between philosophy and music in the history of European thinking since the Antiquity until the Early Modern Period. Two types of discussions on music in Plato's dialogues are considered as a starting point. The first type refers to the ability of music to influence human behavior (ethos), which according to Plato could be used for education and statebuilding. The second type relates to a possibility to express mathematically a tone system in terms of numerical proportions. This principle was discovered by the Pythagoreans, who incorporated it into their cosmological concepts. Plato used it as well as a part of his cosmology in his dialogue Timaeus. The work follows the further development of these ideas between the late Antiquity and the Early Modern Period

    Mass storage device for FPGAs

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem velkokapacitního paměťového zařízení pro obvod FPGA Spartan-3. Je zde popsán princip komunikace s paměťovou kartou, pomocí komunikačních protokolů. Dále je zde popsán návrh rozšiřujícího modulu pro vývojovou desku Xilinx Spartan-3 Starter Kit board a blokový popis programu pro obvod FPGA.This bachelor thesis deals with mass storage devices for FPGAs Spartan-3. There is described the principle of communication with a memory card using communication protocols. The proposal for extension module for development board Xilinx Spartan-3 Starter Kit board and block program description for the FPGA device are presented.

    MRS Drone: A Modular Platform for Real-World Deployment of Aerial Multi-Robot Systems

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    This paper presents a modular autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platform called the Multi-robot Systems (MRS) Drone that can be used in a large range of indoor and outdoor applications. The MRS Drone features unique modularity with respect to changes in actuators, frames, and sensory configuration. As the name suggests, the platform is specially tailored for deployment within a MRS group. The MRS Drone contributes to the state-of-the-art of UAV platforms by allowing smooth real-world deployment of multiple aerial robots, as well as by outperforming other platforms with its modularity. For real-world multi-robot deployment in various applications, the platform is easy to both assemble and modify. Moreover, it is accompanied by a realistic simulator to enable safe pre-flight testing and a smooth transition to complex real-world experiments. In this manuscript, we present mechanical and electrical designs, software architecture, and technical specifications to build a fully autonomous multi UAV system. Finally, we demonstrate the full capabilities and the unique modularity of the MRS Drone in various real-world applications that required a diverse range of platform configurations.Comment: 49 pages, 39 figures, accepted for publication to the Journal of Intelligent & Robotic System

    Der "Welsche Gast" des Thomasin von Zerklaere

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    In 1215/1216, Thomasin von Zerklaere composed his Welscher Gast (“The Italian Guest”), the earliest comprehensive book of court etiquette written in German. Up until the Early Modern Age, the work was frequently copied and widely disseminated. Its uniqueness lies not least in the fact that it was, from early on, transmitted together with an extensive cycle of images. This volume brings together studies from Art History, Literary Studies and Musicology into the sources, the didactic concept, the transmission of images, and the reception of Thomasin’s poem as well as into how it might be employed in present-day German language and literature classes. It proposes to replace the author-centered approach to the Welscher Gast with an approach that consistently focuses on the history of its transmission.In den Jahren 1215/1216 verfasste Thomasin von Zerklaere mit dem Welschen Gast die erste umfassende Verhaltenslehre in deutscher Sprache. Bis in die Frühe Neuzeit hinein wurde das Werk vielfach abgeschrieben und weiterverbreitet. Eine Besonderheit stellt es auch deshalb dar, weil es schon früh in der Überlieferung mit einem umfangreichen Bilderzyklus versehen wurde. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Studien aus Kunst-, Literatur- und Musikwissenschaft zu den Quellen, der didaktischen Konzeption, der Bildüberlieferung und der Rezeption von Thomasins Werk sowie zu den Möglichkeiten seines Einsatzes im Deutschunterricht der Gegenwart. Er schlägt vor, an die Stelle eines autorfixierten Blicks auf den Text-Bild-Verbund des Welschen Gastes einen konsequent überlieferungsgeschichtlichen treten zu lassen

    Best practices for predictions of radionuclide activity concentrations and total absorbed dose rates to freshwater organisms exposed to uranium mining/milling.

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Predictions of radionuclide dose rates to freshwater organisms can be used to evaluate the radiological environmental impacts of releases from uranium mining and milling projects. These predictions help inform decisions on the implementation of mitigation measures. The objective of this study was to identify how dose rate modelling could be improved to reduce uncertainty in predictions to non-human biota. For this purpose, we modelled the activity concentrations of 210Pb, 210Po, 226Ra, 230Th, and 238U downstream of uranium mines and mills in northern Saskatchewan, Canada, together with associated weighted absorbed dose rates for a freshwater food chain using measured activity concentrations in water and sediments. Differences in predictions of radionuclide activity concentrations occurred mainly from the different default partition coefficient and concentration ratio values from one model to another and including all or only some 238U decay daughters in the dose rate assessments. Consequently, we recommend a standardized best-practice approach to calculate weighted absorbed dose rates to freshwater biota whether a facility is at the planning, operating or decommissioned stage. At the initial planning stage, the best-practice approach recommend using conservative site-specific baseline activity concentrations in water, sediments and organisms and predict conservative incremental activity concentrations in these media by selecting concentration ratios based on species similarity and similar water quality conditions to reduce the uncertainty in dose rate calculations. At the operating and decommissioned stages, the best-practice approach recommends relying on measured activity concentrations in water, sediment, fish tissue and whole-body of small organisms to further reduce uncertainty in dose rate estimates. This approach would allow for more realistic but still conservative dose assessments when evaluating impacts from uranium mining projects and making decision on adequate controls of releases