426 research outputs found

    Zelfdoding onder migrantengroepen en autochtonen

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    Doel. De verschillen vaststellen in incidentie van zelfdoding tussen autochtonen en allochtonen, gerubriceerd naar regio en land van herkomst, rekening houdend met verschillen in leeftijdsopbouw. Opzet. Retrospectief. Methode. Gegevens van de statistiek van de doodsoorzaken van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS), gebaseerd op de doodsoorzaakverklaringen door arts of lijkschouwer, werden gekoppeld aan het bericht van overlijden uit de gemeentelijke basisadministratie (GBA). Zo kon de herkomst van de overledene worden bepaald op basis van gegevens uit de GBA. De geheimhouding van deze gegevens is wettelijk vastgelegd. Over de jaren 1996-2004 werden alle 13.737 personen geselecteerd die waren overleden door zelfdoding (‘International classification of diseases’(ICD)-10-codes X60-X84). De herkomst werd bepaald aan de hand van gegevens over het geboorteland van de overleden persoon en diens ouders. Iemand is ‘allochtoon’ volgens de definitie van het CBS als ten minste één van de ouders in het buitenland is geboren. Resultaten. Er waren aanzienlijke verschillen in sterfte door zelfdoding tussen migrantengroepen in Nederland. Deze verschillen weerspiegelden deels de suïcidecijfers in de landen en regio’s van herkomst. Migranten uit westerse landen lieten in het algemeen hogere suïcidecijfers zien dan autochtonen. Hoge suïcidecijfers werden waargenomen onder Zuid- en Oost-Europese mannelijke migranten. De suïcidecijfers voor Turken en Marokkanen waren daarentegen significant lager dan die voor autochtonen. Alleen op jongvolwassen leeftijd liepen niet-westerse allochtone mannen, uitgezonderd Marokkanen, een beduidend hoger risico om door zelfdoding te overlijden. Conclusie. Hoewel er veel aandacht is voor pogingen tot suïcide onder Surinaamse vrouwen, waren hun suïcidecijfers minder sterk verhoogd dan die van Surinaamse mannen tot middelbare leeftijd. Mogelijk weerspiegelen deze hoge suïcidecijfers een verhoogd niveau van psychiatrische ziekten, identiteitsproblemen, teleurstellingen in het migratieproces, verwachtingen ten aanzien van opleiding, werk en inkomen, en de verantwoordelijkheid voor gezin en familie

    The analysis of the pharyngeal-sieve mechanism and the efficiency of food intake in the bream (Abramis brama, Cyprinidae)

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    This thesis describes the mechanism and the selectivity of food intake in bream ( Abramis brama ). It is a compilation of six articles which have been published (or will soon be published) in international journals.In the first chapter, diets and feeding modes in cyprinid fishes are described, in order to determine the ecological position of bream within the cyprinids. The next step was to develop insight in the actual mechanism of the particle retention. X-ray movies of foraging bream, with marked gill-arches, showed too large inter-arch slits to retain small food-particles. From the 3-D architecture of the branchial sieve, a new model was derived. It assumes that particles are retained in channels on the gill-arches. The actual mesh-size of these channels can be adjusted by insertion of movable gill-rakers from the adjacent gill-arch. Distribution of retained particles in the channels and the path of ingested particles, traced with X-ray cinematography, supported the new model. Selectivity-curves, obtained from feeding-experiments, showed good correlation with curves expected from the model. It appeared that medium sized bream (ca. 20 cm) was able to feed with reduced or with unreduced channels, indicating that these fish are able to adjust its filter. Larger bream (>30 cm) foraged with reduced channels only. Two feeding modes have been observed in bream, particulate feeding (PF): in which individually located prey is attacked individually and filter-feeding (FF): an amount of water is filtered randomly. The switch from PF to FF depends on zooplankton density, swimming speed and buccal volume of the fish. It is assumed that bream switches to FF when zooplankton density andlor buccal volume becomes so large that each random snap will yield at least one prey-item. Consequently, small fish will remain particulate feeder at higher densities than larger fish. Retained particles are to be transported to the oesophagus at low risk for loss. It was found that small prey are enveloped in mucus for transport. Upto 900 zooplankters per bream have been observed in oropharyngeal mucus

    Le conte de fées français dans les planches populaires néerlandaises : trois versions du « Petit Chaperon rouge » (1781-1911)

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    Dans la seconde moitié du xviiie siècle, on voit paraître, aux Pays-Bas, les premières planches populaires figurant des contes de fées. Le présent article analyse trois planches populaires néerlandaises publiées entre 1780 et 1911 représentant « Le Petit Chaperon rouge ». Si elles se ressemblent beaucoup à première vue, elles présentent néanmoins des différences notables (nombre, disposition, composition des images, sens de lecture, technique d’illustration, choix des scènes). Les éditeurs créent ainsi différentes versions du même conte. Le texte étant réduit à une simple légende, les illustrations jouent un rôle central dans ce processus : elles introduisent des variantes et parfois intensifient le suspense. En outre, les différentes versions du « Petit Chaperon rouge » semblent refléter plusieurs opinions ayant cours dans les débats pédagogiques des xviiie et xixe siècles, et elles renseignent sur l’évolution du livre pour enfants pendant cette période.In the second half of the eighteenth century, the first popular boards figuring fairy tales appear in Netherland. Three boards published between 1780 and 1911, representing the tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, are analyzed in this article. Although they look very much alike, they reveal important differences in the number, disposition, composition of pictures, sense of reading, techniques of illustration, choice of scenes. Editors create different versions of the same tale. The text being reduced to the status of mere captions, the illustrations play the central function in the narrative, introducing variations and sometimes intensifying the suspense. Moreover, the different versions of “Little Red Riding Hood” seem to reflect several opinions expressed in pedagogical debates during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and they provide information about the evolution of children’s books during this period

    Carriership of a defective tenascin-X gene in steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency patients: TNXB -TNXA hybrids in apparent large-scale gene conversions

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    Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency is caused by a defect in the CYP21A2 gene. CYP21A2, the adjacent complement C4 gene and parts of the flanking genes RP1 and TNXB constitute a tandemly duplicated arrangement in the central (class III) region of the major histocompatibility complex. The typical number of repeats of the CYP21/C4 region is two, with one repeat carrying CYP21A2 and the other carrying the highly homologous pseudogene CYP21A1P. By comparison with this standard, three categories of CYP21A2 defects have traditionally been distinguished: CYP21A2 deletions, large-scale gene conversions of CYP21A2 into a structure similar to CYP21A1P, and smaller mutations in CYP21A2 (also derived from CYP21A1P, by means of small-scale gene conversions). The genetic mechanisms suggested by these designations have originally been inferred from the layout of the haplotypes involved and were later confirmed by observation of deletions and small mutations, but not large-scale conversions, as de novo events. Apparent large-scale conversions account for the defect in 9 out of 77 chromosomes in our patient group. We here demonstrate that 4 out of these 9 'conversions' extend into the flanking TNXB gene, which encodes tenascin-X. This implies that approximately 1 in every 10 steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency patients is a carrier of tenascin-X deficiency, which is associated with a recessive form of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Currently available data on the structure of 'deletion' and 'large-scale conversion' chromosomes strongly suggests that both are the result of the same mechanism, namely unequal meiotic crossover. Since it is unlikely that the term 'large-scale gene conversion' describes a mechanism that actually occurs between the CYP21A2 and CYP21A1P genes, we propose the discontinuation of that terminology

    Profesjonell kompetanse i ungdomscoaching

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    Denne oppgaven handler om hvilken profesjonell kompetanse som anvendes ved coaching av ungdom. Første delen av oppgaven gir et teoretisk perspektiv på coaching og sammenligner det med rådgiving og veiledning. I tillegg ser jeg nærmere på begrepet profesjonalitet, etikk i coaching og tidligere forskning. I den andre delen av oppgaven beskriver jeg hvordan jeg har brukt en kvalitativ tilnærming til tre dybdeintervjuer med informanter med stor kompetanse og erfaring med ungdomscoaching. Dataene ble analysert ved hjelp av den stegvis-deduktiv induktiv tilnærmingen. Profesjonell kompetanse forklares ut i fra en tredeling i teoretisk kunnskap, yrkesrettede ferdigheter og personlig kompetanse. Funnene drøftes etter denne tredelingen. Dagens ungdom vokser opp i et samfunn preget av individualisering. Dette fører med mange valgmuligheter som kan oppleves komplekse og uoversiktlige. En ungdomscoach trenger å ha innsikt i og teoretisk kunnskap om dette sosiologiske fenomenet for å kunne legge til rette for kompleksitetsreduksjon i samtale med ungdom. Personlig kompetanse omfatter en etisk bevissthet rundt hvordan å skape fortrolighet og håndtere konfidensialitet. Denne konfidensialiteten er en viktig forutsetning for tillit, samtidig som den kan være utfordrende å håndtere. Dette gjelder spesielt hvis en coacher ungdom, i tillegg til at man er for eksempel deres lærer eller idrettstrener. En yrkesspesifikk ferdighet som fremheves er evnen til å strukturere coachingsamtaler. Det kan handle om modeller, spørsmål eller skjemaer som bidrar til å konkretisere samtalens innhold og danne positive fremtidsbilder. Det virker som formulering av mål er lite anvendt i ungdomscoaching. Derimot fremheves spørsmål om ønsker og drømmer som viktige kilder til ungdommens motivasjonMaster i yrkespedagogik

    The Mycoplasma pneumoniae MPN229 gene encodes a protein that selectively binds single-stranded DNA and stimulates Recombinase A-mediated DNA strand exchange

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    Background. Mycoplasma pneumoniae has previously been characterized as a micro-organism that is genetically highly stable. In spite of this genetic stability, homologous DNA recombination has been hypothesized to lie at the basis of antigenic variation of the major surface protein, P1, of M. pneumoniae. In order to identify the proteins that may be involved in homologous DNA recombination in M. pneumoniae, we set out to characterize the MPN229 open reading frame (ORF), which bears sequence similarity to the gene encoding the single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) protein of other micro-organisms. Results. The MPN229 ORF has the capacity to encode a 166-amino acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 18.4 kDa. The amino acid sequence of this protein (Mpn SSB) is most closely related to that of the protein predicted to be encoded by the MG091 gene from Mycoplasma genitalium (61% identity). The MPN229 ORF was cloned, and different versions of Mpn SSB were expressed in E. coli and purified to > 95% homogeneity. The purified protein was found to exist primarily as a homo-tetramer in solution, and to strongly and selectively bind single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in a divalent cation- and DNA substrate sequence-independent manner. Mpn SSB was found to bind with a higher affinity to ssDNA substrates larger than 20 nucleotides than to smaller substrates. In addition, the protein strongly stimulated E. coli Recombinase A (RecA)-promoted DNA strand exchange, which indicated that Mpn SSB may play an important role in DNA recombination processes in M. pneumoniae. Conclusion. The M. pneumoniae MPN229 gene encodes a protein, Mpn SSB, which selectively and efficiently binds ssDNA, and stimulates E. coli RecA-promoted homologous DNA recombination. Consequently, the Mpn SSB protein may play a crucial role in DNA recombinatorial pathways in M. pneumoniae. The results from this study will pave the way for unraveling these pathways and assess their role in antigenic variation of M. pneumoniae

    Du salon littéraire à la chambre d’enfant. Réécritures des contes de fées français aux Pays-Bas

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    Malgré les multiples références à l’enfance qui y sont faites, les premières éditions des contes de fées de Charles Perrault et de Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy visaient avant tout un public adulte et lettré. Il en est de même des contrefaçons publiés aux Pays-Bas dès la fin du xviie siècle. Or à partir des années 1730 paraissent les premières traductions hollandaises des contes de Madame d’Aulnoy. Celles de Perrault suivront en 1754. Les deux éditions, à visée pédagogique, s’adressent explicitement à un public jeune. Les contes de Perrault sont aussitôt intégrés dans le domaine naissant de la littérature de jeunesse. Il faut attendre la fin du xixe siècle pour que paraisse une nouvelle traduction du recueil de Madame d’Aulnoy. Sous le pseudonyme d’Agatha, Reinoudina de Goeje, féministe notoire et auteur de nombreux livres pour enfants, s’empare du recueil de la salonnière. La réception des contes de fées français aux Pays-Bas est donc l’objet de cette étude qui analyse deux traductions hollandaises des contes de Madame d’Aulnoy, souvent considérés comme proto-féministe par la critique américaine.In spite of their many references to a children’s world, the fairy tales of Perrault and Aulnoy were primarily, if not exclusively, meant for adults. Hoogenboezem analyses here the differential destiny of the fairy tales by two of the most prominent fairy-tale authors of the French 17th century : Perrault and Aulnoy. She shows how Perrault was immediately associated with the emerging field and corpus of “Children’s Literature”. Aulnoy, on the other hand, whose tales were first translated into Dutch, was consequently forgotten. Hoogenboezem shows how her tales reemerged in the 19th century when they were translated by an early feminist writer and translator

    Liquefaction Characteristics of Sand as Studied by Cyclic Torsional Testing Using Hollow Cylinder Apparatus

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    The DNA recombination and repair machineries of Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae differ considerably from those of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Most notably, M. pneumoniae is unable to express a functional RecU Holliday junction (HJ) resolvase. In addition, the RuvB homologues from both M. pneumoniae and M. genitalium only exhibit DNA helicase activity but not HJ branch migration activity in vitro. To identify a putative role of the RuvA homologues of these mycoplasmas in DNA recombination, both proteins (RuvA(Mpn) and RuvA(Mge), respectively) were studied for their ability to bind DNA and to interact with RuvB and RecU. In spite of a high level of sequence conservation between RuvA(Mpn) and RuvA(Mge) (68.8% identity), substantial differences were found between these proteins in their activities. First, RuvA(Mge) was found to preferentially bind to HJs, whereas RuvA(Mpn) displayed similar affinities for both HJs and single-stranded DNA. Second, while RuvA(Mpn) is able to form two distinct complexes with HJs, RuvA(Mge) only produced a single HJ complex. Third, RuvA(Mge) stimulated the DNA helicase and ATPase activities of RuvB(Mge), whereas RuvA(Mpn) did not augment RuvB activity. Finally, while both RuvA(Mge) and RecU(Mge) efficiently bind to HJs, they did not compete with each other for HJ binding, but formed stable complexes with HJs over a wide protein concentration range. This interaction, however, resulted in inhibition of the HJ resolution activity of RecU(Mge)