4,365 research outputs found

    Dynamic compensation in the central Pacific Ocean

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    The intermediate-wavelength geoid (lambda similar to 2000 km) and sea-floor topography fields in the central Pacific Ocean were studied in terms of static and dynamic compensation models. Topographic features on the sea-floor with lambda less than 1000 km were found to be compensated both regionally, by the elastic strength of the lithosphere, and locally, by displacing mantle material to reach isostatic adjustment. The larger-scale sea-floor topography and the corresponding geoid anomalies with lambda similar to 2000 km cannot be explained by either local or regional compensation. The topography and the resulting geoid anomaly at this wavelength were modeled by considering the dynamic effects arising from viscous stresses in a layer of fluid with a highly temperature-dependent viscosity for the cases of: (1) surface cooling, and (2) basal heating. In this model, the mechanical properties of the elastic part of the lithosphere were taken into account by considering an activation energy of about 520 kJ/mol in the Arrhenius law for the viscosity. Numerical predictions of the topography, total geoid anomaly, and admittance were obtained, and the results show that the thermal perturbation in the layer, which accounts for the mass deficit, must be located close to the surface to compensate the gravitational effect of the surface deformation. For the case of basal heating, the temperature dependence of viscosity results in a separation of the upper, quasi-rigid lid from the lower mobile fluid, hence inhibiting the development of a compensating thermal perturbation at shallow depths. The results clearly rule out small-scale, upper-mantle convection as the source of these anomalies. Instead, the geophysical observables can be well explained by a shallow, transient thermal perturbation

    Curvature function and coarse graining

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    A classic theorem in the theory of connections on principal fiber bundles states that the evaluation of all holonomy functions gives enough information to characterize the bundle structure (among those sharing the same structure group and base manifold) and the connection up to a bundle equivalence map. This result and other important properties of holonomy functions has encouraged their use as the primary ingredient for the construction of families of quantum gauge theories. However, in these applications often the set of holonomy functions used is a discrete proper subset of the set of holonomy functions needed for the characterization theorem to hold. We show that the evaluation of a discrete set of holonomy functions does not characterize the bundle and does not constrain the connection modulo gauge appropriately. We exhibit a discrete set of functions of the connection and prove that in the abelian case their evaluation characterizes the bundle structure (up to equivalence), and constrains the connection modulo gauge up to "local details" ignored when working at a given scale. The main ingredient is the Lie algebra valued curvature function FS(A)F_S (A) defined below. It covers the holonomy function in the sense that expFS(A)=Hol(l=S,A)\exp{F_S (A)} = {\rm Hol}(l= \partial S, A).Comment: 34 page

    Desarrollo de juegos de aprendizaje digital basados en estándares

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    Los juegos de aprendizaje digital (JAD) hacen parte de los llamados Serious game, definidos por Marfisi-Schottman, George, & Tarpin-Bernard, (2010) como “productos pedagógicos multimedia realizados para ayudar a los alumnos a desarrollar habilidades específicas”. La ponencia presenta una reflexión sobre cómo articular los estándares y lineamientos propuestos por el Ministerio de Educación para educación básica y media a la construcción de JAD, la propuesta nace producto del proyecto de investigación Juegos de Aprendizaje Digital, cuyo objetivo fue el de Implementar juegos de aprendizaje digital como recursos académicos complementarios para cursos de educación media. Como resultado del proyecto se construyó un juego sobre la contaminación disponible vía web basado en estándares de ciencias y competencias ciudadanas. La conclusión principal está relacionada con la importancia de articular en el proceso de desarrollo de JAD aspectos pedagógicos y didácticos basados en estándares

    Abortamento séptico.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 198

    Casuística y subjetivismo: Falsos estigmas de la investigación cualitativa

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    Para refutar los estigmas de subjetivismo e incapacidad de generalización de la investigación cualitativa, se presentan los principales rasgos de una teoría del dato y de una teoría de la producción de universales empíricos que cuestionan los fundamentos en que se basó esa crítica. Al mismo tiempo, se discuten: 1) los supuestos en que se basa la teoría de que existen datos “objetivos” y 2) los fundamentos de la tradición nomológico deductiva. Se esboza un modo diferente de generar universales donde los estudios de caso y sus comparaciones cumplen un rol fundamental

    On the Diophantine equation (nk)=(ml)+d\binom{n}{k}=\binom{m}{l}+d

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    By finding all integral points on certain elliptic and hyperelliptic curves we completely solve the Diophantine equation (nk)=(ml)+d\binom{n}{k}=\binom{m}{l}+d for 3d3-3\leq d\leq 3 and (k,l){(2,3),  (2,4),  (2,5),  (2,6),  (2,8),  (3,4),  (3,6),  (4,6),  (4,8)}.(k,l)\in\{(2,3),\; (2,4),\;(2,5),\; (2,6),\; (2,8),\; (3,4),\; (3,6),\; (4,6), \; (4,8)\}. Moreover, we present some other observations of computational and theoretical nature concerning the title equation

    Implicações na Soberania Nacional

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    O processo de integração europeia teve como um dos seus primeiros e principais objectivos construir uma “paz permanente”, alcançar prosperidade económica e combater o declínio europeu. Inicialmente assente na área económica, o processo de integração europeu, com o aprofundar do tempo, foi-se alargando progressivamente a assuntos que até então eram da exclusividade dos Estados-Membros (EMs), tocando sempre na problemática da Soberania. O Tratado de Maastricht é o primeiro marco dessa mudança, tendência que se repetiu até ao Tratado de Lisboa (TL). É curioso verificar, que apesar do impasse político europeu registado nos últimos anos, este constituiu o período dos maiores e mais relevantes avanços em matéria de segurança e defesa europeia. Foi na sequência da operacionalização desta integração e no debate do papel da União Europeia (UE) como actor da segurança global, que foram evidenciadas algumas lacunas ao nível das capacidades europeias de resposta a crises. Na tentativa de as ultrapassar, “novos” e determinantes mecanismos surgem, levantando múltiplos desafios aos países da UE, nomeadamente a aplicação da Cooperação Estruturada Permanente (CEP), abrindo acesas discussões sobre a sua implicação nas Soberanias dos EMs. Neste trabalho, propomo-nos, caracterizar o conceito de Soberania Nacional com o levantamento dos factores que Portugal deve preservar e/ou potenciar para se manter um país soberano, verificar que implicações houve nestes com a aplicação das políticas de segurança e defesa até à entrada em vigor do TL. Identificar as alterações/inovações introduzidas pelo TL e perspectivar a sua aplicação, verificando se a participação ou não de Portugal na CEP pode ter implicações nos factores que materializam a sua Soberania. Conseguimos apurar que a aplicação da CEP, por esta estar fora da decisão por unanimidade e os seus critérios ainda estarem por definir, esta pode cair no campo da exclusividade, fazendo com que a segurança e defesa europeias fiquem cingidas a um “directório” de países elitista, marcado por critérios limitadores à participação de um maior número de EMs. Uma Europa a duas velocidades, aumentado a clivagem entre Estados “grandes” e “pequenos” com implicações nos factores que materializam a Soberania Nacional. Concluímos que o desafio de Portugal será participar numa CEP do tipo inclusiva, pois é a melhor forma de garantir a preservação e/ou potenciação dos factores que materializam a sua Soberania. Abstract: The process of European integration was one of his first and main objectives of building a "permanent peace", to achieve economic prosperity and combat the decline in Europe. Initially based on the economic front, the European integration process, with the deepening of time has spread progressively to matters that were previously the exclusive rights of the Member States (EMs), always focused on the issue of sovereignty. Maastricht Treaty is the first sign of this change, a trend that was repeated until the Treaty of Lisbon (TL). It is interesting that despite the political deadlock Europe in recent years, this was the period of the greatest and most relevant advances in the field of European security and defence. It was following the operationalization of this integration and discussion of the role of the European Union (UE) as a global security actor, which were proved some gaps in European capabilities for crisis-response. In an attempt to overcome the "new" determinants and mechanisms emerge, posing many challenges to UE countries, notably the application of Permanent Structured Cooperation (CEP), opening haggling over their involvement in the Sovereignty of EMs. We propose in this research, to characterize the concept of national sovereignty with the identification of the factors that Portugal should preserve and/or leverage to remain a sovereign country, found that there were these implications with the implementation of security policies and defense until the entry into force of the TL. Identify changes/innovations introduced by the TL and outline its implementation, to make sure that participation or not of Portugal in the CEP may have implications on the factors substantiating its Sovereignty. We determine that the application of CEP to be out by this decision unanimously and the criteria are still undefined, this may fall in the field of exclusivity, making the European security and defense remain limited to a "directory" of countries elitist criteria marked by limiting the participation of a greater number of EMs. A two-speed Europe, increasing the separation between "large" and "small" states, with implications of the factors substantiating the national Sovereignty. We conclude that the challenge of Portugal will be the participation in an inclusive type of CEP, it is the best way to ensure the preservation and/or potentiation of the factors substantiating its Sovereignty