2,113 research outputs found

    Rapid and precise analysis for calcium in blood serum

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    Differential absorption spectrophotometric technique, using murexide, gives a highly precise analysis of calcium in volumes of blood serum as small as 0.01 ml. The method of additions and proper timing allows compensation to be made for fading, variation in type of serum or plasma, and aging of the specimen

    The Bulge-Halo Connection in Galaxies: A Physical Interpretation of the Vcirc-sigma_0 Relation

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    We explore the dependence of the ratio of a galaxy's circular velocity, Vcirc, to its central velocity dispersion, sigma_0, on morphology, or equivalently total light concentration. Such a dependence is expected if light traces the mass. Over the full range of galaxy types, masses and brightnesses, and assuming that the gas velocity traces the circular velocity, we find that galaxies obey the relation log(Vcirc/sigma_0)= 0.63-0.11*C28 where C28=5log(r80/r20) and the radii are measured at 80 percent and 20 percent of the total light. Massive galaxies scatter about the Vcirc = sqrt(2)*sigma_0 line for isothermal stellar systems. Disk galaxies follow the simple relation Vcirc/sigma_0=2(1-B/T), where B/T is the bulge-to-total light ratio. For pure disks, C28~2.8, B/T -> 0, and Vcirc~=2*sigma_0. Self-consistent equilibrium galaxy models from Widrow & Dubinski (2005) constrained to match the size-luminosity and velocity-luminosity relations of disk galaxies fail to match the observed Vcirc/sigma_0 distribution. Furthermore, the matching of dynamical models for Vcirc(r)/sigma(r) with observations of dwarf and elliptical galaxies suffers from limited radial coverage and relatively large error bars; for dwarf systems, however, kinematical measurements at the galaxy center and optical edge suggest Vcirc(Rmax) > 2*sigma_0 (in contrast with past assumptions that Vcirc = sqrt(2)*sigma_0 for dwarfs.) The Vcirc-sigma_0-C28 relation has direct implications for galaxy formation and dynamical models, galaxy scaling relations, the mass function of galaxies, and the links between respective formation and evolution processes for a galaxy's central massive object, bulge, and dark matter halo.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL. Current version matches ApJL page requiremen

    Morphology of the Nuclear Disk in M87

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    A deep, fuly sampled diffraction limited (FWHM ~ 70 mas) narrow-band image of the central region in M87 was obtained with the Wide Filed and Planetary Camera 2 of the Hubble Space Telescope using the dithering technique. The H-alpha+[NII] continuum subtracted image reveals a wealth of details in the gaseous disk structure described earlier by Ford et al. (1994). The disk morphology is dominated by a well defined three-arm spiral pattern. In addition, the major spiral arms contain a large number of small "arclets" covering a range of sizes (0.1-0.3 arcsec = 10-30 pc). The overall surface brightness profile inside a radius ~1.5" (100 pc) is well represented by a power-law I(mu) ~ mu^(-1.75), but when the central ~40 pc are excluded it can be equally well fit by an exponential disk. The major axis position angle remains constant at about PA_disk ~ 6 deg for the innermost ~1", implying the disk is oriented nearly perpendicular to the synchrotron jet (PA_jet ~ 291 deg). At larger radial distances the isophotes twist, reflecting the gas distribution in the filaments connecting to the disk outskirts. The ellipticity within the same radial range is e = 0.2-0.4, which implies an inclination angle of i~35 deg. The sense of rotation combined with the dust obscuration pattern indicate that the spiral arms are trailing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the M87 Workshop, Ringberg castle, Germany, 15-19 Sep 1997, also available from http://jhufos.pha.jhu.edu/~zlatan/papers.htm

    Stellar luminosity functions of rich star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We show the results of deep V and I HST photometry of 6 rich star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud with different ages and metallicities. The number of stars with measured magnitudes in each cluster varies from about 3000 to 10000. We build stellar density and surface brightness profiles for the clusters and extract half-light radii and other structural parameters for each. We also obtain luminosity functions, Phi (Mv), down to Mv ~ 6 (m/msun > 0.6), and investigate their dependence with distance from the cluster centre well beyond their half-light radius. In all clusters we find a systematic increase in the luminosity function slope with radial distance from the centre. Among the clusters displaying significant mass segregation are the two youngest in the sample: NGC 1805 and NGC 1818. For these two clusters we obtain present-day mass functions. The NGC 1818 mass function is in excellent agreement with that derived by other authors, also using HST data. They young cluster mass function slopes differ, that of NCG 1805 being systematically steeper than NGC 1818. Since these are very young stellar systems (age < 40 Myrs), these variations may reflect the initial conditions rather than evolution due to internal dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 24 figure

    Isotopic studies in the natural sources of radium in groundwater in Illinois

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    Stable and radioactive isotopes in groundwater were studied in an investigation of the natural geologic sources of high concentrations of ²²⁶Ra and ²²⁸Ra in confined aquifers in the Cambrian and Ordovician bedrock of northern Illinois. The covariation of ¹⁸0 and D determined that the groundwater has a meteoric isotopic composition. Groundwater in unconfined aquifers has ¹⁸0 values (-6.6 to -7.9⁰/₀₀) that are similar to contemporary meteoric water. However, a source of recharge related to glaciation is required for groundwater in confined aquifers of the Cambrian and Ordovician that is significantly depleted in ¹⁸0 (¹⁸0 values range to -12.7⁰/₀₀ and are less than -9⁰/₀₀ over large regions) . The covariation of ³⁴S and ¹⁸0 in dissolved sulfates determined a mixing line between two sources; oxidation of sulfide minerals and dissolution of marine evaporites. Dissolved sulfates from evaporite sources are present in large concentrations in confined aquifers but are of a different isotopic composition than evaporites of Cambrian or Ordovician age. Glaciation may be important with regard to recharge of the sulfates. The ²³⁴U/²³⁸U activity ratio in groundwater from the Cambrian and Ordovician are unexpectedly high; values range from 2.1 to 40.7. The lowest ratios occur in primary recharge zones. In confined aquifers values are greater than 20 over large regions. Alpha recoil damage is a mechanism that contributes to the disequilibrium. However, the regional variation in activity ratios and in ²³⁴U concentrations supports the concept that glacial recharge has contributed to the high ratios. Radiological and geochemical mechanisms that partition ²³⁸U, ²³⁴U and ²³⁰Th on the sandstone matrix are important to the dissolved ²²⁶Ra concentration.U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological Surve

    Blood-brain barrier-associated pericytes internalize and clear aggregated amyloid-β42 by LRP1-dependent apolipoprotein E isoform-specific mechanism

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    Table S1. Demographic and clinical features of human subjects used in this study. Figure S1. Aβ deposition in microvessels in AD patients and APPSw/0 mice. Figure S2. Biochemical analysis of Aβ42 aggregates. Figure S3. Cy3-Aβ42 cellular uptake in wild type mouse brain slices within 30 min. Figure S4. Pericyte coverages in Lrp1lox/lox and Lrp1lox/lox; Cspg4-Cre mice. Figure S5.. LRP1 and apoE suppression with siRNA. (DOCX 1454 kb

    PDS 144: the first confirmed Herbig Ae-Herbig Ae wide binary

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    PDS 144 is a pair of Herbig Ae stars that are separated by 5.'' 35 on the sky. It has previously been shown to have an A2Ve Herbig Ae star viewed at 83 degrees inclination as its northern member and an A5Ve Herbig Ae star as its southern member. Direct imagery revealed a disk occulting PDS 144 N-the first edge-on disk observed around a Herbig Ae star. The lack of an obvious disk in direct imagery suggested PDS 144 S might be viewed face-on or not physically associated with PDS 144 N. Multi-epoch Hubble Space Telescope imagery of PDS 144 with a 5 year baseline demonstrates PDS 144 N & S are comoving and have a common proper motion with TYC 6782-878-1. TYC 6782-878-1 has previously been identified as a member of Upper Sco sub-association A at d = 145 +/- 2 pc with an age of 5-10 Myr. Ground-based imagery reveals jets and a string of Herbig-Haro knots extending 13' (possibly further) which are aligned to within 7 degrees +/- 6 degrees on the sky. By combining proper motion data and the absence of a dark mid-plane with radial velocity data, we measure the inclination of PDS 144 S to be i = 73 degrees +/- 7 degrees. The radial velocity of the jets from PDS 144 N & S indicates they, and therefore their disks, are misaligned by 25 degrees +/- 9 degrees. This degree of misalignment is similar to that seen in T Tauri wide binaries.Peer reviewe