901 research outputs found

    An extended soft-cube model for the thermal accommodation of gas atoms on solid surfaces

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    A numerical soft cube model was developed for calculating thermal accommodation coefficients alpha and trapping fractions f sub t for the interaction of gases incident upon solid surfaces. A semiempirical correction factor c which allows the calculation of alpha and f sub t when the collision times are long compared to the surface oscillator period were introduced. The processes of trapping, evaporation, and detailed balancing were discussed. The numerical method was designed to treat economically and with moderate (+ or - 20 percent) accuracy the dependence of alpha and f sub t on finite and different surface and gas temperatures for a large number of gas/surface combinations. Comparison was made with experiments of rare gases on tungsten and on alkalis, as well as one astrophysical case of H2 on graphite. The dependence of alpha on the soft cube dimensionless parameters is presented graphically

    Photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs I: hydrodynamic models

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    In this paper we consider the effect of the direct ionizing stellar radiation field on the evolution of protoplanetary discs subject to photoevaporative winds. We suggest that models which combine viscous evolution with photoevaporation of the disc (e.g. Clarke, Gendrin & Sotomayor 2001) incorrectly neglect the direct field after the inner disc has drained, at late times in the evolution. We construct models of the photoevaporative wind produced by the direct field, first using simple analytic arguments and later using detailed numerical hydrodynamics. We find that the wind produced by the direct field at late times is much larger than has previously been assumed, and we show that the mass-loss rate scales as Rin1/2R_{in}^{1/2} (where RinR_{in} is the radius of the instantaneous inner disc edge). We suggest that this result has important consequences for theories of disc evolution, and go on to consider the effects of this result on disc evolution in detail in a companion paper (Alexander, Clarke & Pringle 2006b).Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the origin of ionising photons emitted by T Tauri stars

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    We address the issue of the production of Lyman continuum photons by T Tauri stars, in an attempt to provide constraints on theoretical models of disc photoionisation. By treating the accretion shock as a hotspot on the stellar surface we show that Lyman continuum photons are produced at a rate approximately three orders of magnitude lower than that produced by a corresponding black body, and that a strong Lyman continuum is only emitted for high mass accretion rates. When our models are extended to include a column of material accreting on to the hotspot we find that the accretion column is extremely optically thick to Lyman continuum photons. Further, we find that radiative recombination of hydrogen atoms within the column is not an efficient means of producing photons with energies greater than 13.6eV, and find that an accretion column of any conceivable height suppresses the emission of Lyman continuum photons to a level below or comparable to that expected from the stellar photosphere. The photospheric Lyman continuum is itself much too weak to affect disc evolution significantly, and we find that the Lyman continuum emitted by an accretion shock is similarly unable to influence disc evolution significantly. This result has important consequences for models which use photoionisation as a mechanism to drive the dispersal of circumstellar discs, essentially proving that an additional source of Lyman continuum photons must exist if disc photoionisation is to be significant.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Photoionization of Galactic Halo Gas by Old Supernova Remnants

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    We present new calculations on the contribution from cooling hot gas to the photoionization of warm ionized gas in the Galaxy. We show that hot gas in cooling supernova remnants (SNRs) is an important source of photoionization, particularly for gas in the halo. We find that in many regions at high latitude this source is adequate to account for the observed ionization so there is no need to find ways to transport stellar photons from the disk. The flux from cooling SNRs sets a floor on the ionization along any line of sight. Our model flux is also shown to be consistent with the diffuse soft X-ray background and with soft X-ray observations of external galaxies. We consider the ionization of the clouds observed towards the halo star HD 93521, for which there are no O stars close to the line of sight. We show that the observed ionization can be explained successfully by our model EUV/soft X-ray flux from cooling hot gas. In particular, we can match the H alpha intensity, the S++/S+ ratio, and the C+* column. From observations of the ratios of columns of C+* and either S+ or H0, we are able to estimate the thermal pressure in the clouds. The slow clouds require high (~10^4 cm^-3 K) thermal pressures to match the N(C+*)/N(S+) ratio. Additional heating sources are required for the slow clouds to maintain their ~7000 K temperatures at these pressures, as found by Reynolds, Hausen & Tufte (1999).Comment: AASTeX 5.01; 34 pages, 2 figures; submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Detection of shocked atomic gas in the Kleinmann-Low nebula

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    The 63 micrometer (3)p(1)-(3)P(2) fine structure line emission of neutral atomic oxygen at the center of the Orion nebula with a resolution of 30" is presented. There are three main emission peaks. One is associated with the region of strongest thermal radio continuum radiation close to the Trapezium cluster, and probably arises at the interface between the HII region and the dense Orion molecular cloud. The other two line emission peaks, associated with the Kleinmann Low nebula, are similar in both distribution and velocity to those of the 2 micrometer S(1) line of molecular hydrogen and of the high velocity wings of rotational CO emission. The OI emission from the KL nebula can be produced in the shocked gas associated with the mass outflows in this region and is an important coolant of the shocked gas

    The Chemistry of Interstellar OH+, H2O+, and H3O+: Inferring the Cosmic Ray Ionization Rates from Observations of Molecular Ions

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    We model the production of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in interstellar clouds, using a steady state photodissociation region code that treats the freeze-out of gas species, grain surface chemistry, and desorption of ices from grains. The code includes PAHs, which have important effects on the chemistry. All three ions generally have two peaks in abundance as a function of depth into the cloud, one at A_V<~1 and one at A_V~3-8, the exact values depending on the ratio of incident ultraviolet flux to gas density. For relatively low values of the incident far ultraviolet flux on the cloud ({\chi}<~ 1000; {\chi}= 1= local interstellar value), the columns of OH+ and H2O+ scale roughly as the cosmic ray primary ionization rate {\zeta}(crp) divided by the hydrogen nucleus density n. The H3O+ column is dominated by the second peak, and we show that if PAHs are present, N(H3O+) ~ 4x10^{13} cm^{-2} independent of {\zeta}(crp) or n. If there are no PAHs or very small grains at the second peak, N(H3O+) can attain such columns only if low ionization potential metals are heavily depleted. We also model diffuse and translucent clouds in the interstellar medium, and show how observations of N(OH+)/N(H) and N(OH+)/N(H2O+) can be used to estimate {\zeta}(crp)/n, {\chi}/n and A_V in them. We compare our models to Herschel observations of these two ions, and estimate {\zeta}(crp) ~ 4-6 x 10^-16 (n/100 cm^-3) s^-1 and \chi/n = 0.03 cm^3 for diffuse foreground clouds towards W49N

    Detection of Far-Infrared Water Vapor, Hydroxyl, and Carbon Monoxide Emissions from the Supernova Remnant 3C 391

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    We report the detection of shock-excited far-infrared emission of H2O, OH, and CO from the supernova remnant 3C 391, using the ISO Long-Wavelength Spectrometer. This is the first detection of thermal H2O and OH emission from a supernova remnant. For two other remnants, W~28 and W~44, CO emission was detected but OH was only detected in absorption. The observed H2O and OH emission lines arise from levels within ~400 K of the ground state, consistent with collisional excitation in warm, dense gas created after the passage of the shock front through the dense clumps in the pre-shock cloud. The post-shock gas we observe has a density ~2x10^5 cm^{-3} and temperature 100-1000 K, and the relative abundances of CO:OH:H2O in the emitting region are 100:1:7 for a temperature of 200 K. The presence of a significant column of warm H2O suggests that the chemistry has been significantly changed by the shock. The existence of significant column densities of both OH and H2O, which is at odds with models for non-dissociative shocks into dense gas, could be due to photodissociation of H2O or a mix of fast and slow shocks through regions with different pre-shock density.Comment: AASTeX manuscript and 4 postscript figure

    Using The Barton Libraries Dataset As An RDF benchmark

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    This report describes the Barton Libraries RDF dataset and Longwell querybenchmark that we use for our recent VLDB paper on Scalable Semantic WebData Management Using Vertical Partitioning

    The Photoevaporative Wind from the Disk of TW Hya

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    Photoevaporation driven by the central star is expected to be a ubiquitous and important mechanism to disperse the circumstellar dust and gas from which planets form. Here, we present a detailed study of the circumstellar disk surrounding the nearby star TW Hya and provide observational constraints to its photoevaporative wind. Our new high-resolution (R ~ 30,000) mid-infrared spectroscopy in the [Ne II] 12.81 {\mu}m line confirms that this gas diagnostic traces the unbound wind component within 10AU from the star. From the blueshift and asymmetry in the line profile, we estimate that most (>80%) of the [Ne II] emission arises from disk radii where the midplane is optically thick to the redshifted outflowing gas, meaning beyond the 1 or 4AU dust rim inferred from other observations. We re-analyze high-resolution (R ~ 48, 000) archival optical spectra searching for additional transitions that may trace the photoevaporative flow. Unlike the [Ne II] line, optical forbidden lines from OI, SII, and MgI are centered at the stellar velocity and have symmetric profiles. The only way these lines could trace the photoevaporative flow is if they arise from a disk region physically distinct from that traced by the [Ne II] line, specifically from within the optically thin dust gap. However, the small (~10 km/s) FWHM of these lines suggest that most of the emitting gas traced at optical wavelengths is bound to the system rather than unbound. We discuss the implications of our results for a planet-induced versus a photoevaporation-induced gap.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Photodissociation and the Morphology of HI in Galaxies

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    Young massive stars produce Far-UV photons which dissociate the molecular gas on the surfaces of their parent molecular clouds. Of the many dissociation products which result from this ``back-reaction'', atomic hydrogen \HI is one of the easiest to observe through its radio 21-cm hyperfine line emission. In this paper I first review the physics of this process and describe a simplified model which has been developed to permit an approximate computation of the column density of photodissociated \HI which appears on the surfaces of molecular clouds. I then review several features of the \HI morphology of galaxies on a variety of length scales and describe how photodissociation might account for some of these observations. Finally, I discuss several consequences which follow if this view of the origin of HI in galaxies continues to be successful.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures in 8 files, invited review paper for the conference "Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes a New Note", South Africa, June 2004. Proceedings to be published by Kluwer, eds. D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, I. Puerari, R. Groess, & E.K. Bloc
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