42 research outputs found
Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial
- Author
- Abano Nenette
- Abbdul-saheb Mudhar
- Adedoyin Temi
- Adell Victoria
- Adesina Tolu
- Adie Katja
- Adil-Smith Jennifer
- Ahmad Nasar
- Ahmed Ashraf
- Ahmed Iman
- Al-Mayhani Talal
- Al-Shahi Salman Rustam
- Al-Shahi Salman Rustam
- Alam Mohammad Irfan
- Albazzaz Mo
- Ali Ali
- Alipio Francis
- Allen Christopher
- Allison Joanna
- Amey Isobel
- Amis Elaine
- Amlani Sageet
- Amoils Shannon
- Amor Kelly
- Anderson Rosemary
- Andole Sreeman
- Anjum Talat
- Ankolekar Sandeep
- Annamalai Arunkumar
- Anthony Alpha
- Anversha Ajmal
- Anwar Ijaz
- Anwar Sajjad
- Appleton Jason
- Argandona Lucia
- Armitage Jane
- Ashton Amy
- Atkinson Natalie
- Auld Grace
- Avis Joanne
- Aweid Basaam
- Ayres Georgina
- Azhar Khalid
- Bagnall Caroline
- Baig Farrukh
- Baigent Colin
- Bailey Duncan
- Baird Yolanda
- Bakawala Rehana
- Baker John
- Baker Pauline
- Balazikova Olga
- Balian Linda
- Baliga Vidya
- Balitska Olesia
- Ball Julie
- Ball Margaret
- Ballantine Robert
- Bamford John
- Banaras Azra
- Barber Mark
- Barbon Emma
- Barker James
- Barr Charlotte
- Barrie Elizabeth
- Barron Luke
- Barry Adrian
- Bateman Gavin
- Bates Michelle
- Bathula Rajaram
- Battersby-Wood Emma
- Bayliss Pauline
- Beadle Hannah
- Bearne Helen
- Beaty Teresa
- Beaves Emily
- Bell Angela
- Bell Jo
- Bell Murdina
- Bellfield Ruth
- Beranova Eva
- Bergin Adrian
- Bhakri Harbens
- Bhalla Ajay
- Bharaj Kiranjit
- Bhargava Maneesh
- Bhaskaran Biju
- Bhatnagar Priya
- Bhatnagar Priya
- Birchall Kathryn
- Birns Jonathan
- Black Toby
- Blades Alex
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Gordon
- Blane Sujata
- Blank Catrin
- Blight Adrian
- Board Joanne
- Board Sarah
- Bokhari Maria
- Bond Kirsty
- Bowring Angela
- Boxall Cherish
- Breeds Joanna
- Brew Helen
- Brezitski Maria
- Bridger Hayley
- Brodie Fiona
- Brotherton Lucy
- Broughton David
- Brown Claire
- Brown Ellen
- Brown Pauline
- Brown Sarah
- Bruce David
- Buchanan David
- Buck Amanda
- Buckle Steve
- Buckle Steve
- Buckley Clare
- Bunea George
- Burger Ilse
- Burgess Laura
- Burgess Seona
- Burssens Evelyne
- Butler Adrian
- Butler Donna
- Butler Rebecca
- Butterworth-Cowin Nicola
- Button Denise
- Buxton Jean
- Byrne Anthony
- Cageao Julie
- Caine Sarah
- Campbell Robert
- Carpenter Michael
- Carpio Racquel
- Carrie Johanna
- Cassidy Tim
- Causley Chelsea
- Chadbourn Indra
- Chadha Dinesh
- Chamberlain Angela
- Chan kelly
- Chandrakumar Aberami
- Chapman Kath
- Chapman Nicola
- Charles Bethan
- Chatterjee Kausic
- Chaudhry Afnan
- Chauhan Meena
- Chenna Srikanth
- Cherian Suja
- Cheripelli Bharath Kumar
- Chopra Neha
- Choulerton James
- Choy Lillian
- Clarke Brian
- Clarke Caroline
- Clarke Judith
- Clarke Natasha
- Clarke Rebecca
- Clarke Samantha
- Clarkson Emma
- Clay Caroline
- Clayton Susan
- Clayton-Evans Lisa
- Cluckie Gillian
- Cochrane Helen
- Codd Laura
- Cohen David
- Collins Kayleigh
- Connor Lynda
- Constantin Carmen
- Cook Angela
- Cooper Martin
- Copeland Claire
- Cosier Tracey
- Courtauld Gillian
- Couser Mandy
- Coward Lucy
- Cowie Linda
- Cox Chantel
- Cox Chloe
- Cox Penelope
- Crabtree Karen
- Crawford Pam
- Crawford Susan
- Creeden Robyn
- Crisp Sarah
- Cronin Julie
- Crook Luci
- Crosbie Caroline
- Crouch Nichola
- Crown Rachel
- Crowther Hannah
- Cuddy Sarah
- Cuenoud Larissa
- Cullen Claire
- Culmsee Charlotte
- Cunningham James
- Cunningham Mishell
- Cvoro Vera
- Dacey Lynne
- Dakin Katy
- Dallol Bander
- Dangri Puneet
- Datta Prabal
- Davey Richard
- David Anette
- David Owen
- Davies Caroline
- Davies Ruth
- Davies Silvie
- Davis Fiona
- Davis Michelle
- Day Nicola
- Dayal Nilofer
- De Berker Henry
- Deary Ann
- Denic Hayley
- Dennis Martin
- Dennis Martin S
- Denniss Carol
- Devine Joseph
- Devitt Nicola
- Dewar Richard
- Dhakal Mahesh
- Dhar Saikat
- Dickinson Christina
- Dickson Christine
- Dima Sofia
- Dinsmore Lynn
- Dixon Lynn
- Dobson Tracey
- Dodd Angela
- Dodd Emily
- Doherty Mandy
- Doherty Mandy
- Donaldson Denise
- Donnelly Richard
- Doubal Fergus
- Dow Lindsey
- Downham Susan
- Doyle Clare
- Doyle Donna
- Drever Jonathan
- du Plessis Johann C
- du Plessis Johannes
- Dube Judith
- Duberley Stephen
- Dunn Linda
- Dunne Karen
- Durairaj Ramesh
- Durman Helen
- Dutta Dipankar
- Dynan Kevin
- Edwards Mandy
- Egerton Shuna
- Eglinton Charlotte
- Eglinton Charlotte
- El Tawil Salwa
- Elfandi Khaled
- Elliot Jennifer
- Elliott Emma
- Ellis Sam
- Emberson Jonathan
- Emsley Hedley
- England Timothy
- Epstein Daniel
- Erande Renuka
- Erumere Esther
- Esisi Bernard
- Esisi Bernard
- Esson Derek
- Esson Derek
- Evans Rachel
- Evans Sue
- Eveson David
- Ewing Jordan
- Fathima Razik
- Fawcett Michelle
- Feerick Shez
- Fennelly Ruth
- Ferdinand Phillip
- Findlay Paul
- Finlay Sarah
- Finney Kay
- Fitzell Pauline
- Fitzsimmons Paul
- Fletcher Glyn
- Fletcher Jo
- Fong Rosanna
- Foot Jayne
- Foote Leanne
- Ford Gary
- Foster Eliza
- Fotherby Ken
- Fox Charlotte
- Francia Nina
- Francis Jobbin
- Fraser Ruth
- Fraser Ruth
- Fuller Tracy
- Fulton Ailsa
- Furnace Jacqueline
- Gadapa Naveen
- Gainard Glyn
- Gainsborough Nicola
- Gallagher Jill
- Gallagher Louise
- Gallifent Rachel
- Gamble Ed
- Garcia Tatiana
- Gardener Léjeune
- Garfield-Smith Joanne
- Garside Mark
- Gartrell Imogen
- Gascoyne Rachel
- Gattringer Thomas
- Gautam Nikki
- Gaylard Jane
- Gbadamoshi Lukuman
- Geraghty Olivia
- Ghaly George
- Ghatala Rita
- Ghosh Sandip
- Giallombardo Elio
- Gilham Ellie
- Gilmour Danielle
- Gilzeane Nicola
- Glass Jon
- Gleave Laura
- Glover Rachel
- Godfrey Margi
- Goff Anita
- Goorah Neetish
- Gott Valerie
- Gow Heather
- Graham Carol
- Graham Ruth
- Gray Jane
- Green Carole
- Greenwood Richard
- Gregory Bindu
- Greig Jill
- Grimwood Gemma
- Grocott Jeanette
- Grue Rebecca
- Gulliver Diane
- Guo Fenglin
- Gupwell Karin
- Guthrie Lucy Belle
- Guy Helen
- Guyler Paul
- Hague Adam
- Haider Syed
- Hairsine Brigid
- Hakim Eluzai
- Hall Andrea
- Halse Omid
- Handley Dominic
- Hann Gail
- Hannon Niamh
- Hansen Christian
- Haque Mohammad
- Hardwick Anne
- Harkness Kirsty
- Harrington Frances
- Harrington-Davies Yasmin
- Harrison Louise
- Harrison Melanie
- Harrison Thomas
- Harston George
- Harvey Kirsten
- Harvey Miriam
- Hassan Ahamad
- Hassan Hardi
- Havard Diane
- Hayes Anne
- Hayhoe Helen
- Hayman Rachel
- Hays Carole
- Hazel Beth
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hemsley Anthony
- Henry Margo
- Herman Jane
- Hervey Simon
- Hewitt Jonathan
- Hiden Joanne
- Hogan Caroline
- Hogg Valerie
- Holden Melinda
- Holmes Clare
- Homan Jane
- Hooley Michaela
- Horan Kathleen
- Horton Sarah
- Hostettler Isabel
- Hove Dionne
- Howaniec Laura
- Howard Gabriella
- Howard Joanne
- Howard Peter
- Howcroft Deborah
- Howe Jo
- Huang Xuya
- Huggett Isabel
- Hughes Chloe
- Hughes Claire
- Hughes Tom
- Humphreys Louise
- Humphries Fiona
- Hunt Benjamin
- Hunt Nicholas
- Hunter Annemarie
- Hunter Neil
- Hurford Frances
- Hurley Jennifer
- Hussain Malik
- Hutchison Aidan
- Hyams Benjamin
- Hyatt Lisa
- Imam Javed
- Ingham Andrea
- Ingram Tanya
- Innes Karen
- Iqbal Arshi
- Iqbal Mohammad Shazad
- Irvine Janice
- Ispoglou Sissy
- Ivatts Simone
- Jackson Benjamin
- Jackson Linda
- Jagger Jenny
- Jagpal Baljit
- James Ali
- James Claire
- James Martin
- Jarapa Rowilson
- Jarrett David
- Jeffs Carol
- Jelley Benjamin
- Jenkins Colin
- Jennings-Preece Karla
- Jeyaraj Naomi
- Jha Ratneshwari
- Jinks Emma
- Johnes Mary
- Johnson Sharon
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Kirsty
- Jones Rachael
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones Terry
- Jones Val
- Jordan Carla
- Jose Deepa
- Jose Josin
- Joshi Yogish
- Joshi Yogish
- Joyson Anu
- Jupp Becky
- Justin Frances
- Kakar Puneet
- Kalathil Latheef
- Kalladka Dheeraj
- Kamara Christine
- Kambafwile Mary
- Kane Ingrid
- Kar Arindam
- Keegan Breffni
- Keeling Elizabeth
- Keenan Samantha
- Kelavkar Shyam
- Kelly Christine
- Kelly Debs
- Kelly Jim
- Kelly Siobhan
- Keltos Marketa
- Kennedy James
- Kennedy Kate
- Kenton Antony
- Kerin Lourda
- Kerr Enda
- Kerr Gillian
- Keshvara Rekha
- Khan Mohammad
- Khan Shagufta
- Khan Usman
- Khan Uzma
- Kibutu Faith
- King Sam
- Kingwell Hayley
- Kini Manohar
- Klaasen Katrina
- Knops Kerstin
- Krishnamoorthy Shrivakumar
- Krishnamurthy Ramesh
- Krishnamurthy Vinodh
- Krishnan Kailash
- Krishnan Manju
- Krommyda Magdalini
- Kullane Sagal
- Kumar Balakrishna
- Kumar Pradeep
- Kunhunny Swapna
- Lam Man Yee
- Lambert Caroline
- Landers Geraldine
- Langhorne Peter
- Lasserson Daniel
- Latter Laura
- Law Zhe
- Lawrence Tara
- Lawson Heidi
- Leason Sandra
- Lee Stephanie
- Leggett Jacqui
- Lenti Giulia
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Licenik Radim
- Lindert Ralf
- Little Victoria
- Littleton Edward
- Ljubez Anja
- Loganathan Thayalini
- Longland Barbara
- Lopez Paula
- Lovelock Caroline
- Lowe Gordon
- Lucas Linda
- Lucas Suzanne
- Luder Robert
- Lyjko Sue
- Maanoosi Mehran
- Maatouk Ahmad
- Macaden Ashish
- MacInnes Brian
- MacLennan Beverly
- Macleod Malcolm
- MacLeod Mary
- MacLiver Linda
- MacRaild Allan
- Maddula Mohana
- Madigan Barbara
- Maguire Holly
- Maguire Stuart
- Maiden Susan
- Majis Arshad
- Majmudar Nikhil
- Makawa Linetty
- Mangion David
- Manning Lisa
- Manoj Aravind
- Mardania Rina
- Marigold James Richard
- Markova Skarlet
- Marks Katherine
- Marsden Tracy
- Marshall Sally
- Martin Irene
- Mashate Sheila
- Mason Cathy
- Mate Abhijit
- Mathieson Philip
- Matias Oliver
- Matthews Christopher
- Maund Bev
- McAlpine Christine
- McArdle Damian
- Mcauley Sean
- McCann Stephanie
- McCarron Mark
- McClelland Beverley
- McCormick Katrina
- McCormick Katrina
- McDonald Shanni
- McDonald Susan
- Mcgee Joanne
- McGhee Caroline
- McGill Connor
- McGrath Aileen
- McIlmoyle James
- McKee Jacqueline
- McLoughlin Alison
- McVerry Ferghal
- Mead Denise
- Mead Gillian
- Meir Julie
- Menon Nisha
- Mercer Lily
- Metcalf Kneale
- Miller Keniesha
- Miller Richard
- Milligan Josette
- Minks David
- Minks David P.
- Miriam Skelton
- Mistri Amit
- Mitchell Jennifer
- Mitra Dipayan
- Mitra Dipayan
- Mohammed Niaz
- Mohd Nor Azlisham
- Mokoena Betty
- Moores Andrew
- Moqsith Mohammed
- Morell Jordi
- Moreton Fiona
- Morgan Debbie
- Moroney Helen
- Morse Bethan
- Moseley Sally
- Motherwell Nichola
- Moynihan Barry
- Mpelembue Mushiya
- Mudd Paul
- Muddegowda Girish
- Muir Keith
- Mukherjee Indranil
- Murali Elodie
- Murphy Peter
- Murray Gordon D
- Musarrat Kashif
- Myint Min
- Naeem Muhammad
- Naing Zin
- Nair Anand
- Nallasivan Arumugam
- Nasar Mohammad
- Nasim Ashraf
- Naylor Charde
- Needle Ann
- Nelson Sandra
- Newby David E
- Newton Sophie
- Ng Kheng Xiong
- Ngo David
- Nguyen Vinh
- Ngwako Mmua
- Ni Hlaing
- Nicholas Paul
- Nicolson Anne
- Niranchanan Rangah
- Nisar Nabeela
- Njoku Kelechi
- Nott Claire
- Nott Claire
- Nozedar Tarn
- Nyabadza Sheila
- O'Brien Eoin
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Connell Susan
- O'Loughlin Victoria
- O'Reilly Joanna
- O'Toole Sarah
- OConnell Janice
- Oji Nnebuife
- Orath Prabakaran Rajalakshmi
- Orefo Chukwuka
- Orugun Enoch
- Osborn Mairead
- Osborne Emily
- Oshodi Anne
- Osman Ahmed
- Ovington Catherine
- Owings Paula
- Owoyele Emmanuelle
- Owusu-Agyei Peter
- Pai Yogish
- Palmer Jeb
- Papavasileiou Vasileios
- Parakramawansha Ruwan
- Parker Richard
- Parry Anthea
- Parry-Jones Adrian
- Pasco Kath
- Patel Bhavini
- Patel Champa
- Patel Farzana
- Patel Krishna
- Patterson Chris
- Paulton Ruth
- Pawley Corinne
- Peixoto Cassilda
- Penge Justin
- Perez Jane
- Perfitt Rebekah
- Perkins Charlotte
- Perry David
- Perry Jack
- Persad Nicola
- Peters Jenny
- Pettitt Kerry
- Phiri Duke
- Pitt-Ford Alexandra
- Pitt-Kerby Tressy
- Plewa Catherine
- Poku Philip
- Ponnambath Suheil
- Poultney Una
- Pound Susan
- Power Michael
- Pressly Vanessa
- Price Fiona
- Proeschel Harald
- Punekar Shuja
- Punter Martin
- Pusalkar Aparna
- Putterill Janet
- Quinn Leanne
- Quinn Outi
- Qureshi Sammie
- Ragab Suzanne
- Raghunathan Senthil
- Rahman Bithi
- Rai Baljinder
- Raj Sonia
- Rajapakse Anoja
- Rajkumar Chakravarthi
- Ramachandran Sankaranarayana
- Ramadan Hawraman
- Ramshaw Alex
- Rana Pratap
- Randall Marc
- Rashed Khalid
- Rashmi Sindhu
- Ravenhill Garth
- Rayessa Rayessa
- Reckless Ian
- Reddan Julie
- Reddan Julie
- Redgrave Jessica
- Redjep Ozlem
- Remegoso Alda
- Richard Bella
- Richards Emma
- Rinkel Gabriel
- Roberts Josh
- Robinson Matthew
- Robinson Naomi
- Rodgers Alicia
- Rodrigues Mark A
- Rodriguez Aryelly
- Roffe Christine
- Roffe Jack
- Roganova Tatjana
- Rogers Emily
- Rogers Gill
- Rojas Javier
- Ross Sarah
- Roughan Caroline
- Rudd Tony
- Rudenko Hannah
- Saada Janak
- Saastamoinen Kari
- Sajid Mahmud
- Sakka Eleni
- Salehin Maqsud
- Salek-Haddadi Afraim
- Salih Isam
- Sally Moore
- Sandercock Peter A G
- Sangombe Mirriam
- Sangster Graeme
- Sanyal Ranjan
- Sarah Procter
- Sarah Procter
- Sattar Naweed
- Sattar Saira
- Saulat Afaq
- Saulat Afaq
- Schofield Christine
- Schulz Ursula
- Schumacher Natasha
- Schwarz Stefan
- Seagrave Samantha
- Sekaran Lakshmanan
- Sesay Juliana
- Sethuraman Sakthivel
- Shackcloth Daniela
- Shah Alex
- Shah Sweni
- Shahmehri Shahrzad
- Sharma Nikhil
- Sharpe Simon
- Shaw Kelly Marie
- Shaw Louise
- Sheikh Saima
- Shekhar Raj
- Shelton Faye
- Shinh Naval
- Shread Ian
- Shukla Avani
- Siddegowda Prasad
- Siddiq Muhammad
- Siddiqui Amber
- Siddiqui Anwer
- Sigsworth Andrew
- Simon Rohan
- Sims Don
- Singh Arun
- Sinha Devesh
- Skinner Helen
- Slade Peter
- Smart Amanda
- Smith Andrew
- Smith Fiona
- Smith Gemma Marie
- Smith Simon
- Smith Wilma
- Smyth Nigel
- Spencer Jayne
- Sprigg Nikola
- Sprigg Nikola
- Srinivasan Meena
- Stafford Samantha
- Stafford Samantha
- Stanners Andrew
- Steele Amy
- Stephen Jacqueline
- Stephens Claire
- Stevens Angela
- Stevens Stephanie
- Stevenson Sarah
- Stewart Kelvin
- Stocks Kathy
- Stone Andrew
- Storton Sharon
- Strain David
- Subramonian Santhosh
- Sudlow Cathie
- Sudlow Cathie L M
- Sukdeo Varthi
- Sullivan Frank
- Sultan Sulaiman
- Suttling Anne
- Sutton Claire
- Sutton Patrick
- Sutton Victoria
- Sword Jane
- Sykes Lucy
- Symonds Stuart
- Szabo Susan
- Tallantyre Emma
- Tanate Alfonso
- Tandy Jane
- Tate Margaret
- Tauro Suzanne
- Tayler Michelle
- Taylor Pat
- Taylor Vicky
- Teal Rachel
- Temple Natalie
- Thant Hlaing
- Thavanesan Kamy
- Thomas Isobel
- Thomas Kelly
- Thomas Philip
- Thomas Sarah
- Thompson Philip
- Thompson Susan
- Thompson Teresa
- Thompson-Jones Helen
- Thomson Audrey
- Thornthwaite Sarah
- Thorpe Kevin
- Tilley Victoria
- Tiwari Divya
- Tomlin Dawn
- Tomlinson Benjamin
- Treadwell Shelley
- Tribbeck Michele
- Trippier Sarah
- Triscott Claire
- Triscott Claire
- Tryambake Dinesh
- Tucker Laura
- Tucker Susan
- Turfrey Jennifer
- Tysoe Sharon
- Ullah Khalil
- Valentine Stacey
- van Someren Chloe
- Varquez Resti
- Vasileiadis Evangelos
- Vassallo Joseph
- Venter Marius
- Veraque Emelda
- Verrion Anna
- Vettimootal Johnson Venetia
- Vickers Carinna
- Walford Jamie
- Walker Allan
- Walker Marion
- Walker Pauli
- Walker Susannah
- Wallace Aine
- Wallace Rebecca
- Wallace Rebecca
- Walstow Deborah
- Walter Deborah
- Walters Ashleigh
- Wani Mushtaq
- Ward Deborah
- Wardlaw Joanna M
- Watchurst Caroline
- Waterfield Kelly
- Waterfield Kelly
- Watson Fran
- Waugh Dean
- Webb Tom
- Webber Adam
- Webster Timothy
- Weinling Marie
- Weir Nic
- Weir Pauline
- Welch Angela
- Werring David
- Werring David J
- Whitcher Alison
- White James
- White Julie
- White Philip M
- White Susan
- Whiteley William
- Whiteley William N
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiting Robert
- Whittamore Katherine
- Wiggam Ivan
- Wilding Peter
- Wilkes Gwendoline
- Wilkinson Mark
- Willberry Angela
- Williams Carol
- Williams Rebecca
- Williams-Yesson Barbara
- Willmot Mark
- Wilson David
- Wilson Duncan
- Wilson Jenny
- Wilson Lisa
- Wilson Sarah
- Wiltshire Alison
- Wood Diane
- Wood Edith
- Wood Lisa
- Woodward Stephen
- Wright Fiona
- Wroath Belinda
- Wynter Inez
- Yadava Rajendra
- Yip Brigitte
- Young Andrew
- Zachariah George
- Zahoor Tajammal
- Zoe Mellor
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 22/05/2019
- Field of study
Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy
Prenatal exome sequencing analysis in fetal structural anomalies detected by ultrasonography (PAGE):a cohort study
- Author
- Berry Ian R
- Best Sunayna K
- Carey Georgina K
- Chandler Kate E
- Chitty Lynn
- Cresswell Lara
- Eberhardt Ruth Y
- Edwards Sandra L
- Hamilton Sue
- Henderson Alex
- Holden Simon T
- Homfrey Tessa
- Hurles Matthew E
- Jenkins Lucy
- Keelagher Rebecca
- Kilby Mark
- Lewis Rebecca
- Lord Jenny
- Maher Eamonn
- McMullan Dominic
- Newbury-Ecob Ruth
- Parker Michael
- Prescott Katrina
- Prigmore Elena
- Quarrell Oliver
- Quinlan-Jones Elizabeth
- Ramsden Simon
- Rinck Gabriele
- Roberts Eileen
- Scott Richard H
- Tapon Dagmar
- Tooley Madeleine J
- Vasudevan Pradeep C
- Weber Astrid P
- Wellesley Diana G
- Westwood Paul
- White Helen
- Williams Denise
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 23/02/2019
- Field of study
Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial
- Author
- Abano Nenette
- Abbdul-saheb Mudhar
- Adedoyin Temi
- Adell Victoria
- Adesina Tolu
- Adie Katja
- Adil-Smith Jennifer
- Ahmad Nasar
- Ahmed Ashraf
- Ahmed Iman
- Al-Mayhani Talal
- Al-Shahi Salman Rustam
- Alam Mohammad Irfan
- Albazzaz Mo
- Ali Ali
- Alipio Francis
- Allen Christopher
- Allison Joanna
- Amey Isobel
- Amis Elaine
- Amlani Sageet
- Amoils Shannon
- Amor Kelly
- Anderson Rosemary
- Andole Sreeman
- Anjum Talat
- Ankolekar Sandeep
- Annamalai Arunkumar
- Anthony Alpha
- Anversha Ajmal
- Anwar Ijaz
- Anwar Sajjad
- Appleton Jason
- Argandona Lucia
- Armitage Jane
- Ashton Amy
- Atkinson Natalie
- Auld Grace
- Avis Joanne
- Aweid Basaam
- Ayres Georgina
- Azhar Khalid
- Bagnall Caroline
- Baig Farrukh
- Baigent Colin
- Bailey Duncan
- Baird Yolanda
- Bakawala Rehana
- Baker John
- Baker Pauline
- Balazikova Olga
- Balian Linda
- Baliga Vidya
- Balitska Olesia
- Ball Julie
- Ball Margaret
- Ballantine Robert
- Bamford John
- Banaras Azra
- Barber Mark
- Barbon Emma
- Barker James
- Barr Charlotte
- Barrie Elizabeth
- Barron Luke
- Barry Adrian
- Bateman Gavin
- Bates Michelle
- Bathula Rajaram
- Battersby-Wood Emma
- Bayliss Pauline
- Beadle Hannah
- Bearne Helen
- Beaty Teresa
- Beaves Emily
- Bell Angela
- Bell Jo
- Bell Murdina
- Bellfield Ruth
- Beranova Eva
- Bergin Adrian
- Bhakri Harbens
- Bhalla Ajay
- Bharaj Kiranjit
- Bhargava Maneesh
- Bhaskaran Biju
- Bhatnagar Priya
- Birchall Kathryn
- Birns Jonathan
- Black Toby
- Blades Alex
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Gordon
- Blane Sujata
- Blank Catrin
- Blight Adrian
- Board Joanne
- Board Sarah
- Bokhari Maria
- Bond Kirsty
- Bowring Angela
- Boxall Cherish
- Breeds Joanna
- Brew Helen
- Brezitski Maria
- Bridger Hayley
- Brodie Fiona
- Brotherton Lucy
- Broughton David
- Brown Claire
- Brown Ellen
- Brown Pauline
- Brown Sarah
- Bruce David
- Buchanan David
- Buck Amanda
- Buckle Steve
- Buckle Steve
- Buckley Clare
- Bunea George
- Burger Ilse
- Burgess Laura
- Burgess Seona
- Burssens Evelyne
- Butler Adrian
- Butler Donna
- Butler Rebecca
- Butterworth-Cowin Nicola
- Button Denise
- Buxton Jean
- Byrne Anthony
- Cageao Julie
- Caine Sarah
- Campbell Robert
- Carpenter Michael
- Carpio Racquel
- Carrie Johanna
- Cassidy Tim
- Causley Chelsea
- Chadbourn Indra
- Chadha Dinesh
- Chamberlain Angela
- Chan Kelly
- Chandrakumar Aberami
- Chapman Kath
- Chapman Nicola
- Charles Bethan
- Chatterjee Kausic
- Chaudhry Afnan
- Chauhan Meena
- Chenna Srikanth
- Cherian Suja
- Cheripelli Bharath Kumar
- Chopra Neha
- Choulerton James
- Choy Lillian
- Clarke Brian
- Clarke Caroline
- Clarke Judith
- Clarke Natasha
- Clarke Rebecca
- Clarke Samantha
- Clarkson Emma
- Clay Caroline
- Clayton Susan
- Clayton-Evans Lisa
- Cluckie Gillian
- Cochrane Helen
- Codd Laura
- Cohen David
- Collins Kayleigh
- Connor Lynda
- Constantin Carmen
- Cook Angela
- Cooper Martin
- Copeland Claire
- Cosier Tracey
- Courtauld Gillian
- Couser Mandy
- Coward Lucy
- Cowie Linda
- Cox Chantel
- Cox Chloe
- Cox Penelope
- Crabtree Karen
- Crawford Pam
- Crawford Susan
- Creeden Robyn
- Crisp Sarah
- Cronin Julie
- Crook Luci
- Crosbie Caroline
- Crouch Nichola
- Crown Rachel
- Crowther Hannah
- Cuddy Sarah
- Cuenoud Larissa
- Cullen Claire
- Culmsee Charlotte
- Cunningham James
- Cunningham Mishell
- Cvoro Vera
- Dacey Lynne
- Dakin Katy
- Dallol Bander
- Dangri Puneet
- Datta Prabal
- Davey Richard
- David Anette
- David Owen
- Davies Caroline
- Davies Ruth
- Davies Silvie
- Davis Fiona
- Davis Michelle
- Day Nicola
- Dayal Nilofer
- De Berker Henry
- Deary Ann
- Denic Hayley
- Dennis MS
- Denniss Carol
- Devine Joseph
- Devitt Nicola
- Dewar Richard
- Dhakal Mahesh
- Dhar Saikat
- Dickinson Christina
- Dickson Christine
- Dima Sofia
- Dinsmore Lynn
- Dixon Lynn
- Dobson Tracey
- Dodd Angela
- Dodd Emily
- Doherty Mandy
- Doherty Mandy
- Donaldson Denise
- Donnelly Richard
- Doubal Fergus
- Dow Lindsey
- Downham Susan
- Doyle Clare
- Doyle Donna
- Drever Jonathan
- du Plessis Johannes
- Dube Judith
- Duberley Stephen
- Dunn Linda
- Dunne Karen
- Durairaj Ramesh
- Durman Helen
- Dutta Dipankar
- Dynan Kevin
- Edwards Mandy
- Egerton Shuna
- Eglinton Charlotte
- Eglinton Charlotte
- El Tawil Salwa
- Elfandi Khaled
- Elliot Jennifer
- Elliott Emma
- Ellis Sam
- Emberson Jonathan
- Emsley Hedley
- England Timothy
- Epstein Daniel
- Erande Renuka
- Erumere Esther
- Esisi Bernard
- Esisi Bernard
- Esson Derek
- Esson Derek
- Evans Rachel
- Evans Sue
- Eveson David
- Ewing Jordan
- Fathima Razik
- Fawcett Michelle
- Feerick Shez
- Fennelly Ruth
- Ferdinand Phillip
- Findlay Paul
- Finlay Sarah
- Finney Kay
- Fitzell Pauline
- Fitzsimmons Paul
- Fletcher Glyn
- Fletcher Jo
- Fong Rosanna
- Foot Jayne
- Foote Leanne
- Ford Gary
- Foster Eliza
- Fotherby Ken
- Fox Charlotte
- Francia Nina
- Francis Jobbin
- Fraser Ruth
- Fraser Ruth
- Fuller Tracy
- Fulton Ailsa
- Furnace Jacqueline
- Gadapa Naveen
- Gainard Glyn
- Gainsborough Nicola
- Gallagher Jill
- Gallagher Louise
- Gallifent Rachel
- Gamble Ed
- Garcia Tatiana
- Gardener Léjeune
- Garfield-Smith Joanne
- Garside Mark
- Gartrell Imogen
- Gascoyne Rachel
- Gattringer Thomas
- Gautam Nikki
- Gaylard Jane
- Gbadamoshi Lukuman
- Geraghty Olivia
- Ghaly George
- Ghatala Rita
- Ghosh Sandip
- Giallombardo Elio
- Gilham Ellie
- Gilmour Danielle
- Gilzeane Nicola
- Glass Jon
- Gleave Laura
- Glover Rachel
- Godfrey Margi
- Goff Anita
- Goorah Neetish
- Gott Valerie
- Gow Heather
- Graham Carol
- Graham Ruth
- Gray Jane
- Green Carole
- Greenwood Richard
- Gregory Bindu
- Greig Jill
- Grimwood Gemma
- Grocott Jeanette
- Grue Rebecca
- Gulliver Diane
- Guo Fenglin
- Gupwell Karin
- Guthrie Lucy Belle
- Guy Helen
- Guyler Paul
- Hague Adam
- Haider Syed
- Hairsine Brigid
- Hakim Eluzai
- Hall Andrea
- Halse Omid
- Handley Dominic
- Hann Gail
- Hannon Niamh
- Hansen Christian
- Haque Mohammad
- Hardwick Anne
- Harkness Kirsty
- Harrington Frances
- Harrington-Davies Yasmin
- Harrison Louise
- Harrison Melanie
- Harrison Thomas
- Harston George
- Harvey Kirsten
- Harvey Miriam
- Hassan Ahamad
- Hassan Hardi
- Havard Diane
- Hayes Anne
- Hayhoe Helen
- Hayman Rachel
- Hays Carole
- Hazel Beth
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hemsley Anthony
- Henry Margo
- Herman Jane
- Hervey Simon
- Hewitt Jonathan
- Hiden Joanne
- Hogan Caroline
- Hogg Valerie
- Holden Melinda
- Holmes Clare
- Homan Jane
- Hooley Michaela
- Horan Kathleen
- Horton Sarah
- Hostettler Isabel
- Hove Dionne
- Howaniec Laura
- Howard Gabriella
- Howard Joanne
- Howard Peter
- Howcroft Deborah
- Howe Jo
- Huang Xuya
- Huggett Isabel
- Hughes Chloe
- Hughes Claire
- Hughes Tom
- Humphreys Louise
- Humphries Fiona
- Hunt Benjamin
- Hunt Nicholas
- Hunter Annemarie
- Hunter Neil
- Hurford Frances
- Hurley Jennifer
- Hussain Malik
- Hutchison Aidan
- Hyams Benjamin
- Hyatt Lisa
- Imam Javed
- Ingham Andrea
- Ingram Tanya
- Innes Karen
- Iqbal Arshi
- Iqbal Mohammad Shahzad
- Irvine Janice
- Ispoglou Sissy
- Ivatts Simone
- Jackson Benjamin
- Jackson Linda
- Jagger Jenny
- Jagpal Baljit
- James Ali
- James Claire
- James Martin
- Jarapa Rowilson
- Jarrett David
- Jeffs Carol
- Jelley Benjamin
- Jenkins Colin
- Jennings-Preece Karla
- Jeyaraj Naomi
- Jha Ratneshwari
- Jinks Emma
- Johnes Mary
- Johnson Sharon
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Kirsty
- Jones Rachael
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones Terry
- Jones Val
- Jordan Carla
- Jose Deepa
- Jose Josin
- Joshi Yogish
- Joyson Anu
- Jupp Becky
- Justin Frances
- Kakar Puneet
- Kalathil Latheef
- Kalladka Dheeraj
- Kamara Christine
- Kambafwile Mary
- Kane Ingrid
- Kar Arindam
- Keegan Breffni
- Keeling Elizabeth
- Keenan Samantha
- Kelavkar Shyam
- Kelly Christine
- Kelly Debs
- Kelly Jim
- Kelly Siobhan
- Keltos Marketa
- Kennedy James
- Kennedy Kate
- Kenton Antony
- Kerin Lourda
- Kerr Enda
- Kerr Gillian
- Keshvara Rekha
- Khan Mohammad
- Khan Shagufta
- Khan Usman
- Khan Uzma
- Kibutu Faith
- King Sam
- Kingwell Hayley
- Kini Manohar
- Klaasen Katrina
- Knops Kerstin
- Krishnamoorthy Shrivakumar
- Krishnamurthy Ramesh
- Krishnamurthy Vinodh
- Krishnan Kailash
- Krishnan Manju
- Krommyda Magdalini
- Kullane Sagal
- Kumar Balakrishna
- Kumar Pradeep
- Kunhunny Swapna
- Lam Man Yee
- Lambert Caroline
- Landers Geraldine
- Langhorne Peter
- Lasserson Daniel
- Latter Laura
- Law Zhe
- Lawrence Tara
- Lawson Heidi
- Leason Sandra
- Lee Stephanie
- Leggett Jacqui
- Lenti Giulia
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Licenik Radim
- Lindert Ralf
- Little Victoria
- Littleton Edward
- Ljubez Anja
- Loganathan Thayalini
- Longland Barbara
- Lopez Paula
- Lovelock Caroline
- Lowe Gordon
- Lucas Linda
- Lucas Suzanne
- Luder Robert
- Lyjko Sue
- Maanoosi Mehran
- Maatouk Ahmad
- Macaden Ashish
- MacInnes Brian
- MacLennan Beverly
- MacLeod Mary
- Macleod MR
- MacLiver Linda
- MacRaild Allan
- Maddula Mohana
- Madigan Barbara
- Maguire Holly
- Maguire Stuart
- Maiden Susan
- Majis Arshad
- Majmudar Nikhil
- Makawa Linetty
- Mangion David
- Manning Lisa
- Manoj Aravind
- Mardania Rina
- Marigold James Richard
- Markova Skarlet
- Marks Katherine
- Marsden Tracy
- Marshall Sally
- Martin Irene
- Mashate Sheila
- Mason Cathy
- Mate Abhijit
- Mathieson Philip
- Matias Oliver
- Matthews Christopher
- Maund Bev
- McAlpine Christine
- McArdle Damian
- Mcauley Sean
- McCann Stephanie
- McCarron Mark
- McClelland Beverley
- McCormick Katrina
- McCormick Katrina
- McDonald Shanni
- McDonald Susan
- Mcgee Joanne
- McGhee Caroline
- McGill Connor
- McGrath Aileen
- McIlmoyle James
- McKee Jacqueline
- McLoughlin Alison
- McVerry Ferghal
- Mead Denise
- Mead Gillian
- Meir Julie
- Menon Nisha
- Mercer Lily
- Metcalf Kneale
- Miller Keniesha
- Miller Richard
- Milligan Josette
- Minks David
- Miriam Skelton
- Mistri Amit
- Mitchell Jennifer
- Mitra Dipayan
- Mohammed Niaz
- Mohd Nor Azlisham
- Mokoena Betty
- Moores Andrew
- Moqsith Mohammed
- Morell Jordi
- Moreton Fiona
- Morgan Debbie
- Moroney Helen
- Morse Bethan
- Moseley Sally
- Motherwell Nichola
- Moynihan Barry
- Mpelembue Mushiya
- Mudd Paul
- Muddegowda Girish
- Muir Keith
- Mukherjee Indranil
- Murali Elodie
- Murphy Peter
- Murray GD
- Musarrat Kashif
- Myint Min
- Naeem Muhammad
- Naing Zin
- Nair Anand
- Nallasivan Arumugam
- Nasar Mohammad
- Nasim Ashraf
- Naylor Charde
- Needle Ann
- Nelson Sandra
- Newby DE
- Newton Sophie
- Ng Kheng Xiong
- Ngo David
- Nguyen Vinh
- Ngwako Mmua
- Ni Hlaing
- Nicholas Paul
- Nicolson Anne
- Niranchanan Rangah
- Nisar Nabeela
- Njoku Kelechi
- Nott Claire
- Nott Claire
- Nozedar Tarn
- Nyabadza Sheila
- O'Brien Eoin
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Connell Janice
- O'Connell Susan
- O'Loughlin Victoria
- O'Reilly Joanna
- O'Toole Sarah
- Oji Nnebuife
- Orath Prabakaran Rajalakshmi
- Orefo Chukwuka
- Orugun Enoch
- Osborn Mairead
- Osborne Emily
- Oshodi Anne
- Osman Ahmed
- Ovington Catherine
- Owings Paula
- Owoyele Emmanuelle
- Owusu-Agyei Peter
- Pai Yogish
- Palmer Jeb
- Papavasileiou Vasileios
- Parakramawansha Ruwan
- Parker Richard
- Parry Anthea
- Parry-Jones Adrian
- Pasco Kath
- Patel Bhavini
- Patel Champa
- Patel Farzana
- Patel Krishna
- Patterson Chris
- Paulton Ruth
- Pawley Corinne
- Peixoto Cassilda
- Penge Justin
- Perez Jane
- Perfitt Rebekah
- Perkins Charlotte
- Perry David
- Perry Jack
- Persad Nicola
- Peters Jenny
- Pettitt Kerry
- Phiri Duke
- Pitt-Ford Alexandra
- Pitt-Kerby Tressy
- Plewa Catherine
- Poku Philip
- Ponnambath Suheil
- Poultney Una
- Pound Susan
- Power Michael
- Pressly Vanessa
- Price Fiona
- Proeschel Harald
- Punekar Shuja
- Punter Martin
- Pusalkar Aparna
- Putterill Janet
- Quinn Leanne
- Quinn Outi
- Qureshi Sammie
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- Ramshaw Alex
- Rana Pratap
- Randall Marc
- Rashed Khalid
- Rashmi Sindhu
- Ravenhill Garth
- Rayessa Rayessa
- Reckless Ian
- Reddan Julie
- Reddan Julie
- Redgrave Jessica
- Redjep Ozlem
- Remegoso Alda
- Richard Bella
- Richards Emma
- Rinkel Gabriel
- Roberts Josh
- Robinson Matthew
- Robinson Naomi
- Rodgers Alicia
- Rodriguez Aryelly
- Roffe Christine
- Roffe Jack
- Roganova Tatjana
- Rogers Emily
- Rogers Gill
- Rojas Javier
- Ross Sarah
- Roughan Caroline
- Rudd Tony
- Rudenko Hannah
- Saada Janak
- Saastamoinen Kari
- Sajid Mahmud
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- Salek-Haddadi Afraim
- Salih Isam
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- Sandercock PAG
- Sangombe Mirriam
- Sangster Graeme
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- Sarah Procter
- Sarah Procter
- Sattar Naweed
- Sattar Saira
- Saulat Afaq
- Saulat Afaq
- Schofield Christine
- Schulz Ursula
- Schumacher Natasha
- Schwarz Stefan
- Seagrave Samantha
- Sekaran Lakshmanan
- Sesay Juliana
- Sethuraman Sakthivel
- Shackcloth Daniela
- Shah Alex
- Shah Sweni
- Shahmehri Shahrzad
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- Sharpe Simon
- Shaw Kelly Marie
- Shaw Louise
- Sheikh Saima
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- Shread Ian
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- Siddiqui Anwer
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- Skinner Helen
- Slade Peter
- Smart Amanda
- Smith Andrew
- Smith Fiona
- Smith Gemma Marie
- Smith Simon
- Smith Wilma
- Smyth Nigel
- Spencer Jayne
- Sprigg N
- Srinivasan Meena
- Stafford Samantha
- Stafford Samantha
- Stanners Andrew
- Steele Amy
- Stephen J
- Stephens Claire
- Stevens Angela
- Stevens Stephanie
- Stevenson Sarah
- Stewart Kelvin
- Stocks Kathy
- Stone Andrew
- Storton Sharon
- Strain David
- Subramonian Santhosh
- Sudlow CLM
- Sukdeo Varthi
- Sullivan Frank
- Sultan Sulaiman
- Suttling Anne
- Sutton Claire
- Sutton Patrick
- Sutton Victoria
- Sword Jane
- Sykes Lucy
- Symonds Stuart
- Szabo Susan
- Tallantyre Emma
- Tanate Alfonso
- Tandy Jane
- Tate Margaret
- Tauro Suzanne
- Tayler Michelle
- Taylor Pat
- Taylor Vicky
- Teal Rachel
- Temple Natalie
- Thant Hlaing
- Thavanesan Kamy
- Thomas Isobel
- Thomas Kelly
- Thomas Philip
- Thomas Sarah
- Thompson Philip
- Thompson Susan
- Thompson Teresa
- Thompson-Jones Helen
- Thomson Audrey
- Thornthwaite Sarah
- Thorpe Kevin
- Tilley Victoria
- Tiwari Divya
- Tomlin Dawn
- Tomlinson Benjamin
- Treadwell Shelley
- Tribbeck Michele
- Trippier Sarah
- Triscott Claire
- Triscott Claire
- Tryambake Dinesh
- Tucker Laura
- Tucker Susan
- Turfrey Jennifer
- Tysoe Sharon
- Ullah Khalil
- Valentine Stacey
- van Someren Chloe
- Varquez Resti
- Vasileiadis Evangelos
- Vassallo Joseph
- Venter Marius
- Veraque Emelda
- Verrion Anna
- Vettimootal Johnson Venetia
- Vickers Carinna
- Walford Jamie
- Walker Allan
- Walker Marion
- Walker Pauli
- Walker Susannah
- Wallace Aine
- Wallace Rebecca
- Wallace Rebecca
- Walstow Deborah
- Walter Deborah
- Walters Ashleigh
- Wani Mushtaq
- Ward Deborah
- Wardlaw JM
- Watchurst Caroline
- Waterfield Kelly
- Waterfield Kelly
- Watson Fran
- Waugh Dean
- Webb Tom
- Webber Adam
- Webster Timothy
- Weinling Marie
- Weir Nic
- Weir Pauline
- Welch Angela
- Werring DJ
- Whitcher Alison
- White James
- White Julie
- White PM
- White Susan
- Whiteley WN
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiting Robert
- Whittamore Katherine
- Wiggam Ivan
- Wilding Peter
- Wilkes Gwendoline
- Wilkinson Mark
- Willberry Angela
- Williams Carol
- Williams Rebecca
- Williams-Yesson Barbara
- Willmot Mark
- Wilson David
- Wilson Duncan
- Wilson Jenny
- Wilson Lisa
- Wilson Sarah
- Wiltshire Alison
- Wood Diane
- Wood Edith
- Wood Lisa
- Woodward Stephen
- Wright Fiona
- Wroath Belinda
- Wynter Inez
- Yadava Rajendra
- Yip Brigitte
- Young Andrew
- Zachariah George
- Zahoor Tajammal
- Zoe Mellor
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 29/06/2019
- Field of study
Antiplatelet therapy reduces the risk of major vascular events for people with occlusive vascular disease, although it might increase the risk of intracranial haemorrhage. Patients surviving the commonest subtype of intracranial haemorrhage, intracerebral haemorrhage, are at risk of both haemorrhagic and occlusive vascular events, but whether antiplatelet therapy can be used safely is unclear. We aimed to estimate the relative and absolute effects of antiplatelet therapy on recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage and whether this risk might exceed any reduction of occlusive vascular events.
The REstart or STop Antithrombotics Randomised Trial (RESTART) was a prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint, parallel-group trial at 122 hospitals in the UK. We recruited adults (≥18 years) who were taking antithrombotic (antiplatelet or anticoagulant) therapy for the prevention of occlusive vascular disease when they developed intracerebral haemorrhage, discontinued antithrombotic therapy, and survived for 24 h. Computerised randomisation incorporating minimisation allocated participants (1:1) to start or avoid antiplatelet therapy. We followed participants for the primary outcome (recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage) for up to 5 years. We analysed data from all randomised participants using Cox proportional hazards regression, adjusted for minimisation covariates. This trial is registered with ISRCTN (number ISRCTN71907627).
Between May 22, 2013, and May 31, 2018, 537 participants were recruited a median of 76 days (IQR 29–146) after intracerebral haemorrhage onset: 268 were assigned to start and 269 (one withdrew) to avoid antiplatelet therapy. Participants were followed for a median of 2·0 years (IQR [1·0– 3·0]; completeness 99·3%). 12 (4%) of 268 participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy had recurrence of intracerebral haemorrhage compared with 23 (9%) of 268 participants allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (adjusted hazard ratio 0·51 [95% CI 0·25–1·03]; p=0·060). 18 (7%) participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy experienced major haemorrhagic events compared with 25 (9%) participants allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (0·71 [0·39–1·30]; p=0·27), and 39 [15%] participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy had major occlusive vascular events compared with 38 [14%] allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (1·02 [0·65–1·60]; p=0·92).
These results exclude all but a very modest increase in the risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage with antiplatelet therapy for patients on antithrombotic therapy for the prevention of occlusive vascular disease when they developed intracerebral haemorrhage. The risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage is probably too small to exceed the established benefits of antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention
Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial
- Author
- Abano Nenette
- Abbdul-saheb Mudhar
- Adedoyin Temi
- Adell Victoria
- Adesina Tolu
- Adie Katja
- Adil-Smith Jennifer
- Ahmad Nasar
- Ahmed Ashraf
- Ahmed Iman
- Al-Mayhani Talal
- Al-Shahi Salman Rustam
- Alam Mohammad Irfan
- Albazzaz Mo
- Ali Ali
- Alipio Francis
- Allen Christopher
- Allison Joanna
- Amey Isobel
- Amis Elaine
- Amlani Sageet
- Amoils Shannon
- Amor Kelly
- Anderson Rosemary
- Andole Sreeman
- Anjum Talat
- Ankolekar Sandeep
- Annamalai Arunkumar
- Anthony Alpha
- Anversha Ajmal
- Anwar Ijaz
- Anwar Sajjad
- Appleton Jason
- Argandona Lucia
- Armitage Jane
- Ashton Amy
- Atkinson Natalie
- Auld Grace
- Avis Joanne
- Aweid Basaam
- Ayres Georgina
- Azhar Khalid
- Bagnall Caroline
- Baig Farrukh
- Baigent Colin
- Bailey Duncan
- Baird Yolanda
- Bakawala Rehana
- Baker John
- Baker Pauline
- Balazikova Olga
- Balian Linda
- Baliga Vidya
- Balitska Olesia
- Ball Julie
- Ball Margaret
- Ballantine Robert
- Bamford John
- Banaras Azra
- Barber Mark
- Barbon Emma
- Barker James
- Barr Charlotte
- Barrie Elizabeth
- Barron Luke
- Barry Adrian
- Bateman Gavin
- Bates Michelle
- Bathula Rajaram
- Battersby-Wood Emma
- Bayliss Pauline
- Beadle Hannah
- Bearne Helen
- Beaty Teresa
- Beaves Emily
- Bell Angela
- Bell Jo
- Bell Murdina
- Bellfield Ruth
- Beranova Eva
- Bergin Adrian
- Bhakri Harbens
- Bhalla Ajay
- Bharaj Kiranjit
- Bhargava Maneesh
- Bhaskaran Biju
- Bhatnagar Priya
- Birchall Kathryn
- Birns Jonathan
- Black Toby
- Blades Alex
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Gordon
- Blane Sujata
- Blank Catrin
- Blight Adrian
- Board Joanne
- Board Sarah
- Bokhari Maria
- Bond Kirsty
- Bowring Angela
- Boxall Cherish
- Breeds Joanna
- Brew Helen
- Brezitski Maria
- Bridger Hayley
- Brodie Fiona
- Brotherton Lucy
- Broughton David
- Brown Claire
- Brown Ellen
- Brown Pauline
- Brown Sarah
- Bruce David
- Buchanan David
- Buck Amanda
- Buckle Steve
- Buckle Steve
- Buckley Clare
- Bunea George
- Burger Ilse
- Burgess Laura
- Burgess Seona
- Burssens Evelyne
- Butler Adrian
- Butler Donna
- Butler Rebecca
- Butterworth-Cowin Nicola
- Button Denise
- Buxton Jean
- Byrne Anthony
- Cageao Julie
- Caine Sarah
- Campbell Robert
- Carpenter Michael
- Carpio Racquel
- Carrie Johanna
- Cassidy Tim
- Causley Chelsea
- Chadbourn Indra
- Chadha Dinesh
- Chamberlain Angela
- Chan Kelly
- Chandrakumar Aberami
- Chapman Kath
- Chapman Nicola
- Charles Bethan
- Chatterjee Kausic
- Chaudhry Afnan
- Chauhan Meena
- Chenna Srikanth
- Cherian Suja
- Cheripelli Bharath Kumar
- Chopra Neha
- Choulerton James
- Choy Lillian
- Clarke Brian
- Clarke Caroline
- Clarke Judith
- Clarke Natasha
- Clarke Rebecca
- Clarke Samantha
- Clarkson Emma
- Clay Caroline
- Clayton Susan
- Clayton-Evans Lisa
- Cluckie Gillian
- Cochrane Helen
- Codd Laura
- Cohen David
- Collins Kayleigh
- Connor Lynda
- Constantin Carmen
- Cook Angela
- Cooper Martin
- Copeland Claire
- Cosier Tracey
- Courtauld Gillian
- Couser Mandy
- Coward Lucy
- Cowie Linda
- Cox Chantel
- Cox Chloe
- Cox Penelope
- Crabtree Karen
- Crawford Pam
- Crawford Susan
- Creeden Robyn
- Crisp Sarah
- Cronin Julie
- Crook Luci
- Crosbie Caroline
- Crouch Nichola
- Crown Rachel
- Crowther Hannah
- Cuddy Sarah
- Cuenoud Larissa
- Cullen Claire
- Culmsee Charlotte
- Cunningham James
- Cunningham Mishell
- Cvoro Vera
- Dacey Lynne
- Dakin Katy
- Dallol Bander
- Dangri Puneet
- Datta Prabal
- Davey Richard
- David Anette
- David Owen
- Davies Caroline
- Davies Ruth
- Davies Silvie
- Davis Fiona
- Davis Michelle
- Day Nicola
- Dayal Nilofer
- De Berker Henry
- Deary Ann
- Denic Hayley
- Dennis MS
- Denniss Carol
- Devine Joseph
- Devitt Nicola
- Dewar Richard
- Dhakal Mahesh
- Dhar Saikat
- Dickinson Christina
- Dickson Christine
- Dima Sofia
- Dinsmore Lynn
- Dixon Lynn
- Dobson Tracey
- Dodd Angela
- Dodd Emily
- Doherty Mandy
- Doherty Mandy
- Donaldson Denise
- Donnelly Richard
- Doubal Fergus
- Dow Lindsey
- Downham Susan
- Doyle Clare
- Doyle Donna
- Drever Jonathan
- du Plessis Johannes
- Dube Judith
- Duberley Stephen
- Dunn Linda
- Dunne Karen
- Durairaj Ramesh
- Durman Helen
- Dutta Dipankar
- Dynan Kevin
- Edwards Mandy
- Egerton Shuna
- Eglinton Charlotte
- Eglinton Charlotte
- El Tawil Salwa
- Elfandi Khaled
- Elliot Jennifer
- Elliott Emma
- Ellis Sam
- Emberson Jonathan
- Emsley Hedley
- England Timothy
- Epstein Daniel
- Erande Renuka
- Erumere Esther
- Esisi Bernard
- Esisi Bernard
- Esson Derek
- Esson Derek
- Evans Rachel
- Evans Sue
- Eveson David
- Ewing Jordan
- Fathima Razik
- Fawcett Michelle
- Feerick Shez
- Fennelly Ruth
- Ferdinand Phillip
- Findlay Paul
- Finlay Sarah
- Finney Kay
- Fitzell Pauline
- Fitzsimmons Paul
- Fletcher Glyn
- Fletcher Jo
- Fong Rosanna
- Foot Jayne
- Foote Leanne
- Ford Gary
- Foster Eliza
- Fotherby Ken
- Fox Charlotte
- Francia Nina
- Francis Jobbin
- Fraser Ruth
- Fraser Ruth
- Fuller Tracy
- Fulton Ailsa
- Furnace Jacqueline
- Gadapa Naveen
- Gainard Glyn
- Gainsborough Nicola
- Gallagher Jill
- Gallagher Louise
- Gallifent Rachel
- Gamble Ed
- Garcia Tatiana
- Gardener Léjeune
- Garfield-Smith Joanne
- Garside Mark
- Gartrell Imogen
- Gascoyne Rachel
- Gattringer Thomas
- Gautam Nikki
- Gaylard Jane
- Gbadamoshi Lukuman
- Geraghty Olivia
- Ghaly George
- Ghatala Rita
- Ghosh Sandip
- Giallombardo Elio
- Gilham Ellie
- Gilmour Danielle
- Gilzeane Nicola
- Glass Jon
- Gleave Laura
- Glover Rachel
- Godfrey Margi
- Goff Anita
- Goorah Neetish
- Gott Valerie
- Gow Heather
- Graham Carol
- Graham Ruth
- Gray Jane
- Green Carole
- Greenwood Richard
- Gregory Bindu
- Greig Jill
- Grimwood Gemma
- Grocott Jeanette
- Grue Rebecca
- Gulliver Diane
- Guo Fenglin
- Gupwell Karin
- Guthrie Lucy Belle
- Guy Helen
- Guyler Paul
- Hague Adam
- Haider Syed
- Hairsine Brigid
- Hakim Eluzai
- Hall Andrea
- Halse Omid
- Handley Dominic
- Hann Gail
- Hannon Niamh
- Hansen Christian
- Haque Mohammad
- Hardwick Anne
- Harkness Kirsty
- Harrington Frances
- Harrington-Davies Yasmin
- Harrison Louise
- Harrison Melanie
- Harrison Thomas
- Harston George
- Harvey Kirsten
- Harvey Miriam
- Hassan Ahamad
- Hassan Hardi
- Havard Diane
- Hayes Anne
- Hayhoe Helen
- Hayman Rachel
- Hays Carole
- Hazel Beth
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hemsley Anthony
- Henry Margo
- Herman Jane
- Hervey Simon
- Hewitt Jonathan
- Hiden Joanne
- Hogan Caroline
- Hogg Valerie
- Holden Melinda
- Holmes Clare
- Homan Jane
- Hooley Michaela
- Horan Kathleen
- Horton Sarah
- Hostettler Isabel
- Hove Dionne
- Howaniec Laura
- Howard Gabriella
- Howard Joanne
- Howard Peter
- Howcroft Deborah
- Howe Jo
- Huang Xuya
- Huggett Isabel
- Hughes Chloe
- Hughes Claire
- Hughes Tom
- Humphreys Louise
- Humphries Fiona
- Hunt Benjamin
- Hunt Nicholas
- Hunter Annemarie
- Hunter Neil
- Hurford Frances
- Hurley Jennifer
- Hussain Malik
- Hutchison Aidan
- Hyams Benjamin
- Hyatt Lisa
- Imam Javed
- Ingham Andrea
- Ingram Tanya
- Innes Karen
- Iqbal Arshi
- Iqbal Mohammad Shahzad
- Irvine Janice
- Ispoglou Sissy
- Ivatts Simone
- Jackson Benjamin
- Jackson Linda
- Jagger Jenny
- Jagpal Baljit
- James Ali
- James Claire
- James Martin
- Jarapa Rowilson
- Jarrett David
- Jeffs Carol
- Jelley Benjamin
- Jenkins Colin
- Jennings-Preece Karla
- Jeyaraj Naomi
- Jha Ratneshwari
- Jinks Emma
- Johnes Mary
- Johnson Sharon
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Kirsty
- Jones Rachael
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones Terry
- Jones Val
- Jordan Carla
- Jose Deepa
- Jose Josin
- Joshi Yogish
- Joyson Anu
- Jupp Becky
- Justin Frances
- Kakar Puneet
- Kalathil Latheef
- Kalladka Dheeraj
- Kamara Christine
- Kambafwile Mary
- Kane Ingrid
- Kar Arindam
- Keegan Breffni
- Keeling Elizabeth
- Keenan Samantha
- Kelavkar Shyam
- Kelly Christine
- Kelly Debs
- Kelly Jim
- Kelly Siobhan
- Keltos Marketa
- Kennedy James
- Kennedy Kate
- Kenton Antony
- Kerin Lourda
- Kerr Enda
- Kerr Gillian
- Keshvara Rekha
- Khan Mohammad
- Khan Shagufta
- Khan Usman
- Khan Uzma
- Kibutu Faith
- King Sam
- Kingwell Hayley
- Kini Manohar
- Klaasen Katrina
- Knops Kerstin
- Krishnamoorthy Shrivakumar
- Krishnamurthy Ramesh
- Krishnamurthy Vinodh
- Krishnan Kailash
- Krishnan Manju
- Krommyda Magdalini
- Kullane Sagal
- Kumar Balakrishna
- Kumar Pradeep
- Kunhunny Swapna
- Lam Man Yee
- Lambert Caroline
- Landers Geraldine
- Langhorne Peter
- Lasserson Daniel
- Latter Laura
- Law Zhe
- Lawrence Tara
- Lawson Heidi
- Leason Sandra
- Lee Stephanie
- Leggett Jacqui
- Lenti Giulia
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Licenik Radim
- Lindert Ralf
- Little Victoria
- Littleton Edward
- Ljubez Anja
- Loganathan Thayalini
- Longland Barbara
- Lopez Paula
- Lovelock Caroline
- Lowe Gordon
- Lucas Linda
- Lucas Suzanne
- Luder Robert
- Lyjko Sue
- Maanoosi Mehran
- Maatouk Ahmad
- Macaden Ashish
- MacInnes Brian
- MacLennan Beverly
- MacLeod Mary
- Macleod MR
- MacLiver Linda
- MacRaild Allan
- Maddula Mohana
- Madigan Barbara
- Maguire Holly
- Maguire Stuart
- Maiden Susan
- Majis Arshad
- Majmudar Nikhil
- Makawa Linetty
- Mangion David
- Manning Lisa
- Manoj Aravind
- Mardania Rina
- Marigold James Richard
- Markova Skarlet
- Marks Katherine
- Marsden Tracy
- Marshall Sally
- Martin Irene
- Mashate Sheila
- Mason Cathy
- Mate Abhijit
- Mathieson Philip
- Matias Oliver
- Matthews Christopher
- Maund Bev
- McAlpine Christine
- McArdle Damian
- Mcauley Sean
- McCann Stephanie
- McCarron Mark
- McClelland Beverley
- McCormick Katrina
- McCormick Katrina
- McDonald Shanni
- McDonald Susan
- Mcgee Joanne
- McGhee Caroline
- McGill Connor
- McGrath Aileen
- McIlmoyle James
- McKee Jacqueline
- McLoughlin Alison
- McVerry Ferghal
- Mead Denise
- Mead Gillian
- Meir Julie
- Menon Nisha
- Mercer Lily
- Metcalf Kneale
- Miller Keniesha
- Miller Richard
- Milligan Josette
- Minks David
- Miriam Skelton
- Mistri Amit
- Mitchell Jennifer
- Mitra Dipayan
- Mohammed Niaz
- Mohd Nor Azlisham
- Mokoena Betty
- Moores Andrew
- Moqsith Mohammed
- Morell Jordi
- Moreton Fiona
- Morgan Debbie
- Moroney Helen
- Morse Bethan
- Moseley Sally
- Motherwell Nichola
- Moynihan Barry
- Mpelembue Mushiya
- Mudd Paul
- Muddegowda Girish
- Muir Keith
- Mukherjee Indranil
- Murali Elodie
- Murphy Peter
- Murray GD
- Musarrat Kashif
- Myint Min
- Naeem Muhammad
- Naing Zin
- Nair Anand
- Nallasivan Arumugam
- Nasar Mohammad
- Nasim Ashraf
- Naylor Charde
- Needle Ann
- Nelson Sandra
- Newby DE
- Newton Sophie
- Ng Kheng Xiong
- Ngo David
- Nguyen Vinh
- Ngwako Mmua
- Ni Hlaing
- Nicholas Paul
- Nicolson Anne
- Niranchanan Rangah
- Nisar Nabeela
- Njoku Kelechi
- Nott Claire
- Nott Claire
- Nozedar Tarn
- Nyabadza Sheila
- O'Brien Eoin
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Connell Janice
- O'Connell Susan
- O'Loughlin Victoria
- O'Reilly Joanna
- O'Toole Sarah
- Oji Nnebuife
- Orath Prabakaran Rajalakshmi
- Orefo Chukwuka
- Orugun Enoch
- Osborn Mairead
- Osborne Emily
- Oshodi Anne
- Osman Ahmed
- Ovington Catherine
- Owings Paula
- Owoyele Emmanuelle
- Owusu-Agyei Peter
- Pai Yogish
- Palmer Jeb
- Papavasileiou Vasileios
- Parakramawansha Ruwan
- Parker Richard
- Parry Anthea
- Parry-Jones Adrian
- Pasco Kath
- Patel Bhavini
- Patel Champa
- Patel Farzana
- Patel Krishna
- Patterson Chris
- Paulton Ruth
- Pawley Corinne
- Peixoto Cassilda
- Penge Justin
- Perez Jane
- Perfitt Rebekah
- Perkins Charlotte
- Perry David
- Perry Jack
- Persad Nicola
- Peters Jenny
- Pettitt Kerry
- Phiri Duke
- Pitt-Ford Alexandra
- Pitt-Kerby Tressy
- Plewa Catherine
- Poku Philip
- Ponnambath Suheil
- Poultney Una
- Pound Susan
- Power Michael
- Pressly Vanessa
- Price Fiona
- Proeschel Harald
- Punekar Shuja
- Punter Martin
- Pusalkar Aparna
- Putterill Janet
- Quinn Leanne
- Quinn Outi
- Qureshi Sammie
- Ragab Suzanne
- Raghunathan Senthil
- Rahman Bithi
- Rai Baljinder
- Raj Sonia
- Rajapakse Anoja
- Rajkumar Chakravarthi
- Ramachandran Sankaranarayana
- Ramadan Hawraman
- Ramshaw Alex
- Rana Pratap
- Randall Marc
- Rashed Khalid
- Rashmi Sindhu
- Ravenhill Garth
- Rayessa Rayessa
- Reckless Ian
- Reddan Julie
- Reddan Julie
- Redgrave Jessica
- Redjep Ozlem
- Remegoso Alda
- Richard Bella
- Richards Emma
- Rinkel Gabriel
- Roberts Josh
- Robinson Matthew
- Robinson Naomi
- Rodgers Alicia
- Rodriguez Aryelly
- Roffe Christine
- Roffe Jack
- Roganova Tatjana
- Rogers Emily
- Rogers Gill
- Rojas Javier
- Ross Sarah
- Roughan Caroline
- Rudd Tony
- Rudenko Hannah
- Saada Janak
- Saastamoinen Kari
- Sajid Mahmud
- Sakka Eleni
- Salehin Maqsud
- Salek-Haddadi Afraim
- Salih Isam
- Sally Moore
- Sandercock PAG
- Sangombe Mirriam
- Sangster Graeme
- Sanyal Ranjan
- Sarah Procter
- Sarah Procter
- Sattar Naweed
- Sattar Saira
- Saulat Afaq
- Saulat Afaq
- Schofield Christine
- Schulz Ursula
- Schumacher Natasha
- Schwarz Stefan
- Seagrave Samantha
- Sekaran Lakshmanan
- Sesay Juliana
- Sethuraman Sakthivel
- Shackcloth Daniela
- Shah Alex
- Shah Sweni
- Shahmehri Shahrzad
- Sharma Nikhil
- Sharpe Simon
- Shaw Kelly Marie
- Shaw Louise
- Sheikh Saima
- Shekhar Raj
- Shelton Faye
- Shinh Naval
- Shread Ian
- Shukla Avani
- Siddegowda Prasad
- Siddiq Muhammad
- Siddiqui Amber
- Siddiqui Anwer
- Sigsworth Andrew
- Simon Rohan
- Sims Don
- Singh Arun
- Sinha Devesh
- Skinner Helen
- Slade Peter
- Smart Amanda
- Smith Andrew
- Smith Fiona
- Smith Gemma Marie
- Smith Simon
- Smith Wilma
- Smyth Nigel
- Spencer Jayne
- Sprigg N
- Srinivasan Meena
- Stafford Samantha
- Stafford Samantha
- Stanners Andrew
- Steele Amy
- Stephen J
- Stephens Claire
- Stevens Angela
- Stevens Stephanie
- Stevenson Sarah
- Stewart Kelvin
- Stocks Kathy
- Stone Andrew
- Storton Sharon
- Strain David
- Subramonian Santhosh
- Sudlow CLM
- Sukdeo Varthi
- Sullivan Frank
- Sultan Sulaiman
- Suttling Anne
- Sutton Claire
- Sutton Patrick
- Sutton Victoria
- Sword Jane
- Sykes Lucy
- Symonds Stuart
- Szabo Susan
- Tallantyre Emma
- Tanate Alfonso
- Tandy Jane
- Tate Margaret
- Tauro Suzanne
- Tayler Michelle
- Taylor Pat
- Taylor Vicky
- Teal Rachel
- Temple Natalie
- Thant Hlaing
- Thavanesan Kamy
- Thomas Isobel
- Thomas Kelly
- Thomas Philip
- Thomas Sarah
- Thompson Philip
- Thompson Susan
- Thompson Teresa
- Thompson-Jones Helen
- Thomson Audrey
- Thornthwaite Sarah
- Thorpe Kevin
- Tilley Victoria
- Tiwari Divya
- Tomlin Dawn
- Tomlinson Benjamin
- Treadwell Shelley
- Tribbeck Michele
- Trippier Sarah
- Triscott Claire
- Triscott Claire
- Tryambake Dinesh
- Tucker Laura
- Tucker Susan
- Turfrey Jennifer
- Tysoe Sharon
- Ullah Khalil
- Valentine Stacey
- van Someren Chloe
- Varquez Resti
- Vasileiadis Evangelos
- Vassallo Joseph
- Venter Marius
- Veraque Emelda
- Verrion Anna
- Vettimootal Johnson Venetia
- Vickers Carinna
- Walford Jamie
- Walker Allan
- Walker Marion
- Walker Pauli
- Walker Susannah
- Wallace Aine
- Wallace Rebecca
- Wallace Rebecca
- Walstow Deborah
- Walter Deborah
- Walters Ashleigh
- Wani Mushtaq
- Ward Deborah
- Wardlaw JM
- Watchurst Caroline
- Waterfield Kelly
- Waterfield Kelly
- Watson Fran
- Waugh Dean
- Webb Tom
- Webber Adam
- Webster Timothy
- Weinling Marie
- Weir Nic
- Weir Pauline
- Welch Angela
- Werring DJ
- Whitcher Alison
- White James
- White Julie
- White PM
- White Susan
- Whiteley WN
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiting Robert
- Whittamore Katherine
- Wiggam Ivan
- Wilding Peter
- Wilkes Gwendoline
- Wilkinson Mark
- Willberry Angela
- Williams Carol
- Williams Rebecca
- Williams-Yesson Barbara
- Willmot Mark
- Wilson David
- Wilson Duncan
- Wilson Jenny
- Wilson Lisa
- Wilson Sarah
- Wiltshire Alison
- Wood Diane
- Wood Edith
- Wood Lisa
- Woodward Stephen
- Wright Fiona
- Wroath Belinda
- Wynter Inez
- Yadava Rajendra
- Yip Brigitte
- Young Andrew
- Zachariah George
- Zahoor Tajammal
- Zoe Mellor
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 29/06/2019
- Field of study
Antiplatelet therapy reduces the risk of major vascular events for people with occlusive vascular disease, although it might increase the risk of intracranial haemorrhage. Patients surviving the commonest subtype of intracranial haemorrhage, intracerebral haemorrhage, are at risk of both haemorrhagic and occlusive vascular events, but whether antiplatelet therapy can be used safely is unclear. We aimed to estimate the relative and absolute effects of antiplatelet therapy on recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage and whether this risk might exceed any reduction of occlusive vascular events.
The REstart or STop Antithrombotics Randomised Trial (RESTART) was a prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint, parallel-group trial at 122 hospitals in the UK. We recruited adults (≥18 years) who were taking antithrombotic (antiplatelet or anticoagulant) therapy for the prevention of occlusive vascular disease when they developed intracerebral haemorrhage, discontinued antithrombotic therapy, and survived for 24 h. Computerised randomisation incorporating minimisation allocated participants (1:1) to start or avoid antiplatelet therapy. We followed participants for the primary outcome (recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage) for up to 5 years. We analysed data from all randomised participants using Cox proportional hazards regression, adjusted for minimisation covariates. This trial is registered with ISRCTN (number ISRCTN71907627).
Between May 22, 2013, and May 31, 2018, 537 participants were recruited a median of 76 days (IQR 29–146) after intracerebral haemorrhage onset: 268 were assigned to start and 269 (one withdrew) to avoid antiplatelet therapy. Participants were followed for a median of 2·0 years (IQR [1·0– 3·0]; completeness 99·3%). 12 (4%) of 268 participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy had recurrence of intracerebral haemorrhage compared with 23 (9%) of 268 participants allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (adjusted hazard ratio 0·51 [95% CI 0·25–1·03]; p=0·060). 18 (7%) participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy experienced major haemorrhagic events compared with 25 (9%) participants allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (0·71 [0·39–1·30]; p=0·27), and 39 [15%] participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy had major occlusive vascular events compared with 38 [14%] allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (1·02 [0·65–1·60]; p=0·92).
These results exclude all but a very modest increase in the risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage with antiplatelet therapy for patients on antithrombotic therapy for the prevention of occlusive vascular disease when they developed intracerebral haemorrhage. The risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage is probably too small to exceed the established benefits of antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention
Evaluating the Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Mutation D614G on Transmissibility and Pathogenicity.
- Author
- Aanensen David M
- Abudahab Khalil
- Acheson Erwan
- Adams Alexander
- Adams Helen
- Adriaenssens Evelien M
- Afifi Safiah
- Aggarwal Dinesh
- Ahmad Shazaad SY
- Alam Mohammad T
- Alcolea-Medina Adela
- Alderton Alex
- Alikhan Nabil-Fareed
- Allan John
- Allara Elias
- Amato Roberto
- Andersson Monique
- Angyal Adrienn
- Aranday-Cortes Elihu
- Ariani Cristina
- Asad Hibo
- Asamaphan Patawee
- Ashworth Jordan
- Atkinson Laura
- Attwood Stephen
- Auckland Cressida
- Awan Ali R
- Aydin Alp
- Baker David J
- Baker Paul
- Balcazar Carlos E
- Ball Jonathan
- Barton Edward
- Bashton Matthew
- Batra Rahul
- Baxter Laura
- Beale Mathew A
- Beaver Charlotte
- Beckett Angela
- Beer Robert
- Beggs Andrew
- Bell Andrew
- Bellis Katherine L
- Berger Duncan J
- Berriman Matt
- Berry Lisa
- Berry Louise
- Betancor Gilberto
- Betteridge Emma
- Bewshea Claire M
- Bibby David
- Bicknell Kelly
- Birchley Alec
- Bird Paul
- Bishop Chloe
- Blane Beth
- Bolt Frances
- Bonsall David
- Boswell Tim
- Bosworth Andrew
- Bourgeois Yann
- Boyd Olivia
- Boyes John
- Bradley Declan T
- Bradshaw Daniel
- Breen Cassie
- Bresner Catherine
- Breuer Judith
- Bridgewater Hannah E
- Brooks Tony T
- Broos Alice
- Brown Julianne Rose
- Brown Paul E
- Brown Rebecca
- Brunker Kirstyn
- Bucca Giselda
- Buck David
- Buddenborg Sarah K
- Bull Matthew
- Bull Matthew
- Burton-Fanning Shirelle
- Butcher Ethan
- Caddy Sarah L
- Caller Laura G
- Campbell Sharon
- Carlile Matthew
- Carmichael Stephen N
- Casey Anna
- Castellano Sergi
- Chalker Vicki
- Chand Meera
- Chapman Michael R
- Chappell Joseph G
- Charalampous Themoula
- Charles Ian G
- Chaudhry Yasmin
- Chauhan Anoop J
- Cheng Jeffrey KJ
- Churcher Carol M
- Clark Gemma
- Coll Francesc
- Collins Jennifer
- Colquhoun Rachel
- Colquhoun Rachel M
- Connor Thomas R
- Connor Thomas R
- Constantinidou Chrystala
- Coombes Jason
- Corden Sally
- Cormie Claire
- Cortes Nicholas
- Cortes Nick
- Cottrell Simon
- Coupland Lindsay J
- Cowell Angela
- Cox Alison
- Craine Noel
- Cronin Michelle
- Crooke Derrick
- Curran Martin D
- Curran Tanya
- da Silva Filipe Ana
- da Silva Filipe Ana
- Dabrera Gavin
- Danesh John
- Darby Alistair C
- Davidson Rose K
- Davies Alisha
- Davis Thomas
- de Cesare Mariateresa
- De Lacy Elen
- de Oliveira Martins Leonardo
- de Silva Thushan I
- Debebe Johnny
- Dervisevic Samir
- Dewar Rebecca
- Dias Joana
- Diaz Maria
- Dibling Thomas
- Dorman Matthew J
- Downing Fatima
- Drury Eleanor
- du Plessis Louis
- Duckworth Nichola
- Dyal Patricia L
- Eccles Richard
- Edgeworth Jonathan
- Edwards Sue
- Eldirdiri Sahar
- Ellaby Nicholas
- Ellard Sian
- Elliott Scott
- Eltringham Gary
- Elumogo Ngozi
- Essex Sarah
- Evans Cariad
- Evans Johnathan M
- Eyre David
- Fairley Derek J
- Fallon Karlie
- Farbos Audrey
- Farr Ben
- Feltwell Theresa
- Fina Laia
- Findlay Jacqueline
- Fisher Chloe L
- Fleming Vicki M
- Forrest Leysa M
- Forrest Sally
- Foulser Luke
- Francois Sarah
- Fraser Christophe
- Freeman Timothy M
- Frost Lucy R
- Fuller William
- Gallagher Eileen
- Gallagher Michael D
- Garcia-Casado Maria V
- Gaskin Amy
- Gatica-Wilcox Bree
- Gavriil Artemis
- Geidelberg Lily
- Geidelberg Lily
- Gemmell Matthew
- Georgana Iliana
- George Ryan P
- Gifford Laura
- Gilbert Lauren
- Gill Harmeet K
- Gilroy Rachel AJ
- Girgis Sophia T
- Glaysher Sharon
- Golubchik Tanya
- Goncalves Sonia
- Goodfellow Ian
- Goodfellow Ian G
- Goodwin Scott
- Graham Clive
- Graham Lee
- Grammatopoulos Dimitris
- Green Angie
- Green Luke R
- Greenaway Jane
- Gregory Richard
- Griffith Luke
- Groves Danielle C
- Groves Natalie
- Guest Martyn
- Gulliver Huw
- Gutierrez Ana Victoria
- Hadjirin Nazreen F
- Haldenby Sam T
- Hale Antony D
- Hall Grant
- Halstead Fenella
- Hamilton William L
- Haque Tanzina
- Harper Katherine L
- Harris Kathryn Ann
- Harrison Ewan M
- Harrison Ian
- Harrison James W
- Hartman Hassan
- Hattersley Andrew
- Heaney Judith
- Helmer Thomas
- Hesketh Andrew R
- Heyburn David
- Higginson Ellen E
- Hill Verity
- Hill Verity
- Hilvers Ember
- Hiscox Julian A
- Holden Matthew TG
- Holmes Alison
- Holmes Christopher
- Holmes Nadine
- Hoosdally Sarah
- Hopes Richard
- Hosmillo Myra
- Houldcroft Charlotte J
- Howe Robin
- Howson-Wells Hannah C
- Hubb Jonathan
- Hughes Joseph
- Hughes Margaret
- Hunter Adam D
- Hutchings Stephanie
- Impey Robert
- Irish-Tavares Dianne
- Iturriza-Gomara Miren
- Jackson Ben
- Jackson Ben
- Jackson David A
- Jackson David K
- Jackson Kathryn A
- Jahun Aminu S
- James Keith
- Jamrozy Dorota
- Jarrett Ruth
- Jeffries Aaron R
- Jesudason Natasha
- Jesudason Natasha G
- John Michaela
- Johnson Kate
- Johnson Natasha
- Johnson Rob
- Johnson Robert
- Johnston Ian
- Jones Hannah
- Jones Katie
- Jones Rachel
- Jones Sophie
- Jorgensen David
- Jorgensen David
- Joseph Amelia
- Justice Anita
- Kane Leanne
- Kay Gemma L
- Kay Sally
- Keatley Jon-Paul
- Keeley Alexander J
- Kenyon Anita
- Kermack Leanne M
- Khakh Manjinder
- Khokhar Fahad A
- Kidd Stephen
- Kingsley Robert A
- Kitchen Christine
- Knight Bridget A
- Kolyva Anastasia
- Koshy Cherian
- Kraemer Moritz
- Kristiansen Mark
- Kumziene-Summerhayes Sara
- Kwiatkowski Dominic
- Lackenby Angie
- Langford Cordelia
- Lawniczak Mara
- Le-Viet Thanh
- Lee David
- Lee Jack CD
- Letchford Laura
- Levene Nick
- Levett Lisa J
- Li Kathy
- Li Kathy K
- Liggett Steven
- Lindsey Benjamin B
- Lister Michelle M
- Livett Rich
- Lloyd Allyson
- Lo Stephanie
- Loh Joshua
- Loman Nicholas J
- Loman Nicholas J
- Loose Matthew W
- Loveson Katie F
- Lowe Hannah
- Lucaci Anita O
- Ludden Catherine
- Lynch Jessica
- Lyons Ronan A
- Macfarlane-Smith Louissa R
- Machin Nicholas W
- MacIntyre-Cockett George
- Madona Pinglawathee
- Maes Mailis
- Mahungu Tabitha W
- Mair Daniel
- Maksimovic Joshua
- Manesis Nikos
- Manley Robin
- Manso Carmen
- Marchbank Angela
- Martincorena Inigo
- Martinez-Nunez Rocio T
- Masoli Jane AH
- Mason Jenifer
- Mather Alison E
- Mbisa Tamyo
- McCluggage Kathryn
- McClure Patrick C
- McCrone John T
- McCrone JT
- McGuigan Samantha
- McHugh Martin P
- McKenna James P
- McKerr Caoimhe
- McMinn Liz
- McMurray Claire
- Meader Emma J
- Meadows Lizzie
- Menegazzo Mirko
- Meredith Luke W
- Merrick Ian
- Mestek-Boukhibar Lamia
- Miah Shahjahan
- Michell Stephen L
- Michelsen Michelle L
- Molnar Zoltan
- Monaghan Lynn
- Mookerjee Siddharth
- Moore Catherine
- Moore Catrin
- Moore Christopher
- Moore Nathan
- Morgan Mari
- Morgan Sian
- Mori Matilde
- Moses Samuel
- Muir Peter
- Munn Robert
- Myers Richard
- Nascimento Fabricia F
- Nascimento Fabricia F
- Naydenova Plamena
- Neaverson Alexandra S
- Nebbia Gaia
- Nelson Andrew
- Nelson Charlotte
- Nelson Rachel
- Nicholls Sam
- Nicholls Samuel M
- Nichols Jenna
- Niebel Marc O
- Niola Paola
- Nomikou Kyriaki
- O'Toole Elaine
- O'Toole Áine
- Orton Richard J
- Osman Husam
- Ott Sascha
- O’Grady Justin
- O’Toole Áine
- Pacchiarini Nicole
- Pacchiarini Nicole
- Padgett Debra
- Page Andrew J
- Palmer Sophie
- Palmer Steve
- Panchbhaya Yasmin N
- Pandey Sarojini
- Park Naomi
- Parker Matthew D
- Parmar Surendra
- Parr Yasmin A
- Parsons Paul J
- Partridge David G
- Pascall David J
- Patel Gaurang
- Patel Minal
- Patel Vineet
- Paterson Steve
- Payne Brendan AI
- Peacock Sharon J
- Pearson Clare
- Perry Malorie
- Peto Timothy
- Pinckert Malte L
- Platt Steven
- Plimmer Amy
- Poplawski Radoslaw
- Potter Will
- Prakash Reenesh
- Prestwood Liam
- Price Anna
- Price Anna
- Price James
- Puethe Christoph
- Pybus Oliver
- Pybus Oliver G
- Pymont Hannah M
- Quail Mike
- Quick Joshua
- Raghwani Jayna
- Ragonnet-Cronin Manon
- Rainbow Lucille
- Rajatileka Shavanthi
- Rambaut Andrew
- Rambaut Andrew
- Ramsay Mary
- Randell Paul A
- Raviprakash Veena
- Raza Mohammad
- Resende Silva Paola C
- Rey Sara
- Rey Sara M
- Reynolds Nicola
- Richter Alex
- Robertson David L
- Robertson David L
- Robinson Esther
- Robinson Trevor I
- Robson Samuel C
- Rogers Hazel A
- Rooke Stefan
- Rowan Aileen
- Rowe Will
- Roy Sunando
- Rudder Steven
- Ruis Chris
- Ryan Felicity
- Sambles Christine M
- Sang Fei
- Scarlett Garry P
- Schaefer Ulf
- Scher Emily
- Scott Carol
- Scott Garren
- Sethi Dheeraj K
- Shaaban Sharif
- Shah Divya
- Shah Rajiv
- Shah Rajiv N
- Shankar Giri
- Shaw Robert
- Shepherd James
- Shepherd James G
- Sheriff Nicola
- Shirley Lesley
- Signell Adrian W
- Sillitoe John
- Simpson David A
- Singer Joshua B
- Sivaprakasam Venkat
- Siveroni Igor
- Siveroni Igor
- Sloan Tim J
- Sluga Graciela
- Smith Christen
- Smith Colin P
- Smith Darren L
- Smith Nikki
- Smith Wendy
- Smollett Katherine L
- Snell Luke B
- Souster Emily
- Southgate Joel
- Southgate Joel
- Spellman Karla
- Spencer-Chapman Michael
- Sridhar Sushmita
- Stanley Rachael
- Stanton Thomas D
- Starinskij Igor
- Stark Richard
- Stockton Joanne
- Stuart Claire
- Studholme David J
- Swindells Emma
- Swingler Tracey
- Taha Yusri
- Tang Julian
- Taylor Ben EW
- Taylor Graham P
- Taylor Sarah
- Taylor-Joyce Grace
- Tedim Ana P
- Temperton Ben
- Templeton Kate E
- Thompson Thomas
- Thomson Emma C
- Thomson Emma C
- Thomson Nicholas M
- Thornton Alicia
- Thurston Scott
- Todd John A
- Tong Lily
- Tonkin-Hill Gerry
- Torok M Estee
- Trebes Amy
- Trotter Alexander J
- Tsoleridis Theocharis
- Tucker Rachel M
- Turtle Lance
- Tutill Helena J
- Underwood Anthony P
- Unnikrishnan Meera
- Vamos Edith E
- Vasylyeva Tetyana
- Vattipally Sreenu
- Vipond Ian B
- Volz Erik
- Volz Erik M
- Wain John
- Walsh Sarah
- Wang Dennis
- Wantoch Michelle
- Warne Ben
- Warwick-Dugdale Joanna
- Wastenge Elizabeth
- Watkins Joanne
- Watts Joanne
- Waugh Sheila
- Webber Mark A
- Weeks Sam
- Weldon Danni
- Whitehead Mark
- Williams Charlotte A
- Williams Chris
- Williams David
- Williams Rachel J
- Williams Rebecca
- Williams Thomas
- Williamson Kathleen A
- Willingham Iona
- Wilson Harry D
- Wise Emma
- Workman Trudy
- Wright Victoria
- Wyles Matthew
- Wyllie Sarah
- Yakovleva Anna
- Yasir Muhammad
- Yeats Corin A
- Yew Wen C
- Young Gregory R
- Young Jamie
- Yu Xiaoyu
- Zarebski Alex
- Publication venue
- Cell
- Publication date
- 01/09/2020
- Field of study
Global dispersal and increasing frequency of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variant D614G are suggestive of a selective advantage but may also be due to a random founder effect. We investigate the hypothesis for positive selection of spike D614G in the United Kingdom using more than 25,000 whole genome SARS-CoV-2 sequences. Despite the availability of a large dataset, well represented by both spike 614 variants, not all approaches showed a conclusive signal of positive selection. Population genetic analysis indicates that 614G increases in frequency relative to 614D in a manner consistent with a selective advantage. We do not find any indication that patients infected with the spike 614G variant have higher COVID-19 mortality or clinical severity, but 614G is associated with higher viral load and younger age of patients. Significant differences in growth and size of 614G phylogenetic clusters indicate a need for continued study of this variant
Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome
- Author
- . Haifeng
- . Magner
- . Yin
- Abbott Scott
- Abbott-Ozersky Amanda
- Abdellah Zahra
- Abouelleil Amr
- Abrajano Anne
- Adachi Tamami
- Adam Catherine
- Adams Charles Q.
- Adamson Aaron
- Adekoya Emmanuel
- Adio-Oduola Babajide
- Aerts Andrea
- Aggarwal Arun
- Ahmadi Alireza
- Ahmed Shahana
- Aimable Matthew
- Ainscough Rachael
- Ait-Zahra Mostafa
- Aizu Tomoyuki
- Alcivare Dana
- Alegria Michelle
- Ali Alla
- Ali Johar
- Allegria-hartmann Michelle
- Alleman Jennifer
- Allen Carlana C.
- Allen Heather
- Allen Nicole R.
- Allen Susan
- Allen Thaddeus
- Almeida Jeff
- Almond Claire
- Alsbrooks Stephen L.
- Altherr Michael R.
- Amaratunge Harshinie C.
- Ambler Andrew
- Ambrose Karen
- Ambrose Kerrie
- Amemiya Chris
- Amico-Keller Gina
- Amin Amita G.
- Anderson Mechele
- Anderson Scott
- Anderson Scott
- Andora Janice
- Andredesz Carol
- Andrew Robert
- Andrews Dan
- Andrews Daniel
- Andrews Neil
- Andrews Stephanie
- Andriese Tim
- Anthouard Véronique
- Antonarakis Stylianos E.
- Anyalebechi Vivian
- Aoki Norie
- Apostolou Sinoula
- Apweiler Eva
- Arachchi Harindra
- Arai Rie
- Arbery Hazel
- Arcaina Marlon
- Arcaina Terisita
- Archer Beth
- Arellano Andre
- Arellano-Jones Perry
- Armbruster Jeff
- Armstrong Jon
- Arredondo Dilrukshi P.
- Arredondo Heather Hope
- Artiguenave François
- Asakawa Shuichi
- Asakawa Teruyo
- Ash Gareth
- Ashcroft Kevin
- Ashurst Jennifer
- Ashwell Robert
- Ashworth Linda K.
- Aslanidis Cara
- Asomugha Chinwe O.
- Asuncion Lawreen
- Atkin Deborah
- Atkinson Andrea
- Atkinson Barry
- Attix Cristina
- Attwood John
- Aubin Keith
- Auger Katherine
- Austin Shannon Michelle
- Avila Aaron
- Avis Terry
- Ayele Mulu
- Babayan Primo
- Babbage Anne
- Babbage Sarah
- Bach Phil
- Bachatsang Pasang
- Bacon Joanne
- Badri Hummy
- Baertsch Robert
- Bagguley Claire
- Bailey Jonathan
- Bajorek Eva
- Baker Andrew
- Baker Dan
- Baker M.
- Baker Richard
- Bakis Michele
- Baldwin Jennifer
- Banda Michael
- Banerjee Ruby
- Bao Jingyue
- Bao Qiyu
- Bao Weidong
- Bao Weidong
- Baptiste Pertrice
- Barbaria Joseph A.
- Barbe Valérie
- Bardill Simon
- Barker Daniel
- Barker Darren
- Barker Gary
- Barlow Karen
- Baron Laurent
- Barrett Anika
- Bartlett Rebecca
- Basham Victoria
- Bashman David
- Basu Suba
- Bateman Alex
- Bates Karen
- Battles John
- Batzer Mark
- Baumgart Cornelia
- Baumohl Jason
- Baynes Caroline
- Bayul Tashi
- Beall Keith
- Beard Lisa
- Beard Susan
- Beare David
- Beasley Alastair
- Beasley Helen
- Beasley Oliver
- Beaucham Leslie
- Beaudet Arthur
- Beck Alfred
- Beck Stephen
- Becker Michael
- Bell Emma
- Bell George I.
- Bellard Terell M.
- Bellerby Damian
- Bellerby Tristram
- Belter Edward A., Jr.
- Bemrose Richard
- Benard Michael Anthony
- BenKahla Alia
- Benke J
- Benner William
- Bennett James
- Bensasson Douda
- Bentley Andrew
- Bentley Dan
- Bentley David
- Berardinis Véronique de
- Bercovitz John
- Berghoff Amy
- Bergmann Anne
- Berkowicz Nicolas
- Berks Mary
- Berks Michael
- Bethel Graeme
- Beugelsdijk Tony J.
- Bhakta Rita
- Bhuchar Venita
- Bi Shihua
- Bian Xuemeng
- Bieri Tamberlyn
- Bimage Kesha E.
- Bird Christine
- Birditt Brian
- Birney Ewan
- Birney Ewan
- Birren Bruce
- Bissell Helen
- Biswalo Kaneza
- Bituin Aleksandr
- Black Stacey
- Blackburne-Maze Suzanne
- Blair Jessica Anne
- Blakey Sarah
- Blanks Tia
- Blasiar Darin
- Blazej Robert
- Blitshsteyn Berta
- Blomstrom David B.
- Bloom Scott
- Bloom Toby
- Blumer Heather
- Blye Jason
- Blyth Peter R.
- Blöcker Helmut
- Boatright Elizabeth
- Boehm John
- Boen Juanan
- Boguslavskiy Leonid
- Bolton Christel
- Bolund Lars
- Bondoc Marnel
- Bonfield James
- Bonnett Ralph
- Bonnin David
- Border Richard
- Borowsky Mark
- Borzym Katja
- Boukhgalter Boris
- Bowen Eric
- Bradley Amanda
- Bradshaw-Cordum Holly
- Brady Nicola
- Brandriff Brigitte F.
- Brannon Wade
- Branscomb Elbert
- Bray Jason
- Bray-Allen Sarah
- Brettin Thomas
- Bridgeman Anne
- Bridgers Michael
- Brimhall Angela K.
- Brokstein Peter
- Brook Jonathan
- Brooking Shane
- Brottier Philippe
- Brown Andrew
- Brown Clive
- Brown Jacqui
- Brown Margaret
- Brown Mary
- Brown Mary J.
- Brown Michael
- Brown Nancy C.
- Bruce David D.
- Bruce Robert
- Bruno William J.
- Bruskiewich Richard
- Bryant Jackie
- Bryant Jennifer E.
- Bryant Nathaniel P.
- Brüls Thomas
- Buatsi Delali
- Buck David
- Buckingham Judith M.
- Buckle Veronica
- Buczek Donald
- Budd Claire
- Buhay Christian J.
- Bulbul Kerem
- Buller Sarah
- Bunker Nathan
- Burberry Jill
- Burch Paula Ellen
- Burford Deborah
- Burgess Joanne
- Burgin Matt
- Burkett Carrie E.
- Burkhart-Schultz Karolyn
- Burrell Kevin L.
- Burrill Wayne
- Burrows Christine
- Burton Christine
- Burton John
- Butcher Phil
- Butler Adam
- Butler Jon
- Butler Paul
- Caenepeel Sean
- Cahill Patrick
- Cai Tianjing
- Cai Zhen
- Cairns Murray
- Calderon Eliana
- Callen David F.
- Camarata Jody
- Camire David
- Camm Nick
- Campbell Christopher
- Campbell Connie S.
- Campbell Evelyn W.
- Campbell Mary I.
- Campbell Mary L.
- Campo Kevin
- Canning Bruno
- Cao Ting
- Cao Yuzhu
- Caoile Chenier
- Cardenas Faviola
- Cardenas Lolo
- Cardenas Veronica
- Carder Carol
- Carder Paul
- Carpenter Kelly
- Carrano Anthony V.
- Carriere Jason
- Carter Jason
- Carter Kelvin
- Carter Nigel
- Caruso Lauren
- Casias Kristal
- Cattolico Laurence
- Cavanna Tamara
- Cavazos Iracema
- Cavazos Sandra R.
- Ceasar Heather
- Cedroni Maria
- Cepeda Mario
- Chacko Joseph
- Chain Patrick
- Chalk Shani
- Challacombe Jean F.
- Chan Ka
- Chan Sheryl N.
- Chan Yee Man
- Chang Jean L.
- Chapman Jarrod
- Chapman Joanna
- Chapple Jeffrey
- Charles Rachel
- Chasteen Leslie A.
- Chavarria Simeon
- Chazaro Bruno
- Chen Baoxian
- Chen Bin
- Chen Chira
- Chen Chong
- Chen Chong
- Chen Chun-Nan
- Chen Cong
- Chen Ellson
- Chen Hsiu-Chuan
- Chen Jianlong
- Chen Jie
- Chen Jin
- Chen Junbao
- Chen Lihong
- Chen Lixia
- Chen Ray
- Chen Shu
- Chen Tong
- Chen Xiaoyun
- Chen Xinyi
- Chen Yanjiong
- Chen Yiyu
- Chen Zhu
- Chen Zhu
- Chen Zhu
- Cheng Jan-Fang
- Cheng Zhihua
- Chertkov Olga
- Cheshatsang Yama
- Chi Cheng
- Chi Han C.
- Chillingworth Neil
- Chin Sylvia
- Chinn Corey
- Chinwalla Asif
- Chissoe Stephanie
- Chiu Sally
- Chothia Tom
- Christensen Mari
- Christopoulos Constantine
- Chu Joseph
- Chui Connie
- Chung A
- Cinkowsky Michael J.
- Citroen Mieke
- Clack Rob
- Clamp Michele
- Clark Anthea
- Clark Graham
- Clark Kevin
- Clark Lynn
- Clark Lynn M.
- Clark Richard
- Clark Sarah
- Clark Sue
- Clarke Adrian
- Clarke Betty
- Clarke Eddie
- Clarke Kay
- Clarke Laura
- Clawson Hiram
- Clee Chris
- Clegg Shelia
- Clerc Blankenburg Kerstin Petra
- Cleveland David
- Clifford Karen
- Clifton Sandra W.
- Coates Julia
- Cobley Victoria
- Cockrell Raynard
- Coffey Alison
- Cofield Jackie
- Coggill Penelope
- Cohn Judith D.
- Colayco Rick
- Cole Lotte
- Collier Rachael
- Collings Simon
- Collins Francis S.
- Collins John
- Collins Philip
- Collymore Al
- Colman Louise
- Combs Jessie
- Comstock Robin
- Cong Bin
- Conner Richard
- Connolly Anthony
- Connolly Karen
- Conquer Jennie
- Conrad Ansgar
- Conroy Donald
- Considine Tony
- Constance Doug
- Cook April
- Cook Leanna
- Cooke Patrick
- Cooper Jonathan
- Cooper Rachel
- Cooper Robert
- Copeland Alex
- Coppola Maria
- Copsey Teresa
- Corby Nicole
- Cordes Matt
- Cordray Rebecca
- Cornell Christine
- Cornell Earl
- Cornell Linda
- Cornell Ruth
- Corum Ben
- Cottage Amanda
- Cotton Sara
- Coulson Alan
- Couronne Olivier
- Courtney Laura P.
- Coville Gez
- Cox Anthony
- Cox Caroline D.
- Cox Tony
- Coxhill Robert
- Coyle Marcus D.
- Craig Matthew
- Crane Tom
- Crawford Amanda L.
- Crawley Matt
- Cree Andrew
- Crespeau Hervé
- Crew Victor
- Critchlow Terrance
- Critz Paul
- Cruaud Corinne
- Cuff James
- Cui Hongjuan
- Cui Jinhui
- Cui Peng
- Cui Peng
- Culley Karl
- Cummings Auli
- Cummings Kirsti
- Cummings Paul
- Cummings Stephanie
- Cuomo Christina A.
- Curran Adam
- Curwen Valery
- Cutts Jeffrey
- Czubayko Martin
- D\u27Souza Lisa Marie
- Da Silva Corinne
- Dai Li
- Dalin Eillen
- Dang Michelle
- Danganan Linda
- Daniels Rachael
- Dathorne Stephanie R.
- Daum Christopher
- David Robert
- Davidson Lucy
- Davidson Stuart
- Davies Jonathon
- Davies Joy
- Davies Nicholas
- Davies Robert
- Davila Mary Louise
- Davis Candi Mon\u27et
- Davis Cheryl
- Davis Clay
- Davis Jayne
- Davis John
- Davis Matthew
- Davy-Carroll Latarsha
- Dawoe Tenzin
- Dawson Elisabeth
- De Anda Claudia
- De Latorre Andrea
- Deadman Rebecca
- Dean Peter
- Dear Simon
- Dearden Frances
- DeArellano Kurt
- Deaven Larry I.
- Deaven Larry L.
- Deere Kerry
- DeGray Stewart
- Degusta David
- Deguzman Maria
- Dehal Paramvir
- Delgado Marcos
- Delgado Oliver
- Delhaunty Kimberley
- Deloukas Panos
- Deng Yajun
- Dennis Janet
- Denson Shawn
- Denys Mirian
- Deramo Christine
- Desai Anu
- Detter John C.
- Devlin Laurie
- Dewar Ken
- Dhami Pawandeep
- Dhongsar Chemey
- Dias Jennifer
- Dias Victoria
- Dibartolo Genevieve
- Dibling Catherine
- Dickson Mark
- Diekhans Mark
- Dietz-Band Jeanne
- Digennaro Richard
- Dilts Karen
- Dimitrijevic-Bussod Mira
- Ding Hao
- Ding Keyue
- Ding Li
- Ding Yan
- Dinh Huyen H.
- Dixon Kami
- Do Long
- Dobbs Ruth
- Dobson Richard
- Dockree Catherine
- Doddington Daniel
- Dodsworth Steven
- Doggett Norman
- Doggett Norman A.
- Dong Hui
- Dong Kimberly
- Dong Wei
- Dong Wei
- Dong Xiaojia
- Donlin Jeremy E.
- Dooley Kathy
- Dooling David
- Dorje Passang
- Dorjee Kunsang
- Dorris Lester
- Dorsett Victor
- Doucette-Stamm Lynn
- Douthwaite Karen J.
- Down Thomas
- Draper Heather
- Du Feiyu
- Du Hui
- Du Yutao
- Duarte Suzanne
- Dubchak Inna
- Duffy Noah
- Dugan-Rocha Shannon
- Dunham Andrew
- Dunham Ian
- Dunn Adam M.
- Dunn Anne
- Dunn Matthew
- Dunwell Erin
- Dupes Alan
- Durbin Kenneth J.
- Durbin Richard
- Durham Jillian
- Dutta Ireena
- Dwyer Ruth
- Dyer Lauren
- Dziuda Darius
- Earnhardt Christopher D.
- Earthrowl Mark
- Eastham Emma
- Eastham Timothy
- Eaves Kristy A.
- Eckenberg Ralph
- Edgar Darren
- Edionwe Susan Omwanghe Osayanro
- Edwards Carol
- Edwards Jennifer
- Edwards Karen
- Egan Amy
- Eichler Evan
- Eichler Evan
- Ejima Fumio
- Elkin Chris
- Ellington Andrew
- Elliot David
- Elliot Glendoria
- Elliot Jeffrey
- Ellwood Matthew
- Emberson Becky
- Emelianenko Natalia
- Emery-Cohen Alexandra J.
- Endrizzi Matthew
- Engh Ger van den
- Engle David
- Erickson Jeffery
- Erler Anne Marie
- Errington Helen
- Escobar Julio
- Escotto Michael
- Eugene Craig S.
- Evans Gareth
- Evans John
- Evans Katie
- Evans Richard
- Eveleth Gerald
- Eyras Eduardo
- Fan Hongyuan
- Fan Keke
- Fang Jianqiu
- Farina Abderrahim
- Faro Susan
- Faulkner Louisa
- Fawcett Joseph J.
- Fechtel Kim
- Fellingham Charlotte
- Felming Claire
- Felsenfeld Adam
- Feltwell Theresa
- Feng Guodong
- Feng Haiyan
- Feng Jie
- Feng Xiaoli
- Fennell Stephen
- Ferguson Alicia
- Fernandez Sonia
- Fernandez-Suarez Xose
- Fernando Pushpa Ranjani
- Ferriera Pat
- Fertitta Anne
- Fey Jim
- Fidel Patrick
- Fields Elizabeth
- Fink Marie
- Finley Maria C.
- Finn Robert
- Fischer Heather
- Fischer Laurice
- Fisher Shelia
- Fitch Pat
- Fitzgerald Mike
- Flack Tina
- Flagg Nicole
- Flanagan J.
- Fleming Kerry
- Flint Jonathan
- Flint Mark
- Flowers Dave
- Floyd Yvonne
- Foley Karen
- Folta Peg
- Fong Jonathan
- Fonknechten Núrua
- Footman Simon
- Forbes Lisa D.
- Ford Amanda F.
- Foster Myre J.
- Fotopulos Dea
- Fourcade Matthew
- Fowler John
- Fox Jessica
- Frame Deborah
- Francis Matthew
- Francis Stephen
- Frankel Ken
- Frankish Adam
- Frankland John
- Fraser Audrey
- Fraser David
- Frazier Marvin
- French Lisa
- Fricker David
- Fridlyand Jane
- Fronick Catrina
- Frost Carole
- Frost Daniel
- Frost Jackie
- Frost Lorna
- Fu Gang
- Fu Gang
- Fu Gang
- Fu Qiushi
- Fujioka Michiru
- Fujiyama Asao
- Fukawa Rintaro
- Fuller Liam
- Fuller Sharin
- Fullerton Kathryn
- Fulton Lucinda A.
- Fulton Robert S.
- Furey Terrence S.
- Furuhashi Mie
- Förste Silke
- Gabisi Abdul M.
- Gage Diane
- Gaige Tony
- Galgoczy Petra
- Gallegos Celsa
- Galvez Michael
- Gammon Stuart
- Gao Anwu
- Gao Jimei
- Gao Quan
- Gao Yang
- Gao Yimei
- Garcia Carmen
- Garcia Emilio
- Garcia Marvin
- Garcia Ricardo M, III
- Garcia-Martinez Antonio
- Gardner Alison
- Gardner Alison
- Garduno Consuelo
- Gardyna Steph
- Garner Patrick
- Garner Toni T.
- Garnes Jeffrey A.
- Garnett Jane
- Garza Melissa
- Gatewood Joseph M.
- Gatland Leigh
- Gatland Lindsay
- Gattung Stacie
- Gay Laura
- Gearin Gary
- Gebreyesus Binyam
- Gelein Cynthia
- Gelpke Maartin
- Gench Stephanie L.
- Geng Jianing
- Georgescu Anca
- Geotina Amy
- Ghori Jilur
- Ghose Sayantan
- Gibbs Ben
- Gibbs Richard A.
- Gibson Diane
- Gibson Elizabeth
- Gifford Mary
- Gil Isaias
- Gilbert James
- Gilby Lisa
- Gill Rachel
- Gillet Will
- Gillson Christopher
- Gilna Paul
- Gimmel Verena
- Gingrich Jeff
- Giovanelli Kira
- Glavina Tijana
- Glithero Rebecca
- Glöckner Gernot
- Gnerre Sante
- Gnirke Andreas
- Gold Darren
- Golinveaux Kristen
- Gomez Maria
- Gong Guanghui
- Gong Jinying
- Gonzales Eidelyn
- Gonzalez Guillermo B.
- Gooderham April
- Goodstadt Leo
- Goodstein David
- Goodwin Lynne A.
- Gordon Catherine
- Gordon Laurie A.
- Gordon Seth
- Gorton Matthew
- Gorvad Ann
- Gould Christine
- Goyea Ernest
- Goyette Audra
- Grady Deborah I.
- Grady Michelle L.
- Grafham Darren
- Graham Joe
- Grandbois Edward
- Grant Jennifer
- Grant Michael
- Grant Susan
- Graves Tina A.
- Gray Bruce
- Gray Emma
- Gray Lain
- Green Lisa
- Greenhalgh James
- Greenhill Joe
- Gregg Philippa
- Gregory Simon
- Grewal Nennu
- Gribble Susan
- Griffith Jeffrey K.
- Griffiths Coline
- Griffiths Ed
- Griffiths Mark
- Griffiths-Jones Sam
- Grigoriev Igor
- Grimwood Jane
- Grocock Russell
- Groza Matthew
- Gu Jingli
- Gu Jun
- Gu Jun
- Gu Wenyi
- Gu Wenyi
- Gu Xiaochang
- Guan Qiaoning
- Guarin Hannibal
- Guel Metzalli
- Guerra William
- Guevara Whitney V.
- Gui Qi
- Gunaratne Preethi
- Gunning Kate
- Guo Daorong
- Guo Jane
- Guo Lili
- Gustafson Erik
- Guthrie Ian
- Guyer Mark
- Gwilliam Rhian
- Gyaltsen Kunsang
- Gyapay Gábor
- Görlich Yvonne
- Ha Chi
- Hafez Nabil
- Haglund Krista
- Hagopian Daniel
- Hagos Birhane
- Haim Allen
- Hajek Patrick
- Hall Brett Lynn
- Hall Brittany
- Hall Jennifer
- Hall Rebekah
- Hall-Tamly Gretta
- Halls Karen
- Hallsworth-Pepin Kym
- Hamada Junko
- Hamilton Cerissa
- Hamilton Keelan A.
- Hamilton Matt
- Hamlett John
- Hamlett John
- Hammon Nancy
- Hammond Martin
- Hammond Sha
- Hammond Sian
- Hamza Khalid
- Han Guiqing
- Han Shunsheng
- Han Xurong
- Hanak Vincent A.
- Hancock Julie
- Harbes Brandy A.
- Harding Adam
- Harkins C. Richard
- Harley Joanne
- Harper David
- Harper Georgina
- Harper Patrik
- Harradence Grant
- Harris Anthony
- Harrison Charlene-Lou
- Harrison Elliot
- Harrison Ruth
- Hart Elizabeth
- Hasegawa Tomoko
- Hashimoto Etsuko
- Hashimoto Wakako
- Hassan Daniel
- Hatcher Beath
- Hattori Masahira
- Haugen Eric
- Haussler David
- Havlak Paul
- Hawes Alicia C.
- Hawkins Ebere Sylvia Onyirioha
- Hawkins Natalie
- Hawkins Trevor
- Hawley Kellie
- Haydu Lauren
- Hayes Kerry
- He Fengying
- He Jiaying
- He Lin
- Heaford Andrew
- Heath Paul
- Heathcott Rosemary
- Heilig Roland
- Heiner Cheryl
- Heinze Ivonne
- Heitmann Katja
- Helfenbein Keven
- Heller Andrew
- Hellsten Uffe
- Hembry Cathy
- Henderson Carl
- Henderson Nicholas
- Henderson Nina
- Hendrix David
- Hennig Steffen
- Henning Karla
- Hepa Victor
- Herd Tim
- Herman Charles
- Hernandez Judith
- Hernandez Omar
- Herseim Allyson
- Hewitt Stephen
- Heyen Joshua
- Higgs Douglas
- Hildebrand Carl E.
- Hillier LaDeana
- Hillyard Guy
- Hines Sandra
- Hinkins Russell
- Hinrichs Angela S.
- Hitchens Matthew Edward
- Ho Issac
- Ho Sara-Jane
- Hodgson Anne V.
- Hodgson David
- Hoffman Susan M.G.
- Hoffs Michael
- Hogues Marilyn E.
- Holden Jane
- Holdgate Janet
- Hollaway Mara
- Hollins Barbara
- Holloway Ele
- Holmes Andrea
- Holmes Ian
- Holmes Sarah
- Holroyd Simon
- Holtz Ann
- Holtzer Caleb
- Homsi Deana K.
- Homsi Farah J.
- Honan Tracy
- Hood Leroy
- Hooper Alison
- Hopewell Lucy
- Hopkins Ben
- Horne Jennifer
- Hornett Gary
- Hornischer Klaus
- Hornsby Amber
- Hornsby Geoff
- Hornsby Tony
- Horsley Sharon
- Horton Roger
- Hosage-Norman Catherine
- Hosoda Kei
- Hosono Katsuhiro
- Hosseini Roya
- Hou Shunfang
- Hou Xiaodi
- Houde Nathan
- Howard Philip
- Howard Stephanie R.
- Howden Philip
- Howe Kevin
- Howell Gareth
- Howell Latoya Lynette
- Howells Sally Lucinda
- Hsu Fan
- Hu George
- Hu Jie
- Hu Songnian
- Huang Fang
- Huang Guyang
- Huang Katherine
- Huang Mei
- Huang Wayne
- Huang Wei
- Huang Wei
- Huang Wei
- Huang Zhengping
- Hubbard Timothy
- Huber James W.
- Huckle Elizabeth
- Hue Heather
- Hughes Jaime
- Hughes Jennifer
- Hughes Lee
- Hughes-Hull Hillary
- Hull Louisa
- Hulme Bill
- Hulyk Steven
- Hume Jennifer
- Hummeric Holger
- Humphray Sean
- Humphries David
- Humphries Matthew
- Hunt Adrienne
- Hunt Michael
- Hunt Paul
- Hunt Sarah
- Hunter Giselle
- Hunter Rov, II
- Hupman Matt
- Huynh Sandy
- Hyde David
- Hynds Christopher
- Idlebird Devincent G.
- Iliev Ilian
- Imbro Paula
- Imo Kelvin C.
- Inacio Nicole
- Inagaki Naomi
- Ince Michael
- Ingram Drew
- Inoue Shuuji
- Isak Amber
- Isherwood Judith
- Ishibashi Akiko
- Ishikawa Sabine K.
- Ishizaki Hinako
- Isozaki Emi
- Israni Sanjay
- Ito Fumiaki
- Ito Noriko
- Itoh Takehiko
- Iwakawa Shinobu
- Iwatate Mariko
- Iwatsu Mikiko
- Iyer Vivek
- Izatt Janet
- Izmajlowicz Monica
- Izumiyama Tomohiro
- Jacintho Mark
- Jackson Laronda R.
- Jackson Terri
- Jacob Leni Susan
- Jaeger Sara
- Jaffe David B.
- Jahn Niels
- Jaklevic Joseph
- Jaklevic Michael
- James Kent W.
- Jareborg Niclas
- Jarek Michael
- Jassal Bijay
- Jeffery Grant
- Jeffery Kim
- Jeffrey Colin
- Jekosch Kerstin
- Jenkins Lee
- Jett Jamie
- Jewett Phillip E.
- Jia Jia
- Jia Jia
- Jia Nan
- Jia Xingchang
- Jiang Lu
- Jiang Yanrui
- Jiang Ziyou
- Jimenez Alberto
- Jin Jian
- Jin Yetao
- Jin Yongsan
- Johansen Tina
- Johnson Bennie
- Johnson Cheryl
- Johnson Christopher
- Johnson David
- Johnson Douglas
- Johnson Genevieve
- Johnson Lori
- Johnson Mark
- Johnson Philip
- Johnson Rudy
- Johnson Stephanie
- Jolivet Angela
- Jolley Keith
- Jones Abigail
- Jones Charlien
- Jones Claire
- Jones Juliet
- Jones Matthew
- Jones Michael
- Jones Micheil
- Jones Myrna D.
- Jones Steven
- Jong Pieter De
- Jordan Yun
- Joseph Shirin
- Joy Ann
- Joy Linsey
- Joy Victoria
- Joyce Gillian
- Jubb Mark
- Jung Eugine
- Järke Doris
- Kadner Kristen
- Kagan Ryan
- Kahsai Orsalem
- Kaida Kaoru
- Kale Pat
- Kalicki-Veizer Joelle
- Kamal Michael
- Kamat Asha
- Kamholz Sandra
- Kana Arnold
- Kang Hui
- Kang Kelie
- Kang Ning
- Kapur Hitesh
- Karolchik Donna
- Karunaratne Kanchi
- Kasprzyk Arek
- Katayama Takujiro
- Kato Takako
- Kauer Gerhard
- Kaul Rajinder
- Kaur Amardeep
- Kawagoe Chiharu
- Kawasaki Kazuhiko
- Kay Michael
- Kaye Danielle
- Kearney Lyndal
- Keefe Damian
- Keen Gifford
- Keenan Stephen
- Kegelmeyer Laura
- Kegg Lisa
- Kelley Simon
- Kells Cristyn
- Kelly Shayna P.
- Kelly Susan H.
- Kershaw Joanna
- Kettleborough Ross
- Keys David
- Khan Arsi
- Khan Umer F.
- Khan Ziad Mohid
- Khine Susu
- Khurama Divya
- Kidd Cathy
- Kierstan Peter
- Kieu Alix
- Kim Jennifer
- Kim Joomyeong
- Kim Kyung
- Kimball Heather
- Kimberley Andrew
- Kimura Moe
- King Andrew
- King Laquisha Monique
- King Mary-Clare
- Kingsley Simon
- Kingswood Colin
- Kisamo Haika
- Kisner Peter
- Kitts Paul
- Kiyooka Miho
- Klages Sven
- Klingle Gillian
- Knights Andrew
- Kobayashi Mai
- Kodira Chinnappa
- Kohlberg Sara
- Kojima Kazuyasu
- Kolbe William
- Kong Yi
- Korf Ian
- Kosiura Anna
- Kou Zhaohui
- Kovar Christie L.
- Krawczyk Marie-Claude
- Kremitzki Colin
- Kremmidiotis Gabriel
- Krogh Anders
- Kronmiller Brent
- Kruchowski Scott S.
- Kube Michael
- Kubischta Duane
- Kudoh Jun
- Kuehl Jennifer
- Kuharic Patrick
- Kuhn Carol
- Kulish Larissa
- Kuroki Yoko
- Kwan Chinnie
- Kyle Amy
- LaButti Kurt
- Lacombe Anne
- Lad Heena
- Lafrades Melanie
- Lagemann Dorothee
- Lai Jianghua
- Lai Teresa
- Laidlaw Philip
- Laing Michael
- Laird Gavin
- Lam Edward
- Lam Marissa
- Lama Dawa
- Lamar Betty
- Lambart Christine
- Lamble Ralph
- Lamerdin Jane E.
- Lander Eric S.
- Landers Tom
- Langford Cordelia
- Lansang Christine
- Lao Victoria
- Lapidus Alla
- Larke Ben
- Lato Bernadette
- Latreille Phil
- Lau Timun
- Lawlor Stephanie
- Layman Dan
- Leal Belita
- Leather Sampsa
- Lebow Heather
- Lee Byung-in
- Lee Cherie Jenae
- Lee Denise
- Lee Hong-Mei
- Lee Joon ho
- Lee Kenneth
- Lee Lisa
- Lee Peter
- Legall Fitzherbert Henderson, III
- Leger Jean Pierre
- Lehman Karl
- Lehmann Rüdiger
- Lehoczky Jessica
- Lehrach Hans
- Lehvaslaiho Minna
- Lei Meng
- Lemke Johannes
- Lennon Gregory
- Leonard Shawn
- Leonard Steven
- Leongamornlert Daniel
- Lesar Kendra
- Levan Jaclyn M.
- Leversha Margaret
- Levine Rosie
- Levy Andrew
- Levy Michaël
- Lewis Doreen
- Lewis Ernest K.
- Lewis Keith
- Lewis Lakeshia C.
- Lewis Lora R.
- Lewis Tammy
- Leyba Tina
- Li Changfeng
- Li Chenji
- Li Eryao
- Li Feifei
- Li Gang
- Li Jane
- Li Jiayang
- Li Jiayang
- Li Jihong
- Li Jing
- Li Jingfei
- Li Jingxiang
- Li Li
- Li Lili
- Li Lin
- Li Ming
- Li Nan
- Li Ran
- Li Shengbin
- Li Shuangding
- Li Shuangli
- Li Shuping
- Li Shuxia
- Li Songgang
- Li Tao
- Li Wei
- Li Zaiping
- Li Zhangwan
- Lieuallen Kim
- Lightning Julia
- Lim Meng K.
- Lindblad-Toh Kerstin
- Lindo Ken
- Lindquist K.
- Lindsay Sarah
- Lindstrom Kirsten
- LIne Matthew
- Ling Wei
- Linkowski Albert
- Linsdell Sally
- Little Peter
- Liu Boyong
- Liu Boyong
- Liu Cong
- Liu Dianwu
- Liu Haili
- Liu Jing
- Liu Jing
- Liu Jing Mei
- Liu Jun
- Liu Kai
- Liu Ning
- Liu Qian
- Liu Siqi
- Liu Stephanie
- Liu Wei
- Liu Wen
- Liu Xiaohong
- Liu Xinshe
- Liu Yanhua
- Liu Yannan
- Liu Yih-Shin
- Liu Yilin
- Liu Ying
- Liu Yu
- Liu Yu
- Liu Zhanwei
- Liyanage Dhammika
- Llewellyn-Silva Crystal
- Lloyd Christine
- Lloyd David
- Lobb Rebecca
- Lock Victoria
- Lock William
- Lodziak Anne
- Lokyitsang Tashi
- Lokyitsang Yeshi
- London Darin
- London Pamela
- Longden Ian
- Longmire Johnathan L.
- Lopez Frederick
- Lopez John
- Lopez Jose
- Lopez Lora
- Loraine Howard
- Lord Rachel
- Lorensuhewa Lorna M.
- Lou Yunian
- Loulseged Hermela
- Loveland Jane
- Lovell Jamie
- Lovett Demetria A.
- Lowenstein Michael G.
- Lowry Stephen
- Lozado Ryan J.
- Lu Lingfeng
- Lu Tao
- Lu Xiuhua
- Lu Yongxiang
- Lu Yontao T.
- Lu Yue
- Lucas Robert
- Lucas Susan
- Lucier Alice
- Lucier Raymond L.
- Ludeman Thom
- Lui Annie
- Lundgren Lyndsey
- Luo Chunqing
- Luo Chunqing
- Lv Gang
- Lv Gang
- Lye Georgina
- Lynch Daniel
- Löhnert Tschong-Hun
- Ma Cheng
- Ma Gary
- Ma Jiao
- Ma Jie
- Ma Peter
- Ma Qingmei
- Ma Xiaohui
- Maas Jason
- Mabbitt Richard
- Macdonald Pendexter
- Machrus Migdad
- Macht Madison
- Macken Catherine A.
- MacLean Christine
- Madabhushi Ramki
- Madu Renita C.
- Maeda Hideto
- Maglott Donna
- Maheshwari Manjula
- Mahindartne Mathew
- Mahmoodi Venus
- Mahnke Ryan
- Mailey Brian
- Major John
- Malfatti Stephanie
- Malloy Kevin
- Maltbie Mary I.
- Mangum Brian
- Manning Jonathan
- Manohar Chitra
- Mapua Patricia
- Marabella Dick
- Mardis Elaine R.
- Mareth David
- Mariano Marisa
- Marinelli Lisa
- Mark Graham A.
- Marquis-Homeyer Catherine
- Marr Thomas G.
- Marra Marco
- Marriott Neil
- Marrone Anne
- Marroquin Christian
- Marsden Paul
- Marsh Victoria
- Martin Christopher
- Martin Joel
- Martin Kirt
- Martin Matthew
- Martin Sancha
- Martindale Ashley D.
- Martinez Diego
- Martinez Evangelina
- Martinez Michele
- Martinka Scott
- Maru Kebede
- Maruyama Kayo
- Maslen Gareth
- Mason Debbie
- Masood Hadi
- Massey Elizabeth
- Matsuda Fumihiko
- Matsumoto Shuko
- Matsushita Yoshitaka
- Matthews Charles D.
- Matthews Lucy
- Matthews Nick
- Matthews Paul
- Matthews Sterling D.
- Mauceli Evan
- Maunes Cynthia
- Maupin Rachel
- Mawhiney Samantha
- Maynard Madalynne
- McCann Owen
- McCarthy Megan
- McClay Joseph
- McCollum Craig
- McConnachie Louise
- McCormick Mary Kay
- McCready Paula
- McDonald Bill
- McDonald Louise
- McDowall Jennifer
- McGhee Tina
- McGuire Sarah
- McGurn Phil
- McKeown Carole
- McLaren Stuart
- McLay Kirsten
- McLean James
- McLellan Michael D.
- McLeod Michael P.
- McMurdo John
- McMurray Amanda
- McMurray Des
- McMurray Kimberly
- McMurray Kimberly L.
- McNinch Jenny
- McPherson John
- McPherson John D.
- McVicker Graham
- McWilliams Natalie
- Mead Kelly
- Meador Michael G.
- Medina Catherine
- Mehta Nalini
- Meidi Patrick
- Meier Elke
- Meincke Linda J.
- Mejima Mio
- Meldrim James
- Melsopp Craig
- Mendez Sylvia
- Meneus Louis
- Meng Shanshan
- Menuge Noel
- Mercado Christian
- Mercado George
- Mercado Iracema C.
- Mercer Simon
- Merritt Christina E.
- Mesirov Jill P.
- Metzker Michael Lee
- Meyer Rekha
- Meyer Rick
- Miah Asab
- Michaelis Evelyn
- Micklem Gos
- Mieczkowski Carl
- Mier Maggie
- Miguel Trini
- Mihalev Atanas
- Mihalkanin Danielle
- Mihova Tanya
- Miles Simon
- Mileur Mason W.
- Miller Christie
- Miller Donald
- Miller Nancy
- Milne Sarah
- Miner George R.
- Miner Sheri
- Miner Tracie
- Minja Emmanuel
- Minoshima Shinsei
- Minx Patrick J.
- Misra Monica
- Mistry Dippica
- Mistry Shailesh
- Mitchell Jake
- Mitchell Jeff
- Mitchell Teresa
- Mitina Sophia
- Mitsui Aki
- Mitsuyama Susumu
- Miyazawa Akemi
- Mlenga Val
- Mohabbat Farida
- Mohabbat Khatera
- Mohammadi Maryam
- Mohrenweiser Harvey
- Molina Christophe
- Monforte Joseph
- Montemayor Julie
- Montgomery Baize
- Montgomery Mishelle
- Mooney Paul
- Moore Madeline
- Moore Niki
- Moreland Andrea
- Morgan Jenna
- Morgan Margaret B.
- Morita Hiroko
- Morris Sidney
- Mortimore Beverly
- Morton Jerry
- Motoyama Ayuko
- Mott Richard
- Moyzis Robert K.
- Mu Feng
- Mukherjee Shibani
- Mullenger Ian
- Mullikin Jim
- Mulrain Leon
- Munday Brian
- Munday Elaine
- Mundt Mark O.
- Mungall Andy
- Munidasa Mala
- Munk A. Christine
- Munk Christie A.
- Munson Glen
- Murakami Katsuhiko
- Murayama Yuji
- Murnane Clare
- Murphy Matthew B.
- Murphy Michael
- Murray Christine
- Murray Debra Dianne
- Murray Jennifer
- Murrell Kerry
- Muzny Donna Marie
- Myers Alison
- Myers Richard
- Müller Ines
- Nagamine Kentaro
- Nagao Syunsuke
- Nagaraja R.
- Nair Latha
- Nair Seema R.
- Naka Maho
- Nakagawa Masayo
- Nakagawa Saori
- Nakamura Etsuko
- Nakato Eriko
- Nanavati Amit N.
- Nandkeshwar Richard
- Nankervis Colin E.
- Naranjo Cleo M.
- Nash William
- Naylor Jerome
- Nazareth Lynne V.
- Neal Dearl D.
- Negus David
- Nelson Catherine
- Nelson David O.
- Nelson Deborah A.
- Nelson Joanne
- Nelson Kathryn
- Nelson Ward
- Nesbitt Ryan
- Neunkirch Jennifer
- Newes Christian
- Newman April
- Ng Bee
- Ng Terrance
- Ngo Robin Ngoc
- Nguyen Bao-Viet
- Nguyen Christine
- Nguyen Cindy
- Nguyen Hoa
- Nguyen Le-Thu Dinh
- Nguyen Lisa
- Nguyen Minh
- Nguyen Na
- Nguyen Natalie M.
- Nguyen Ngoc Bich
- Nguyen Thu
- Nhan Mike
- Ni Lin
- Niblett David
- Nicholson Jonathan
- Nickerson Elizabeth
- Nickerson Tim
- Nicol Robert
- Nijjar Sukhjit
- Ning Zemin
- Nisbet James
- Nishida Aki
- Niu Yuxin
- Niu Yuxin
- Nivens Amber
- Noguchi Hideki
- Nolan Matt
- Norbu Chou Dolma
- Norbu Nyima
- Nordsiek Gabriele
- Norris Sarah Louise
- Novik Karen
- Nowlin Larry
- Nusbaum Chad
- Nwaokelemeh Ogechi O.
- Nwokenkwo Stanley
- O\u27Donnell Paula
- O\u27Donovan Daniel
- O\u27Leary Sinead
- O\u27Loughlin Jennifer
- O\u27Neill Keith
- Obayashi Izumi
- Obregon Melissa
- Oddone Paola
- Oddone Pierre
- Oddy Lachlan
- Odell Christopher
- Ogawara Etsuko
- Ogbighele Francess
- Oguh Maryann
- Ohmori Kyoko
- Ohno Saho
- Ohta Nao
- Ohtsubo Masafumi
- Oinn Tom
- Okoawo Ose
- Okui Michiyo
- Okumura Reina
- Okwuonu Geoffrey O.
- Okwuonu Kenneth C.
- Olarnpunsagoon Alisa
- Olivas Jason
- Oliver Hayley
- Oliver Karen
- Olsen Anne S.
- Olson Maynard V.
- Omotosho Bamidele
- Onoda Junko
- Oomori Nobuhiro
- Ooshima Kenshiro
- Oragunye Njideka
- Orantes Jerry
- Orbell Helena
- Osada Misuzu
- Osborn Anthony
- Osborne Joan
- Osman Sahal
- Ovcharenko Ivan
- Overton-Larty Emma
- Oviedo Rodolfo J.
- Ow David
- Ozawa Ritsuko
- Ozersky Philip
- Pace Araceli C.
- Pack Elizabeth
- Padki Anuradha
- Pahlavan Shane
- Palaniappan Krishnaveni
- Palazzolo Michael
- Palmeiri Anthony
- Palmer Sophie
- Pan Jiaofeng
- Pan Sisu
- Panasenko Vladimir
- Pandian Richard
- Parker Adrian
- Parker David Neil
- Parker Stephen
- Parkin Christopher
- Parkin Kim
- Parks Kenya L.
- Parry-Brown Ginny
- Parson-Quintana Beverly
- Pasternak Shiran
- Patel Bella Mayurkumar
- Patel Dina
- Patel Jalpa N.
- Patel Ritesh
- Patel Shripa
- Patel Vishal V.
- Patrick James
- Paul Heidie A.
- Paul Shelia
- Paulson Edward
- Payton Brett A.
- Pearce Alexandra
- Pearman Charlene
- Pearson Danita
- Pecherer Robert M.
- Peck Anna
- Peck Richard
- Pedan John
- Pelan Sarah
- Pelletier Eric
- Peng Vivian
- Peng Vivian
- Peng Yi
- Peng Yi
- Peng Ze
- Peng Ze
- Pennacchio Len A.
- Pennacchio Len A.
- Percy Chantel
- Perez Agapito
- Perez Lesette M.
- Perito Andrew
- Perrault Isabelle
- Perrier Rene
- Perrier Rene
- Perrin William
- Pesavento Brad
- Peters Anna
- Peters Leonard G.
- Peterson Jane
- Peterson Karl
- Petit Jean-Louis
- Pettett Roger
- Petz Uta
- Pfeiffer Joyce
- Phan Hoan
- Phelps Karen
- Phillimore Ben
- Phillips Kim
- Phillips Samantha
- Phulchung Tenzin
- Phunkang Pema
- Pickens Adam
- Pieper Natasha
- Pierre Nadia
- Piqani Bruno
- Piscia C.
- Pitesky Maurice
- Pitluck Sam
- Plajzer-Frick Ingrid
- Platt Darren
- Platzer Matthias
- Playford Emma
- Plopper Farah Jo Homsi
- Plumb Bob
- Pocock Matthew
- Pohl Craig
- Poindexter Alan
- Poliakov Alex
- Pollard Martin
- Polman Jos
- Ponting Chris P.
- Porter Aaron
- Porter Keith
- Porter Tarryn
- Posada Martha
- Potter Christopher
- Potter Simon
- Poundstone Pat
- Pourrajabi Nima M.
- Powell Don
- Powell Jason
- Prado Daisy
- Prange Christa
- Prathalingham Radhika
- Predki Paul
- Prigmore Elena
- Primus Eltrick L.
- Primus Jennifer
- Probst Lyle
- Procter Glenn
- Pruitt Kim
- Pu Ling-Ling
- Puazo Maria
- Putnam Nicholas
- Qasem Osama
- Qi Qiuhui
- Qi Xiaohua
- Qi Xiaohua
- Qian Xufang
- Qian Zengmin
- Qiang Boqin
- Qiang Boqin
- Qiao Zhenyong
- Qin Xiang
- Quail Michael
- Quan Glenda
- Quarrie Hannah
- Quiles Miyo M.
- Quince Chris
- Quiroz Juana B.
- Qureshi Matloob
- Rabata Dina
- Rachlin Eric K.
- Rachupka Anthony
- Radionenko Maxim
- Rajagopal Mohan
- Ramasami Umadevi
- Rameau Rayale
- Ramirez Lucia
- Ramirez Melissa
- Ramos Nicole
- Ramsay Helen
- Ramsey Yvonne
- Ranby Sally
- Rance Richard
- Rand Vikki
- Randall-Maher Jennifer
- Randolph David
- Randolph James
- Rapier Irma
- Rappaport Barry
- Rash Sam
- Ratford Joanne
- Ratford Lewis
- Ratliff Robert I.
- Ray Aditya
- Ray Vernada
- Raymond Chris
- Raymond Christina
- Read Daniel
- Redhead Donald
- Redon Richard
- Rees Christine
- Reeves Kacy
- Regala Warren
- Reichwald Kathrin
- Reid Mary
- Reigh Richard A.
- Reily Amy D.
- Reinhardt Astrid
- Reinhardt Richard
- Reiter Charlie
- Ren Shuangxi
- Ren Shuangxi
- Ren Yanru
- Retterer James
- Rice Alex
- Rice Catherine
- Rice Peter
- Rice Stephen
- Richard Suzzanne
- Richards Stephen
- Richardson Kristi
- Richardson Paul
- Richardson Paul
- Richardson Susan
- Ricke Darryl O.
- Ridler Kerry
- Riethman Harold
- Riethoven Lyn
- Rigby Rachel
- Riley B.E
- Rise Cecil
- Rivera Angel
- Rives Catharine M.
- Road JungShing
- Robert Catherine
- Roberts Simon
- Robinson Chris
- Robinson Dezere
- Robinson Donna I.
- Robinson Donna L.
- Robinson Melanie
- Rochford Rebecca
- Rock Susan M.
- Rodkey Travis L.
- Rodriguez Alex
- Rodriguez Joseph
- Rodriguez Juan
- Rogers Jane
- Rogers Lisa
- Rogers Stephanine
- Rogosin Andrea
- Rogov Peter
- Rohlfing Theresa
- Rojas Alberto
- Rokhsar Daniel
- Rong Li
- Rong Li
- Rosenbloom Kate R.
- Roskin Krishna M.
- Ross Hugh
- Ross Mark
- Ross Stephanie
- Rowen Lee
- Rubenfield Marc
- Rubin Edward M.
- Ruef Barbara
- Ruiz Erica M.
- Ruiz San Juana
- Rule Angela
- Rule James
- Rule Jeffrey
- Russell Ben
- Russell Jayne
- Ryan Andrea
- Sabo Aniko
- Saenphimmachak Channakhone
- Safdar Kamal
- Sakai Ryoko
- Sakaki Yoshiyuki
- Sakaldasis George
- Salamov Azaf
- Salazar Angelica
- Salter Natalie
- Samain Sylvie
- Sana Moazzam Mohammad
- Sanders Brent
- Sanders Christina
- Sanders Wendi
- Santibanez Jireh
- Santoyo-Lopez Javier
- Sanuki Naoko
- Sarmiento R.
- Sasaki Takashi
- Satpathy Suraj
- Saunders David
- Saunders Elizabeth H.
- Saurin William
- Savery Glenford G.
- Sawada Nori
- Sawhill William W.
- Saxman Eric
- Scarpelli Claude
- Scharfe Maren
- Schatzkamer Kyriena L.
- Scherer Steven Edward
- Schilhabel Markus
- Schlessinger David
- Schmeits James
- Schmidt Esther
- Schmoger Siliva
- Schmutz Jeremy
- Schnabl Matthew
- Schuler Gregory
- Schupbach Rebecca
- Schuster Michael
- Schön Oliver
- Scott Carol
- Scott Damian
- Scott Deborah
- Scott Duncan
- Scott Graham
- Scott Ian
- Scott Kelsi
- Scott Paul
- Seager Fiona
- Seaman Christopher
- Seaman Steven
- Searle Margaret
- Searle Paul
- Searle Stephen
- Sehra Harminder
- Seitz Kathleen
- Sekhon Mundeep
- Severin Jessica
- Seymour Burt
- Shah Neha
- Shakespeare Joe
- Shams Saima
- Shao Chunyan
- Shao Yufen
- Shapiro Harris
- Shardelow Jason
- Sharp Greg
- Sharpe Ted
- Shaw Teresa
- Shaw-Smith Charles
- She Xinwei
- Shearing Jennifer
- Shen Fengye
- Shen Hua
- Shen Meishan
- Shen Yan
- Shen Yan
- Shen Yan
- Sheng Haihui
- Sheppard Karen
- Sheridan Andrew
- Sheridan Elizabeth
- Sherpa Ngawang
- Shi Guibin
- Shi Hongfang
- Shibuya Kazunori
- Shiino Noriko
- Shimizu Atsushi
- Shimizu Hidetsugu
- Shimizu Nobuyoshi
- Shimizu Yoshiko
- Shin Maria
- Shindoh Nobuaki
- Shintani Ai
- Shiohama Aiko
- Shoji Minami
- Shotland Yoram
- Shought Timothy
- Shownkeen Ratna
- Shreve Jeff
- Siddiqui Roman
- Siepel Adam C.
- Silk Richard
- Silk Richard
- Sims Matthew
- Sims Matthew
- Sims Sarah
- Sims Sarah
- Sindelar Linda
- Sinha Prashant
- Sisson Ida
- Sivadasan Shanthi
- Sivadasan Shanthi
- Skowronski Evan
- Skuce Carl
- Skuce Carl
- Slater Nathaniel
- Slezak Tom
- Smedley Damian
- Smink Luc
- Smink Luc
- Smith Andrew
- Smith Andrew
- Smith Cherylyn
- Smith Doug
- Smith Douglas R.
- Smith James
- Smith James
- Smith Joel
- Smith Karen
- Smith Laura
- Smith Laura
- Smith Lorraine
- Smith Lorraine
- Smith Michael
- Smith Michelle
- Smith Michelle
- Smith Russell
- Smith Russell
- Smith Stephanie
- Smith Stephanie
- Smith Troy
- Sneath Hannah
- Sneath Hannah
- Sodergren Erica
- Soderlund Cari
- Soderlund Cari
- Soderlund Cari
- Solovyev Victor
- Solovyez Victor
- Sonaike Titilola
- Song Liping
- Song Liping
- Song Shuping
- Song Xing-Zhi
- Sonnhammer Erik
- Sonnhammer Erik
- Sorelle Richard P.
- Sotheran Elizabeth
- Sougnez Carrie
- Spainhower Corey
- Sparks Anastasia L.
- Spencer Brian
- Spieth John
- Spooner William
- Spraggon Lee
- Sqaures Suzanna
- Squares Janet
- Stabenau Arne
- Stables Michael
- Stalker James
- Stalker John
- Stallings Raymond I.
- Stalvey Malinda
- Stamford Steve
- Stammers Melanie
- Standring Lisa
- Stange-Thomann Nicole
- Stavropoulos Sharon
- Steffen David
- Stege Justin T.
- Steingruber Helen
- Stephens Yvonne
- Stephens-Bolds Shaela
- Stetson Kevin
- Stevko Victor
- Steward Charles
- Stewart Aengus
- Stewart Michael
- Still Ian
- Stock Mo
- Stone Casey
- Stone Evan
- Stone Sabrina
- Stoppard Lisa
- Storey Philip
- Storey Roy
- Stowe Sarah
- Strachan Carol
- Strachan Greg
- Strasser Jonathan
- Stribling Claire
- Strong Cynthia
- Stubbs Lisa
- Stubbs Matthew
- Stultz Janet
- Sturdy John
- Su Xiaohu
- Subramanian Sandhya
- Subramanian Sandhya
- Sudbrak Ralf
- Sugnet Charles W.
- Sulston John
- Summers Leslie J.
- Sun Hui
- Sun Jiajia
- Sun Jiandong
- Sun Jiu Qin
- Sun Min
- Sun Tao
- Sun Wei
- Sun Yongqiao
- Sun Yu
- Sun Yue
- Sutherland Grant R.
- Sutherland Robert D.
- Sutton Angelica E.
- Svatek Amanda F.
- Svetz Jessica
- Svetz Leah Anne
- Swainson Chris
- Swann Mark
- Swarbreck David
- Swearengen-Shahid Sharhonda
- Sycamore Neil
- Ségurens Béatrice
- Tabor Paul E.
- Tacey Kristina
- Tagett Beckie
- Tagney Matthew
- Tahara Takashi
- Takahashi Keiko
- Takano Nobuhiro
- Takaoka Tori
- Takayanagi Atsushi
- Takenaka Tracy
- Talamas Jessica
- Tam Serena
- Tamerisa Kavitha S.
- Tamirisa Aparna
- Tan Olivia
- Tan Steven
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- Tu Yuefeng
- Tu Yuefeng
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- Ureta-Vidal Abel
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- Wang Jian
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- Wilkinson Jane
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- Yao Zhijian
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- Yu Jun
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- Zhang Haiqing
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- Zhang Jingjing
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- Zhang Yilin
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- Zierten Deborah
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- Zody Michael C.
- Zollo Massimo
- Zorrilla Sara E.
- Zuo Lin
- Publication venue
- LSU Digital Commons
- Publication date
- 21/10/2004
- Field of study
The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead
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The contribution of X-linked coding variation to severe developmental disorders
- Author
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- Williams Nicola
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- Wilson Louise
- Woods Geoff
- Wright Caroline F.
- Wright Michael
- Wright Ronnie
- Yau Shu
- Zwolinski Simon
- Publication venue
- Nature Communications
- Publication date
- 27/01/2021
- Field of study
Abstract: Over 130 X-linked genes have been robustly associated with developmental disorders, and X-linked causes have been hypothesised to underlie the higher developmental disorder rates in males. Here, we evaluate the burden of X-linked coding variation in 11,044 developmental disorder patients, and find a similar rate of X-linked causes in males and females (6.0% and 6.9%, respectively), indicating that such variants do not account for the 1.4-fold male bias. We develop an improved strategy to detect X-linked developmental disorders and identify 23 significant genes, all of which were previously known, consistent with our inference that the vast majority of the X-linked burden is in known developmental disorder-associated genes. Importantly, we estimate that, in male probands, only 13% of inherited rare missense variants in known developmental disorder-associated genes are likely to be pathogenic. Our results demonstrate that statistical analysis of large datasets can refine our understanding of modes of inheritance for individual X-linked disorders
Delayed mucosal anti-viral responses despite robust peripheral inflammation in fatal COVID-19
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- Takats Zoltan
- Takis Panteleimon
- Tanianis-Hughes Jolanta
- Tatham Kate
- Tedder Richard S.
- Thomas Jo
- Thomas Jordan
- Thompson A.A. Roger
- Thompson Chris
- Thompson Robert
- Thomson Emma C.
- Thomson Emma C.
- Thwaites Ryan S.
- Thwaites Ryan S.
- Tridente Ascanio
- Trochu Erwan
- Tupper-Carey Darell
- Turtle Lance
- Turtle Lance C.W.
- Twagira Mary
- Uruchurtu Ashley S.S.
- Vallotton Nick
- van Tonder Libby
- Vancheeswaran Rama
- Vincent Rachel
- Vincent-Smith Lisa
- Visuvanathan Shico
- Vuylsteke Alan
- Waddy Sam
- Wake Rachel
- Walden Andrew
- Welters Ingeborg
- Wham Murray
- Whitehouse Tony
- Whittaker Paul
- Whittington Ashley
- Wijesinghe Meme
- Wilcock Eve
- Williams Martin
- Wilson Lawrence
- Winchester Stephen
- Wiselka Martin
- Wolverson Adam
- Wootton Daniel G.
- Workman Andrew
- Wrobel Nicola
- Yates Bryan
- Ying Antonia
- Young Peter
- Zambon Maria
- Zhang J. Eunice
- Publication venue
- Oxford University Press
- Publication date
- 22/12/2023
- Field of study
While inflammatory and immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in peripheral blood are extensively described, responses at the upper respiratory mucosal site of initial infection are relatively poorly defined. We sought to identify mucosal cytokine/chemokine signatures that distinguished COVID-19 severity categories, and relate these to disease progression and peripheral inflammation.
We measured 35 cytokines and chemokines in nasal samples from 274 patients hospitalised with COVID-19. Analysis considered the timing of sampling during disease, as either the early (0-5 days post-symptom onset) or late (6-20 days post-symptom onset).
Patients that survived severe COVID-19 showed IFN-dominated mucosal immune responses (IFN-γ, CXCL10 and CXCL13) early in infection. These early mucosal responses were absent in patients that would progress to fatal disease despite equivalent SARS-CoV-2 viral load. Mucosal inflammation in later disease was dominated by IL-2, IL-10, IFN-γ, and IL-12p70, which scaled with severity but did not differentiate patients who would survive or succumb to disease. Cytokines and chemokines in the mucosa showed distinctions from responses evident in the peripheral blood, particularly during fatal disease.
Defective early mucosal anti-viral responses anticipate fatal COVID-19 but are not associated with viral load. Early mucosal immune responses may define the trajectory of severe COVID-19
Viral coinfections in hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 patients recruited to the international severe acute respiratory and emerging infections consortium WHO clinical characterisation protocol UK study
- Author
- Adeniji Kayode
- Agranoff Daniel
- Agwuh Ken
- Ahmed Katie A.
- Ail Dhiraj
- Aldera Erin L.
- Alegria Ana
- Allen Sam
- Angus Brian
- Armstrong Jane A.
- Ashish Abdul
- Ashworth Milton
- Asiimwe Innocent G.
- Atkinson Dougal
- Baillie J. Kenneth
- Baillie J. Kenneth
- Bakshi Siddharth
- Barclay Wendy S.
- Bari Shahedal
- Barlow Gavin
- Barlow Samantha L.
- Barnass Stella
- Barrett Nicholas
- Bassford Christopher
- Basude Sneha
- Baxter David
- Beadsworth Michael
- Bernatoniene Jolanta
- Berridge John
- Berry Colin
- Best Nicola
- Bogaert Debby
- Booth Laura
- Bothma Pieter
- Brennan Benjamin
- Brittain-Long Robin
- Bullock Katie
- Bulteel Naomi
- Burden Tom
- Burtenshaw Andrew
- Carlucci Nicola
- Carracedo Alejandra Doce
- Caruth Vikki
- Cass Emily
- Catterall Benjamin W. A.
- Chadwick David
- Chadwick David
- Chambler Duncan
- Chand Meera
- Chechi Kanta
- Chee Nigel
- Child Jenny
- Chukkambotla Srikanth
- Clark Jordan J.
- Clark Richard
- Clark Tom
- Clarke Emily A.
- Clohisey Sara
- Cole Sarah
- Cole Sarah
- Collini Paul
- Connor Marie
- Cooke Graham S.
- Cooper Louise
- Cosgrove Catherine
- Coutts Audrey
- Cox Helen
- Cupitt Jason
- Cutino-Moguel Maria-Teresa
- Dalton Jo
- Dark Paul
- Davis Chris
- Davis Christopher
- Dawson Chris
- de Silva Thushan
- Dervisevic Samir
- Dincarslan Oslem
- Docherty Annemarie B.
- Donegan Cara
- Donnelly Lorna
- Donnison Phil
- Donohue Chloe
- dos Santos Correia Gonçalo
- Douthwaite Sam
- Drake Thomas M.
- Drummond Andrew
- Dumas Marc-Emmanuel
- Dunn Chris
- Dunning Jake
- DuRand Ingrid
- Dushianthan Ahilanadan
- Dyer Philip
- Dyer Tristan
- Elliott Angela
- Evans Anthony
- Evans Cariad
- Eziefula Chi
- Fairfield Cameron J.
- Fawkes Angie
- Fegan Chrisopher
- Filipe Ana da Silva
- Finch Lorna
- Finn Adam
- Fisher Lewis W. S.
- Flaherty Lisa
- Fletcher Tom
- Foster Terry
- Fullerton Duncan
- Gamble Carrol
- Garcia-Dorival Isabel
- Garg Atul
- Garg Sanjeev
- Garg Sanjeev
- Gilchrist Tammy
- Girvan Michelle
- Gkrania-Klotsas Effrossyni
- Godden Jo
- Goldsmith Arthur
- Graham Clive
- Grammatikopoulos Tassos
- Green Christoper A.
- Greenhalf William
- Griffin Julian L.
- Griffiths Fiona
- Gunning Philip
- Gunson Rory
- Gupta Rishi K.
- Hafezi Katarzyna
- Halpin Sophie
- Hardwick Hayley
- Hardwick Hayley E.
- Hardy Elaine
- Harrison Ewen M.
- Harrison Janet
- Hartley Catherine
- Hartshorn Stuart
- Harvey Daniel
- Havalda Peter
- Hawcutt Daniel B.
- Hendry Ross
- Hiscox Julian A.
- Ho Antonia
- Ho Antonia Ying Wai
- Hobrok Maria
- Hodgson Luke
- Holden Karl
- Holmes Anthony
- Horby Peter W.
- Hormis Anil
- Howard Joanne
- Ijaz Samreen
- Jackson Clare
- Jacobs Michael
- Jain Susan
- Jennings Paul
- Jensen Rebecca L.
- Jones Christopher B.
- Jones Trevor R.
- Kaliappan Agilan
- Kasipandian Vidya
- Keating Seán
- Kegg Stephen
- Kelsey Michael
- Kendall Jason
- Kerrison Caroline
- Kerslake Ian
- Khandaker Shadia
- Khoo Saye
- King Katharine
- Kiy Robyn T.
- Klenerman Paul
- Knight Stephen R.
- Knight Susan
- Koch Oliver
- Koduri Gouri
- Koshy George
- Koukorava Chrysa
- Laha Shondipon
- Lahnsteiner Eva
- Laird Steven
- Lake Annette
- Lant Suzannah
- Larkin Susan
- Latawiec Diane
- Lavelle-Langham Lara
- Law Andrew
- Law Andrew
- Lee James
- Leeming Gary
- Lefteri Daniella
- Leiner Tamas
- Lett Lauren
- Lewis Matthew R.
- Liggi Sonia
- Lillie Patrick
- Lim Wei Shen
- Limb James
- Linnett Vanessa
- Little Jeff
- Livoti Lucia A.
- Lyttle Mark
- MacGillivray Louise
- Maclean Alan
- MacLean Alasdair
- MacMahon Michael
- MacNaughton Emily
- Mancini Maria
- Mankregod Ravish
- Marsh Laura
- Maslen Lynn
- Massey Hannah
- Masson Huw
- Matovu Elijah
- Maziere Nicole
- McCafferty Sarah
- McCullough Katherine
- McDonald Sarah
- McDonald Sarah E.
- McDonald Sarah E.
- McEvoy Laurence
- McEwen Ruth
- McLauchlan John
- Mclean Kenneth A.
- Meda Manjula
- Mentzer Alexander J.
- Merson Laura
- Metelmann Soeren
- Meynert Alison M.
- Miah Nahida S.
- Middleton Joanna
- Mills Gary
- Minton Jane
- Mirfenderesky Mariyam
- Mitchell Joyce
- Mohandas Kavya
- Mok Quen
- Moon James
- Moore Elinoor
- Moore Shona C.
- Moore Shona C.
- Morgan Patrick
- Morrice Kirstie
- Morris Craig
- Mortimore Katherine
- Moses Samuel
- Mpenge Mbiye
- Mulla Rohinton
- Murphy Derek
- Murphy Ellen G.
- Murphy Lee
- Murphy Michael
- Nagarajan Thapas
- Nagel Megan
- Nelson Mark
- Norman Lisa
- Norris Lillian
- Norris Lucy
- Noursadeghi Mahdad
- O'Shea Matthew K.
- Olanipekun Michael
- Oosthuyzen Wilna
- Oosthuyzen Wilna
- Openshaw Peter J. M.
- Openshaw Peter J. M.
- Osagie Anthonia
- Ostermann Marlies
- Otahal Igor
- Pais Mark
- Palmarini Massimo
- Palmieri Carlo
- Palmieri Carlo
- Panchatsharam Selva
- Papakonstantinou Danai
- Papineni Padmasayee
- Paraiso Hassan
- Pascall David
- Patel Brij
- Pattison Natalie
- Paxton William A.
- Penrice-Randal Rebekah
- Pepperell Justin
- Peters Mark
- Phull Mandeep
- Pilgrim Jack
- Pintus Stefania
- Pius Riinu
- Planche Tim
- Plotkin Daniel
- Pollakis Georgios
- Pooni Jagtur Singh
- Post Frank
- Price David
- Price Nicholas
- Prince Tessa
- Prout Rachel
- Rae Nikolas
- Rambaut Andrew
- Reschreiter Henrik
- Reynolds Tim
- Reynolds Will
- Richardson Neil
- Ridley P Matthew
- Roberts Devender
- Roberts Mark
- Roberts Stephanie
- Robertson David L.
- Rose Alistair
- Rousseau Guy
- Ruge Bobby
- Russell Clark D.
- Ryan Brendan
- Sales Debby
- Saluja Taranprit
- Sancho-Shimizu Vanessa
- Sands Caroline J.
- Saviciute Egle
- Schmid Matthias L.
- Scott Janet T.
- Scott-Brown James
- Semple Malcolm G.
- Semple Malcolm G.
- Shah Aarti
- Shankar-Hari Manu
- Shanmuga Prad
- Sharma Anil
- Shaw Catherine A.
- Shaw Victoria
- Shaw Victoria E.
- Shawcross Anna
- Shears Rebecca K.
- Sigfrid Louise
- Sizer Jeremy
- Small Benjamin
- Smith Richard
- Snelson Catherine
- Solomon Tom
- Spencer Rebecca G.
- Spittle Nick
- Sriskandan Shiranee
- Staines Nikki
- Stambach Tom
- Stewart Richard
- Stuart David
- Subramaniam Krishanthi S.
- Subudhi Pradeep
- Summers Charlotte
- Swann Olivia V.
- Szakmany Tamas
- Szemiel Agnieska
- Taggart Aislynn
- Tait Sarah
- Takats Zoltan
- Takis Panteleimon
- Tanianis-Hughes Jolanta
- Tatham Kate
- Tedder Richard S.
- Thomas Jo
- Thomas Jordan
- Thompson A. A. Roger
- Thompson Chris
- Thompson Robert
- Thomson Emma C.
- Thwaites Ryan S.
- Tonder Libby van
- Tridente Ascanio
- Trochu Erwan
- Tupper-Carey Darell
- Turtle Lance C.W.
- Twagira Mary
- Vallotton Nick
- Vancheeswaran Rama
- Vincent-Smith Lisa
- Vink Elen
- Visuvanathan Shico
- Vuylsteke Alan
- Waddy Sam
- Wake Rachel
- Walden Andrew
- Welters Ingeborg
- Wham Murray
- Whitehouse Tony
- Whittaker Paul
- Whittington Ashley
- Wijesinghe Meme
- Wilcock Eve
- Williams Martin
- Wilson Lawrence
- Winchester Stephen
- Wiselka Martin
- Wolverson Adam
- Wootton Daniel G.
- Workman Andrew
- Wrobel Nicola
- Yates Bryan
- Young Peter
- Zambon Maria
- Zhang J. Eunice
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- 30/11/2022
- Field of study
We conducted this study to assess the prevalence of viral coinfection in a well characterized cohort of hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients and to investigate the impact of coinfection on disease severity.
Multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction testing for endemic respiratory viruses was performed on upper respiratory tract samples from 1002 patients with COVID-19, aged <1 year to 102 years old, recruited to the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections Consortium WHO Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK study. Comprehensive demographic, clinical, and outcome data were collected prospectively up to 28 days post discharge.
A coinfecting virus was detected in 20 (2.0%) participants. Multivariable analysis revealed no significant risk factors for coinfection, although this may be due to rarity of coinfection. Likewise, ordinal logistic regression analysis did not demonstrate a significant association between coinfection and increased disease severity.
Viral coinfection was rare among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the United Kingdom during the first 18 months of the pandemic. With unbiased prospective sampling, we found no evidence of an association between viral coinfection and disease severity. Public health interventions disrupted normal seasonal transmission of respiratory viruses; relaxation of these measures mean it will be important to monitor the prevalence and impact of respiratory viral coinfections going forward
Heterozygous Variants in KMT2E Cause a Spectrum of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy.
- Author
- Abou Jamra Rami
- Accogli Andrea
- Ahmed Munaza
- Aitken Stuart
- Akawi Nadia
- Alvi Mohsan,
- Ambridge Kirsty
- Amburgey Kimberly
- Anderlid Britt Marie
- Anjum Uruj
- Archer Hayley
- Armstrong Ruth
- Awada Jana
- Azzarello-Burri Silvia
- Balasubramanian Meena
- Banka Siddharth
- Baralle Diana
- Barnicoat Angela
- Barrett Daniel
- Barrett Jeffrey
- Basinger Alice
- Batstone Paul
- Baty David
- Baxter Samantha
- Bayzetinova Tanya
- Bennett Chris
- Berg Jonathan
- Bernhard Birgitta
- Bevan A. Paul
- Bianchini Claudia,
- Bird Lynne
- Bitner-Glindzicz Maria
- Blair Edward
- Blyth Moira
- Bohanna David
- Bourdon Louise
- Bourn David
- Bradley Lisa
- Brady Angela,
- Brent Simon
- Brewer Carole
- Brunstrom Kate
- Buchert Rebecca
- Bunyan David
- Burn John
- Canham Natalie
- Carré Wilfrid
- Castle Bruce
- Ceulemans Sophia
- Chandler Kate
- Charles Perrine
- Chatzimichali Elena
- Cilliers Deirdre
- Clarke Angus
- Clasper Susan
- Clayton Stephen
- Clayton-Smith Jill
- Clowes Virginia
- Coates Andrea
- Cole Trevor
- Colgiu Irina
- Collins Amanda
- Collinson Morag
- Connell Fiona
- Cooper Nicola
- Cox Helen
- Cresswell Lara
- Cross Gareth
- Crow Yanick
- Culliton Lisa
- Currò Aurora
- Dabir Tabib
- Davidson Rosemarie
- Davies Sally
- de Vries Dylan
- Dean John
- Demurger Florence
- Deshpande Charu
- Devlin Gemma
- Dixit Abhijit
- Dobbie Angus
- Donaldson Alan
- Donnai Dian
- Donnelly Carina
- Donnelly Deirdre
- Douglas Angela
- Douzgou Sofia
- Dowling James,
- Duban-Bedu Bénédicte
- Dubourg Christèle
- Duncan Alexis
- D’Alessandro Mariella
- Eason Jacqueline
- Eiset Saga Elise
- Ellard Sian
- Ellis Ian
- Elmslie Frances
- Escobar Luis
- Evans Karenza
- Everest Sarah
- Faundes Víctor
- Fendick Tina
- Ferrarini Alessandra
- Firth Helen
- Fisher Richard
- Fitzgerald Tomas
- Fitzpatrick David
- Flinter Frances
- Foulds Nicola
- Fry Andrew
- Fryer Alan
- Gardiner Carol
- Gaunt Lorraine
- Ghali Neeti
- Gibbons Richard
- Gill Harinder
- Goodship Judith
- Goudie David
- Gray Emma
- Green Andrew
- Greene Philip
- Greenhalgh Lynn
- Gribble Susan
- Haack Tobias,
- Harrison Lucy
- Harrison Rachel
- Harrison Victoria
- Hashim Mona
- Hawkins Rose
- He Liu
- Heide Solveig
- Helbig Ingo
- Helbig Katherine,
- Hellens Stephen
- Henderson Alex
- Heredia Raul
- Hewitt Sarah
- Hildyard Lucy
- Hobson Emma
- Holden Simon
- Holder Muriel
- Holder Susan
- Hollingsworth Georgina
- Homfray Tessa
- Humphreys Mervyn
- Hurles Matthew,
- Hurst Jane
- Hutton Ben
- Héron Delphine
- Ingram Stuart
- Irving Melita
- Isidor Bertrand
- Islam Lily
- Jackson Andrew
- Jarvis Joanna
- Jenkins Lucy
- Johnson Diana
- Jonasson Amy
- Jones Elizabeth
- Jones Philip,
- Jones Wendy
- Joset Pascal
- Josifova Dragana
- Joss Shelagh
- Kaemba Beckie
- Kaplanis Joanna
- Kazembe Sandra
- Kelsell Rosemary
- Keren Boris
- Kerr Bronwyn
- King Daniel
- Kingston Helen
- Kini Usha
- Kinning Esther
- Kirby Gail
- Kirk Claire
- Kivuva Emma
- Kok Fernando
- Kraus Alison
- Krishnappa Netravathi
- Kroes Hester
- Kumar Dhavendra
- Kumar V.
- Lachlan Katherine
- Lam Wayne
- Lampe Anne
- Langman Caroline
- Lavillaureix Alinoë
- Lees Melissa
- Lim Derek
- Longman Cheryl
- Lowther Gordon
- Lu Xin
- Luria Victor
- Lynch Sally
- Maas Saskia
- Maegawa Gustavo H.B.
- Magee Alex
- Maher Eddy
- Male Alison
- Mansour Sahar
- Marcelis Carlo L.M.
- Mark Paul
- Marks Karen
- Martin Katherine,
- Mason Laura
- Masruha Marcelo
- Maye Una
- McCann Emma
- McConnell Vivienne
- McEntagart Meriel
- McGowan Ruth
- McKay Kirsten
- McKee Shane
- McLaughlin Heather
- McMullan Dominic
- McNerlan Susan
- McRae Jeremy
- McWalter Kirsty
- McWilliam Catherine
- Mehta Sarju
- Melchinger Esther
- Mercimek-Andrews Saadet
- Metcalfe Kay
- Middleton Anna
- Miedzybrodzka Zosia
- Miles Emma
- Mohammed Shehla
- Montgomery Tara
- Moore David
- Morgan Sian,
- Morton Jenny
- Mugalaasi Hood
- Murday Victoria
- Murphy Helen
- Naik Swati
- Nava Caroline
- Nellåker Chris
- Nemeth Andrea
- Nevitt Louise
- Newbury-Ecob Ruth
- Norman Andrew
- Ogilvie Caroline
- Ong Kai-Ren
- O’Donnell-Luria Anne
- O’Shea Rosie
- Pais Lynn
- Park Soo-Mi
- Parker Michael
- Patel Chirag
- Paterson Joan
- Payne Stewart
- Pendziwiat Manuela
- Perrett Daniel
- Person Richard,
- Phipps Julie
- Pilz Daniela,
- Pollard Martin
- Pottinger Caroline
- Poulton Joanna
- Pratt Norman
- Prescott Katrina
- Price Sue
- Pridham Abigail
- Prigmore Elena
- Procter Annie
- Purnell Hellen
- Quarrell Oliver
- Ragge Nicola
- Rahbari Raheleh
- Rajan Diana
- Ramelli Gian Paolo
- Ramos Luiza L.P.
- Randall Josh
- Rankin Julia
- Rauch Anita
- Raymond Lucy
- Reavey Caitlin
- Renieri Alessandra
- Rice Debbie
- Rieß Angelika
- Robert Leema
- Roberts Eileen
- Roberts Gillian
- Roberts Jonathan
- Roberts Paul
- Rodan Lance,
- Ross Alison
- Rosser Elisabeth
- Saggar Anand
- Samant Shalaka
- Sampson Julian
- Sanchez-Valle Amarilis
- Sandford Richard
- Sarkar Ajoy
- Sattar Shifteh
- Saunders Carol
- Schwarz Niklas
- Schweiger Susann
- Scott Richard
- Scurr Ingrid
- Selby Ann
- Seller Anneke
- Sequeira Cheryl
- Shannon Nora
- Sharif Saba
- Shaw-Smith Charles
- Shearing Emma
- Shears Debbie
- Sheridan Eamonn
- Sifrim Alejandro
- Simonic Ingrid
- Singh Tarjinder
- Singzon Roldan
- Skitt Zara
- Smith Audrey
- Smith Kath
- Smithson Sarah
- Smol Thomas
- Sneddon Linda
- Splitt Miranda
- Squires Miranda
- Srour Myriam
- Steindl Katharina
- Stewart Fiona
- Stewart Helen
- Straub Volker
- Suri Mohnish
- Sutton Vivienne
- Sveden Abigail
- Swaminathan Ganesh Jawahar
- Sweeney Elizabeth
- Syrbe Steffen
- Tatton-Brown Kate
- Taylor Cat
- Taylor Jenny
- Taylor Rohan
- Tein Mark
- Telegrafi Aida
- Temple I. Karen
- Thiffault Isabelle
- Thomson Jenny
- Tischkowitz Marc
- Tivey Adrian
- Tomkins Susan
- Torokwa Audrey
- Trauner Doris
- Treacy Becky
- Turner Claire
- Turnpenny Peter
- Tysoe Carolyn
- van der Linden Helio
- van Koningsbruggen Silvana
- Vandersteen Anthony,
- Varghese Vinod
- Vasudevan Pradeep
- Vijayarangakannan Parthiban
- Villard Laurent
- Vogel Ida
- Vogt Julie
- Wakeling Emma
- Wallwark Sarah
- Waters Jonathon
- Weber Astrid
- Weber Yvonne
- Wellesley Diana
- Wentzensen Ingrid
- Whiteford Margo
- Widaa Sara
- Widjaja Elysa
- Wilcox Sarah
- Wilkinson Emily
- Williams Denise
- Williams Nicola
- Wilson Louise
- Wood Jordan
- Woods Geoff
- Wragg Christopher
- Wright Caroline
- Wright Michael
- Yates Laura
- Yau Michael
- Zak Jaroslav
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
We delineate a KMT2E-related neurodevelopmental disorder on the basis of 38 individuals in 36 families. This study includes 31 distinct heterozygous variants in KMT2E (28 ascertained from Matchmaker Exchange and three previously reported), and four individuals with chromosome 7q22.2-22.23 microdeletions encompassing KMT2E (one previously reported). Almost all variants occurred de novo, and most were truncating. Most affected individuals with protein-truncating variants presented with mild intellectual disability. One-quarter of individuals met criteria for autism. Additional common features include macrocephaly, hypotonia, functional gastrointestinal abnormalities, and a subtle facial gestalt. Epilepsy was present in about one-fifth of individuals with truncating variants and was responsive to treatment with anti-epileptic medications in almost all. More than 70% of the individuals were male, and expressivity was variable by sex; epilepsy was more common in females and autism more common in males. The four individuals with microdeletions encompassing KMT2E generally presented similarly to those with truncating variants, but the degree of developmental delay was greater. The group of four individuals with missense variants in KMT2E presented with the most severe developmental delays. Epilepsy was present in all individuals with missense variants, often manifesting as treatment-resistant infantile epileptic encephalopathy. Microcephaly was also common in this group. Haploinsufficiency versus gain-of-function or dominant-negative effects specific to these missense variants in KMT2E might explain this divergence in phenotype, but requires independent validation. Disruptive variants in KMT2E are an under-recognized cause of neurodevelopmental abnormalities