71 research outputs found

    A governance analysis of Cabo de Palos-Islas Hormigas and Cabo de GataNíjar Marine Protected Areas, Spain

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Marine Policy. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2017.10.035This paper examines the governance of Cabo de Palos-Islas Hormigas (CPHMPA) and Cabo de Gata-Níjar (CGNMPA) Marine Protected Areas, Spain. The governance approach adopted in CPHMPA is shared authority between regional and state governments, whereas in CGNMPA it is state-led. In each MPA, limited coordination between national and regional government, and weak management at both levels, has made achievement of strategic conservation objectives significantly more challenging. Inconsistencies in legislation applied to internal and territorial waters have left both MPAs vulnerable to local economic development priorities. The reliance on economic and legal incentives has increased employment opportunities within the communities studied, but has also incurred environmental and social costs. Overall, the authors conclude that the current governance approaches are insufficient to effectively address all the challenges faced. In order to achieve more effective and equitable outcomes for both MPAs, greater coordination between national and regional government is required, along with interventions to introduce more participative and knowledge incentives to generate a greater sense of stewardship among all stakeholders

    Tilpasning av boligkonsum Hvilket økonomisk mulighetsrom har de eldre i boligmarkedet i Kristiansand?

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    Master thesis in Business AdministrationFormålet med denne masteroppgaven er å undersøke de eldres økonomiske mulighetsrom i boligmarkedet i Kristiansand. Vi ønsker å gjøre rede for hvordan blant annet boligformue, pensjonsinntekt, bokostnader og preferanser, påvirker de eldres boligsituasjon. Vi har benyttet sekundærdata fra SSB, Eiendomsverdi og Kristiansand kommune, til å foreta beregninger avhva forskjellige husholdninger i Kristiansand-området har muligheter og ressurser til å kjøpe i boligmarkedet. Teorigrunnlaget i denne studien omhandler blant annet eldresflytting, bokostnader og pensjonssystemet i Norge. Informasjon som blir gjennomgått i teorikapittelet er essensiell for å nærmere forstå de eldres bolig-og livssituasjon, og for å gi problemstillingen teoretisk relevans. Det teoretiske grunnlaget tar utgangspunkti temaer som er relevante for beregningene og forutsetningene i selve casedelen av studien. Teori om bokostnader og boutgifter er hentet fra NOU 2002:2, og blir anvendt i beregningene for bokostnader i eldre og nye eneboliger, rekkehus og leiligheter.Metoden vi har benytteti denne studien, henter inspirasjon fra teori om komparative studier, og vi utarbeider fem ulike caser med caseobjekter som har forskjellige forutsetninger, og er i forskjellige bolig-og livssituasjoner. Casene omhandler eldre husholdningers tilpasning av boligkonsum, og anvender teori om blant annet bokostnader, pensjon, boliglån og boligmarkedet i Kristiansand,for å undersøke caseobjektenes økonomiske mulighetsrom. For eldre husholdninger i eldre boliger, kan det oppstå situasjonersom drastisk endrerderes økonomiske tilværelse. Med utgangspunkt i sekundærdata og anvendt teori, har vi i casedelen kartlagt ulike situasjoner som eldre husholdninger befinner seg i, og forsøkt å presentere ulike måter de kan tilpasse boligsituasjonen sin på. Bokostnadsberegningene viste at man kan spare betydelige kostnader ved å flytte fra en eldre bolig til en ny bolig, og spesielt fra en eldre enebolig til en ny leilighet. Vi fant også ut at betalingsevnen reduseres betraktelig ved overgang fra yrkesliv til pensjonisttilværelse. Mange pensjonister har store boligformuer, men for pensjonistersom ønsker å ta opp boliglån med lav egenkapitalprosent, får inntektsreduksjonen store følger for hvor stor del av boligmassen de har råd til. I casedelen kom det også frem at eldre husholdninger der den ene ektefellen flytter på sykehjem, opplever at deres økonomiske mulighetsrom blir betydelig innsnevret

    dSAP18 and dHDAC1 contribute to the functional regulation of the Drosophila Fab-7 element

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    It was described earlier that the Drosophila GAGA factor [Trithorax-like (Trl)] interacts with dSAP18, which, in mammals, was reported to be a component of the Sin3–HDAC co-repressor complex. GAGA–dSAP18 interaction was proposed to contribute to the functional regulation of the bithorax complex (BX-C). Here, we show that mutant alleles of Trl, dsap18 and drpd3/hdac1 enhance A6-to-A5 transformation indicating a contribution to the regulation of Abd-B expression at A6. In A6, expression of Abd-B is driven by the iab-6 enhancer, which is insulated from iab-7 by the Fab-7 element. Here, we report that GAGA, dSAP18 and dRPD3/HDAC1 co-localize to ectopic Fab-7 sites in polytene chromosomes and that mutant Trl, dsap18 and drpd3/hdac1 alleles affect Fab-7-dependent silencing. Consistent with these findings, chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis shows that, in Drosophila embryos, the endogenous Fab-7 element is hypoacetylated at histones H3 and H4. These results indicate a contribution of GAGA, dSAP18 and dRPD3/HDAC1 to the regulation of Fab-7 function

    Orientation-dependent interaction between Drosophila insulators is a property of this class of regulatory elements

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    Insulators are defined as a class of regulatory elements that delimit independent transcriptional domains within eukaryotic genomes. According to previous data, an interaction (pairing) between some Drosophila insulators can support distant activation of a promoter by an enhancer. Here, we have demonstrated that pairs of well-studied insulators such as scs–scs, scs’–scs’, 1A2–1A2 and Wari–Wari support distant activation of the white promoter by the yeast GAL4 activator in an orientation-dependent manner. The same is true for the efficiency of the enhancer that stimulates white expression in the eyes. In all insulator pairs tested, stimulation of the white gene was stronger when insulators were inserted between the eye enhancer or GAL4 and the white promoter in opposite orientations relative to each other. As shown previously, Zw5, Su(Hw) and dCTCF proteins are required for the functioning of different insulators that do not interact with each other. Here, strong functional interactions have been revealed between DNA fragments containing binding sites for either Zw5 or Su(Hw) or dCTCF protein but not between heterologous binding sites [Zw5–Su(Hw), dCTCF–Su(Hw), or dCTCF–Zw5]. These results suggest that insulator proteins can support selective interactions between distant regulatory elements

    ALL-1/MLL1, a homologue of Drosophila TRITHORAX, modifies chromatin and is directly involved in infant acute leukaemia

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    Rearrangements of the ALL-1/MLL1 gene underlie the majority of infant acute leukaemias, as well as of therapy-related leukaemias developing in cancer patients treated with inhibitors of topoisomerase II, such as VP16 and doxorubicin. The rearrangements fuse ALL-1 to any of \u3e50 partner genes or to itself. Here, we describe the unique features of ALL-1-associated leukaemias, and recent progress in understanding molecular mechanisms involved in the activity of the ALL-1 protein and of its Drosophila homologue TRITHORAX

    Initiator Elements Function to Determine the Activity State of BX-C Enhancers

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    A >300 kb cis-regulatory region is required for the proper expression of the three bithorax complex (BX-C) homeotic genes. Based on genetic and transgenic analysis, a model has been proposed in which the numerous BX-C cis-regulatory elements are spatially restricted through the activation or repression of parasegment-specific chromatin domains. Particular early embryonic enhancers, called initiators, have been proposed to control this complex process. Here, in order to better understand the process of domain activation, we have undertaken a systematic in situ dissection of the iab-6 cis-regulatory domain using a new method, called InSIRT. Using this method, we create and genetically characterize mutations affecting iab-6 function, including mutations specifically modifying the iab-6 initiator. Through our mutagenesis of the iab-6 initiator, we provide strong evidence that initiators function not to directly control homeotic gene expression but rather as domain control centers to determine the activity state of the enhancers and silencers within a cis-regulatory domain

    Chromosomal organization at the level of gene complexes

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    Metazoan genomes primarily consist of non-coding DNA in comparison to coding regions. Non-coding fraction of the genome contains cis-regulatory elements, which ensure that the genetic code is read properly at the right time and space during development. Regulatory elements and their target genes define functional landscapes within the genome, and some developmentally important genes evolve by keeping the genes involved in specification of common organs/tissues in clusters and are termed gene complex. The clustering of genes involved in a common function may help in robust spatio-temporal gene expression. Gene complexes are often found to be evolutionarily conserved, and the classic example is the hox complex. The evolutionary constraints seen among gene complexes provide an ideal model system to understand cis and trans-regulation of gene function. This review will discuss the various characteristics of gene regulatory modules found within gene complexes and how they can be characterized

    Interaction of SET domains with histones and nucleic acid structures in active chromatin

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    Changes in the normal program of gene expression are the basis for a number of human diseases. Epigenetic control of gene expression is programmed by chromatin modifications—the inheritable “histone code”—the major component of which is histone methylation. This chromatin methylation code of gene activity is created upon cell differentiation and is further controlled by the “SET” (methyltransferase) domain proteins which maintain this histone methylation pattern and preserve it through rounds of cell division. The molecular principles of epigenetic gene maintenance are essential for proper treatment and prevention of disorders and their complications. However, the principles of epigenetic gene programming are not resolved. Here we discuss some evidence of how the SET proteins determine the required states of target genes and maintain the required levels of their activity. We suggest that, along with other recognition pathways, SET domains can directly recognize the nucleosome and nucleic acids intermediates that are specific for active chromatin regions

    Grammatikken som system og mulighet. Grammatikken forklart og praktisert i to lærebøker for ungdomstrinnet

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    Denne artikkelen undersøker hvordan grammatikk er forklart og praktisert i to norsklærebøker for ungdomstrinnet; Kontekst 8-10 (2020) og Synopsis 8-10 (2020). Nærmere bestemt ser jeg på hvordan lærebøkene balanserer systemisk grammatikk og grammatikk i et overordnet tekstperspektiv. Skillet mellom språksystem og språkbruk har en lang tradisjon både innenfor språkvitenskap (Iversen et al., 2011) og i skolefaget norsk (Haugen, 2019), og gjennom norskfagets historie har grammatikkundervisningen på bakgrunn av dette blitt legitimert og praktisert på ulike måter. Med utgangspunkt i de nevnte begrepene samt føringer i den nye norsklæreplanen (LK20), har jeg funnet at lærebøkene vektlegger arbeid med grammatikken som system. Grammatikk i et overordnet tekstperspektiv blir i svært liten grad blir tematisert i Synopsis, mens det i større grad kommer til uttrykk i Kontekst. I begge læreverk finnes nokså knappe teoretiske ordklassebeskrivelser, og vi finner få grammatikkoppgaver som gjør bruk av det grammatiske begrepsapparatet utenfor grammatikkapitlene. I tillegg inneholder Synopsis nokså få oppgaver også i grammatikkapitlet, noe som samlet sett betyr at elevene tilbys få eksplisitte muligheter til å tenke, snakke og skrive om grammatikk. I Kontekst får elevene flere og mer varierte invitasjoner til grammatikkarbeid. Selv om rundt halvparten av grammatikkoppgavene her knytter sammen grammatikk og tekst, er det imidlertid relativt få av disse som tydelig tematiserer grammatisk tekstfunksjon