1,478 research outputs found

    The Masses Of The B-Stars In The High Galactic Latitude Eclipsing Binary IT Lib

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    A number of blue stars which appear to be similar to Population I B-stars in the star forming regions of the galactic disk are found more than 1 kpc from the galactic plane. Uncertainties about the true distances and masses of these high latitude B-stars has fueled a debate as to their origin and evolutionary status. The eclipsing binary IT Lib is composed of two B-stars, is approximately one kiloparsec above the galactic plane, and is moving back toward the plane. Observations of the light and velocity curves presented here lead to the conclusion that the B-stars in this system are massive young main-sequence stars. While there are several possible explanations, it appears most plausible that the IT Lib system formed in the disk about 30 million years ago and was ejected on a trajectory taking it to its present position.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the PASP (January 2003

    Probing the centre of the large circumstellar disc in M17

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    We investigated the nature of the hitherto unresolved elliptical infrared emission in the centre of the ~20000 AU disc silhouette in M 17. We combined high-resolution JHKsL'M' band imaging carried out with NAOS/CONICA at the VLT with [Fe II] narrow band imaging using SOFI at the NTT. The analysis is supported by Spitzer/GLIMPSE archival data and by already published SINFONI/VLT Integral Field Spectroscopy data. For the first time, we resolve the elongated central infrared emission into a point-source and a jet-like feature that extends to the northeast in the opposite direction of the recently discovered collimated H2 jet. They are both orientated almost perpendicular to the disc plane. In addition, our images reveal a curved southwestern emission nebula whose morphology resembles that of the previously detected northeastern one. Both nebulae are located at a distance of 1500 AU from the disc centre. We describe the infrared point-source in terms of a protostar that is embedded in circumstellar material producing a visual extinction of 60 <= Av <= 82. The observed Ks band magnitude is equivalent to a stellar mass range of 2.8 Msun <= Mstar <= 8 Msun adopting conversions for a main-sequence star. Altogether, we suggest that the large M 17 accretion disc is forming an intermediate to high-mass protostar. Part of the accreted material is expelled through a symmetric bipolar jet/outflow.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS (16 May 2008

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.IV

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the fourth set of ten close binary systems: 44 Boo, FI Boo, V2150 Cyg, V899 Her, EX Leo, VZ Lib, SW Lyn, V2377 Oph, Anon Psc (GSC 8-324), HT Vir. All systems are double-lined spectroscopic binaries with only two of them not being contact systems (SW Lyn and GSC 8-324) and with five (FI Boo, V2150 Cyg, V899 Her, EX Leo, V2377 Oph) being the recent photometric discoveries of the Hipparcos satellite project. Five of the binaries are triple-lined systems (44 Boo, V899 Her, VZ Lib, SW Lyn, HT Vir). Three (or possibly four) companions in the triple-lined systems show radial-velocity changes during the span of our observations suggesting that these are in fact quadruple systems. Several of the studied systems are prime candidates for combined light and radial-velocity synthesis solutions.Comment: aastex5.0, 5 figures in PS; submitted to Astron.

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.III

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    Radial velocity measurements and simple sine-curve fits to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the third set of ten contact binary systems: CN And, HV Aqr, AO Cam, YY CrB, FU Dra, RZ Dra, UX Eri, RT LMi, V753 Mon, OU Ser. All systems but two are contact, double-line spectroscopic binaries with four of them (YY CrB, FU Dra, V753 Mon, OU Ser) being the recent discoveries of the Hipparcos satellite project. The most interesting object is V753 Mon with the mass-ratio closest to unity among all contact systems (q = 0.970 pm 0.003) and large total mass ((M1+M2)sin^3i = 2.93 pm 0.06). Several of the studied systems are prime candidates for combined light and radial-velocity synthesis solutions.Comment: submitted for publication in Astronomical Journal; 3 figures, 2 table

    Evaluating the accuracy of two: In situ optical sensors to estimate DOC concentrations for drinking water production

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    Two in situ optical sensors, a single-excitation fluorescence-based sensor (fDOM) mounted on a multi-parameter EXO2 sonde (YSI), and a stand-alone, multispectral absorbance-based instrument (spectro::lyser, scan Messtechnik GmbH), were evaluated for their capability to (i) estimate river dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and (ii) provide oversight of drinking water production. The sensors were deployed between March and November 2017 in the river Fyris, which drains a mixed forested and agricultural 2003 km2^{2} catchment and serves as a drinking water source by managed aquifer recharge. Grab samples were collected every 2 to 3 weeks and compared with logged sensor data collected at 15 minute intervals. The fDOM probe signal was used to estimate DOC concentrations in the range of 10.4 to 24.4 mg L−1^{-1} using linear regression (R2^{2} = 0.71, RMSE = 2.5 mg L−1^{-1}), after correction for temperature, turbidity and inner-filter effects. Temporal changes in DOC character associated with the mixed land use landscape, as indicated by optical indices, reduced this sensor accuracy for estimating DOC concentration. Nevertheless, humic substance concentrations, the fraction of DOC that is preferentially removed during artificial infiltration, were well captured. The spectrolyser signal was used to establish a 2-component partial least square model that captured DOC fluctuations from 10.2 to 29.4 mg L−1^{-1} (R2^{2} = 0.92; RMSE = 1.3 mg L−1^{-1}). This multiple-wavelength model (220 to 720 nm) effectively handled the changes in DOC composition while accurately estimating DOC concentrations. This study explores the advantages and limitations of optical sensors for their use in managed aquifer recharge and drinking water production in relation to DOC levels

    Variable stars in the Open Cluster M11 (NGC 6705)

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    V-band time-series CCD photometric observations of the intermediate-age open cluster M11 were performed to search for variable stars. Using these time-series data, we carefully examined light variations of all stars in the observing field. A total of 82 variable stars were discovered, of which 39 stars had been detected recently by Hargis et al. (2005). On the basis of observational properties such as variable period, light curve shape, and position on a color-magnitude diagram, we classified their variable types as 11 delta Scuti-type pulsating stars, 2 gamma Doradus-type pulsating stars, 40 W UMa-type contact eclipsing binaries, 13 Algol-type detached eclipsing binaries, and 16 eclipsing binaries with long period. Cluster membership for each variable star was deduced from the previous proper motion results (McNamara et al. 1977) and position on the color-magnitude diagram. Many pulsating stars and eclipsing binaries in the region of M11 are probable members of the cluster.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, and accepted for publication in PAS

    Distance to the RR Lyrae Star V716 Monocerotis

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    We present high quality BVRI CCD photometry of the variable star V716 Monocerotis (= NSV 03775). We confirm it to be an RR Lyrae star of variability type ab (i.e. a fundamental mode pulsator), and determine its metallicity ([Fe/H] = -1.33 +/- 0.25), luminosity (Mv = 0.80 +/- 0.06), and foreground reddening (E(B-V) = 0.05-0.17) from the Fourier components of its light curve. These parameters indicate a distance of 4.1 +/- 0.3 kpc, placing V716 Mon near the plane of the Galaxy well outside the solar circle. This research was conducted as part of the 1999 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and Practicas de Investigacion en Astronomia (PIA) Programs at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO).Comment: 9 pages including 2 figures and 2 tables; accepted by PAS

    A Census of the Chamaeleon I Star-Forming Region

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    Optical spectroscopy has been obtained for 179 objects that have been previously identified as possible members of the cluster, that lack either accurate spectral types or clear evidence of membership, and that are optically visible (I<18). I have used these spectroscopic data and all other available constraints to evaluate the spectral classifications and membership status of a total sample of 288 candidate members of Chamaeleon I that have appeared in published studies of the cluster. The latest census of Chamaeleon I now contains 158 members, 8 of which are later than M6 and thus are likely to be brown dwarfs. I find that many of the objects identified as members of Chamaeleon I in recent surveys are actually field stars. Meanwhile, 7 of 9 candidates discovered by Carpenter and coworkers are confirmed as members, one of which is the coolest known member of Chamaeleon I at a spectral type of M8 (~0.03 M_sun). I have estimated extinctions, luminosities, and effective temperatures for the members and used these data to construct an H-R diagram for the cluster. Chamaeleon I has a median age of ~2 Myr according to evolutionary models, and hence is similar in age to IC 348 and is slightly older than Taurus (~1 Myr). The measurement of an IMF for Chamaeleon I from this census is not possible because of the disparate methods with which the known members were originally selected, and must await an unbiased, magnitude-limited survey of the cluster.Comment: 59 pages, 22 figure
