323 research outputs found

    Geometry of planar surfaces and exceptional fillings

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    Heterogeneity in Surface Sensing Suggests a Division of Labor in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Populations

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    The second messenger signaling molecule cyclic diguanylate monophosphate (c-di-GMP) drives the transition between planktonic and biofilm growth in many bacterial species. Pseudomonas aeruginosa has two surface sensing systems that produce c-di-GMP in response to surface adherence. Current thinking in the field is that once cells attach to a surface, they uniformly respond by producing c-di-GMP. Here, we describe how the Wsp system generates heterogeneity in surface sensing, resulting in two physiologically distinct subpopulations of cells. One subpopulation has elevated c-di-GMP and produces biofilm matrix, serving as the founders of initial microcolonies. The other subpopulation has low c-di-GMP and engages in surface motility, allowing for exploration of the surface. We also show that this heterogeneity strongly correlates to surface behavior for descendent cells. Together, our results suggest that after surface attachment, P. aeruginosa engages in a division of labor that persists across generations, accelerating early biofilm formation and surface exploration

    Near-field iron and carbon chemistry of non-buoyant hydrothermal plume particles, Southern East Pacific Rise 15°S

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Marine Chemistry 201 (2018): 183-197, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2018.01.011.Iron (Fe)-poor surface waters limit phytoplankton growth and their ability to remove carbon (C) from the atmosphere and surface ocean. Over the past few decades, research has focused on constraining the global Fe cycle and its impacts on the global C cycle. Hydrothermal vents have become a highly debated potential source of Fe to the surface ocean. Two main mechanisms for transport of Fe over long distances have been proposed: Fe-bearing nanoparticles and organic C complexation with Fe in the dissolved (dFe) and particulate (pFe) pools. However, the ubiquity and importance of these processes is unknown at present, and very few vents have been investigated for Fe-Corg interactions or the transport of such materials away from the vent. Here we describe the near-field contributions (first ~100 km from ridge) of pFe and Corg to the Southern East Pacific Rise (SEPR) plume, one of the largest known hydrothermal plume features in the global ocean. Plume particles (> 0.2 ÎŒm) were collected as part of the U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect cruise (GP16) by in-situ filtration. Sediment cores were also collected to investigate the properties of settling particles. In this study, X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy was used in two complementary X-ray synchrotron approaches, scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and X-ray microprobe, to investigate the Fe and C speciation of particles within the near-field non-buoyant SEPR plume. When used in concert, STXM and X-ray microprobe provide fine-scale and representative information on particle morphology, elemental co-location, and chemical speciation. Bulk chemistry depth profiles for particulate Corg (POC), particulate manganese (pMn), and pFe indicated that the source of these materials to the non-buoyant plume is hydrothermal in origin. The plume particles at stations within the first ~100 km down-stream of the ridge were composites of mineral (oxidized Fe) and biological materials (organic C, Corg). Iron chemistry in the plume and in the core-top suspended sediment fluff layer were both dominated by Fe(III) phases, such as Fe(III) oxyhydroxides and Fe(III) phyllosilicates. Particulate sulfur (pS) was a rare component of our plume and sediment samples. When pS was detected, it was in the form of an Fe sulfide mineral phase, composing ≀ 0.4% of the Fe on a per atom basis. The resuspended sediment fluff layer contained a mixture of inorganic (coccolith fragments) and Corg bearing (lipid-rich biofilm-like) materials. The particle morphology and co-location of C and Fe in the sediment was different from that in plume particles. This indicates that if the Fe-Corg composite particles settle rapidly to the sediments, then they experience strong alteration during settling and/or within the sediments. Overall, our observations indicate that the particles within the first ~ 100 km of the laterally advected plume are S-depleted, Fe(III)-Corg composites indicative of a chemically oxidizing plume with strong biological modification. These findings confirm that the Fe-Corg relationships observed for non-buoyant plume particles within ~ 100 m of the vent site are representative of particles within this region of the non-buoyant plume (~100 km). These findings also point to dynamic alteration of Fe-Corg bearing particles during transport and settling. The specific biogeochemical processes at play, and the implications for nutrient cycling in the ocean are currently unknown and represent an area of future investigation

    Statistical Modeling of Extracellular Vesicle Cargo to Predict Clinical Trial Outcomes For Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

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    Cardiac-derived c-kit+ progenitor cells (CPCs) are under investigation in the CHILD phase I clinical trial (NCT03406884) for the treatment of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). The therapeutic efficacy of CPCs can be attributed to the release of extracellular vesicles (EVs). to understand sources of cell therapy variability we took a machine learning approach: combining bulk CPC-derived EV (CPC-EV) RNA sequencing and cardiac-relevan

    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: II. Results of Precursor Observations

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    In preparation for the full Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA extragalactic HI survey, precursor observations were carried out in Aug--Sep 2004 with the 7-beam Arecibo L-band feed array (ALFA) receiver system and the WAPP spectral processors. While these observations were geared mainly at testing and debugging survey strategy, hardware and software, approximately 36 hours of telescope time yielded science--quality data. From those observations, an initial list of 730 tentative detections of varying degree of reliability was extracted. Ninety--eight high signal-to-noise candidates were deemed to be bona fide HI line detections. To test our ability to discriminate cosmic signals from RFI and noise, 165 candidates ranging in reliability likelihood were re--observed with the single beam L--band wide system at Arecibo in Jan--Feb 2005. Of those, 41% were confirmed as real. We present the results of both the ALFA and single beam observations for the sample of 166 confirmed HI sources, as well as our assessment of their optical counterparts. Of the 166 sources, 62 coincide with previously known HI sources, while optical redshifts were available for an additional 18 galaxies; thus, 52% of the redshifts reported here were previously unknown. Of the 166 HI detections, 115 are identified with previously cataloged galaxies, of either known or unknown redshift, leaving 51 objects identified for the first time. Because of the higher sensitivity of the Arecibo system, fewer than 10% of the 166 HI sources would have been detected by a HIPASS--like survey of the same region. Three of the objects have HI masses less than 10^7 solar masses. The full ALFALFA survey which commenced in February 2005 should detect more than 100 times as many objects of similarly low HI mass over the next 5 years.Comment: 40 pages, including 4 tables and 8 figures; to appear in Astron. J.; see http://egg.astro.cornell.edu/alfalfa/pubs.ph

    Social Work and Countering Violent Extremism in Sweden and the UK

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    Social Work in Europe, is now being tasked with managing the “problems” of terrorism, i.e supporting those affected by terrorist attacks, managing returnees affiliated with Terrorist groups in the Middle East, or, as will be discussed here, identifying those at risk from radicalisation and extremism. Both Britain and Sweden have Counter-Terrorism policies, but recent developments in both countries, have made it a statutory requirement for social workers, to work within such policies. This paper seeks to explore the policies in both countries utilising a comparative approach, to consider the similarities in not only policy and practice, but also in the ethical consequences such policies pose for social workers across Europe. The exploration considers; the extent to which anti-radicalisation policies influence social work practices in Sweden and the UK and how they might undermine social work as a human rights profession. The results indicate that anti-radicalisation policies run the risk of reducing social work to become a ‘policing profession’ practicing social control. This has substantial consequences for social work and its global ethics, which should be considered and struggled against by social workers committed to principles of social justice and human rights

    Pilot Project to Integrate Community and Clinical Level Systems to Address Health Disparities in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity among Ethnic Minority Inner-City Middle School Students: Lessons Learned

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    Effective obesity prevention and treatment interventions are lacking in the United States, especially for impoverished minority youths at risk for health disparities, and especially in accessible community-based settings. We describe the launch and pilot implementation evaluation of the first year of the B’N Fit POWER initiative as a middle school-based comprehensive wellness program that integrates weight management programming into existing onsite preventive and clinical services. Consistent with the existing implementation science literature, we focused on both the organizational structures that facilitate communication and the development of trust among stakeholders, students, and families and the development of realistic and timely goals to implement and integrate all aspects of the program. New implementation and programming strategies were developed and tested to increase the proportion of students screened, support the linkage of students to care, and streamline the integration of program clinical and afterschool components into routine services already offered at the school. We report on our initial implementation activities using the Standards for Reporting Implementation Studies (StaRI) framework using hybrid outcomes combining the Reach element from the RE-AIM framework with a newly conceptualized Wellness Cascade

    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: III. HI Source Catalog of the Northern Virgo Cluster Region

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    We present the first installment of HI sources extracted from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) extragalactic survey, initiated in 2005. Sources have been extracted from 3-D spectral data cubes and then examined interactively to yield global HI parameters. A total of 730 HI detections are catalogued within the solid angle 11h44m < R.A.(J2000) < 14h00m and +12deg < Dec.(J2000) < +16deg, and redshift range -1600 \kms < cz < 18000 \kms. In comparison, the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) detected 40 HI signals in the same region. Optical counterparts are assigned via examination of digital optical imaging databases. ALFALFA HI detections are reported for three distinct classes of signals: (a) detections, typically with S/N > 6.5; (b) high velocity clouds in the Milky Way or its periphery; and (c) signals of lower S/N (to ~ 4.5) which coincide spatially with an optical object of known similar redshift. Although this region of the sky has been heavily surveyed by previous targeted observations based on optical flux-- or size-- limited samples, 69% of the extracted sources are newly reported HI detections. The resultant positional accuracy of HI sources is 20" (median). The median redshift of the sample is ~7000 \kms and its distribution reflects the known local large scale structure including the Virgo cluster. Several extended HI features are found in the vicinity of the Virgo cluster. A small percentage (6%) of HI detections have no identifiable optical counterpart, more than half of which are high velocity clouds in the Milky Way vicinity; the remaining 17 objects do not appear connected to or associated with any known galaxy.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in pres

    What turns galaxies off? The different morphologies of star-forming and quiescent galaxies since z~2 from CANDELS

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    We use HST/WFC3 imaging from the CANDELS Multicycle Treasury Survey, in conjunction with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, to explore the evolution of galactic structure for galaxies with stellar masses >3e10M_sun from z=2.2 to the present epoch, a time span of 10Gyr. We explore the relationship between rest-frame optical color, stellar mass, star formation activity and galaxy structure. We confirm the dramatic increase from z=2.2 to the present day in the number density of non-star-forming galaxies above 3e10M_sun reported by others. We further find that the vast majority of these quiescent systems have concentrated light profiles, as parametrized by the Sersic index, and the population of concentrated galaxies grows similarly rapidly. We examine the joint distribution of star formation activity, Sersic index, stellar mass, inferred velocity dispersion, and stellar surface density. Quiescence correlates poorly with stellar mass at all z<2.2. Quiescence correlates well with Sersic index at all redshifts. Quiescence correlates well with `velocity dispersion' and stellar surface density at z>1.3, and somewhat less well at lower redshifts. Yet, there is significant scatter between quiescence and galaxy structure: while the vast majority of quiescent galaxies have prominent bulges, many of them have significant disks, and a number of bulge-dominated galaxies have significant star formation. Noting the rarity of quiescent galaxies without prominent bulges, we argue that a prominent bulge (and perhaps, by association, a supermassive black hole) is an important condition for quenching star formation on galactic scales over the last 10Gyr, in qualitative agreement with the AGN feedback paradigm.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in press; 20 pages with 13 figure
