138 research outputs found

    ComPat framework for multiscale simulations applied to fusion plasmas

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    Performance of distributed multiscale simulations

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    Multiscale simulations model phenomena across natural scales using monolithic or component-based code, running on local or distributed resources. In this work, we investigate the performance of distributed multiscale computing of component-based models, guided by six multiscale applications with different characteristics and from several disciplines. Three modes of distributed multiscale computing are identified: supplementing local dependencies with large-scale resources, load distribution over multiple resources, and load balancing of small- and large-scale resources. We find that the first mode has the apparent benefit of increasing simulation speed, and the second mode can increase simulation speed if local resources are limited. Depending on resource reservation and model coupling topology, the third mode may result in a reduction of resource consumption

    Patterns for High Performance Multiscale Computing

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    We describe our Multiscale Computing Patterns software for High Performance Multiscale Computing. Following a short review of Multiscale Computing Patterns, this paper introduces the Multiscale Computing Patterns Software, which consists of description, optimisation and execution components. First, the description component translates the task graph, representing a multiscale simulation, to a particular type of multiscale computing pattern. Second, the optimisation component selects and applies algorithms to find the most suitable mapping between submodels and available HPC resources. Third, the execution component which a middleware layer maps submodels to the number and type of physical resources based on the suggestions emanating from the optimisation part together with infrastructure-specific metrics such as queueing time and resource availability. The main purpose of the Multiscale Computing Patterns software is to leverage the Multiscale Computing Patterns to simplify and automate the execution of complex multiscale simulations on high performance computers, and to provide both application-specific and pattern-specific performance optimisation. We test the performance and the resource usage for three multiscale models, which are expressed in terms of two Multiscale Computing Patterns. In doing so, we demonstrate how the software automates resource selection and load balancing, and delivers performance benefits from both the end-user and the HPC system level perspectives

    Performance of distributed multiscale simulations

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    Multiscale simulations model phenomena across natural scales using monolithic or component-based code, running on local or distributed resources. In this work, we investigate the performance of distributed multiscale computing of component-based models, guided by six multiscale applications with different characteristics and from several disciplines. Three modes of distributed multiscale computing are identified: supplementing local dependencies with large-scale resources, load distribution over multiple resources, and load balancing of small- and large-scale resources. We find that the first mode has the apparent benefit of increasing simulation speed, and the second mode can increase simulation speed if local resources are limited. Depending on resource reservation and model coupling topology, the third mode may result in a reduction of resource consumption. © 2014 The Authors

    Recent EUROfusion Achievements in Support of Computationally Demanding Multiscale Fusion Physics Simulations and Integrated Modeling

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    Integrated modeling (IM) of present experiments and future tokamak reactors requires the provision of computational resources and numerical tools capable of simulating multiscale spatial phenomena as well as fast transient events and relatively slow plasma evolution within a reasonably short computational time. Recent progress in the implementation of the new computational resources for fusion applications in Europe based on modern supercomputer technologies (supercomputer MARCONI-FUSION), in the optimization and speedup of the EU fusion-related first-principle codes, and in the development of a basis for physics codes/modules integration into a centrally maintained suite of IM tools achieved within the EUROfusion Consortium is presented. Physics phenomena that can now be reasonably modelled in various areas (core turbulence and magnetic reconnection, edge and scrape-off layer physics, radio-frequency heating and current drive, magnetohydrodynamic model, reflectometry simulations) following successful code optimizations and parallelization are briefly described. Development activities in support to IM are summarized. They include support to (1) the local deployment of the IM infrastructure and access to experimental data at various host sites, (2) the management of releases for sophisticated IM workflows involving a large number of components, and (3) the performance optimization of complex IM workflows.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014 to 2018 under grant agreement 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission or ITER.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Restauration morpho-dynamique et redynamisation de la section court-circuitée du Rhin en aval du barrage de Kembs (projet INTERREG / EDF)

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    National audienceThe Upper Rhine River has been heavily impacted by channelization for flood protection and navigation, and then by damming for hydropower generation. In normal non flooding conditions, most of the flows are diverted in a canalized section whereas the regulated “old Rhine” bypassed reach runs a minimum flow. Between Huningue and Neuf-Brisach, engineering works induced simplification and stabilization of the channel pattern from a formerly braiding sector to a single incised channel, hydrological modifications, bottom armouring due to bedload decrease, and thus ecological alterations. Two complementary and interdisciplinary projects have been initiated to restore alluvial morphodynamics: i) the international “INTERREG IV - Redynamisation of the old Rhine” project (2009-2012) coordinated by the Alsace region, France; ii) the left bank “controlled erosion” project launched by Electricité de France (EDF) within Kembs hydroelectric station relicensing process since 2003-2004. The purpose of these projects is to evaluate the feasibility of an important hydro-morphological and ecological restoration plan on a 45 km long reach, through both field testing of bank erosion techniques at favourable locations, and artificial sediments input from right bank excavations. This will help define possible long term prospective scenarios, in order to restore sustainable sediment transport, morphodynamics variability and associated ecological functions. The study will involve historical analysis, hydro-morphological / hydraulic physical and numerical modelling, physical and ecological monitoring, and sociological aspectsLe Rhin alsacien-allemand a enregistré de profondes modifications morphologiques et hydrologiques à la suite de sa correction et de sa régularisation pour la protection contre les crues et la navigation, puis après la construction de barrages hydro-électriques. Les aménagements réalisés entre Huningue et Neuf-Brisach ont engendré une simplification et une stabilisation du style fluvial. Un fleuve en tresses a cédé la place à un chenal unique incisé. Le fond de chenal est devenu pavé à cause d’une diminution des apports de charge de fond et des altérations écologiques ont été observées (simplification des habitats aquatiques et riverains). Deux projets complémentaires et interdisciplinaires ont été engagés afin de restaurer une dynamique des formes alluviales : i) le projet international INTERREG IV – Redynamisation du Vieux Rhin (2009-2012) sous l’impulsion de la région Alsace ; ii) le projet d’érosion maitrisée des berges de la rive gauche conduit par Electricité de France (EDF) dans le cadre du renouvellement de la concession de l’aménagement de Kembs. L’objectif des deux projets est de définir un plan de restauration hydro-morphologique et écologique conduisant à la redynamisation d’un tronçon de 45 km. L’étude repose sur une analyse historique, l’exploitation de modèles à la fois physiques et numériques, et les suivis morphologiques in situ d’une recharge artificielle en sédiments et d’érosions de berge contrôlées. Ces études de faisabilité sont complétées par des analyses écologique et sociologique pour apprécier l’impact socio-environnemental de ces projets
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