197 research outputs found


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    Asperger Syndrome (AS) is considered to belong to the spectrum of autistic disorders. Although people with AS are more cognitively able than many others with autism, they share a number of traits including the social impairments identified by Wing and Gould ( 1979). Problems with processing emotional information may underlie some of these social impairments. Reported difficulties in this area include perceptual deficits which interfere with processing visual cues offered by others, difficulties in matching emotional signals across modalities (e.g. visual, auditory, and contextual), and lack of comprehension about affective information. The present study aimed to investigate the above emotional impairments, and to determine whether an intervention which developed the cognitive skills of adults with AS could compensate for some of these difficulties. Four participants, diagnosed as having AS by a psychiatrist, took part in the study. Each was assessed on emotion-processing tasks before and after finishing a six session intervention focusing on the use of cognitive and behavioural strategies to decipher affective information. Prior to the intervention, the difficulties reported by other studies on matching visual and cross-modal signals of emotional information were generally found, but results for comprehension of verbal terms and recounting emotional experiences were not clearly replicated. Following the intervention, all participants improved on or performed at ceiling level for the visual and cross-modal tasks. Predicted improvement on the comprehension tasks was not always found. It is suggested that although linguistic ability is obviously important in such tasks, exposure to social situations is required if connections are to be made between verbal labels, affective behaviours, and social contexts. Strengths and weaknesses of the overall design are discussed. It is argued that the single-case study approach was useful for revealing operational problems in an efficient manner. However, the small number of participants make it difficult to generalise the findings, and the materials used can be criticised in terms of their reliability and validity. Questions are raised about the potential to generalise improvement found in a controlled environment to more natural settings. It is concluded that although the design can be criticised on a number of counts, the results suggest it is possible to train adults with AS to systematically decipher visual and cross-modal emotional cues using their cognitive abilities. Recommendations for improving the intervention include concentrating on one aspect of emotional processing at a time. In view of the clearer findings for visual and cross-modal processing tasks it is proposed that these areas should be the starting point of an intervention. Further research could determine whether people with AS who have been taught to categorise visual cues in a systematic way can then be taught to link other forms of affective information to these physical images.Southmead Health Services NHS Trust, Bristol and Phoenix NHS Trust, Bristo

    An evaluation of fixation methods: Spatial and compositional cellular changes observed by Raman imaging

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    AbstractAlthough live cell imaging is desirable, it is not always feasible and in many situations cells are fixed in order to provide a ‘snapshot’ of the nature and distribution of molecules within a cell while minimising changes from cell movement, sample degradation etc. There is a wide range of fixation methods available that act via different mechanisms, and on different cell components. Each method has advantages and disadvantages and a choice of what fixation method to choose for a particular experiment needs to take these factors into consideration. Here we used Raman spectroscopic imaging of live cells, and compared with cells preserved with aldehyde, or organic solvent-based fixation methods to assess the chemical changes induced by each fixative, and their impact on the quality of images that can be obtained from fixed cells. Overall, aldehyde fixation methods performed significantly better than organic solvents with less severe loss of biochemical information. Aldehyde based fixatives show an altered biochemical content of the cells, attributed to adduct formation, but this can be minimised by optimising fixation temperature, or through removal of adduct formation by detergent-based permeabilization treatments as a second step (at the cost of the loss of other biochemical information). The results showed that organic solvents, on the other hand, lead to a severe loss of cell content, attributed to the loss of membrane integrity after the removal of lipids. Additionally, fixation with aldehydes prior to permeabilization with organic solvents does not provide adequate protection of cytoplasmic content. The use of Raman imaging is ideal for comparing groups of cells in terms of their molecular content, and the results show that aldehyde fixations methods are preferable for studies where the overall molecular content of the samples is important. Although there is no universal fixation method for every application, the results here allow us to provide a few general principles: where spectral similarity to live cells is important, fixation with paraformaldehyde at room temperature is preferable, at the cost of some blebbing and vacuole formation. Where preservation of cellular structure or biomolecular distribution is important, a mix of paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde would be more appropriate, but at the cost of some changes to spectral profile, particularly in DNA-related bands

    Correcting an acoustic wavefield for elastic effects

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    Finite-difference simulations are an important tool for studying elastic and acoustic wave propagation, but remain computationally challenging for elastic waves in three dimensions. Computations for acoustic waves are significantly simpler as they require less memory and operations per grid cell, and more significantly can be performed with coarser grids, both in space and time. In this paper, we present a procedure for correcting acoustic simulations for some of the effects of elasticity, at a cost considerably less than full elastic simulations. Two models are considered: the full elastic model and an equivalent acoustic model with the same P velocity and density. In this paper, although the basic theory is presented for anisotropic elasticity, the specific examples are for an isotropic model. The simulations are performed using the finite-difference method, but the basic method could be applied to other numerical techniques. A simulation in the acoustic model is performed and treated as an approximate solution of the wave propagation in the elastic model. As the acoustic solution is known, the error to the elastic wave equations can be calculated. If extra sources equal to this error were introduced into the elastic model, then the acoustic solution would be an exact solution of the elastic wave equations. Instead, the negative of these sources is introduced into a second acoustic simulation that is used to correct the first acoustic simulation. The corrected acoustic simulation contains some of the effects of elasticity without the full cost of an elastic simulation. It does not contain any shear waves, but amplitudes of reflected P waves are approximately corrected. We expect the corrected acoustic solution to be useful in regions of space and time around a P-wave source, but to deteriorate in some regions, for example, wider angles, and later in time, or after propagation through many interfaces. In this paper, we outline the theory of the correction method, and present results for simulations in a 2-D model with a plane interface. Reflections from a plane interface are simple enough that an analytic analysis is possible, and for plane waves, we give the correction to the acoustic reflection and transmission coefficients. Finally, finite-difference calculations for plane waves are used to confirm the analytic results. Results for wave propagation in more complicated, realistic models will be presented elsewher

    A specific case in the classification of woods by FTIR and chemometric: discrimination of Fagales from Malpighiales

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic data was used to classify wood samples from nine species within the Fagales and Malpighiales using a range of multivariate statistical methods. Taxonomic classification of the family Fagaceae and Betulaceae from Angiosperm Phylogenetic System Classification (APG II System) was successfully performed using supervised pattern recognition techniques. A methodology for wood sample discrimination was developed using both sapwood and heartwood samples. Ten and eight biomarkers emerged from the dataset to discriminate order and family, respectively. In the species studied FTIR in combination with multivariate analysis highlighted significant chemical differences in hemicelluloses, cellulose and guaiacyl (lignin) and shows promise as a suitable approach for wood sample classification

    Analysis of interaction between the apicomplexan protozoan Toxoplasma gondii and host cells using label-free Raman Spectroscopy

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    Label-free imaging using Raman micro-spectroscopy (RMS) was used to characterize the spatio-temporal molecular changes of T. gondii tachyzoites and their host cell microenvironment. Raman spectral maps were recorded from isolated T. gondii tachyzoites and T. gondii-infected human retinal cells at 6 hr, 24 hr and 48 hr post-infection. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the Raman spectra of paraformaldehyde-fixed infected cells indicated a significant increase in the amount of lipids and proteins in the T. gondii tachyzoites as the infection progresses within host cells. These results were confirmed by experiments carried out on live T. gondii-infected cells and were correlated with an increase in the concentration of proteins and lipids required for the replication of this intracellular pathogen. These findings demonstrate the potential of RMS to characterize time- and spatially-dependent molecular interactions between intracellular pathogens and the host cells. Such information may be useful for discovery of pharmacological targets or screening compounds with potential neuro-protective activity for eminent effects of changes in brain infection control practices

    Towards automated cancer screening: label-free classification of fixed cell samples using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy

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    This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Medical Research Council [EP/L016559/1, EP/P030017/1], and CRUK [A18075 Core Award].The ability to provide quantitative, objective and automated pathological analysis would provide enormous benefits for national cancer screening programmes, in terms of both resource reduction and improved patient wellbeing. The move towards molecular pathology through spectroscopic methods shows great promise, but has been restricted by spectral quality, acquisition times and lack of direct clinical application. In this paper, we present the application of wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy for the automated label- and fluorescence-free classification of fixed squamous epithelial cells in suspension, such as those produced during a cervical smear test. Direct comparison with standard Raman spectroscopy shows marked improvement of sensitivity and specificity when considering both human papillomavirus (sensitivity +12.0%, specificity +5.3%) and transformation status (sensitivity +10.3%, specificity +11.1%). Studies on the impact of intracellular sampling location and storage effects suggest that wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy is sufficiently robust to be used in fixed cell classification, but requires further investigations of potential sources of molecular variation in order to improve current clinical tools.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Utilising daily diaries to examine oral health experiences associated with dentine hypersensitivity

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    Background: The current investigation examined the determinants of oral health experiences associated with dentine hypersensitivity using prospective diary methodology. Methods: Staff and students from a large UK university who had self-diagnosed dentine hypersensitivity completed an online daily diary and text survey for two weeks recording their mood, oral health-related coping behaviours, coping and pain appraisals, pain experiences and functional limitations. Cross sectional and lagged path analyses were employed to examine relationships. Results: 101 participants took part in the diary study. Participants had a mean age of 26.3 years (range=18-63) and most were female (N=69). Individuals who used more oral health-related coping behaviours predicted and experienced greater levels of pain on subsequent days. Negative mood also predicted worse pain outcomes. The daily diary method provided a useful avenue for investigating variations in oral health experiences and relationships between variables that can fluctuate daily. Conclusions: Psychological variables such as coping and mood play an important role in the pain experiences of people with dentine hypersensitivity. The study highlights the benefits of using prospective methods to elucidate the experiences of people with oral condition

    Application of chemometric analysis to infrared spectroscopy for the identification of wood origin

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    Chemical characteristics of wood are used in this study for plant taxonomy classification based on the current Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification (APG III System) for the division, class and subclass of woody plants. Infrared spectra contain information about the molecular structure and intermolecular interactions among the components in wood but the understanding of this information requires multivariate techniques for the analysis of highly dense datasets. This article is written with the purposes of specifying the chemical differences among taxonomic groups, and predicting the taxa of unknown samples with a mathematical model. Principal component analysis, t-test, stepwise discriminant analysis and linear discriminant analysis, were some of the chosen multivariate techniques. A procedure to determine the division, class, subclass and order of unknown samples was built with promising implications for future applications of Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy in wood taxonomy classification

    Illness perceptions and work participation: a systematic review

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    Self-regulatory processes play an important role in mediating between the disease and the health outcomes, and potentially also work outcomes. This systematic review aims to explore the relationship between illness perceptions and work participation in patients with somatic diseases and complaints. The bibliographic databases Medline, PsycINFO and Embase were searched from inception to March 2008. Included were cross-sectional or longitudinal studies, patients with somatic diseases or complaints, illness perceptions based on at least four dimensions of the common sense model of self-regulation, and work participation. Two longitudinal and two cross-sectional studies selected for this review report statistically significant findings for one or more illness perception dimensions in patients with various complaints and illnesses, although some dimensions are significant in one study but not in another. Overall, non-working patients perceived more serious consequences, expected their illness to last a longer time, and reported more symptoms and more emotional responses as a result of their illness. Alternatively, working patients had a stronger belief in the controllability of their condition and a better understanding of their disease. The limited number of studies in this review suggests that illness perceptions play a role in the work participation of patients with somatic diseases or complaints, although it is not clear how strong this relationship is and which illness perception dimensions are most useful. Identifying individuals with maladaptive illness perceptions and targeting interventions toward changing these perceptions are promising developments in improving work participatio

    Subcellular peptide localization in single identified neurons by capillary microsampling mass spectrometry

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    Single cell mass spectrometry (MS) is uniquely positioned for the sequencing and identification of peptides in rare cells. Small peptides can take on different roles in subcellular compartments. Whereas some peptides serve as neurotransmitters in the cytoplasm, they can also function as transcription factors in the nucleus. Thus, there is a need to analyze the subcellular peptide compositions in identified single cells. Here, we apply capillary microsampling MS with ion mobility separation for the sequencing of peptides in single neurons of the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis, and the analysis of peptide distributions between the cytoplasm and nucleus of identified single neurons that are known to express cardioactive Phe-Met-Arg-Phe amide-like (FMRFamide-like) neuropeptides. Nuclei and cytoplasm of Type 1 and Type 2 F group (Fgp) neurons were analyzed for neuropeptides cleaved from the protein precursors encoded by alternative splicing products of the FMRFamide gene. Relative abundances of nine neuropeptides were determined in the cytoplasm. The nuclei contained six of these peptides at different abundances. Enabled by its relative enrichment in Fgp neurons, a new 28-residue neuropeptide was sequenced by tandem MS