284 research outputs found

    Selected approaches of variables weighting in frame of composite indicator analysis

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    Composite indicators are useful as tool for complex evaluation and aggregation of different variables of regional development. Variables which are aggregated in a composite indicator have first to be weighted. All variables may be given equal weights or they mea be given differing weights which reflect the significance, reliability or other characteristics of the underlying data. The weights given to different variables heavily influence the outcomes of the composite indicator. Aim of this paper is an evaluation of selected methods for weighting of particular variables in frame of composite indicator construction. Evaluation is verified on group of regional economic variables based on Strategy of regional development.Composite indicator, region, principal component analysis, expert, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, GA, IN,

    Concept of Energetically Sufficient Housing (ESH) Plan

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    V době, kdy asi 1,6 miliardy lidí žije bez pravidelných dodávek elektrické energie a dokonce 2 miliardy lidí bez proudu a zásobování vodou, se zdají být ESD jednou z východisek tohoto globálního problému. Masovější pochopení zásada a pravidel navrhování ESD by pomohlo tyto budovy častěji prosazovat ve výstavbě. Následující text se tak snaží tyto zásady a pravidla definovat.At a time when about 1.6 billion people living without a regular supply of electricity and even 2 billion people without power and water supplies, appear to be energy selfsufficient buildings one of the solutions of this global problem. Understanding of the principles and design rules of energy self-sufficient buildings could help to promote more such buildings under construction. The following text try defined these principles and rules

    Approaching the service-based economy: regionally differentiated employment growth in Czechia

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    The study assesses the employment dynamics of LAU1 regions in Czechia (Czech Republic) in the period 2001-2011 using the territorial approach. It is operationalised on the basis of typological regions. Regions are differentiated fi rstly by their rurality according to the OECD methodology and the development of non-agricultural employment is used as the second differentiating characteristic. This refl ects the regional differentiation based on the character of regional employment development potential. The specifi cs of rural regions are highlighted. Employment dynamics are assessed in the light of the process of employment restructuring both in its territorial and sectoral characteristics. The results illustrate employment in the service sector to be a viable driver of employment development regardless the degree of rurality but in absolute effects conditioned by its value. Furthermore, employment development is conditioned by the sectoral structure of regional employment. Components of employment development are identifi ed by application of shift-share analysis. The strength of the competitive effect describing the existence of locational advantages for specifi c sectors is further relativised to calculate its relevance for employment change. In conclusion, the existence of locational advantages has only a minor impact in terms of its relative size on employment change that would normally be expected. Therefore, either more precise regional differentiation is needed or more disaggregated groups of sectors should be used

    The impact of investment support from the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic for 2007-2013 on the economic effi ciency of farms

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    European agriculture is highly mechanised and its development is to a large extent shaped by the constant need for investment. By combining private capital with public funds, the risk burden associated with investment can be shared. The general economic objective of investment support is to improve the efficiency of production factors, such as labour, land and capital. The Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic for 2007-2013 included a preferential criterion, the objective of which was to give an advantage to farms in Less Favoured Areas (LFA) by facilitating their access to funding for investments. This paper evaluates the investment activities of agricultural holdings located in Czech LFAs in the period 2011-2015, compared to those that are not located in LFAs. Binary logistic regression was employed to identify factors, such as LFA type, farm size, share of other revenues, indebtedness of a farm and stocking density of cattle, that infl uenced whether a farm was or was not supported with an investment subsidy. We conclude that supported farms in LFAs have higher levels of economic performance and higher labour productivity than unsubsidised farms. It is evident that many farms, especially in mountain areas, are interested in investment activities and are trying to develop their businesses. They have a lower likelihood of business failure than those farms that do not invest

    FOREX Intraday Trading Strategy

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je srovnat výnosnost zvoleného intradenního obchodního systému s obchodním stylem „kup a drž“ za použití tří měnových párů. Práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol. První kapitolou je úvod a poslední kapitolou je závěr. V druhé kapitole je charakterizován mezinárodní měnový trh FOREX a jsou zde vysvětleny další důležité pojmy související s tímto trhem. Ve třetí části je vysvětlena teorie technické analýzy a obchodní strategie. Čtvrtá kapitola obsahuje aplikaci na historických datech tří vybraných měnových párů. Dále je zde srovnána výnosnost vybraného intradenního obchodního systému a obchodního stylu „kup a drž.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to compare the profitability of the chosen intraday trading system with the „buy and hold“ style for three currencies. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction and the last chapter is a conclusion. The second chapter stands for explanation of the international currency market FOREX and explains other important concepts assciated with this market. The third chapter explains the technical analysis theory and the trading strategy. The fourth chapter contains an application based on historical data for three chosen currencies. Furthermore, this chapter compares the profitability of the chosen intraday trading system with the „buy and hold“ style.154 - Katedra financívýborn

    Faults and Defects of Residential Real Estate from the Point of View of Thermal Technique and their Possible Impact on the Value of the Real Estate

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou vad a poruch stavebních konstrukcí z pohledu tepelné techniky u rezidenčních nemovitostí. Zkoumán je jejich možný dopad na cenu nemovitostí. V teoretické části jsou popsány vlastnosti a veličiny, kterými se, v souladu s legislativou, hodnotí stavební konstrukce. Podrobněji jsou popsány hodnocení v ustáleném teplotním stavu. Uvedeny jsou obvyklé zdroje a příčiny nejčastěji se vyskytujících vad anebo poruch. Popsány jsou možnosti nedestruktivního posuzování konstrukcí. Opravitelnost vad/poruch je vztažena k popsání vlivu na cenu nemovitosti. Praktická část práce se zabývá oceněním bytu v bytovém domě, který je zatížen vadou projevující se povrchovou kondenzací. Analyzována je technická příčina této vady. Uvedeny jsou možné způsoby sanace, včetně vyčíslení nákladů. Byt je oceněn pro stav bezvadný a následně je stanoven pravděpodobný dopad této vady na cenu bytu.This master’s thesis deals with issues of faults and defects of building structures in residential real estate in terms of thermal technique. This thesis deals with their possible impact on the value of a residential real estate. In the theoretical part of this thesis, properties and quantities, which are used for an assessment of the building structures according to legislature, are described. Assessments of the steady state temperature are described closely. The thesis mentions usual sources and causes of faults and defects, which frequently occur. The possibilities of the non-destructive assessment of structures are also described. The reparability of faults or defects is related to the influence on the price of real estate. The practical part of the thesis deals with the value of a dwelling in an apartment house, which is affected by a fault manifesting surface condensation. An analyzed technical cause of this fault is described. Possible ways of remedying are shown, including the quantification of costs. The apartment is appraised in a faultless condition and afterwards the probable impact of this fault on the price of apartment is determined.

    Creating point-and-click adventure in Unity

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    Ideja ovog rada je izrada 2D point-and-click igre u Unity engine-u. Igra se zasniva na međudjelovanju okolinom i rješavanjem zagonetki kako bi se nastavila priča. Glavni lik igre je Igor, a igrač njime upravlja mišem. Igor se može kretati po sceni te djeluje s objektima u sceni koji utječu na radnju. Cilj mu je skupiti dovoljno novaca kako bi vratio dug koji duguje Borisu, šefu Osječkog podzemlja. Svi sprite-ovi i animacije u igri su nacrtani grafičkim programom Aseprite. Glazba i zvučni efekti preuzeti su s interneta i obrađeni u besplatnom programu za obradu zvučnih datoteka Audacity. Unity omogućuje korištenje C# skripti za upravljanje scenama i objektima u igri te je korišteno Microsoft Visual Studio okruženje za pisanje tih skripti. Igra sadrži 6 scena. Prve dvije scene su glavni izbornik i trajna scena, dok ostale su 4 scene nivoi u igri.The idea of this final paper is to create 2D point-and-click games in Unity Engine. The game is based on interacting with the environment and solving riddles to keep the story going. The main character of the game is Igor, and the player controlls him with the mouse. Igor can move around the scene and interact with objects in the scene that affect the game. His goal is to raise enough money to repay the debt owed to Boris, the head of the Osijek underground. All sprites and animations in the game are drawn with the graphic program Aseprite. Music and sound effects are downloaded from the Internet and processed in a free program for audio processing Audacity. Unity allows the use of C# scripts to manage scenes and objects in the game, so Microsoft Visual Studio was used as an environment to write those scripts. The game contains 6 scenes. The first two scenes are the main menu and the persistent scene, while the other four scenes are levels in the game