91 research outputs found

    Differenzierung der Th17-Zellen im Nabelschnurblut unter Berücksichtigung mütterlicher Atopie

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    Differenzierung der Th17-Zellen im Nabelschnurblut unter Berücksichtigung mütterlicher Atopie

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    Structural basis for the disaggregase activity and regulation of Hsp104

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    The Hsp104 disaggregase is a two-ring ATPase machine that rescues various forms of non-native proteins including the highly resistant amyloid fibers. The structural-mechanistic underpinnings of how the recovery of toxic protein aggregates is promoted and how this potent unfolding activity is prevented from doing collateral damage to cellular proteins are not well understood. Here, we present structural and biochemical data revealing the organization of Hsp104 from Chaetomium thermophilum at 3.7 angstrom resolution. We show that the coiled-coil domains encircling the disaggregase constitute a 'restraint mask' that sterically controls the mobility and thus the unfolding activity of the ATPase modules. In addition, we identify a mechanical linkage that coordinates the activity of the two ATPase rings and accounts for the high unfolding potential of Hsp104. Based on these findings, we propose a general model for how Hsp104 and related chaperones operate and are kept under control until recruited to appropriate substrates

    Mechanochemical basis of protein degradation by a double-ring AAA+ machine

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    Molecular machines containing double or single AAA+ rings power energy-dependent protein degradation and other critical cellular processes, including disaggregation and remodeling of macromolecular complexes. How the mechanical activities of double-ring and single-ring AAA+ enzymes differ is unknown. Using single-molecule optical trapping, we determine how the double-ring ​ClpA enzyme from Escherichia coli, in complex with the ​ClpP peptidase, mechanically degrades proteins. We demonstrate that ​ClpA unfolds some protein substrates substantially faster than does the single-ring ​ClpX enzyme, which also degrades substrates in collaboration with ​ClpP. We find that ​ClpA is a slower polypeptide translocase and that it moves in physical steps that are smaller and more regular than steps taken by ​ClpX. These direct measurements of protein unfolding and translocation define the core mechanochemical behavior of a double-ring AAA+ machine and provide insight into the degradation of proteins that unfold via metastable intermediates.Howard Hughes Medical InstituteNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant AI-16892

    Both ATPase Domains of ClpA Are Critical for Processing of Stable Protein Structures

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    ClpA is a ring-shaped hexameric chaperone that binds to both ends of the protease ClpP and catalyzes the ATP-dependent unfolding and translocation of substrate proteins through its central pore into the ClpP cylinder. Here we study the relevance of ATP hydrolysis in the two ATPase domains of ClpA. We designed ClpA Walker B variants lacking ATPase activity in the first (D1) or the second ATPase domain (D2) without impairing ATP binding. We found that the two ATPase domains of ClpA operate independently even in the presence of the protease ClpP or the adaptor protein ClpS. Notably, ATP hydrolysis in the first ATPase module is sufficient to process a small, single domain protein of low stability. Substrate proteins of moderate local stability were efficiently processed when D1 was inactivated. However, ATP hydrolysis in both domains was required for efficiently processing substrates of high local stability. Furthermore, we provide evidence for the ClpS-dependent directional translocation of N-end rule substrates from the N to C terminus and propose a mechanistic model for substrate handover from the adaptor protein to the chaperone

    Functional Asymmetries of Proteasome Translocase Pore

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    Degradation by proteasomes involves coupled translocation and unfolding of its protein substrates. Six distinct but paralogous proteasome ATPase proteins, Rpt1 to -6, form a heterohexameric ring that acts on substrates. An axially positioned loop (Ar-Φ loop) moves in concert with ATP hydrolysis, engages substrate, and propels it into a proteolytic chamber. The aromatic (Ar) residue of the Ar-Φ loop in all six Rpts of S. cerevisiae is tyrosine; this amino acid is thought to have important functional contacts with substrate. Six yeast strains were constructed and characterized in which Tyr was individually mutated to Ala. The mutant cells were viable and had distinct phenotypes. rpt3, rpt4, and rpt5 Tyr/Ala mutants, which cluster on one side of the ATPase hexamer, were substantially impaired in their capacity to degrade substrates. In contrast, rpt1, rpt2, and rpt6 mutants equaled or exceeded wild type in degradation activity. However, rpt1 and rpt6 mutants had defects that limited cell growth or viability under conditions that stressed the ubiquitin proteasome system. In contrast, the rpt3 mutant grew faster than wild type and to a smaller size, a defect that has previously been associated with misregulation of G1 cyclins. This rpt3 phenotype probably results from altered degradation of cell cycle regulatory proteins. Finally, mutation of five of the Rpt subunits increased proteasome ATPase activity, implying bidirectional coupling between the Ar-Φ loop and the ATP hydrolysis site. The present observations assign specific functions to individual Rpt proteins and provide insights into the diverse roles of the axial loops of individual proteasome ATPases

    Electron Cryomicroscopy Structure of a Membrane-anchored Mitochondrial AAA Protease*

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    FtsH-related AAA proteases are conserved membrane-anchored, ATP-dependent molecular machines, which mediate the processing and turnover of soluble and membrane-embedded proteins in eubacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. Homo- and hetero-oligomeric proteolytic complexes exist, which are composed of homologous subunits harboring an ATPase domain of the AAA family and an H41 metallopeptidase domain. Mutations in subunits of mitochondrial m-AAA proteases have been associated with different neurodegenerative disorders in human, raising questions on the functional differences between homo- and hetero-oligomeric AAA proteases. Here, we have analyzed the hetero-oligomeric yeast m-AAA protease composed of homologous Yta10 and Yta12 subunits. We combined genetic and structural approaches to define the molecular determinants for oligomer assembly and to assess functional similarities between Yta10 and Yta12. We demonstrate that replacement of only two amino acid residues within the metallopeptidase domain of Yta12 allows its assembly into homo-oligomeric complexes. To provide a molecular explanation, we determined the 12 â„« resolution structure of the intact yeast m-AAA protease with its transmembrane domains by electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM) and atomic structure fitting. The full-length m-AAA protease has a bipartite structure and is a hexamer in solution. We found that residues in Yta12, which facilitate homo-oligomerization when mutated, are located at the interface between neighboring protomers in the hexamer ring. Notably, the transmembrane and intermembrane space domains are separated from the main body, creating a passage on the matrix side, which is wide enough to accommodate unfolded but not folded polypeptides. These results suggest a mechanism regarding how proteins are recognized and degraded by m-AAA proteases
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