345 research outputs found

    Atomization of dilute oil-in-water emulsions during application of crop protection products

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    Crop protection products are usually applied as sprays. These spray droplets have a certain size distribution. Fine droplets are often required to achieve a good coverage of the plant and to guarantee the biological efficacy of an agrochemical product. At the same time very fine droplets in spray are not desirable. Due to their low mass and velocity, these droplets can be carried from the application site by crosswind and e.g. can contaminate surface water. Droplet drift can be minimized by reducing the number of very fine droplets in spray. Dilute emulsions produce coarser sprays compared to water when atomized through a standard flat fan nozzle. For this reason dilute emulsions can reduce drift risk. The mechanism of spray formation of dilute emulsions has been investigated in this thesis. The proposed mechanism also describes spray formation in more complex mixtures of dilute emulsions with surfactants or polymers. </p

    Proton acceleration by irradiation of isolated spheres with an intense laser pulse

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    We report on experiments irradiating isolated plastic spheres with a peak laser intensity of 2-3 x 10(20) W cm(-2). With a laser focal spot size of 10 mu m full width half maximum (FWHM) the sphere diameter was varied between 520 nm and 19.3 mu m. Maximum proton energies of similar to 25 MeV are achieved for targets matching the focal spot size of 10 mu m in diameter or being slightly smaller. For smaller spheres the kinetic energy distributions of protons become nonmonotonic, indicating a change in the accelerating mechanism from ambipolar expansion towards a regime dominated by effects caused by Coulomb repulsion of ions. The energy conversion efficiency from laser energy to proton kinetic energy is optimized when the target diameter matches the laser focal spot size with efficiencies reaching the percent level. The change of proton acceleration efficiency with target size can be attributed to the reduced cross-sectional overlap of subfocus targets with the laser. Reported experimental observations are in line with 3D3V particle in cell simulations. They make use of well-defined targets and point out pathways for future applications and experiments.DFG via the Cluster of Excellence Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics (MAP) Transregio SFB TR18NNSA DE-NA0002008Super-MUC pr48meIvo CermakCGC Instruments in design and realization of the Paul trap systemIMPRS-APSLMUexcellent Junior Research FundDAAD|ToIFEEuropean Union's Horizon research and innovation programme 633053Physic

    Genotype, phenotype and disease severity reflected by serum LysoGb3 levels in patients with Fabry disease

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    Background: Fabry disease (FD) is a rare X-linked lysosomal storage disease caused by mutations in the α-galactosidase A (GLA) gene causing deficiency of α-galactosidase A which results in progressive glycosphingolipid accumulation, especially globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), in body liquids and lysosomes. In a large cohort of FD patients, we aimed to establish genotype/phenotype relations as indicated by serum LysoGb3 (deacylated Gb3). / Methods: In 69 consecutive adult FD patients (males: n = 28 (41%)) with a GLA-mutation confirmed diagnosis, we conducted a multidisciplinary clinical characterization during their routine annual examinations, and measured serum LysoGb3 levels by high-sensitive electrospray ionization liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. / Results: Serum levels of LysoGb3 were significantly higher in Classic compared with Later-Onset phenotype and higher in the latter compared with controls, both in males (52 [40–83] vs 9.5 [4.5–20] vs 0.47 [0.41–0.61] ng/ml, P < 0.001) and in females (9.9 [7.9–14] vs 4.9 [1.6–4.9] vs 0.41 [0.33–0.48] ng/ml, P < 0.001), respectively. Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that LysoGb3 levels were independently associated with, serum creatinine (ÎČ = 0.09, 95%CI 0.04–0.13, P < 0.001) and the presence of cardiomyopathy (ÎČ = 25, 95%CI 9.8–41, P = 0.002). LysoGb3 levels were higher in males with frame-shift and nonsense mutations than in males with missense mutations (84 [72–109] vs 41 [37–52] ng/ml, P = 0.002). / Conclusion: LysoGb3 relates to disease severity, enzyme replacement response, and to the genotype severity in males. LysoGb3 supports identifying patients at risk who require intensive monitoring and treatment. LysoGb3 appears to be one marker of metabolic phenotyping of FD

    Advanced Electrocardiographic Predictors of Sudden Death in Familial Dysautonomia

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    To identify accurate predictors for the risk of sudden death in patients with familial dysautonomia (FD). Ten-minute resting high-fidelity 12-lead ECGs were obtained from 14 FD patients and 14 age/gender-matched healthy subjects. Multiple conventional and advanced ECG parameters were studied for their ability to predict sudden death in FD over a subsequent 4.5-year period, including multiple indices of linear and non-linear heart rate variability (HRV); QT variability; waveform complexity; high frequency QRS; and derived Frank-lead parameters. Four of the 14 FD patients died suddenly during the follow-up period, usually with concomitant pulmonary disorder. The presence of low vagally-mediated HRV was the ECG finding most predictive of sudden death. Concomitant left ventricular hypertrophy and other ECG abnormalities such as increased QTc and JTc intervals, spatial QRS-T angles, T-wave complexity, and QT variability were also present in FD patients, suggesting that structural heart disease is fairly common in FD. Although excessive or unopposed cardiac vagal (relative to sympathetic) activity has been postulated as a contributor to sudden death in FD, the presence of low vagally-mediated HRV was paradoxically the best predictor of sudden death. However, we suggest that low vagally-mediated HRV be construed not as a direct cause of sudden death in FD, but rather as an effect of concurrent pathological processes, especially hypoxia due to pulmonary disorders and sleep apnea, that themselves increase the risk of sudden death in FD and simultaneously diminish HRV. We speculate that adenosine may play a role in sudden death in FD, possibly independently of vagal activity, and that adenosine inhibitors such as theophylline might therefore be useful as prophylaxis in this disorder

    Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies: types II, III, and IV

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    The hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSAN) encompass a number of inherited disorders that are associated with sensory dysfunction (depressed reflexes, altered pain and temperature perception) and varying degrees of autonomic dysfunction (gastroesophageal reflux, postural hypotention, excessive sweating). Subsequent to the numerical classification of four distinct forms of HSAN that was proposed by Dyck and Ohta, additional entities continue to be described, so that identification and classification are ongoing. As a group, the HSAN are rare diseases that affect both sexes. HSAN III is almost exclusive to individuals of Eastern European Jewish extraction, with incidence of 1 per 3600 live births. Several hundred cases with HSAN IV have been reported. The worldwide prevalence of HSAN type II is very low. This review focuses on the description of three of the disorders, HSAN II through IV, that are characterized by autosomal recessive inheritance and onset at birth. These three forms of HSAN have been the most intensively studied, especially familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome or HSAN III), which is often used as a prototype for comparison to the other HSAN. Each HSAN disorder is likely caused by different genetic errors that affect specific aspects of small fiber neurodevelopment, which result in variable phenotypic expression. As genetic tests are routinely used for diagnostic confirmation of HSAN III only, other means of differentiating between the disorders is necessary. Diagnosis is based on the clinical features, the degree of both sensory and autonomic dysfunction, and biochemical evaluations, with pathologic examinations serving to further confirm differences. Treatments for all these disorders are supportive

    Poikilothermia in a 38-year-old Fabry patient

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    A Fabry patient with poikilothermia is described. Laboratory investigations, neuro-imaging and autonomic function tests did not disclose a cause. Assessment of intra-epidermal nerve fibre density and quantitative sensory testing revealed small fibre neuropathy with a highly impaired cold sensation. We speculate that the poikilothermia is either caused by a vascular lesion in the hypothalamus not visible on MRI or by small fibre neuropathy leading to disturbed body temperature perception and therefore impaired thermoregulation

    Further evidence for large central mass-to-light ratios in early-type galaxies: the case of ellipticals and lenticulars in the Abell~262 cluster

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    We present radially resolved spectroscopy of 8 early-type galaxies in Abell~262, measuring rotation, velocity dispersion, H3H_3 and H4H_4 coefficients along three axes, and line-strength index profiles of Mg, Fe and HÎČ\beta. Ionized-gas velocity and velocity dispersion is included for 6 galaxies. We derive dynamical mass-to-light ratios and dark matter densities from orbit-based dynamical models, complemented by the galaxies' ages, metallicities, and α\alpha-elements abundances. Four galaxies have significant dark matter with halos about 10 times denser than in spirals of the same stellar mass. Using dark matter densities and cosmological simulations, assembly redshifts \zdm\approx 1-3, which we found earlier for Coma. The dynamical mass following the light is larger than expected for a Kroupa stellar IMF, especially in galaxies with high velocity dispersion \sigeff inside the effective radius \reff. This could indicate a `massive' IMF in massive galaxies. Alternatively, some dark matter in massive galaxies could follow the light closely. Combining with our comparison sample of Coma early-types, we now have 5 of 24 galaxies where (1) mass follows light to 1-3\,\reff, (2) the dynamical mass-to-light ratio {of all the mass that follows the light is large (≈ 8−10\approx\,8-10 in the Kron-Cousins RR band), (3) the dark matter fraction is negligible to 1-3\,\reff. Unless the IMF in these galaxies is particularly `massive' and somehow coupled to the dark matter content, there seems a significant degeneracy between luminous and dark matter in some early-type galaxies. The role of violent relaxation is briefly discussed.Comment: 62 pages, 13 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Laser-driven x-ray and proton micro-source and application to simultaneous single-shot bi-modal radiographic imaging

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    Radiographic imaging with x-rays and protons is an omnipresent tool in basic research and applications in industry, material science and medical diagnostics. The information contained in both modalities can often be valuable in principle, but difficult to access simultaneously. Laser-driven solid-density plasma-sources deliver both kinds of radiation, but mostly single modalities have been explored for applications. Their potential for bi-modal radiographic imaging has never been fully realized, due to problems in generating appropriate sources and separating image modalities. Here, we report on the generation of proton and x-ray micro-sources in laser-plasma interactions of the focused Texas Petawatt laser with solid-density, micrometer-sized tungsten needles. We apply them for bi-modal radiographic imaging of biological and technological objects in a single laser shot. Thereby, advantages of laser-driven sources could be enriched beyond their small footprint by embracing their additional unique properties, including the spectral bandwidth, small source size and multi-mode emission. Here the authors show a synchronized single-shot bi-modal x-ray and proton source based on laser-generated plasma. This source can be useful for radiographic and tomographic imaging

    Elliptical Galaxies and Bulges of Disk Galaxies: Summary of Progress and Outstanding Issues

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    This is the summary chapter of a review book on galaxy bulges. Bulge properties and formation histories are more varied than those of ellipticals. I emphasize two advances: 1 - "Classical bulges" are observationally indistinguishable from ellipticals, and like them, are thought to form by major galaxy mergers. "Disky pseudobulges" are diskier and more actively star-forming (except in S0s) than are ellipticals. Theys are products of the slow ("secular") evolution of galaxy disks: bars and other nonaxisymmetries move disk gas toward the center, where it starbursts and builds relatively flat, rapidly rotating components. This secular evolution is a new area of galaxy evolution work that complements hierarchical clustering. 2 - Disks of high-redshift galaxies are unstable to the formation of mass clumps that sink to the center and merge - an alternative channel for the formation of classical bulges. I review successes and unsolved problems in the formation of bulges+ellipticals and their coevolution (or not) with supermassive black holes. I present an observer's perspective on simulations of dark matter galaxy formation including baryons. I review how our picture of the quenching of star formation is becoming general and secure at redshifts z < 1. The biggest challenge is to produce realistic bulges+ellipticals and disks that overlap over a factor of 10**3 in mass but that differ from each other as observed over that whole range. Second, how does hierarchical clustering make so many giant, bulgeless galaxies in field but not cluster environments? I argue that we rely too much on AGN and star-formation feedback to solve these challenges.Comment: 46 pages, 10 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Galactic Bulges, ed. E. Laurikainen, R. F. Peletier, & D. A. Gadotti (New York: Springer), in press (2015

    Electrodiagnostic assessment of the autonomic nervous system: A consensus statement endorsed by the American Autonomic Society, American Academy of Neurology, and the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology

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    Evaluation of disorders of the autonomic nervous system is both an art and a science, calling upon the physician's most astute clinical skills as well as knowledge of autonomic neurology and physiology. Over the last three decades, the development of noninvasive clinical tests that assess the function of autonomic nerves, the validation and standardization of these tests, and the growth of a large body of literature characterizing test results in patients with autonomic disorders have equipped clinical practice further with a valuable set of objective tools to assist diagnosis and prognosis. This review, based on current evidence, outlines an international expert consensus set of recommendations to guide clinical electrodiagnostic autonomic testing. Grading and localization of autonomic deficits incorporates scores from sympathetic cardiovascular adrenergic, parasympathetic cardiovagal, and sudomotor testing, as no single test alone is sufficient to diagnose the degree or distribution of autonomic failure. The composite autonomic severity score (CASS) is a useful score of autonomic failure that is normalized for age and gender. Valid indications for autonomic testing include generalized autonomic failure, regional or selective system syndromes of autonomic impairment, peripheral autonomic neuropathy and ganglionopathy, small fiber neuropathy, orthostatic hypotension, orthostatic intolerance, syncope, neurodegenerative disorders, autonomic hyperactivity, and anhidrosis
