61 research outputs found

    Acute effects of blue light on alertness

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2023-11-17The discovery of a third-class retinal photoreceptors (ipRGCs) sensitive to the short wavelength light (from 460nm to 480nm) have influenced research on circadian rhythms over the last two decades, with increasing research focusing on the physiological and psychological effects of blue light and different colour temperatures during both daytime and nighttime. Meanwhile, research on daytime light exposure has given varying results. Piloting an experimental protocol, the acute effects of both monochromatic blue light (max 479 nm) and dim light (<5 lux) were assessed in 12 healthy young subjects, during the morning hours. Chronotype and sleep prior to the test days were also assessed. Participants were exposed to 1 hour dim light (<5 lux) prior to testing for both light conditions. Alertness was measured using a psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) at three different times during the procedure. There was no significant effect of either blue or dim light on alertness, however there was a combined effect of alertness and dim light when total sleep time the night before dim light was accounted for, showing slower response time in the dim light condition.Masteroppgave i psykologiMAPSYK360MAPS-PSYKINTL-KMDINTL-SVINTL-MEDINTL-PSYKINTL-JUSINTL-HFINTL-M


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    Penalaran dan komunikasi statistis, serta academic help-seeking (AHS) merupakan aspek penting bagi perkembangan pengetahuan mahasiswa. Komunikasi statistis penting untuk memperjelas suatu masalah berdasarkan karakteristik data statistik dan penalaran statistis berperan membentuk keterampilan mahasiswa menggunakan konsep, aturan dan proses statistika, sementara AHS merupakan strategi self-regulatory penting yang memberikan kontribusi untuk belajar statistika. Kompetensi mahasiswa terhadap ketiga aspek tersebut masih rendah sehingga perlu dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran pengantar statistika. Salah satu model pembelajaran alternatif yang dapat mencapai kompetensi dimaksud adalah pembelajaran berbasis proyek berbantuan ICT (PBP berbantuan ICT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara komprehensif pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan penalaran statistis (KPS) dan kemampuan komunikasi statistis (KKS), serta pencapaian AHS mahasiswa melalui PBP berbantuan ICT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran dengan desain kelompok kontrol pretes-postes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa S1 program studi Pendidikan Matematika pada salah satu universitas di Maluku Utara. Instrumen pengumpulan data meliputi: tes kemampuan awal statistis (KAS), pretes dan postes KPS dan KKS, skala AHS, lembar observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan statistik uji: t, t^', Mann-Whitney U, anova dua jalur, dan uji asosiasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pencapaian KPS, KKS, dan AHS mahasiswa yang memperoleh PBP berbantuan ICT secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada mahasiswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional (PK), (2) Peningkatan KPS dan KKS mahasiswa yang memperoleh PBP berbantuan ICT secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada PK ditinjau dari KAS (tinggi dan sedang), (3) Peningkatan KPS dan KKS mahasiswa yang memperoleh PBP berbantuan ICT dengan KAS tinggi dalam kategori tinggi, KAS (sedang, rendah) dalam kategori sedang, dan mahasiswa yang memperoleh PK dengan KAS (tinggi, sedang, rendah) dalam kategori sedang, (4) Tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara faktor pembelajaran dan KAS terhadap pencapaian dan peningkatan KPS dan KKS mahasiswa, (5) Tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara pembelajaran dan KAS terhadap pencapaian AHS mahasiswa, (6) Ada asosiasi yang signifikan dan bersifat positif antara KPS dan KKS mahasiswa, KKS dan AHS mahasiswa yang diterapkan melalui PBP berbantuan ICT, namun tidak ada asosiasi yang signifikan antara KPS dan AHS, dan (7) Asosiasi antara KPS dan KKS dalam kategori kuat, antara KPS dan AHS dalam kategori kurang kuat, dan antara KKS dan AHS dalam kategori cukup kuat. PBP berbantuan ICT dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu modal alternatif dalam pembelajaran pengantar statistika untuk meningkatkan KPS dan KKS, serta menciptakan academic help-seeking statistis mahasiswa. ---------- Statistical reasoning and communication and academic help-seeking (AHS) are important aspects for students’ knowledge development. Statistical communication is important to clarify a problem, based on the characteristics of statistic data and statistical reasoning plays role to form students skill in using concepts, rules and statistics process. While academic help-seeking is self-regulatory strategy that contributes to learn statistics. The students still did not have enough ability in three competencies. One of alternative models enhances students’ ability in those three competencies is project-based learning assisted ICT (ICT-assisted PBL). This study aims to analyze comprehensively the achievement and improvement of statistical reasoning ability (SRA) and statistical communication ability (SCA), as well as students’ AHS through ICT-assisted PBL. This study used a mixed methods with pretest posttest control design. The population of this ware undergraduate students of Mathematics Education program at a State University in North Maluku. Data collection instruments include: prior statistical knowledge (PSK) test, pre-test and post-test of statistical reasoning ability and communication statistical ability, AHS scale, observation note and interviews. Analysis statistic used test: t, t', Mann-Whitney U, two-ways ANOVA, and the association test. The results showed that: (1) the students who got with ICT-assisted PBL have higher achievement in SRA, SCA, and AHS than students who got convensition learning (CL), (2) high, middle and low PSK students who got ICT-assisted PBL have enhancement and achievement significantly higher than CL. (3) Improved students’ AHS behavior who got ICT-assisted PBL bases on student’s PSK high, medium and low are in the low category, (4) there is a direct effect of the learning factor and prior statistical knowledge (PSK) to the students’ achievement and improvement of SRA, SCA and AHS, but simultaneously there is no interaction between factors learning and PSK to the student’s achievement and improvement of SRA and SCA, (5) there is not interaction between learning factors and PSK on students’ academic help-seeking, (6) there is significant assosiation and positive between student’s SRA and SCA, student’s SCA and AHS who receive ICT-assisted PBL, but not is significant association between student’s SRA and AHS, and (7) The association between student’s SRA and SCA in the highle category, between the student’s SRA and the AHS in the lower category, and between student’s SCA and AHS in middle category. ICT-assisted PBL can be used as an alternative model in teaching and learning statistics to enhancement statistical reasoning ability and statistical communication and students’ statistical academic help-seeking

    Demonstration of non-linear model predictive control for optimal flexible operation of a CO2 capture plant

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    Due to the penetration of renewable intermittent energy, there is a need for coal and natural gas power plants to operate flexibly with variable load. This has resulted in an increasing interest in flexible and operational issues in the capture plant as well. In the present paper a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) system was tested at the Tiller pilot plant in Norway. The most important part of the NMPC software is the dynamic model representing the absorber/desorber plant. A previous first principle (mechanistic) dynamic model of the plant using MEA was modified for a solvent of AMP and piperazine, and then successfully verified by step response tests. The NMPC, which was set up to minimize the deviation from the capture rate setpoint and minimize the specific reboiler duty was then tested in a closed loop with large changes in flue gas flow and CO2 composition. Even for gas rate variations of more than 300% (110–340 m3/h) and CO2 concentration changes of 30%, the dynamic response was satisfactory. A test with frequently occurring constraints on the reboiler duty revealed a need for an extension to include direct control of the lean loading. Test of setpoint changes in total CO2 recovery showed that the control system managed to rapidly change from one capture rate to another with a time constant of typically 10 min. This might be used in a second layer of optimization, a dynamic real-time optimizer, that minimizes the capture costs during a longer horizon considering varying energy prices.publishedVersio

    Nurses’ ethical challenges when providing care in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: Older, frail patients with multimorbidity are at an especially high risk for disease severity anddeath from COVID-19. The social restrictions proved challenging for the residents, their relatives, and thecare staff. While these restrictions clearly impacted daily life in Norwegian nursing homes, knowledge abouthow the pandemic influenced nursing practice is sparse. Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate ethicaldifficult situations experienced by Norwegian nurses working in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research design and participants: The research design involved semistructured individual interviews conducted with 15 nurses working in 8 nursing homes in 3 health regions in Norway, within both urban andrural areas. Ethical considerations: Oral and written information about the study was provided before the participantsgave their written consent. The transcribed interviews were de-identified. The study was approved by the Norwegian Centre for Research Data. Findings: Four ethical difficult situations were identified: (a) turning the nursing home into a prison; (b) usingmedication to maintain peace and order; (c) being left alone with the responsibility; and (d) s. impact ondecision-making. Conclusions: The nurses’ethical challenges were intertwined with external factors, such as national andlocal guidelines, and the nurses’own internalized factors, which were connected to their subjective pro-fessionality. This duality inflicted emotional distress and gave nurses few opportunities to perform nursing in aprofessionally sound and safe manner. Keywords: COVID-19, nursing home, nursing, ethical challenges. © The Author(s) 2022, Article Reuse Guidelines: https://doi.org/10.1177/09697330221105631Nurses’ ethical challenges when providing care in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemicpublishedVersio

    Safe limits of selenomethionine and selenite supplementation to plant-based Atlantic salmon feeds

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    The use of plant-based feeds warrants the supplementation with selenium (Se) to cover the requirement for Atlantic salmon. Depending on its chemical form, Se is a trace element with a narrow range between requirement and toxicity for most vertebrates. Information on safe upper limit for Atlantic salmon feed supplementation is lacking. Atlantic salmon (147 g) were fed a low natural background organic Se diet (0.45 mg Se kg−1, wet weight (ww)) fortified with 5 graded levels of inorganic sodium selenite (0.45, 5.4, 11.0, 29.4, or 60.0 mg kg−1 ww) or organic selenomethionine (SeMet) (0.45, 6.2, 16.2, 21, or 39 mg kg−1 ww), in triplicate for 3 months. Excess Se supplementation was assessed by targeted biomarkers of Se toxicity pathways (e.g. markers of oxidative stress and lipid metabolism), as well as general adverse effect parameters (plasma biochemistry, hematology, liver histopathology, and growth). Safe limits were set by model-fitting the effect data in a dose-response (lower bound) bench mark dose (BMDL) evaluation. Fish fed the two highest selenite levels showed mortality while fish fed SeMet had no mortality. Fish fed 5.4–11 mg selenite kg−1 feed showed significantly (ANOVA, Tukey's t-test,

    Dietary micronutrient composition affects fillet texture and muscle cell size in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    During the past 20 years, plant ingredients have taken over as the main constituents in feed for Atlantic salmon. This has changed the nutrient composition of the feeds, the bioavailability of nutrients and perhaps nutrient metabolism. Plant‐based diets also contain more anti‐nutrients. The EU‐funded project ARRAINA re‐evaluated recommendations for micronutrient supplementation to Atlantic salmon feeds, and the present study compared a diet supplemented with micronutrients according to NRC (2011) (control diet, 100% NP (nutrient package)) with a diet supplemented according to the new recommendations (New NP). Tissue concentrations of pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin C, Zn and Se were significantly higher; and Cu was lower in Atlantic salmon fed the diet with the New NP compared to the control fish. The New NP also gave a near significant effect on growth, decreased muscle firmness and increased muscle cell size, and it affected metabolism of nitrogen‐containing metabolites in the muscle. While we cannot be certain which micronutrient(s) gave these effects, the B vitamins are probable candidates, since they are mediators of intermediary metabolism and have been shown to influence some of the affected metabolites

    Oksidativt stress, vĂĽrdropp i pigmentering og produksjonslidelser hos laks

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    I lakseoppdrett opplever man noen ganger en reduksjon i pigmentering av fileten i forbindelse med økt vekst i vürsesongen nür temperatur og daglengde øker. I EU-prosjektet ARRAINA fant vi økt oksidativ status i fisk samplet i juni, bl.a. med redusert innhold av vitamin C i hel fisk, sammenlignet med fisk i ferskvann. Hypotesen i dette prosjektet er at økt vekst i sjø om vüren er forbundet med oksidativt stress og at dette fører til nedbrytning av astaxanthin og gir den sükalte vürdroppen i pigmentering. Dette er vist tidligere med bruk av et fôr som inneholdt mye marine ingredienser, men vi ønsker ü bekrefte disse resultatene under fôr- og fôringsbetingelser som er relevante for dagens oppdrett. Hvis fisken har økt oksidativt stress om vüren, kan dette ogsü føre til utvikling av katarakt og pigmentflekker i muskel. Disse hypotesene ble delvis bekreftet av resultatene i dette studiet.publishedVersio
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