4,332 research outputs found

    Shapes and fissility of highly charged and rapidly rotating levitated liquid drops

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    We use diamagnetic levitation to investigate the shapes and the stability of free electrically charged and spinning liquid drops of volume ∼1 ml. In addition to binary fission and Taylor cone-jet fission modes observed at low and high charge density, respectively, we also observe an unusual mode which appears to be a hybrid of the two. Measurements of the angular momentum required to fission a charged drop show that nonrotating drops become unstable to fission at the amount of charge predicted by Lord Rayleigh. This result is in contrast to the observations of most previous experiments on fissioning charged drops, which typically exhibit fission well below Rayleigh’s limit

    Evaluation of local and global atrophy measurement techniques with simulated Alzheimer's disease data

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    The main goal of this work was to evaluate several well-known methods which provide global (BSI and SIENA) or local (Jacobian integration) estimates of atrophy in brain structures using Magnetic Resonance images. For that purpose, we have generated realistic simulated Alzheimer's disease images in which volume changes are modelled with a Finite Element thermoelastic model, which mimic the patterns of change obtained from a cohort of 19 real controls and 27 probable Alzheimer's disease patients. SIENA and BSI results correlate very well with gold standard data (BSI mean absolute error <0.29%; SIENA <0.44%). Jacobian integration was guided by both fluid and FFD-based registration techniques and resulting deformation fields and associated Jacobians were compared, region by region, with gold standard ones. The FFD registration technique provided more satisfactory results than the fluid one. Mean absolute error differences between volume changes given by the FFD-based technique and the gold standard were: sulcal CSF <2.49%; lateral ventricles 2.25%; brain <0.36%; hippocampi <0.42%

    Natural Theories of Ultra-Low Mass PNGB's: Axions and Quintessence

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    We consider the Wilson Line PNGB which arises in a U(1)^N gauge theory, abstracted from a latticized, periodically compactified extra dimension U(1). Planck scale breaking of the PNGB's global symmetry is suppressed, providing natural candidates for the axion and quintessence. We construct an explicit model in which the axion may be viewed as the 5th component of the U(1)_Y gauge field in a 1+4 latticized periodically compactified extra dimension. We also construct a quintessence PNGB model where the ultra-low mass arises from Planck-scale suppressed physics itself.Comment: 20 pages, fixed typo and reference

    The abundance of an invasive freshwater snail Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1822) in the Nseleni River, South Africa

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    The invasive freshwater snail Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1822) was first reported in South Africa in 1999 and it has become widespread across the country, with some evidence to suggest that it reduces benthic macroinvertebrate biodiversity. The current study aimed to identify the primary abiotic drivers behind abundance patterns of T. granifera, by comparing the current abundance of the snail in three different regions, and at three depths, of the highly modified Nseleni River in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Tarebia granifera was well established throughout the Nseleni River system, with an overall preference for shallow waters and seasonal temporal patterns of abundance. Although it is uncertain what the ecological impacts of the snail in this system are, its high abundances suggest that it should be controlled where possible and prevented from invading other systems in the region

    Exercise-induced respiratory muscle work: Effects on blood flow, fatigue and performance

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    This is the post print version of this article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below.In healthy subjects, heavy intensity endurance exercise places substantial demands on the respiratory muscles as breathing frequency, ventilation and the work of breathing rise over time. In the highly trained subject working at high absolute work rates, the ventilatory demand often causes varying degrees of expiratory flow limitation, sometimes accompanied by lung hyperinflation and, therefore, increased elastic work of breathing. Time-dependant increases in effort perceptions for both dyspnea and limb discomfort accompany these increased ventilatory demands. Similar responses to endurance exercise but at much lower exercise intensities also occur in patients with COPD and CHF. Note that these responses significantly influence exercise performance times in both health and disease. This effect was demonstrated by the marked reductions in the rate of rise of effort perceptions and the enhanced exercise performance times elicited by unloading the respiratory muscles using pressure support ventilation or proportional assist mechanical ventilation. In healthy fit subjects, unloading the inspiratory work of breathing by about one half increased performance by an average of 14% (Harms et al. 2000), and in CHF and COPD patients performance time more than doubled with respiratory muscle unloading (O’Donnell et al. 2001). Why are effort perceptions of limb discomfort markedly reduced and exercise performance increased when the respiratory muscles are unloaded? Our hypothesis is shown in Fig. 1

    Rotating Rayleigh-Taylor instability

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    The effect of rotation upon the classical Rayleigh-Taylor instability is considered. We consider a two-layer system with an axis of rotation that is perpendicular to the interface between the layers. In general we find that a wave mode’s growth rate may be reduced by rotation. We further show that in some cases, unstable axisymmetric wave modes may be stabilized by rotating the system above a critical rotation rate associated with the mode’s wavelength, the Atwood number and the flow’s aspect ratio

    Phenomenological model of diffuse global and regional atrophy using finite-element methods

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    The main goal of this work is the generation of ground-truth data for the validation of atrophy measurement techniques, commonly used in the study of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia. Several techniques have been used to measure atrophy in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, but it is extremely difficult to compare their performance since they have been applied to different patient populations. Furthermore, assessment of performance based on phantom measurements or simple scaled images overestimates these techniques' ability to capture the complexity of neurodegeneration of the human brain. We propose a method for atrophy simulation in structural magnetic resonance (MR) images based on finite-element methods. The method produces cohorts of brain images with known change that is physically and clinically plausible, providing data for objective evaluation of atrophy measurement techniques. Atrophy is simulated in different tissue compartments or in different neuroanatomical structures with a phenomenological model. This model of diffuse global and regional atrophy is based on volumetric measurements such as the brain or the hippocampus, from patients with known disease and guided by clinical knowledge of the relative pathological involvement of regions and tissues. The consequent biomechanical readjustment of structures is modelled using conventional physics-based techniques based on biomechanical tissue properties and simulating plausible tissue deformations with finite-element methods. A thermoelastic model of tissue deformation is employed, controlling the rate of progression of atrophy by means of a set of thermal coefficients, each one corresponding to a different type of tissue. Tissue characterization is performed by means of the meshing of a labelled brain atlas, creating a reference volumetric mesh that will be introduced to a finite-element solver to create the simulated deformations. Preliminary work on the simulation of acquisition artefa- - cts is also presented. Cross-sectional and

    Vegetation height products between 60° S and 60° N from ICESat GLAS data.

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    We present new coarse resolution (0.5� ×0.5�)vegetation height and vegetation-cover fraction data sets between 60� S and 60� N for use in climate models and ecological models. The data sets are derived from 2003–2009 measurements collected by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), the only LiDAR instrument that provides close to global coverage. Initial vegetation height is calculated from GLAS data using a development of the model of Rosette et al. (2008) with further calibration on desert sites. Filters are developed to identify and eliminate spurious observations in the GLAS data, e.g. data that are affected by clouds, atmosphere and terrain and as such result in erroneous estimates of vegetation height or vegetation cover. Filtered GLAS vegetation height estimates are aggregated in histograms from 0 to 70m in 0.5m intervals for each 0.5�×0.5�. The GLAS vegetation height product is evaluated in four ways. Firstly, the Vegetation height data and data filters are evaluated using aircraft LiDAR measurements of the same for ten sites in the Americas, Europe, and Australia. Application of filters to the GLAS vegetation height estimates increases the correlation with aircraft data from r =0.33 to r =0.78, decreases the root-mean-square error by a factor 3 to about 6m (RMSE) or 4.5m (68% error distribution) and decreases the bias from 5.7m to −1.3 m. Secondly, the global aggregated GLAS vegetation height product is tested for sensitivity towards the choice of data quality filters; areas with frequent cloud cover and areas with steep terrain are the most sensitive to the choice of thresholds for the filters. The changes in height estimates by applying different filters are, for the main part, smaller than the overall uncertainty of 4.5–6m established from the site measurements. Thirdly, the GLAS global vegetation height product is compared with a global vegetation height product typically used in a climate model, a recent global tree height product, and a vegetation greenness product and is shown to produce realistic estimates of vegetation height. Finally, the GLAS bare soil cover fraction is compared globally with the MODIS bare soil fraction (r = 0.65) and with bare soil cover fraction estimates derived from AVHRR NDVI data (r =0.67); the GLAS treecover fraction is compared with the MODIS tree-cover fraction (r =0.79). The evaluation indicates that filters applied to the GLAS data are conservative and eliminate a large proportion of spurious data, while only in a minority of cases at the cost of removing reliable data as well. The new GLAS vegetation height product appears more realistic than previous data sets used in climate models and ecological models and hence should significantly improve simulations that involve the land surface