100 research outputs found

    Penal welfarism og norsk sikkerhetspsykiatri, 1895-1940

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    AbstractThis article presents the early decades of Norwegian forensic psychiatry as a basis for exploring David Garland’s term «penal welfarism». While Garland focuses primarily upon penalties and prisons, I find it relevant to look at a type of sanction not officially defined as punishment according to Norwegian law. Insanity has provided exemption from criminal punishment in Norway since 1842. Yet criminals considered dangerous to themselves or others have been housed in criminal asylums since 1895, which is the same year Garland argues that a transformation in penal strategies occurred in Britain (Garland, 1985)

    Norske drapsmenn (og kvinner) 1955-1982: Ragnar Christensens arkiv med norske drapssaker, analysert i antall, kjønn, alder, motiv, metode, relasjon og straffereaksjon.

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    Abstract:Homicides are rare in Norway; the country’s homicide rate is among the lowest in the world (UNODC, 2013). This might be why homicides always receive attention in the national news. The topic has also received attention on a governmental level. Reducing the number of homicides is an expressed goal in several official reports. However, preventive efforts require knowledge. While a handful of studies have been conducted using a variety of disciplinary approaches and methods, several recent reports point out that homicide is not a prioritized research field in Norway (NOU 2010:3; FHI rapport, 2012; JBD, 2018). This is the first article from the project »Homicides in Norway, 1955-1982, a historical-criminological study«. Studies using historical methods on homicide in the contemporary era have not previously been conducted in Norway. The projects aim is to provide historical insight into the rates and patterns of Norwegian homicide during the period 1955 to 1982, based on material originally collected by psychologist Ragnar Christensen (1922-2011) over the course of three decades

    Digital læringsressurs -et bidrag til a styrke matematikkopplæring?

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    Resultatene fra PISA 2012 viste at en god del norske elever føler seg hjelpeløse når de jobber med matematikkoppgaver og er stressede når de gjør matematikklekser (Jensen & Nortvedt, 2013). Andre studier har vist at elevenes mangel på motivasjon er en stor utfordring i matematikkopplæring. I tillegg viser det seg at elevenes matematiske kompetanse fra ungdomsskolen påvirker frafallet i videregående skole (Falch, 2013). Hensikten med studien har vært å undersøke om en digital læringsressurs kan bidra å styrke matematikkopplæring. Den digitale læringsressursen Kikora ble valgt for å undersøke dette. Det overordnede forskningsspørsmålet var: «Kan en digital læringsressurs bidra til å styrke matematikkopplæring?». For å kunne svare på det overordnede forskningsspørsmålet, er studien gjennomført ved hjelp av operasjonaliserte forskningsspørsmål som omhandler motivasjon, mestring og prestasjon. Den kognitiv-konstruktivistiske teoritradisjonen er brukt som bakgrunn for å besvare forskningsspørsmålet. Det er brukt en kombinasjon av kvantitativ og kvalitativ undersøkelse, kalt metodetriangulering, for å svare på forskningsspørsmålet. Elevene i forsøksgruppen brukte Kikora til å gjøre lekser i forsøksperioden, mens elevene i kontrollgruppen gjorde tradisjonelle lekser. De har svart på en spørreundersøkelse før og etter forsøksperioden og er blitt intervjuet for å undersøke elevenes opplevelse av motivasjon og mestring ved bruk av Kikora. Undersøkelsene vedrørende prestasjon er gjennomført ved hjelp av førtest og ettertest med kontrollgruppe. Elevene som brukte Kikora ble i hovedsak motivert av å bruke Kikora. Flertallet av elevene syntes det var middels eller over middels gøy å jobbe i Kikora. De aller fleste av elevene ønsket å fortsette med Kikora etter forsøksperioden. De opplevde mestringen av den digitale læringsressursen i varierende grad avhengig av karakternivå. Det kan med stor nok grad av sikkerhet konkluderes med at Kikora bidro til å forbedre prestasjonsnivået til elevene, fordi det etter forsøksperioden var en signifikant forskjell i prestasjon mellom forsøksgruppen og kontrollgruppen. Det ble konkludert med at en digital læringsressurs kan bidra til å styrke matematikkopplæring.Master i IKT-støttet lærin

    Evaluation of hospital ward layouts in recent norwegian hospitals

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    Objective – This paper presents current results from evaluations of two recently built Norwegian hospitals and aims towards collecting data to develop guidelines for hospital ward layouts. Background – There is a growing interest in making decisions on hospital design based on evidence and post occupancy evaluations. Research question – Which design solutions, investigated in evaluations of different hospitals, can give valuable input to guidelines for best design and layout principles of hospital wards? Methods – Six hospital cases were chosen to represent different layout solutions of ward design. This paper presents and compares two of them. The methods included assessment of floorplans, walk-through evaluations with hospital staff, semi-structured focus group interviews and individual interviews. The combination of methods was used to investigate layout of wards, workstations and patient rooms. Focus was also on patients’ comfort and possibilities of observation of patients as well as work processes in the workstations. Data and photos of specific areas were collected, interviews transcribed, analysed and summarised. Results – The results show both similarities and variations in design solutions concerning architectural layouts of wards, workstation, patient room and bathroom. The cases have following common features: Single-bed patient rooms, large windows providing daylight and view, wards divided into 3 smaller units – bed clusters organized around workstations, each monitoring 8-9 patient rooms. Both hospitals have open workstations located in the corridor and including a small glass-sheltered work area and ‘support rooms’ nearby. Differences: The distance and visual contact between the workstations and the patient beds vary. One ward case provides bathrooms shared by two adjacent patient rooms, the other a private bathroom for each patient room. Furthermore, one ward includes a centrally placed patient leisure/waiting room with library while the other offers several small social areas for patients in addition to kitchen/dining room. Perceived comfort, satisfaction and functionality differ relating to the design solutions. The linear design of wards gave a better overview and shorter walking distances than the L-shape. Open workstations functioned well and made the staff available for patients and nearest relatives but showed challenges with confidentiality and capacity. Both patients and staff were satisfied with single-bed rooms and report improved rest, confidentiality and containing infections. Conclusion – The current evaluation provides preliminary results for design solutions concerning layout of wards, workstations and patient rooms. These solutions are associated with positive impact on experiences of architectural quality, functionality and patient and staff satisfaction and may therefore influence current guidelines for hospital wards.publishedVersio

    Overweight modifies the longitudinal association between uric acid and some components of the metabolic syndrome: The Tromsø Study

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    Published version. Source at http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12872-016-0265-8 Background: Elevated uric acid (UA) is associated with the presence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). In a prospective cohort study, we assessed whether baseline and longitudinal change in UA were risk factors for development of MetS and its individual components. Methods: We included 3087 women and 2996 men who had UA measured in the population based Tromsø Study 1994–95. The participants were stratified according to body mass index (BMI). Endpoints were MetS and each component of the syndrome after 7 years, according to the revised National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III) definition. Results: Multiple logistic regression analyses showed that higher baseline UA was associated with higher odds of developing elevated blood pressure in overweight subjects (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2, odds ratio [OR] per 59 μmol/L UA increase 1.44, 95 % confidence interval [CI] = 1.17–1.77, P = 0.001), but not in normal-weight subjects (BMI Conclusion: Increased levels of baseline UA independently predicted development of elevated blood pressure and higher fasting glycemia in the overweight, but not the normal-weight subjects. Baseline UA and longitudinal increase in UA over 7 years was associated with the development of MetS in all subjects. Whether increased UA should be treated differently in normal-weight and overweight persons needs further study

    Frequency of fatigue and its changes in the first 6 months after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER-TBI study.

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    BACKGROUND: Fatigue is one of the most commonly reported subjective symptoms following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The aims were to assess frequency of fatigue over the first 6 months after TBI, and examine whether fatigue changes could be predicted by demographic characteristics, injury severity and comorbidities. METHODS: Patients with acute TBI admitted to 65 trauma centers were enrolled in the study Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI). Subjective fatigue was measured by single item on the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ), administered at baseline, three and 6 months postinjury. Patients were categorized by clinical care pathway: admitted to an emergency room (ER), a ward (ADM) or an intensive care unit (ICU). Injury severity, preinjury somatic- and psychiatric conditions, depressive and sleep problems were registered at baseline. For prediction of fatigue changes, descriptive statistics and mixed effect logistic regression analysis are reported. RESULTS: Fatigue was experienced by 47% of patients at baseline, 48% at 3 months and 46% at 6 months. Patients admitted to ICU had a higher probability of experiencing fatigue than those in ER and ADM strata. Females and individuals with lower age, higher education, more severe intracranial injury, preinjury somatic and psychiatric conditions, sleep disturbance and feeling depressed postinjury had a higher probability of fatigue. CONCLUSION: A high and stable frequency of fatigue was found during the first 6 months after TBI. Specific socio-demographic factors, comorbidities and injury severity characteristics were predictors of fatigue in this study

    Agrárpiaci Jelentések ÉLŐÁLLAT ÉS HÚS

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    Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok agrárminisztériumának (USDA) októberben megjelent rövid távú projekciója szerint a világ marhahústermelése 930 ezer tonnával 61,4 millió tonnára emelkedhet az idén a 2016. évihez képest. Az USDA adatai szerint az Egyesült Államokban a bika ára 3,82 dollár (USD)/kilogramm hasított hideg súly volt 2017 szeptemberében, 1,6 százalékkal nőtt az egy évvel korábbihoz viszonyítva. Brazíliában a szarvasmarha ára brazil reálban kifejezve 4,4 százalékkal csökkent 2017 szeptemberében az előző év azonos hónapjának átlagárához képest. Argentínában a szarvasmarha ára argentin pezóban kifejezve 10 százalékkal emelkedett ugyanekkor. Az Európai Bizottság októberben megjelent rövid távú előrevetítése szerint az EU marhahústermelése várhatóan 7,9 millió tonna körül alakul 2017-ben, nem változik számottevően az előző évihez viszonyítva. A projekció szerint a marhahús kibocsátása 2018-ban előreláthatóan 7,85 millió tonnára csökken. Az Európai Unióban a fiatal bika „R3” kereskedelmi osztály vágóhídi belépési ára 3,83 euró/kilogramm hasított hideg súly volt 2017 szeptemberében, 5,3 százalékkal nőtt az egy évvel korábbihoz képest. Magyarországon a fiatal bika termelői ára 793 forint/kilogramm hasított meleg súly volt 2017 szeptemberében, 1,4 százalékkal nőtt az előző év azonos hónapjának átlagárához viszonyítva. A vágótehén ára 18,1 százalékkal, a vágóüszőé 22,9 százalékkal emelkedett ugyanekkor

    Functional Outcomes at 6 and 12 Months Post-Injury in a Trauma Centre Population with Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Injuries

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    This study aims to evaluate the global functional outcomes after moderate-to-severe traumatic injury at 6 and 12 months and to examine the sociodemographic and injury-related factors that predict these outcomes. A prospective cohort study was conducted in which trauma patients of all ages with a New Injury Severity Score > 9 who were discharged alive from two regional trauma centres in Norway over a one-year period (2020) were included. The Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE) score was used to analyse the functional outcomes. Regression analyses were performed to investigate the predictors of the GOSE score. Follow-up assessments were obtained from approximately 85% of the 601 included patients at both time points. The mean (SD) GOSE score was 6.1 (1.6) at 6 months and 6.4 (1.6) at 12 months, which corresponds to an upper-moderate disability. One-half of the patients had a persistent disability at 12 months post-injury. The statistically significant predictors of a low GOSE score at both time points were more pre-injury comorbidity, a higher number of injuries, and higher estimated rehabilitation needs, whereas a thorax injury with an Abbreviated Injury Scale ≥ 3 predicted higher GOSE scores. A high Glasgow Coma Scale score at admission predicted a higher GOSE score at 6 months. This study strengthens the evidence base for the functional outcomes and predictors in this population