2,077 research outputs found

    A comparison of the excess mass around CFHTLenS galaxy-pairs to predictions from a semi-analytic model using galaxy-galaxy-galaxy lensing

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    The matter environment of galaxies is connected to the physics of galaxy formation and evolution. Utilising galaxy-galaxy-galaxy lensing as a direct probe, we map out the distribution of correlated surface mass-density around galaxy pairs for different lens separations in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). We compare, for the first time, these so-called excess mass maps to predictions provided by a recent semi-analytic model, which is implanted within the dark-matter Millennium Simulation. We analyse galaxies with stellar masses between 109−1011 M⊙10^9-10^{11}\,{\rm M}_\odot in two photometric redshift bins, for lens redshifts z≲0.6z\lesssim0.6, focusing on pairs inside groups and clusters. To allow us a better interpretation of the maps, we discuss the impact of chance pairs, i.e., galaxy pairs that appear close to each other in projection only. Our tests with synthetic data demonstrate that the patterns observed in the maps are essentially produced by correlated pairs that are close in redshift (Δz≲5×10−3\Delta z\lesssim5\times10^{-3}). We also verify the excellent accuracy of the map estimators. In an application to the galaxy samples in the CFHTLenS, we obtain a 3σ−6σ3\sigma-6\sigma significant detection of the excess mass and an overall good agreement with the galaxy model predictions. There are, however, a few localised spots in the maps where the observational data disagrees with the model predictions on a ≈3.5σ\approx3.5\sigma confidence level. Although we have no strong indications for systematic errors in the maps, this disagreement may be related to the residual B-mode pattern observed in the average of all maps. Alternatively, misaligned galaxy pairs inside dark matter halos or lensing by a misaligned distribution of the intra-cluster gas might also cause the unanticipated bulge in the distribution of the excess mass between lens pairs.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures; abridged abstract; revised version for A&A after addressing all comments by the refere

    Development of epoxy-based voltammetric and ion-selective electrodes

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    A highly satisfactory method of preparing graphite-loaded epoxy-based coated wire and disc voltammetric electrodes has been developed. The novel technique of multilayer coating and curing of coated surfaces in the atmosphere above a 40% m/m hydrofluoric acid solution presents many advantages: the possibility of obtaining very thin and smooth layers of loaded-epoxy base has been demonstrated to be of great versatility and convenience for the preparation of electrodes in various shapes and sizes. The technique has been extended to the easy and inexpensive fabrication of other types of voltammetric electrodes, namely coated plastic, coated glass and coated fabric electrodes, and to the preparation of ionselective electrodes. Three different types of sulphide ion-selective electrode have been prepared and have been evaluated in standard solutions. The construction adopted here could be a viable alternative to existing methods for the fabrication of inexpensive home-made units. The advantages and versatility of the novel coating and hardening technique in terms of thinness and smoothness of layers, the lack of interference usually presented by common hardeners and catalysts and the resistance shown by the hardened surfaces to common reagents and solventss have been demonstrated. The possibility of polishing and prompt renewal of dirty or damaged surfaces coated by the method presented here has been one of the advantages of the system discussed in the present work. A simple technique of saturating the surfaces of coated plastic electrodes with graphite powder has been introduced. It has been shown to be of great help in the fabrication of coated plastic electrodes and other systems of comparatively low electrical resistance

    Intrinsic galaxy shapes and alignments II: Modelling the intrinsic alignment contamination of weak lensing surveys

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    Intrinsic galaxy alignments constitute the major astrophysical systematic of forthcoming weak gravitational lensing surveys but also yield unique insights into galaxy formation and evolution. We build analytic models for the distribution of galaxy shapes based on halo properties extracted from the Millennium Simulation, differentiating between early- and late-type galaxies as well as central galaxies and satellites. The resulting ellipticity correlations are investigated for their physical properties and compared to a suite of current observations. The best-faring model is then used to predict the intrinsic alignment contamination of planned weak lensing surveys. We find that late-type galaxy models generally have weak intrinsic ellipticity correlations, marginally increasing towards smaller galaxy separation and higher redshift. The signal for early-type models at fixed halo mass strongly increases by three orders of magnitude over two decades in galaxy separation, and by one order of magnitude from z=0 to z=2. The intrinsic alignment strength also depends strongly on halo mass, but not on galaxy luminosity at fixed mass, or galaxy number density in the environment. We identify models that are in good agreement with all observational data, except that all models over-predict alignments of faint early-type galaxies. The best model yields an intrinsic alignment contamination of a Euclid-like survey between 0.5-10% at z>0.6 and on angular scales larger than a few arcminutes. Cutting 20% of red foreground galaxies using observer-frame colours can suppress this contamination by up to a factor of two.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures; minor changes to match version published in MNRA

    Charmonium-Nucleon Dissociation Cross Sections in the Quark Model

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    Charmonium dissociation cross sections due to flavor-exchange charmonium-baryon scattering are computed in the constituent quark model. We present results for inelastic J/ψNJ/\psi N and ηcN\eta_c N scattering amplitudes and cross sections into 46 final channels, including final states composed of various combinations of DD, D∗D^*, Σc\Sigma_c, and Λc\Lambda_c. These results are relevant to experimental searches for the deconfined phase of quark matter, and may be useful in identifying the contribution of initial ccˉc\bar c production to the open-charm final states observed at RHIC through the characteristic flavor ratios of certain channels. These results are also of interest to possible charmonium-nucleon bound states.Comment: 10 pages, 5 eps figures, revte

    Quantum Kaleidoscopes and Bell's theorem

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    A quantum kaleidoscope is defined as a set of observables, or states, consisting of many different subsets that provide closely related proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker (BKS) and Bell nonlocality theorems. The kaleidoscopes prove the BKS theorem through a simple parity argument, which also doubles as a proof of Bell's nonlocality theorem if use is made of the right sort of entanglement. Three closely related kaleidoscopes are introduced and discussed in this paper: a 15-observable kaleidoscope, a 24-state kaleidoscope and a 60-state kaleidoscope. The close relationship of these kaleidoscopes to a configuration of 12 points and 16 lines known as Reye's configuration is pointed out. The "rotations" needed to make each kaleidoscope yield all its apparitions are laid out. The 60-state kaleidoscope, whose underlying geometrical structure is that of ten interlinked Reye's configurations (together with their duals), possesses a total of 1120 apparitions that provide proofs of the two Bell theorems. Some applications of these kaleidoscopes to problems in quantum tomography and quantum state estimation are discussed.Comment: Two new references (No. 21 and 22) to related work have been adde

    Luminosity distance in Swiss cheese cosmology with randomized voids. II. Magnification probability distributions

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    We study the fluctuations in luminosity distances due to gravitational lensing by large scale (> 35 Mpc) structures, specifically voids and sheets. We use a simplified "Swiss cheese" model consisting of a \Lambda -CDM Friedman-Robertson-Walker background in which a number of randomly distributed non-overlapping spherical regions are replaced by mass compensating comoving voids, each with a uniform density interior and a thin shell of matter on the surface. We compute the distribution of magnitude shifts using a variant of the method of Holz & Wald (1998), which includes the effect of lensing shear. The standard deviation of this distribution is ~ 0.027 magnitudes and the mean is ~ 0.003 magnitudes for voids of radius 35 Mpc, sources at redshift z_s=1.0, with the voids chosen so that 90% of the mass is on the shell today. The standard deviation varies from 0.005 to 0.06 magnitudes as we vary the void size, source redshift, and fraction of mass on the shells today. If the shell walls are given a finite thickness of ~ 1 Mpc, the standard deviation is reduced to ~ 0.013 magnitudes. This standard deviation due to voids is a factor ~ 3 smaller than that due to galaxy scale structures. We summarize our results in terms of a fitting formula that is accurate to ~ 20%, and also build a simplified analytic model that reproduces our results to within ~ 30%. Our model also allows us to explore the domain of validity of weak lensing theory for voids. We find that for 35 Mpc voids, corrections to the dispersion due to lens-lens coupling are of order ~ 4%, and corrections to due shear are ~ 3%. Finally, we estimate the bias due to source-lens clustering in our model to be negligible

    A bias in cosmic shear from galaxy selection: results from ray-tracing simulations

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    We identify and study a previously unknown systematic effect on cosmic shear measurements, caused by the selection of galaxies used for shape measurement, in particular the rejection of close (blended) galaxy pairs. We use ray-tracing simulations based on the Millennium Simulation and a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation to create realistic galaxy catalogues. From these, we quantify the bias in the shear correlation functions by comparing measurements made from galaxy catalogues with and without removal of close pairs. A likelihood analysis is used to quantify the resulting shift in estimates of cosmological parameters. The filtering of objects with close neighbours (a) changes the redshift distribution of the galaxies used for correlation function measurements, and (b) correlates the number density of sources in the background with the density field in the foreground. This leads to a scale-dependent bias of the correlation function of several percent, translating into biases of cosmological parameters of similar amplitude. This makes this new systematic effect potentially harmful for upcoming and planned cosmic shear surveys. As a remedy, we propose and test a weighting scheme that can significantly reduce the bias.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, version accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents with an Age-Adapted Diagnosis of Binge-Eating Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Binge-eating disorder (BED) is characterized by recurrent objective binge eating that occurs in the absence of compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain. As the most common eating disorder emerging in youth, BED co-occurs with increased eating disorder and general psychopathology, impaired quality of life, and obesity [1]. Despite its clinical significance, there is a dearth of treatment studies in adolescents [1, 2]. Regarding cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the most well-established treatment for adults with BED [2], one pilot randomized-controlled trial (RCT) in 25 adolescent girls with objective binge eating suggested superiority to wait-list (WL) in achieving binge-eating abstinence through 6 months following randomization and in improving eating disorder psychopathology, but not in reducing binge eating or standardized body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) [3]. Other CBT-related RCTs documented efficacy of Internet-based, weight loss-oriented self-help versus WL [4] and no differences in dialectical behavior therapy versus weight management [5]. Based on this preliminary evidence, the aim of the BEDA (Binge Eating Disorder in Adolescents) study was to provide a confirmatory test of the efficacy of CBT in adolescent BED. It was hypothesized that CBT will be superior to WL in improving binge eating, associated psychopathology, and quality of life, but not BMI, with long-term maintenance of effects

    Noether symmetries, energy-momentum tensors and conformal invariance in classical field theory

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    In the framework of classical field theory, we first review the Noether theory of symmetries, with simple rederivations of its essential results, with special emphasis given to the Noether identities for gauge theories. Will this baggage on board, we next discuss in detail, for Poincar\'e invariant theories in flat spacetime, the differences between the Belinfante energy-momentum tensor and a family of Hilbert energy-momentum tensors. All these tensors coincide on shell but they split their duties in the following sense: Belinfante's tensor is the one to use in order to obtain the generators of Poincar\'e symmetries and it is a basic ingredient of the generators of other eventual spacetime symmetries which may happen to exist. Instead, Hilbert tensors are the means to test whether a theory contains other spacetime symmetries beyond Poincar\'e. We discuss at length the case of scale and conformal symmetry, of which we give some examples. We show, for Poincar\'e invariant Lagrangians, that the realization of scale invariance selects a unique Hilbert tensor which allows for an easy test as to whether conformal invariance is also realized. Finally we make some basic remarks on metric generally covariant theories and classical field theory in a fixed curved bakground.Comment: 31 pa

    Ray-tracing through the Millennium Simulation: Born corrections and lens-lens coupling in cosmic shear and galaxy-galaxy lensing

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    (abridged) We study the accuracy of various approximations to cosmic shear and weak galaxy-galaxy lensing and investigate effects of Born corrections and lens-lens coupling. We use ray-tracing through the Millennium Simulation to calculate various cosmic-shear and galaxy-galaxy-lensing statistics. We compare the results from ray-tracing to semi-analytic predictions. We find: (i) The linear approximation provides an excellent fit to cosmic-shear power spectra as long as the actual matter power spectrum is used as input. Common fitting formulae, however, strongly underestimate the cosmic-shear power spectra. Halo models provide a better fit to cosmic shear-power spectra, but there are still noticeable deviations. (ii) Cosmic-shear B-modes induced by Born corrections and lens-lens coupling are at least three orders of magnitude smaller than cosmic-shear E-modes. Semi-analytic extensions to the linear approximation predict the right order of magnitude for the B-mode. Compared to the ray-tracing results, however, the semi-analytic predictions may differ by a factor two on small scales and also show a different scale dependence. (iii) The linear approximation may under- or overestimate the galaxy-galaxy-lensing shear signal by several percent due to the neglect of magnification bias, which may lead to a correlation between the shear and the observed number density of lenses. We conclude: (i) Current semi-analytic models need to be improved in order to match the degree of statistical accuracy expected for future weak-lensing surveys. (ii) Shear B-modes induced by corrections to the linear approximation are not important for future cosmic-shear surveys. (iii) Magnification bias can be important for galaxy-galaxy-lensing surveys.Comment: version taking comments into accoun
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