41 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Morfologi Ganoderma Steyaertanum Yang Menyerang Kebun Benih Acacia Mangium Dan Acacia Auriculiformis Di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah

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    Acacia mangium and Acacia auriculiformis seed orchards on the island of Java are associated with a different species of Ganoderma. The importance of G. steyaertanum as a pathogen of forest trees has not been previously highlighted. The aim of this study is to look at the characteristics of the G. steyaertanum which attacks two Acacia seed orchads at Wonogiri Central Java. Activities undertaken are to identify the signs of the G. steyaertanum both in the field and in the laboratory. Characterization of fungi is conventionally done by observing the morphology of signs, such as the shape and color of the fruit body, shape and color of mycelium. Morphological characteristic applied in this study has proved to be effective to identify the pathogen. G. steyaertanum was isolated from fruitbodies of affected trees and pathogenicity tests confirmed Koch\u27s postulates. Somatic incompatibility tests demonstrated high genetic variability of the pathogen

    Uji Inkompatibilitas Somatik Dan Pertumbuhan Jamur Ganoderma Dari Kebun Benih Generasi Pertama Acacia Auriculiformis Di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah

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    Seed orchard A. auriculiformis F1 at Wonogiri, Central Java has attacked by ganoderma caused root rot. To determine the genetic variation, the pattern of spread of ganoderma necessary to somatic incompatibility test and measure the growth. This study used 8 isolates of the fungus ganoderma. Fungi were grown on PDA (Potato dextrose agar), made parental isolates and paired with each other. The results showed that all pairings indicated incompatible reactionsm except self pairings. All self-pairings showed compatible reactions that indicated by miycelia merged on PDA forming a single colony. Incompatible reaction zone is characterized by sparse zone, demarcation line and pigmentation. The results of somatic incompatibility test, ganoderma have different genotypes or it is not a single colony. The result indicates that the distribution of root rot in Seed orchard A. auriculiformis F1 at Wonogiri, Central Java not only occured by root to root contact

    Formulasi Tablet Parasetamol Menggunakan Tepung Bonggol Pisang Kepok (Musa Paradisiaca CV. Kepok) Sebagai Bahan Pengikat

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang formulasi tablet parasetamol menggunakan tepung bonggol pisang (Musa paradisiaca cv. Kepok) sebagai bahan pengikat tablet. Tablet parasetamol dicetak menggunakan metode granulasi basah dengan menambahkan bahan pengikat untuk meningkatkan kekompakan antar partikel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tepung bonggol pisang kepok sebagai bahan pengikat terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia tablet parasetamol. Konsentrasi tepung bonggol pisang yang ditambahkan sebagai pengikat yaitu pada FI: 10%, FII: 12,5%, FIII: 15%, FIV: 17,5%, dan FV: 20%. Tablet yang dihasilkan diperiksa sifat fisiknya yang meliputi keseragaman bobot, kekerasan, kerapuhan, waktu hancur serta pelepasan obat. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan analisis regresi linier. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa variasi konsentrasi tepung bonggol pisang kepok mempengaruhi kekerasan, kerapuhan dan waktu hancur tablet tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada dan pelepasan obat. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi tepung bonggol pisang kepok, semakin tinggi kekerasan dan semakin lama waktu hancur tablet tetapi kerapuhan semakin menurun

    Peningkatan Efek Antihipertensi Kaptopril Oleh Ekstrak Etanol Daun Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.) Pada Tikus Hipertensi Yang Diinduksi Monosodium Glutamat

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    Hypertension is one of the degenerative disease of health problem in among people. Bilimbi leaves (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) is one of plants which is have antihypertension effect and contains phytol, dietil phtalat, flavonoid. This research is aimed to know influence of ethanol extract of bilimbi leaves (EEBL) through its on the increase of the antihypertensive effect of captopril in hypertensive rats. This research used a pre-test and post-test matched control group design. Sample were 30 male Wistar rats treated with MSG 100 mg/kgBW/day (po) for 14 days to induce hypertension. Hypertensive rats were divided into six treatment groups are hypertension control group (0.5% CMC-Na 12.5 mL/kgBW/day) and positive control group (captopril 2.5 mg/kgBW/day), and treatment hypertensive rats EEBL (60 and 120) mg/kgBW/day, combination of EEBL-captopril (60+2.5)mg/kgBW/day and combination EEBL-captopril (120+2.5) mg/kgBW/day. Suspension test were given for 14 days. Observed data is a decrease in blood pressure after giving of the suspension test. Data analysis was performed with the parametric t-test paired and nonparametric Wilcoxon with 95% level of confidence. The result shows that MSG can be as inducer of hypertension. EEBL (60 and 120) mg/kgBW/day has antihypertensive effect. The increase antihypertensive effect of captopril on systolic blood pressure is showed in the treatment EEBL 120 mg/kgBW/day

    Pengembangan Teknologi Pembuatan Biopolimer Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi Dari Limbah Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays) Untuk Industri Makanan: Cmc (Carboxymethylcellulose)

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    Corncobs is agricultural waste that have ascent amounts every years. The purposes of this research were to obtain information cellulose alternative source from corncobs for material of CMC; get optimum condition of synthesis CMC with food grade of DS and the characteristic of pH, viscosity, purity CMC. Synthesis CMC through alkalization and carboxymethylation process. The variation of NaOH concentration are 7,93; 10,00; 15,00; 20,00; 22,07% in alkalization and variations amount of NaMCA are 4,5858; 5,0000; 6,0000; 7,0000; 7,4142 gram in carboxymethylation. The result was cellulose content in corncobs is 62,80 %. The optimum condition which obtained from 15% NaOH and 5,04 g NaMCA gave CMC with DS 0, 82 ; pH 7,64 ; purity 99,52 % ; and viscosity 25,40 cps

    Tabayyun dan hukumnya sebagai penganggulangan berita hoax di era digital dalam perspektif Fiqih

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat lebih jauh tentang tabayyun dan hukumnya serta urgensi tabyyun dalam menanggulangi berita hoax di era digital ini. Langkah yang dilakukan dalam artikel ini menjelaskan tentang hukum tabayyun serta cara menanggulangi berita hoax di era digital dalam perspektif fiqih. Penelitian ini meruapkan jenis penelitian pustaka dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif Hasil hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Hukum tabayyun secara garis besar dapat dikategorikan menjadi tiga yaitu wajib baik berita yang disampaikan oleh orang fasik ataupun bukan, wajib jika penyampai berita tersebut diragukan keadilannya (fasiq) dan wajib jika penyampai berita adalah orang fasiq dan dianjurkan tabayyun jika penyampai berita adalah orang adil. Adapun cara menaggulangi berita hoax di era digital ini adalah (1) harus mengetahui identitas penyampai berita tersebut, diperiksa isi beritanya benar atau tidak dan jika sudah diketahui kebenarannya maka dilihat maslahah atau madharatnya. (2) harus diperiksa isi beritanya benar atau tidak dengan cara mencari sumber lain yang terpercaya atau datang langsung melihat faktanya. (3) Jika disampaikan oleh orang adil, maka untuk memperkuat berita tersebut sebaiknya mencari sumber yang lain dulu

    Flooding tolerance of four tropical peatland tree species in a nursery trial

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    In order to facilitate hydrological restoration, initiatives have been conducted to promote tree growth in degraded and rewetted peatlands in Indonesia. For these initiatives to be successful, tree seedlings need to be able to survive flooding episodes, with or without shade. We investigated the survival rates and the formation of adventitious roots in the case of four tree species exposed to combinations of different shading and water levels under controlled conditions in a nursery, with artificial rainwater and with peat soil as the medium. The research focused on the following questions (i) whether trees can grow on flooded peat soils; and (ii) which plant traits allow plants to cope with inundation, with or without shade. The four tree species compared (Shorea balangeran, Cratoxylum arborescens, Nephelium lappaceum and Durio zibethinus) include two natural pioneer and two farmer-preferred fruit trees. The experiment used a split-split plot design with 48 treatment combinations and at least 13 tree-level replicates. The study found that S. balangeran and C. arborescens had relatively high survival rates and tolerated saturated condition for 13 weeks, while N. lappaceum and D. zibethinus required non-saturated peat conditions. S. balangeran and C. arborescens developed adventitious roots to adapt to the inundated conditions. D. zibethinus, S. balangeran and N. lappaceum grew best under moderate (30%) shading levels, while C. arborescent grew best in full sunlight