292 research outputs found

    Virtual Pitch and Pitch Shifts in Church Bells

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    It is well established that musical sounds comprising multiple partials with frequencies approximately in the ratio of small integers give rise to a strong sensation of pitch even if the lowest or fundamental partial is missing—the so-called virtual pitch effect. Experiments on thirty test subjects demonstrate that this virtual pitch is shifted significantly by changes in the spacing of the constituent partials. The experiments measured pitch by comparison of sounds of similar timbre and were automated so that they could be performed remotely across the Internet. Analysis of the test sounds used shows that the pitch shifts are not predicted by Terhardt’s classic model of virtual pitch. The test sounds used were modelled on the sounds of church bells, but a further experiment on seventeen test subjects showed that changes in partial amplitude only had a minor effect on the pitch shifts observed, and that a pitch shift was still observed when two of the lowest frequency partials were removed, so that the effects reported are of general interest

    Partial frequencies and Chladni’s law in church bells

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    The rim partials of a church bell (those with an antinode at the soundbow) generate the strike pitch or perceived note of the bell. The spacing in frequency of the higher rim partials has an important effect on the tonal quality of the bell. Investigations into the partial frequencies of 2752 bells, both bronze and steel, of a wide variety of dates, founders and sizes, show a simple and unexpected relationship between the frequencies of the rim partials. This relationship explains why attempts to tune the higher rim partials independently have failed. A modified version of Chladni’s law provides insight into the musical relationship of the partials, and predicts the partials of individual bells well, but fails to give a simple model of the spacing between the partials seen in bells with different profiles

    Professional learning through a focus on task design: responding to historical scholarship and students' interests

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    This article reports on a small-scale collaborative research project that investigated the role played by scholarship and student interests in teachers’ planning and professional learning. It involved three history teachers in different schools working either with each other and the researcher to plan tasks in the classroom, the project took place over the course of one year. A key conclusion is the need for dialogic spaces to allow teachers to explore and integrate ideas based on knowledge of their students, with knowledge from historical scholarship

    Can Manipulators Mislead Prediction Market Observers?

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    We study experimental markets where privately informed traders exchange simple assets, and where uninformed third parties are asked to forecast the values of these assets, guided only by market prices. Although prices only partially aggregate information, they significantly improve the forecasts of third parties. In a second treatment, a portion of traders are given preferences over the forecasts made by observers. Although we find evidence that these traders attempt to manipulate prices in order to influence the beliefs of observers, we find no evidence that observers make less accurate forecasts as a result.

    The Abundance of Interstellar Nitrogen

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    Using the HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS), we have obtained high S/N echelle observations of the weak interstellar N I 1160, 1161 A absorption doublet toward the stars Gamma Cas, Lambda Ori, Iota Ori, Kappa Ori, Delta Sco, and Kappa Sco. In combination with a previous GHRS measurement of N I toward Zeta Oph, these new observations yield a mean interstellar gas phase nitrogen abundance (per 106^6 H atoms) of 106^6 N/H = 75 +/- 4. There are no statistically significant variations in the measured N abundances from sightline to sightline and no evidence of density-dependent depletion from the gas-phase. Since N is not expected to be depleted much into dust grains in these diffuse sightlines, its gas-phase abundance should reflect the total interstellar abundance. Consequently, the GHRS observations imply that the abundance of interstellar nitrogen (gas plus grains) in the local Milky Way is about 80% of the solar system value of 106^6 N/H = 93 +/- 16. Although this interstellar abundance deficit is somewhat less than that recently found for oxygen and krypton with GHRS, the solar N abundance and the N I oscillator strengths are too uncertain to definitively rule out either a solar ISM N abundance or a 2/3 solar ISM N abundance similar to that of O and Kr.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 2 Postscript figures; ApJ Letters, in pres

    Preparation, formatting and review of IUPAC Technical Reports and Recommendations, IUPAC-sponsored books, or other items carrying the IUPAC label

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    IUPAC Task Groups or other IUPAC bodies may submit a Technical Report or a Recommendation for publication in Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC), prepare a book draft, or produce other written or electronic documents. The content of the manuscript is the responsibility of the Division(s) sponsoring the document. Books and other written or electronic documents that are not intended for PAC, but intended to carry the IUPAC label, are sent to the Chair of the Interdivisional Committee on Terminology, Nomenclature and Symbols (ICTNS) for review by ICTNS. The review focuses on terminology, nomenclature, symbols, and units; responsibility for the scientific content is with the editor(s) of the book or the author(s) of other items

    Spontaneous coronary artery dissection in cardiac sarcoidosis

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    Cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) is increasingly recognized as a cause of diverse cardiac manifestations. Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) has emerged as an important cause of acute coronary syndrome especially among young females. The prevalence of sarcoidosis in the causal spectrum of SCAD has not been described before but sarcoidosis is cited as a potential yet rare cause of SCAD. We aimed to examine the frequency and characteristics of SCAD in CS. Searching two prospective CS registries with 481 CS patients, we found only one case of manifest SCAD. She is a 61-year-old female previously diagnosed with endomyocardial biopsy confirmed CS. She presented with chest pain and elevated troponin. Coronary angiogram revealed two-vessel SCAD. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography scan showed likely reactivation of CS. The patient was treated with dual antiplatelet therapy and immunosuppression. Repeat angiogram showed complete resolution of the coronary lesions.Peer reviewe

    The R Coronae Borealis stars - carbon abundances from forbidden carbon lines

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    Spectra of several R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars at maximum light were examined for the [C I] 9850 A and 8727 A absorption lines. The 9850 A line is variously blended with a Fe II and CN lines but positive identifications of the [C I] line are made for R CrB and SU Tau. The 8727 A line is detected in the spectrum of the five stars observed in this wavelength region. Carbon abundances are derived from the [C I] lines using the model atmospheres and atmospheric parameters used by Asplund et al. (2000). Although the observed strength of a C I line is constant from cool to hot RCB stars, the strength is weaker than predicted by an amount equivalent to a factor of four reduction of a line's gf-value. Asplund et al. dubbed this 'the carbon problem' and discussed possible solutions. The [C I] 9850 A line seen clearly in R CrB and SU Tau confirms the magnitude of the carbon problem revealed by the C I lines. The [C I] 8727 A line measured in five stars shows an enhanced carbon problem. The gf-value required to fit the observed [C I] 8727 A line is a factor of 15 less than the well-determined theoretical gf-value. We suggest that the carbon problem for all lines may be alleviated to some extent by a chromospheric-like temperature rise in these stars. The rise far exceeds that predicted by our non-LTE calculations, and requires a substantial deposition of mechanical energy.Comment: 11 pages (embedded 5 figures and 3 tables), accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Distribution of the Elements in the Galactic Disk III. A Reconsideration of Cepheids from l = 30 to 250 Degrees

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    This paper reports on the spectroscopic investigation of 238 Cepheids in the northern sky. Of these stars, about 150 are new to the study of the galactic abundance gradient. These new Cepheids bring the total number of Cepheids involved in abundance distribution studies to over 400. In this work we also consider systematics between various studies and also those which result from the choice of models. We find systematic variations exist at the 0.06 dex level both between studies and model atmospheres. In order to control the systematic effects our final gradients depend only on abundances derived herein. A simple linear fit to the Cepheid data from 398 stars yields a gradient d[Fe/H]/dRG = -0.062 \pm 0.002 dex/kpc which is in good agreement with previously determined values. We have also reexamined the region of the "metallicity island" of Luck et al. (2006). With the doubling of the sample in that region and our internally consistent abundances, we find there is scant evidence for a distinct island. We also find in our sample the first reported Cepheid (V1033 Cyg) with a pronounced Li feature. The Li abundance is consistent with the star being on its red-ward pass towards the first giant branch.Comment: 66 pages including tables, 12 figures, Accepted Astronomical Journa

    IUGS–IUPAC recommendations and status reports on the half-lives of 87 Rb, 146 Sm, 147 Sm, 234 U, 235 U, and 238 U (IUPAC Technical Report)

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    The IUPAC–IUGS joint Task Group “Isotopes in Geosciences” (TGIG) has evaluated the published literature on the half-lives of six long-lived, geologically relevant radioactive nuclides. Where conflicting literature estimates are present, it is necessary to first identify any systematic bias in accordance with metrological traceability and to exclude the biased estimates from further consideration. The TGIG recommends three robust half-life estimates: 49.61±0.16 Ga for 87Rb, corresponding to a decay constant λ(87Rb) = (1.3972±0.0045)×10–11 a–1; 106.25±0.38 Ga for 147Sm, and a corresponding decay constant λ(147Sm) = (6.524±0.024)×10–12 a–1; 4.4683±0.0096 Ga for 238U, i.e. a decay constant λ(238U) = (1.55125±0.00333)×10–10 a–1. All cited uncertainties have a coverage factor k = 2. For other radionuclides of Sm and U no unambiguous consensus value can be endorsed at present by TGIG, which limits its evaluation to a status report highlighting unaccounted-for potential sources of bias. The improved repeatability of mass spectrometric measurements has revealed systematic bias effects that had been dismissed as subordinate in the past. These issues can only be resolved by future dedicated investigations
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