102 research outputs found

    Investigação pré-clínica de parâmetros comportamentais e bioquímicos do diabetes mellitus tipo 1 como fator de risco para esquizofrenia

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, da Universidade do extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC, para obtenção do título de Mestre em Ciências da Saúde


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    A avicultura é uma atividade de grande importância a nível mundial, o Brasil é o maior exportador de carne de frango do mundo com 3,77 milhões de toneladas no ano de 2019, dentre as atividades envolvidas na avicultura, existe a “Avicultura de postura”, isso é, produção de ovos férteis para serem incubados, que é diferente de avicultura de poedeiras (ovos inférteis destinados principalmente para o mercado consumidor) e avicultura de corte (Carne de frango, local que as aves produzidas em granjas de postura normalmente são destinadas). Nosso trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e pesquisar mais sobre esse estilo de produção avícola (Avicultura de postura) que muitas vezes não é tão apresentada ao povo como as outras demais. Nossa apresentação contará com dados de uma granja de postura, localizada em Linha Capitão, interior de Arabutã (Santa Catarina), propriedade de Rudimar Claubert Pottratz e Jones Ditmar Pottratz, propriedade a qual é fechada e vistoriada pela empresa Aurora Alimentos, conseguimos acesso a tais dados devido a um aluno ter parentesco com os donos da propriedade. Nesse trabalho, abordaremos diversos assuntos, sendo eles sobre equipamentos utilizados (desde construção do aviário a até equipamentos de manejo diário), manejo da granja (desde coleta de ovos a até documentos de acompanhamento diário do lote). Iremos comparar raças de galinhas (Cobb e Ross) e verificar qual raça é mais qualificada para a avicultura de postura, ou seja, seu desempenho produtivo sob esse estilo de produção avícola. Acredito que o trabalho será bem representado pelos alunos do Instituto Federal Catarinense Campus Concórdia que o constituem, sendo estes, Maria Luisa Lourenço Dos Santos, Raone Heylmann Pottratz e Yuri Edilson Ritter Ravanelli. O grupo com o auxílio do experiente e aclamado professor Paulo Hentz, apresentará um trabalho na SEPE (Semana de Ensino Pesquisa e Extensão), mais especificamente na FECITAC (Feira de Ciências, Tecnologia, Arte e Cultura) na modalidade "Investigativos"

    Effects of omega-3 supplementation on interleukin and neurotrophin levels in an animal model of schizophrenia

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    New studies suggest that polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3, may reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia. The present study evaluated the preventive effect of omega-3 on interleukines (IL) and neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the brains of young rats subjected to a model of schizophrenia. Treatment was performed over 21 days, starting on the 30th day of rat’s life. After 14 days of treatment with omega-3 or vehicle, a concomitant treatment with saline or ketamine (25 mg/kg) was started and maintained until the last day of the experiment. BDNF levels in the rat’s prefrontal cortex were decreased at 1 h and 24 h after the last administration of ketamine, whereas the group administered with ketamine and omega-3 showed a decrease in BDNF levels only after 24 h. In contrast, both interventions induced similar responses in levels of IL-1β and IL6. These findings suggest that the similarity of IL-1β and IL6 levels in our experimental groups is due to the mechanism of action of ketamine on the immune system. More studies have to be carried out to explain this pathology. In conclusion, according to previous studies and considering the current study, we could suggest a prophylactic role of omega-3 against the outcome of symptoms associated with schizophrenia

    Human Monocytes Undergo Excessive Apoptosis following Temozolomide Activating the ATM/ATR Pathway While Dendritic Cells and Macrophages Are Resistant

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    Immunodeficiency is a severe therapy-limiting side effect of anticancer chemotherapy resulting from sensitivity of immunocompetent cells to DNA damaging agents. A central role in the immune system is played by monocytes that differentiate into macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). In this study we compared human monocytes isolated from peripheral blood and cytokine matured macrophages and DCs derived from them and assessed the mechanism of toxicity of the DNA methylating anticancer drug temozolomide (TMZ) in these cell populations. We observed that monocytes, but not DCs and macrophages, were highly sensitive to the killing effect of TMZ. Studies on DNA damage and repair revealed that the initial DNA incision was efficient in monocytes while the re-ligation step of base excision repair (BER) can not be accomplished, resulting in an accumulation of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs). Furthermore, monocytes accumulated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) following TMZ treatment, while DCs and macrophages were able to repair DSBs. Monocytes lack the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, ligase IIIα and PARP-1 whose expression is restored during differentiation into macrophages and DCs following treatment with GM-CSF and GM-CSF plus IL-4, respectively. These proteins play a key role both in BER and DSB repair by B-NHEJ, which explains the accumulation of DNA breaks in monocytes following TMZ treatment. Although TMZ provoked an upregulation of XRCC1 and ligase IIIα, BER was not enhanced likely because PARP-1 was not upregulated. Accordingly, inhibition of PARP-1 did not sensitize monocytes, but monocyte-derived DCs in which strong PARP activation was observed. TMZ induced in monocytes the DNA damage response pathways ATM-Chk2 and ATR-Chk1 resulting in p53 activation. Finally, upon activation of the Fas-receptor and the mitochondrial pathway apoptosis was executed in a caspase-dependent manner. The downregulation of DNA repair in monocytes, resulting in their selective killing by TMZ, might impact on the immune response during cancer chemotherapy

    Ionizing radiation modulates human macrophages towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype preserving their pro-invasive and pro-angiogenic capacities

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    In order to improve the efficacy of conventional radiotherapy, attention has been paid to immune cells, which not only modulate cancer cell response to therapy but are also highly recruited to tumours after irradiation. Particularly, the effect of ionizing radiation on macrophages, using therapeutically relevant doses, is not well understood. To evaluate how radiotherapy affects macrophage behaviour and macrophage-mediated cancer cell activity, human monocyte derived-macrophages were subjected, for a week, to cumulative ionizing radiation doses, as used during cancer treatment (2Gy/fraction/day). Irradiated macrophages remained viable and metabolically active, despite DNA damage. NF-kappaB transcription activation and increased Bcl-xL expression evidenced the promotion of pro-survival activity. A significant increase of pro-inflammatory macrophage markers CD80, CD86 and HLA-DR, but not CCR7, TNF and IL1B was observed after 10Gy cumulative doses, while anti-inflammatory markers CD163, MRC1, VCAN and IL-10 expression decreased, suggesting the modulation towards a more proinflammatory phenotype. Moreover, ionizing radiation induced macrophage morphological alterations and increased their phagocytic rate, without affecting matrix metalloproteases (MMP)2 and MMP9 activity. Importantly, irradiated macrophages promoted cancer cell-invasion and cancer cell-induced angiogenesis. Our work highlights macrophage ability to sustain cancer cell activities as a major concern that needs to be addressed to improve radiotherapy efficacy
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